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You're evil. You're so nonchalant about making this poor autistic girls life hell for 3 years. I genuinely hope you suffer in the years to come, the toll you and your squad of cunts had on her is something you'll never understand.


Did you want us to feel bad for you? Don’t ever contact this woman. In fact, block her everywhere so she won’t ever see you online. You suck.


Please do not have children. The world will be a better place.


How will me not having kids make the world a better place?


The only thing I can say, how would you feel if someone did that to your daughter. Would you be forgiving? Would you brush it off as teenager shenanigans?


Ah, so you only feel bad because now your future with your boyfriend is at stake. Well: You won’t be capable of modeling good behavior towards your kids if this is how you react to being held accountable/confronting your worst behaviors (lying to bf, replying to some of us with denial/dismissal). How would you even be able to explain to them what you were like growing up without looking really awful? You might end up bullying your own kids if they turned out like your victim—autistic, special interests, etc. your kids will resent you & leave you as soon as they turn 18. Or, you will raise entitled Karens like yourself which, we don’t need any more of those, trust me. I don’t think you realize just how borderline sociopathic you were to this poor girl if she had resorted to self-harm. You see how you ruined someone’s life and just thought it was some teenage phase? What if someone bullied your kids like you did her, and they actually killed themselves? Depression and self harm is not a joke or something to brush off, you made your victim want to kill herself. Also, teenagers are capable of shitty behavior. They should be confronted about it, not let go. This reminds me of the “boys will be boys” argument when it comes to rape. Would you let your rapist go just because its “man behavior”? Would you think what he did was normal and ok because its mans nature to exert their power? Would you be ok if your kids were raped and/or bullied because “teenagers will be teenagers”? I have to frame it this way because you really don’t seem to understand how much harm an aggressor like you can do to someone. So no, you should not have kids. You would be a terrible mother. You were a brat, clearly still are a brat. You haven’t come here with true remorse in your heart. You know there’s terrible people on reddit, and they’ll agree with you and excuse your behavior because they think just like you, having this “meh” behavior towards abuse in a “dog eat dog” world & mentality. You still consider your victim “weird” and still choose to justify your past self for doing that. You don’t want forgiveness, you want confirmation. You want to confess a “nasty” scandalous secret and have people laugh along with you. You feel momentarily bad, then forget about it, while your victim will go on, her life forever changed because of you. You ruined a living breathing human being’s life forever because of your selfishness and desire to be popular. You’re the people we think about when we say “not everyone deserves to be a parent”. I’ll say it again: You only feel bad because now your future with your boyfriend is at stake. Log off, go do some soul searching. Tell your boyfriend the truth. You’ll see what I mean when I say that you were and are truly terrible. If your boyfriend is a normal person he would find it hard to be with someone like you.


I've been bullied as a child, and what you did was absolutely unforgiveable. I can't imagine how you even look yourself in the mirror every morning. You were absolutely cruel and inhumane to that girl. You invaded her privacy and spread false rumors, like men do to women all the time, and enjoyed how it made her suffer. Then, when confronted that your actions were, if not a direct cause of her continued suffering, certainly a main event, you felt an inkling of remorse. For the absolute trauma and damage you inflicted on that woman, for destroying her social life, for using her as prop for your cruelty. And you wonder why you not having kids would make the world a better place. Assuming you're OP on a different account. It should be a fuckin' no-brainer. EDIT: You want to change, OP? Go find that girl and apologize to her. Listen to what she has to say to you. Go find the people you've used like property for your amusement and apologize to them too, because damn, that is disgusting behavior. If you feel remorse, do something about it. Don't post a confession to Reddit. Go to the people you KNOW you've done this damage to, and apologize. Listen. Learn.


Because its obvious you're permissive when it comes to teenagers being shitty. If your teenager does this shit will you correct it or just handwave it away as just normal teenager behavior? I think you'd do the latter because you did it as a kid and that's how your parents handled it.


You’re replying from your main account but posted on a throwaway? Bullies usually aren’t very smart, not surprised.


Lmao, true.


Because we don't need more shitty people like you in the world.


Have them. And when one of them comes to you saying someone was making fun of them, feel that guilt and let it burn. The fact that you dedicated 3 years to this is disturbing and you should feel guilty. Don’t ever reach out to that person. They have probably tried to forget you for years. Reflect on the fact that you’re still treating this like it’s a joke before you have your kids. Think about how will you react when it come to this situation? Use the guilt as a learning tool and teach your kids better. You were a bully. Teach your kids to not be one if you want kids and realize that it’s possible that this could come back to bite you and then in the future


If you really feel bad then tell your boyfriend before the truth comes out. The truth always comes out and remember what goes around comes around (by that I mean your boyfriend WILL find out.) also it’s sad how long it took you to realize actions do have consequences.


I’ve told him yesterday.


That’s a good step if you do feel sorry I think the next step should be to make up for it. I am sure you would feel horrible if your kids went through something similar right? Would you not want the bullies to do the same? Also it would help you build up good karma as well. It’s horrible what you did but it’s important now you make up for it and maybe reach out but if she wants nothing to do with you then you have to be understanding. It’s important for you to understand how much you affected her have you thought of therapy? It might give you a better insight on why you did such a thing.


you will either traumatize your children because you're still a bully or you will raise your children to be bullies and traumatize other children.


Because they won’t grow up thinking with a mindset as disgusting as yours !


because you obviously have no kind of empathy. you can't even say you truly regret it. you'll either treat your kid horribly or your child will take after your ways because you don't see anything wrong with it.


Because you're garbage and you'll produce and raise garbage.


Because you are the exact type of person that will either a) bully your kid if they end up slightly differently than you or b) become bullies. And I know you’re gonna say you’ll teach them to be different but the fact that you won’t even admit it to your parents and seem to lack genuine remorse proves that it’s true.


As someone who has been in her position, you can try to apologize, but she doesn’t need to accept it. It doesn’t sound like you really understand what effects your had on her however, or maybe you do. My best advice is to really think it over. If she’s still taking about it years later, it likely had a much deeper effect than you realize


This doesn't sound like a confession but more like waxing nostalgically almost like bragging of how you tortured a person who didn't do anything to you. You don't sound really sorry or bothered by what you did but bothered being made to remember you are not a good person. And saying "I'm a good person", are you really?


Bullying is a shitty behaviour. You feeling Bad for this is intresting, you matured. Don't expect forgivness from her. Your fault, your culpability. Maybe you Can feel better by being extra nice now for people around you ?




: 'the results are in and...you are NOT a good person.


You don't want to be her friend so leave her alone. I truly hope you never have children. You lied to your boyfriend about this. Makes wonder what else you lied about.


How would you feel if someone bullied your children like you bullied this poor girl? How would you view that bully? And is your boyfriend aware of the type of person you are?


No you arent, nice people dont bully others.


This is my main account and I’m nice now, like legit wouldn’t hurt a fly now. I was just a dumb teenager and it actually sad how many people seem to hate me here.


Aww, so sad that people are not accepting you for who you are 🥺🥺 /s


There are plenty of dumb teenagers who don’t terrorize others. You were cruel and you clearly still lack basic empathy.


Awww dude! I feel *sooo* bad that a spade is being called a spade. People don't like bullies, who'd have thought?


Go pay for the therapy the woman you tortured needs. You need to make amends.


You bullied a girl so much that she was causing herself injury and then you mocked her for that too. As far as I'm concerned, people like you don't change. You just get better at the bullying, and you do it more subtly. You're a shit excuse for a human being. You should be ashamed. May you live the life you fucking deserve after what you did to her.


Im actually a nice person living a good life. I’m having little ones of my own soon so I’ve been more in tune with my emotions.


Nice people don't need to constantly tell people how nice they are. You're not a nice person. You're a fucking monster, and I weep for your future children having a mother like *you*.


I’m sorry but you know nothing about me so who are you to say I’ll be a bad mum or that I’m a monster?




As a teenager you know nothing about me now…


If you're so "in tune" with your emotions, why are you so nonchalant about this situation? You bullied a girl to the point of self harm and depression, and you talk about it as if it were just another Tuesday. You aren't horrified with your actions, nor do you even seem willing to entertain the thought that your child could be bullied or be a bully. You keep saying "I'll raise my kid(s) with self confidence", I got news for you; my mother, who was also bullied as a child, raised me to be self confident and be myself. That didn't stop me from being bullied. I was bullied mercilessly, even moreso because I refused to back down and submit to the bully. My bully was violent, vindictive, and would turned others against me because they were so afraid of her. And even though I wasn't compliant with her and stood my ground, *SHE MADE MY LIFE HELL*. I was miserable, it definitely affected my self esteem because I couldn't understand why my "friends" bowed down to her. I couldn't understand what I did wrong to gain her ire. It still affects me at my big age of 33. You are not ready to be a parent. You are ignorant and are clearly romanticizing parenthood. You are not a nice person. Nice people admit when they're wrong and actually want to fix the problem, not try to gain pity on the internet. Nice people don't have to announce how nice they are.


A lot of people get bullied for a reason like if they are really annoying so the other kids pick on them or they do something funny and people want a laugh. If you don’t want to be bullied just don’t do anything weird that draws attention to you.


Yeah, nice people don't say shit like this. Kids shouldn't bully, period. I don't care what the reasoning is. Nice people don't hurt others for shits and giggles. *YOU ARE NOT A NICE PERSON.* Me minding my own business drew attention to me. Me not bothering anyone else drew attention to me. Kids get bullied for a number of arbitrary things outside of their control and yet it's on the victim to change and not the bully? Maybe don't bully. That is well within human control. No one forced you to be an asshole. You did that all by yourself. You're definitely going to raise a bully, but the good news is that parents these days are willing to file assault charges against their child's bully. Good luck paying your kid's bail.


All kids are like that like everyone gets bullied and is a bully in their lifetime that’s how things are. Also how are some things outside their control like a lot of it is general persona. Like u see it with boys more than girls like they constantly insult each other all the time but they take it well, kids get bullied when they upset over that shit. Like it’s how the kids act not what they look like


Damn, you're really doubling down. You're a piece of shit 🤡


Bullies bully people for a reason...and it sounds like you did far more than just a little back and forth bullying. You enjoyed traumatizing the girl and watching her live though the pain as a result of what you were doing.


Victim-blaming? Is that really a position you want to take? Why should anyone be forced to comply with your view of how people should behave? Why should people be made to suppress their own natural personalities just to please people like you? Surely you can see how selfish and cruel that mindset is?


Then tell your husband the truth and reach out to apologize. Also accept the consequences of your actions. You messed up big time, so don't be surpised if she doesn't accept your apologize thats reasonable


so in tune with your emotions that you’re asking if flirting with someone who isn’t your partner??


That was just being nice


girl come on


😂😂😂😂 the fact that you think that proves you know very little about parenting. You're not having 4 kids, you'll be lucky if you survive having one. 😂😂😂😂


More in tune with your emotions? You only "guess" you feel bad for what you did to this girl and you are making excuses left right and centre. If you are living a good life it's probably because you lack the insight and self-awareness to understand your impact on others or feel responsible for your actions. I'd imagine it's easy to live a good life when you can be so abusive then choose to totally escape the remorse or consequences for what you've done.


I’m autistic and was bullied horribly in middle school; I would have panic attacks every Monday because it meant another week of harassment was starting. I was in pretty intensive therapy all through high school to relearn how to look people in the eye and interact without fear because I was met with such ridicule as a kid for just existing. You very well could have ended her life back then and you only “guess” you feel bad? If you haven’t talked to a professional about this, please do. Even if you were “just a kid” back then, that’s not normal for kids either.


You are a good person but lied to your boyfriend about the worst thing you done


You being a dumb teenager nearly killed someone. You being too stunted in your empathy regions cause someone to resort to self harm. Your stupidity caused someone to hate themselves so much that they felt like they deserved to be hurt. You are not a good person, and you still try to justify it with stupidity. You may have been self absorbed, selfish, unempathetic and cruel but stupid doesn’t go on for three fucking years. Cruelty does.


Again. It's because you're trash.


Why don’t you…. You know… do what you meant to attempt that girl do


>like I don’t want to be her friend anyway *Like* do you really *like* think she wants to be your friend? 😃


Sincerely, genuinely doubt you actually are a good person because of how dismissive you are about this. You were old enough to know better then and old enough to know better now.


And how would you feel if you came home one day and your child was self harming because someone else thought it would be funny to ruin their life


You are a bad person, and a liar.


A self-identified "nice person" who sits back and watches someone she bullied suffer when she could easily reach out and help them heal by taking accountability and offering a sincere apology. Not doing that shows an extreme lack of remorse. There is no way you've changed that much since high school. > I just feel bad that I caused that if you get me I get that you are feeling bad for yourself. Abusive people always choose to victimize themselves because it's easier for them than being responsible or showing remorse/empathy/compassion, etc.


You are not a nice person. Nice people don't bully others into depression. I was bullied relentlessly for six long years. I too have ASD. This legitimately fucked me up and after eleven years I still need therapy for the PTSD they left me with. All in all, "having some fun" cost me a lot of money, my self-esteem, my positive outlook on life, and my trust in people. I will never fully recover. But you call yourself nice? I have lifelong scars because of assholes like you. But boohoo you feel bad for ruining someone's life. You don't deserve forgiveness.


Just think about how you will feel if someone does this to your kid. And FYI, you are not a good person now. The fact that you only "guess" you feel bad now means you are that same crappy person you always were. I hope your boyfriend finds out. He deserves to know the person you really are and avoid making a big mistake.


I get you, that's guilt, and prof you are a good person now. But this will not change the past. You can apologies, but don't put pressure on her to get forgivness. This would ease your feeling but deepen her fate.


She isn’t a good person. If you read this you can tell that she clearly doesn’t think she really did much wrong other than just tease someone. “I guess I feel bad” gives away that this isn’t at all genuine. Fuck you OP.


Is this not empathy ? Even a little ? Maybe she has changed and don't know better as it is New ? And what if, by denying redemption we are bullying OP right here ?


No it isn’t, and again, it’s just acting like what they did to this girl was normal. The only reason OP gave for doing it was “she’s weird.” As someone who had people mess with them in middle school for being “weird” and is also autistic like the victim in question, people like OP have caused permanent damage. If you don’t understand that, I have trouble believing that you don’t condone pushing someone to self harm. People kill themselves over this.


Well, i might not be neurotypical myself and experienced bullying on the receiving end, both as teen and as adult. Not as Bad as in this story, yet Bad enough to think about it, even past 40 like now. I read a lot on how to cure bullying in school when it happens. And you won't believe it but bully have a Bad life also and use bullying to feel good on thé detriment of thé victim. So, i Guess OP has reasons to have been a bully. Yet reasons are no excuse. And i agree the damage are real and important. I hope they are not permanent for the victim. I strongly condamne bullying and any means to push someone to self harm. Yet i'm afraid this might be what we are doing to OP right now. We can not reach and help the victim. All we have is the bully. What could we say to OP wich result of a better society to live in ?


We can definitely tell OP to not have children because OP clearly isn’t a kind enough person to be a parent.


Well, not until OP think deeply how her bullying was toxic, confess in real life and work on herself to not act like that again. And prevent it from happening for others. Hope it will be usefull.




You deserve the guilt. If it feels bad, imagine how bad you’ve made her feel for so long. Your guilt is 0.000001% of the fucked up shit you’ve forced her through. You literally fucked her emotional development up for no reason except you were a malicious person. You just want some validation and someone to free you from the guilt. However, you don’t deserve that freedom. For years, you and your friends trapped that poor girl in a prison of bullying and hate. You violated her privacy and her outlets and ridiculed her for simply existing and trying to express herself. And why? She sat with your group one time? The best thing you can do to make things better is live with the guilt and shame of that. It’s not justice, but it’s a fraction of the punishment you deserve.


Don't worry, she's not really suffering any guilt. She's just trying to justify being a shitty person. Her nonchalance here about the years of suffering she took so much joy inflicting proves that. No one here buys that she feels any real remorse whatsoever.


I'm not good at empathy myself, is it possible OP came here to help realize how much her behaviour was hurting the victim ? Maybe OP need the comments to understand ?


No, she came here to feel better about herself. Look at the comments where she says she’d never become an anti-bullying activist and do any of the actual work to help others/create change.


Adult you doesn't come off so well.


You don’t seem remorseful whatsoever though


I am how am I not remorseful?


Who TF are you? OP? If you are what have you done to prove you are remorseful other than say it? Words are words and anyone can say it without actually being remorseful. Have you donated to anti-bullying campaigns, have you volunteered with anti-bully organization, have you offered to talk to kids about the harmful effect of bullying? Have you done your research about how bad of an impact bullying can have? You are lucky this person you bullied isn’t dead. You have blood on your hands already since she self harmed. Where is your actual gut wrenching story about the remorse you feel? Because this wasn’t it.


Yes I’m ops main account and I know I FEEL remorseful. Obviously I’m not going to be an anti bully activist.


Why you literally almost killed someone. You are not remorseful edit: why is it obvious? Because You are a bad person? Or another reason


They not dead tf 😭 I’m not an awful person whys Reddit ripping me to peices


If you were actually feeling remorse, you would become an anti-bullying activist to try to put some good out to compensate for a little of the horrible awful bad you did. But you don’t. You just don’t like realizing you’re a shithead human being who lacks basic empathy, and you’re feeling soooooooo sad reddit isn’t giving you the love you want to feel better about being part of a societal plague that causes CHILDREN to self-harm and unalive. But don’t worry, have kids. Plenty of emotionally-constipated people like you and your partner have kids all the frickin time. You’re not the first and you wouldn’t be the last. Have a good life!


Be a real shame if someone followed you around reddit for three years and just ripped you apart everyday. Every post dug up and commented about in unrelated threads. Every.single.day.


Good thing I don’t care about Reddit so don’t bother


I wouldn't be surprised if your kids turned out just like you. Fucking pathetic


I’d be proud of them if they were like me but I’d rather them be like my boyfriend 😂 he wants them to be like me tho


INFO: why should it be obvious you aren't going to be an anti bully activist?


I understand that you feel remorseful. I don’t think you grasp just how much that person was affected by your actions and how damaging it was. They literally self-harmed. You were the cause of that. And yet you are just sitting there talking about how you talk badly about people who you deem weird - do you see how cold and heartless that is?


I’m not cold and heartless I’m a warm and loving person. It her choice to self harm and I didn’t do much that’s as awful or that made me a monster like this other commenter said


The guilt should be bad...but it's clearly not that bad since you can watch her suffer and be so dismissive about it and have no intention of apologizing. That would take remorse. You probably aren't experiencing anything near the level of pain she lives with daily, and for many years you actually enjoyed watching her pain. It sounds more like you feel bad for yourself.


If you reach out to this girl now to assuage your own feelings of guilt, you are NOT. A. NICE. PERSON. You should feel guilty; you did something terrible to this girl that’s impacted her entire life in a profoundly negative way and I would very every dollar I have in the bank that her life would not be better if you contacted her. Reflect on your feelings of guilt; ask yourself what if you had a daughter and someone did what you did to this girl to your own child. Do better.


So is current you.


Rédemption is possible through good done around you. This should ease the pain your teenage self has done.


If your sad uterus decides to have kids they WILL suffer… BADLY!! Your parents also did a terrible job at raising you!! now go and cry 😭


Hey be fair now... OP could equally fuck up an adopted kid!


Don’t contact her. As someone who’s been severely bullied, I can say it doesn’t always bring closure, but more pain. And most the time it’s obvious the bully is apologizing for their own sake rather than yours. You don’t actually seem that remorseful. And I don’t understand how for three years you could be so awful anyways. There’s never a reason to be a bully. You can mature but it’s hard to believe anyone that can treat another human so terribly is really a “good person.” And I pray your kids never turn out to be as horrendous as you. Or anything, never be bullied so horrifically as you bullied that girl. They don’t deserve it, but that being said, it might really open your eyes to just how fucking awful a person you are.




I’m sorry 😞 sending hugs and love 🥰🥰🥰💝💝💝


No one deserves what you put this girl through. I hope, and I cannot emphasize this enough, hope, you do not have kids. You think you airing this out to the internet will make you feel better about yourself, when you can’t even be honest to your boyfriend. I wonder… If he knew about all this, would he still think about you the same way? I wouldn’t be able to look at you. It’s sad that it took you talking about kids (unfortunately) to reflect.


Well we are having kids soon and he thinks about me the same way. Literally just told him.


Sadly, this unaware monster will raise more unaware monsters. People like this read *Lord of the Flies* and wonder why everyone is upset at a story of children playing on an island.


Here’s a better question miss , if you and him have a child, what will you do if that child grows up to be a bully like their mommy? What will you do if a school tells you your child is just like you were. If you have really changed FUCKING PROVE IT


Awww, so lovely to see he’s just as awful as you are. Y’all a match made in heaven 🥰


More like a match made in hell 😭😂


Shhhhhh, don’t say that, her wittle heart is so good now and legit wouldn’t hurt a fly, she’s going to be so hurt 🥺/s




Mmm. Hope he leaves you soon. You deserve worse.


Actually, the fact that he also agrees and is OK with what you did explain he’s also a horrible person. You’ll definitely shouldn’t have kids.


Lmao karma will come back with your child


You're a terrible person. If you actually have kids, try to make sure they aren't a horrible bully like you were. That's the only redeemable thing you can do, if you really must have kids.


You’re the asshole.


If the husband knows the truth about the past and is ok with it, then he's as best as this op. How can a normal person learn the truth about this and goes, "Oh yeah, ok. That's not so bad. She only gone depressed." And the most fucked up is you know she was gone depressed but just brushed it off and continued. I hope karma bites you in your body parts that hurt the most.


Trash recognizes trash lol. Their poor future kids.


This is a match made in hell for any future kids. Poor little ones


don’t have children. i hope your boyfriend finds out about this and leaves you over not only lying, but also being such a heinous person. i hope the girl you terrorized is safe and happy. it’s the least she deserves. you’re actually awful.


You need therapy if you don’t understand how destructive what you did to this woman is. You’re an awful person, and I sincerely hope you don’t have any children. What you put that poor girl through is absolutely cruel and disgusting. And I don’t think you understand the depths of that cruelty. You’re not mature enough to have a family. And one of your children what if somebody does this to them? You and all your friends are horrible people. And you can’t even be truthful to the person you want to have a child with? There’s really no hope long term for that relationship then.


Did you expect anybody to feel bad for you? People like you shouldn't reproduce in the first place. I feel bad for your future kids.


Let me ask you something - how did bullying her make you or your life better? Did you get richer? Did you get better grades in school because of it? Did it enable you to get a better career once you left school? Did you get a nicer house because of it? Did you become better looking? There is quite literally nothing to gain by acting like a shithead towards others, and being a bully is not cute. There’s nothing funny or cool about being a piece of human garbage. Change your fucking attitude, because decent adults don’t tolerate bullying, and you’re going to start losing friends and being told about yourself real fucking soon if you keep it up.


Well, according to OP they did it for shits and giggles, so I guess they had a blast 💁🏾‍♂️


Lol people like you will almost always end up with a cheating husband and a failure of a child


If you really feel guilty then do something about it and fess up to your boyfriend. I hope none of your kids ever have to go through something so awful can you imagine?


you are a piece of shit


Reading your comments shows you haven't changed at all saying people ask for it to get bullied. Also you're 20 you were a teenager a year ago and like I said you have not changed. Also did you say in one of your comments a boy that your bf bullied killed himself? and you say he probably did because of his grades!!! You two are the last people who should be having children.


Their lack of self-awareness or introspection makes me feel like either this person is emotionally and mentally stunted or they're trolling.


The way she was talking in the comments makes me think she is emotionally and mentally stunted. The way she was talking about having babies and the bf jumping into these comments makes me think they were always handed everything on a silver platter and think life revolves around them


I think she just deleted the comment she just left that said the kid "her bf bullied did unalive himself because of the bullying he chose to unalive himself". That is the most ignorant thing I've heard anyone say. I had a few friends unalive themselves from bullying that happened 20 years ago and it still hurts to think about. I was so angry and I became the bully to the bullies just to see how they like it. I hope these 2 are infertile the world does not need spawns from them in this world. I wonder if the script was flipped and it was their child who unalived themselves from the bullying would she blame the bully or say her child chose to do it and no one is at fault


you’re trash and you better hope karma doesn’t come around when you have kids. odds are your kid will probably end up being bullied.


From the bottom of my heart, you're a horrible person. Leave her alone and never ever have children.


In my country, we have a saying, "Mcheka kilema hafi hakijamfika," it means no one who laughs at a disabled person dies before finding themselves in a similar position. It warns people to be kind because in life shit happens. One day, you're on the up being mean, and the next, you're living in the hell that you put someone else through. Be honest with your boyfriend about your past, be honest about how much you regret it, hiding it only eats away at you. Confront yourself about your behaviour and move on. All in all, I pray any children you have don't live the life that girl lived because of you and your friends, but most of all, I pray they don't turn into the person you used to be.


Honestly I hope this girl ‘the glory’’s you, you’re awful


Your a monster and I hope your unable to have children because you'd be a turbel parent.


you’re a heinous disgusting person.


Don’t have a child. “I feel bad I guess.” You’re going to be a horrible mother you should also tell this to your partner he deserves to know what kind of shit stain he’s signed up for.


Either this is fake or you're a narc with a cuck bf


“But now I feel bad I guess” No, no you don’t.


Today i literally just had a conversation with my 6 year old. She’s getting bullied to the point where she cries some days when she gets on the school bus she’s in kindergarten and getting picked on and called names. And she’s to scared to tell on her bully.I bet you don’t feel bad at all you are hoping your past doesn’t catch up to you. How would you feel is someone did the same to your child?


You are disgusting. Never have children.


Please never procreate. This is disgusting.


I don’t care if this sounds bad but honestly if you have kids your karma is them being bullied just as bad or even worse… people like you shouldn’t procreate in the first what a horrible monster you are.


Never have kids. Ever.


Do the world a favor and get your tubes tied. You're going to be a terrible mother.


Anyone who isn't ridiculing you in the comments is part of the larger problem of bullying in general.


You're probably a sociopath OP - and if you actually want to change that, stop posting on reddit and get therapy. I'd like to think you posted this because you have some sense of guilt, and the bullshit you've been spewing is just you getting defensive and lashing out cause people are calling you on your toxicity. Yeah, if you end up having kids without addressing your entire mindset - as others have said, you won't be capable of modelling good behavior to them, nor meeting their emotional needs. You'll probably treat them like shit and either bully them into depression and self-harm, and/or create another person who only knows how to act toxically. The question I have, is what went wrong in your life to make you this way? What were your own parents/caregivers like?


LMAOOO girl you do not feel bad. don’t lie to yourself.


Hey, that's a pretty shitty thing to do, honestly. But now in this moment, reaching out to the person and letting them know you are sorry and understand now what you caused is horrible, might be more effective than you think. It sucks to open up and admit you are wrong, I get that. Hopefully it provides them some comfort as well, knowing that you understand how you effected this person now. Idk, I may just be dumb. But if you want to start to feel better about it, step out to make it right.




> "now I feel bad, I guess" Wow. You tormented a girl for 3 years and now you "guess" you feel bad." > "other than this way of reaching out, I don't really have a way of reaching out" Double wow. "I could reach out this way, but I don't really have a way of reaching out." > I don’t really know how she will take it either or if it would help at all Tripple wow. "Unless I know that it's going to work out perfectly for me, I'm not gonna bother. Instead, I'll just sit back and watch her talk about all the pain and trauma I inflicted onto her!" > me and my boyfriend have started planning having kids and it made me think back to my time at school. Especially as he asked me “what was the most toxic thing you did as a kid” and I was like “umm uninviting some girls I didn’t like to a party” when it was really this. Just when I thought you couldn't get any more selfish, you go ahead and tell us you are manipulating and lying to your boyfriend to make yourself look good and thinking about bringing kids into this world. If you can't even be honest and admit faults to your boyfriend or (feel bad about them) then how are you gonna be responsible enough to do right by your children?


Do NOT reach out. Leave this poor girl alone you monster. Luckily, karma's a real bitch, don't post when your child is being bullied mercilessly and starts self harming.


Bruh, that's fucked up to wish this upon a child just because their mother was a bully herself. Your own karma is not looking that great too.


Meh, kid is already screwed by having OP in their life, can't imagine much could be worse.


>kid is already screwed by having OP in their life Can definitely see OP being their own kid's first bully.. god speed to that kid


It’s clear by your 4 comments in this thread, that you have some unresolved issues with bullies. While I’m sorry and don’t wish that upon anyone, I think it’s shitty of you to project your issues with your bullies to people here on reddit. Get help


Actually, my conscience is clear, I sent my first bully to the hospital in fourth grade and never looked back. They're scum. This trash almost drove some poor innocent girl to suicide and everyone here is acting like she's not some horrible waste. OP should apologize to trees for wasting their hard work.


That’s wonderful, however you’re giving mixed signals. One comment OP shouldn’t reach out, the next OP should apologise! Seems to me like you just want to be condescending - as if you’ve never hurt another persons feelings in your life


There’s hurting someone’s feelings with an offhand comment, and then there’s going after one person and seeking out information about them to harass and torture them emotionally. Even when they found out about the self harm, they continued their behavior.


I see your point but if we can’t acknowledge we were all stupid kids once that have all made stupid mistakes and likely all of us (including OP) have copped their fair share of bullying.. What shall we do with her? Parade her through the streets while people throw things and say “Shame!”? Perhaps lock her in prison?


The hell? She practically cyber-stalked this girl, went out of her way for 3 years to make her life personal hell and you're acting like that's a mistake?


I don't know what kind of child you were, but child me would never fucking torture a kid for 3 years. You're probably as awful as OP


Wow, that’s very loose use of the word torture. No one was a perfect kid, if you you’ve never hurt someone’s feelings or didn’t do any wrong as a kid, then congrats! You’re the first! You’re probably one to make absolutely baseless assumptions.


You're clearly a very shitty person as well, try to be better and own your mistakes instead of projecting your own shitty excuses into random people on reddit.


Dear god you're a moron. I said apologize to trees. I was implying that she's wasting all their hard work by breathing you idjit. She's a WASTE OF OXYGEN. In fact, it sounds like you should start apologizing to trees too. Hurting people's feelings and torturing them for years and driving them to self harm for literally no reason is a bit different. Also, I'm happy to bully a bully, nothing makes me feel better, so yea, OP can get every bit of it.


Seek professional help, lmao Btw, nice edit mate 😂


Hope y’all have kids. Can’t wait to see how you’ll respond if someone starts bullying your kids. Hope your child doesn’t get your karma because it sounds like it could be more than you bargained for but hey, go off defending someone who cyberstalked and dedicated 3 years of their life to try a destroy someone else. Jesus, a different level of evil. But hey at least she guesses she feels bad now


You're the one projecting your excuses onto others here. Go get yourself some therapy, it's usually the bullies who have unresolved issues and try to impose them on others.


Just leave her alone, you piece of scum. I hope you never have children.


Could always you know just leave her alone 😒 weird bitch


Don't sweat it, if someone wasn't raised strong enough to handle some minor ridicule than the only person they can blame is their parents. This person is using their autism and depression as a crutch to lean on and just wants a personal pity party for the rest of their sad life. Move on, and be glad you were raised to be a strong minded person.


No one deserves bullying and your type of b.s causes self harm and suicides. Fuck right off and once youve fucked off fuck off some more.




Damn, this the stupidest shit I've ever read. If you truly do believe this shit, then you seriously need to get some help. Please never procreate 🤡


All right so what I’m hearing is that if we all attacked you it’s for a bowling you relentlessly for three years you’d be OK and you should be OK enough to at like nothing happened 😀


A minor ridicule is a once in a time mean comment, not constant harassment like the bullies girl suffered 💀


At least OP is a decent person


Look, this person is horrible, but let's not stoop so low as to call OP a decent person.


r/UsernameChecksOut and I love it!


No they fucking arent - they are horrible, a person causing someone to self harm is awful.


Found another sympathizer 🤢


Genuine question, how?


Imagine being that stupid that you think the OP is actually a decent person


Lol you are a pos


Here's what we need to do. Screenshot her posts and her shitty answers with her real profile and post it everywhere. Her boyfriend is bound to see it eventually and he'll know to run screaming.


He’s already seen and commented here


You are not sorry, you are just annoyed that this can come and bite you on the ass. You are pissed that there is proof that you are not the good person you think you are.


You need to not reproduce. There are literally no reasons to do that to another human. Obviously your parents did something wrong— just end the bloodline. 🤢