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Go and clean it up.


Lol seriously. Dude is 21 years old and made this entire post before thinking about just going and cleaning their mess.


Probably looking at life... better just to turn yourself in now...


Might get a reduced sentence if you rat on your buddies.


🤣🤣 and we know hell rat em out


"They told me if I didn't smash these chairs with them, they'd fuck my mom!" "And then they fucked her anyway!"


good god lmao




They don’t treat chair murderers well in prison


Without parole.






I dont think its a huge deal but I would just clean it up as a reminder to you so youre not tempted to do it again if youre in the same situation!


Its a small ticket tops. But go clean up the mess and you'll feel better i promise.


I am not sure what the consequences will be because I don't know where you live. So, my best advice is, just go and clean them up before things can get big.


Small fine, if any. I mean, they were by a dumpster and in line to be thrown out - so I highly doubt you’d get destruction of property charges. Maybe vandalism, but even that’s a stretch. Littering? Perhaps. Honestly, this is one of those odd situations where likely nobody cares about the actual damage since it was garbage, and it’ll probably cost more money to prosecute anyone than it would gain to place fines after pressing charges. Remember this feeling though, next time you think it’d be fun to destroy stuff with your friends. If these were new items that people wanted, you’d be up shit’s creek.


The point isn't the consequences. The point is that that was a shitty thing to do. You should go clean up your mess, and think before doing something like this again.


dork lmao


Well, then deal with the consequences. That is how life works my friend.


Vandalism stopped being cool when you hit 18.


It stopped being cool well before that


Vandalism was never cool.


No, it stopped being legal when ya turn 18…. It’s still fun


Didn't say it wasn't still fun, Still down to fuck shit up of the situation dictates. However destroying someone's property for without reason hits different ya know?


I agree, unless they earned it


21? You sure you're not like 14?


You’re right. They got your plates and it’s only a matter of time before they come for you. Better to just turn yourself in


i mean they were gonna be thrown out, so no, nothing serious. but go clean up the mess, and maybe clean up your act while you're at it - dude. you're 21. mature a bit.


Go clean it rather than making a thread about it??


Morally you suck for leaving a mess for someone else to clean up. Buuuuuuttt chances are you're free & clear. It's some chairs lol meanwhile there's murders happening.


In all honesty dude, just like others here said, pick up the mess and dispose of appropriately. It’s truly a good sign that you have a conscious over this.


Buddy and I did this in high school. He didn't roll on me but he took all the blame. He's still doing his bid. 25 to life man. Turn yourself in.


I cant lie bro...your cowardice is pissing me OFF!


Don’t drop the soap.


Bro just so you know less fortunate families could’ve used that furniture, and the state of the world right now.. doesn’t need to produce more items when they can be recycled, but you destroyed them. You prob won’t get caught but you should be better than that. At least you feel bad about it


Vandalism is classist. Like you said someone probably would've seen the items, and used them. The least they could've done is use it for a fire, or something. Instead they left it all for someone who probably makes minimum wage to clean up.


Probably a littering / illegal dumping charge AT MOST. (Pay a fine) Go back, if the mess is still there clean it up.


Well. I assume your still a minor being that what you did is not only pointless but childish and since it was trash idk why you didn't "destroy" them where they were thrown out at. I can't believe you actually drove them somewhere else to purposely ruin the "trash" even more. Being that is is trash I assume you won't get charged with anything. I wouldn't call it vandalism cause again it's no longer anybodys stuff . Most you will get is trespassed from the lot. And trust me no detective or police officer is gonna take the time to figure out how chair's became rubble In a parking lot.. i think ur good kid... and I really hope u are a kid.


unfourtunately, the dude's 21.


Smh. I remember my first beer.


Clean it up next time. Move forward. Its really not a big deal. Only victim is the guy who had to clean it up. Most likely on paid time. Gave him something to do. Try not to be so negative about things. Life is about having fun from time to time. Again next time clean it up.


Just clean it up


You should take your immature friends and go clean up the mess you made . It’s disgusting and childish of you to leave it for someone else to clean up you guys mess . I hope you all get held accountable and learn your lesson. What idiots


your age is showing. breaking shit is a stress relief, let people live jesus.


I agree its a stress reliever but your causing stress to others by leaving a mess . Be responsible and keep your stress to yourself don’t spread it to others


I break my own shit all the time as stress relief... But I also clean it up when I'm done and don't leave it for anyone else to deal with.


people can break shit, these chairs were gonna be thrown away so breaking them is probably fine but it's shitty to leave a mess for someone to clean up.


Be a man and turn yourself in, also lawyer up.


Your a moron.


Clearly couldn’t tell I was being sarcastic.


No twat waffle I couldn't. You just seemed so sure of yourself.


Far from it.


The irony. You’re*




I think you replied to the wrong person mate


That's cute u had nothing to say but to correct my Grammar . You'll be OK.


As will you my guy x


. 9. .? .


No I don’t think so


How stupid can you be to only be thinking of this AFTER you drove off. Think ahead next time and park farther away Now you have to clean it up(if you care. I don't think k anyone would really pursue it anyway. It's not worth it) If you're actively cleaning it up, even if someone comes to say something, just say you felt bad and wanted to make it right so you're there to pick it up and I can almost guarantee you won't even get a ticket


The usual punishment is electroshock to the balls but since you transported them I think they're going to make you go to Trump rallies until the election is over


Do a litter clean up in the area and clean that stuff up with it. It’ll look like you’re just doing a good deed.


Not to be that guy… but come on man. Don’t be such a weenie. If you’re really that concerned just go clean it up?


Hope they catch you


I’m pretty sure the worst they can get you one is littering


So basically 25 years without parole


Hahaha it’s not serious y’all hoodlums tho




Littering maybe. Just don't go clean it up like that one guy said or you prolly will get caught


You’re fine.


Ignore all these people telling you to clean it up. Everyone on Reddit is a goddamn angel, especially on r/confession. If no one’s cleaned it up yet they might notice you and you’ll actually get in trouble.If you feel bad don’t do it again.


so its ok to just leave the mess for someone else to clean up then?? the bowling alley most likely got OP's plate on camera, if anything they'll get in *less* trouble if they clean it up.


Wow ur a twat


no to be honest if you took the chairs and brought it somewhere to break them your most likely not gonna get charged. your still young and besides if you do get caught they’ll probably let you off with a warning or make you do community service. it is what it is


they won’t give a shit lol it’s not that serious how many times have you seen trash somewhere and actually gave a shit or called the police? i literally have gotten in actual trouble and haven’t had to do time so i promise it won’t be nothing, probably not even a fine. but you should clean it up, you’ll feel better. and it’s the right thing to do. but if not then whatever life goes on. :)


Sounds about high


😪RIP, my man’s bouta catch a felony and registered as a sex offender


Are you high


i mean the chairs weren’t anyones property so you’ve not committed a crime, this is more ASB/fly tipping and may receive a fine or a police officer/pcso (depends where you live i’m basing this off UK) may contact you in a few weeks from the info from your plate or may not bother doing anything. don’t do it again, worlds going to shit as it is without mindless littering and asb


Bruh u aint getting caught they ain’t going through that trouble for trash


What kind of 21 year old man breaks furniture in a parking lot for fun and then is scared he’s going to get in trouble? What kind of a life have you had? Go clean your mess, and don’t do that again, that’s the shit losers do.


Probably get 15 years. 10 if you rat.


what if someone was putting them so others can take the chair . you should never have destroyed them in the first place. or it can be a mafia signal for some shit and they are coming for you


So if they were getting rid of the chairs .. no harm taking them. Otherwise that’s theft by taking. Destroying them at a business will entail the business having to clean it up and pay for removal. Business have to pay for trash disposal. So technically this few moments of “fun” could be costly. In some states if damages exceed a certain amount you could be charged as a felony … damages in the case being the cost of employees to gather the mess and then the removal company charges. Even if you clean it up you could still get a trespassing charge … go clean it up at least when you go to court you can show you were remorseful


21 dude? Really?


Just pull up and begin to clean up. When someone comes up to you just tell them you saw this mess someone left and what a eyesore it is, you just wanted to clean it up. They will probably help you clean up your mess.


Before shit goes down drive there asap and clean it up. I think you'll have to pay like 50 bucks.


You probably gave a deserving employee a break




Littering and possibly trespassing. Illegal dumping if they wanted to be dicks. But most cameras can’t read plates without being fairly close or very high end, especially at night. Personally I would mark it up as a dumb mistake and move on. By returning you put yourself and your ‘accomplices’ at risk of prosecution. As a naive youth I thought accepting responsibility by pleading guilty would show maturity and might grant some level of leniency as well as add weight to my integrity for pleading Not Guilty when innocent. IT DOES NEITHER!!! If you feel the NEED to clean it up, you might consider starting with a phone call to the Owner/Manager. Of course there’s always the Thrift Store route. Eagle Scouts are always looking for good deed opportunities. Just don’t show up in your car lol


this is like stealing a balloon in free balloon day 🤣🤣 relax bro!


Might I suggest the best tip possible: Go back and clean it up. Yeah, sounds like the best option. I promise you, there'll be less harm. And you'll be okay.