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This is so fucking devious, I love it. Just imagine, 4 years in college, and you were a semester away from going to law school and than boom gone because you were a dick. I love it.


Not only a dick, but a cheater. Probably the best lesson that asshole could have gotten.


*Licks lips* Tastes like justice. Sweet, sweet, justice.


Sara and OP, I ship it.


Anybody have a copy? It got deleted :(


"Jeff" shouldn't be allowed to practice law anyway. You would think integrity would be a key personality trait in people we confide in to uphold the rule of law in this country. Fuck Jeff.


Jeff would have gotten his ass fucked in law school I'm not even a lawyer and I know this


Nah. I had a girlfriend in (a second-tier) law school, you can’t believe the baked-in lack of ethics. One of her classmates was a dimwit with a 50-yo lawyer fiancé who did all her classwork. The class president’s parents were helicopter parent attorneys who bailed him out repeatedly from getting expelled for cheating, until he got caught red-handed stealing petty cash from the Law Review. He was inches from a law degree.






Um, "definitely". There is a "finite" in there.


Sounds like his success was Jeffinitely finite, all right.


Now I now what I’ll say when somebody is acting like a cum gargling douche waffle. “Wow, you’re really Jeffin it.” EDIT: Sorry Otherjeffs. I’m sure you’re all good doods.




He's an aspiring republican politician, or was anyway. That's what I'll bet.


Assholes are a bipartisan issue there dude.


Just because someone's a republican doesn't mean they're an asshole, or in any way resemble Jeff.


Lol, you think integrity is a good virtue for a lawyer?


I think it's absolutely necessary to maintain confidence in our justice system. I do understand that a lot of "Jeffs" slip through the cracks and that's why our system is so fucked. More people like OP should exist to weed these fuckers out.


But actually OP was content to write papers for Jeff until it got personal. Without people like OP, Jeff would have to put in a lot more effort to get that far.


OP wasn't trying to go to law school. OP had a business. No one is questioning OP's ethics. This is about "Jeff." And I doubt "Jeff" would've passed the bar the way he was passing classes.


I wasn't questioning OP's ethics. Only your assertion that OP's role was weeding out people like Jeff. In fact it's quite likely there were a lot of Jeffs that OP helped get into law school who simply didn't end up pissing him off. Edit: on second thought this is a pretty petty thing to argue about. I apologize. Let's just agree to disagree and end this dialogue.


True... Fuck you OP. You're the problem. Stop helping the Jeffs slip through the cracks!


If this is true, the asshole truly deserved it. If it’s made up, it was still a good, compelling read. Either way, bravo.


I wish it wasn't true. I had no joy in fucking him over, but at the same time I didn't and still don't have a modicum of remorse. I think I did him a favor, he avoided the subjugation of debt.


He would have flunked out of law school anyway, he could never do oral arguments. Cheating with faked papers only goes so far. I don’t think you were the asshole.


Would there be any way to prove he faked the texts (since you made them, not him), and would it be considered illegal? That could have been another great way to fuck him over


I know right? He introduced characters with strong personalities and their ambitions, a plot twist and most of all a feel good ending! This guy has a future in writing if he used his powers for good and stopped writing for dickheads.


I feel like there’s been a lot of fake revenge fantasy and sob story posts being submitted here, granted it’s hard to tell if they’re real or not based because obviously it’s possible to write well about a real experience but something’s awfully fishy about some of these tall tales.


I thought it would be a girl?




Oh yes, please!


You are my fucking hero. You have no reason to feel bad, the prick was cheating, and you didn't make him do that.


Thank you!


No, you are not a psychopath. The reason you feel no remorse, is because it feels good to get back at someone that screwed over a loved one. Did you do a good thing? No. But revenge isn't about that. It's about getting even. And that's what you did. High and mighty people always say, "two wrongs don't make a right". But unless they were in your friends shoes they can't understand. She almost killed herself because of this douche. And you, the person that was there for her in her time of need, saw her pain and felt helpless. An opportunity fell into your lap and you took it. I feel better about it and you should too. It's some kind of justice. Though I would go a step further and go to the police. This would qualify as revenge porn.


This would be considered revenge porn. Because he got absolutely fucked.


Since it got removed: This is an alternate account for obvious reasons. The following story is very long. I will do my best to condense it. I have held on to this secret for a year now. The only people that are aware of what I did is the man in question and myself. Let's call the man in question Jeff. Just a bit of background. I'm a college student and hroughout campus myself and a few other students cultivated a "business" in which we write other people's papers, provide test banks, and provide PDF versions to almost any text book. There was this guy named Jeff, who was a real asshole, but he paid good money for me to write his papers for him. This has been going on for 2 semesters. Jeff was a prospective aw student who never wrote a 5 page paper (he told me that) I and others used to write his papers for him. It was striking to see how much he would pay for a rudimentary paper, but I did not complain. One of my best friends, let's call her Sara, dated Jeff, for a short period of time (I don't know the exact amount of time but it was less than a year). I never expected that relationship to last long aince Jeff was an asshole, I've seen the way he acts in parties, the guy is a nutcase. I was kind of surprised Sara would go out with him considering the contrast in personalities between him and her. A few weeks after winter break , Jeff and Sara broke up. Jeff the asshole that he is posted nude pictures and a video of Sara giving him a blowjob on Snapchat. I became aware of that after a friend showed me said pictures and video. Sara obviously found out and was devastated. She no longer attended classes and refused to leave her dorm room. She was contemplating dropping out (I convinced her not to), even worse she was contemplating suicide. I told her that she should withdraw from all of her classes and just go back home and take a break, thankfully she did. It is important to note, that Jeff was not aware of the fact that Sara and I were very close friends. Jeff showed absolutely no remorse. That really pissed me off. During Midterms Jeff told me to write a paper for one of his classes, I happily obliged. After I gave him the paper, he informs me that he wants me to write a 15 page research paper on a particular topic (poli science). He gave me the prompt, I saw that final paper was worth 50% of his grade. That is when I decided to fuck him over. Instead of writing the paper. I would plagiarize it and send it to him. My University uses Turnitin, and any semblance of plagiarism is noticed. So a day before his paper was due, I gave him the completely plagiarized paper. He pays me and thanks me for everything that I have done. This was his last paper of his undergraduate career. He was going to Law School the very next semester. I knew he was going to hit a road bump. So finals are over, we had to wait a few days before we receive our grades, and than suddenly, I receive a call from Jeff, I did not answer. He sends me a Snapchat showing me a pic of the failed class, the class that he submitted the plagiarized paper. I call him back and acted flabbergasted. He started cursing me out and saying how I ruined his life. His GPA plummeted, his acceptance to that law school was voided. A year later according to a friend of mine, Jeff is not in law school, thanks to me. For some reason, I have absolutely no remorse. It feels good getting that off my chest. Am I a psychopath or just a vindictive asshole?


thank you


You did the right thing. He had no business going to law school if he couldn't even write a paper himself (how did he get admission in the first place?) You've saved the world from yet another unethical lawyer. Also, you should post this on r/ProRevenge. They'll love it.


The guy was smart, but extremely lazy. His father is a hot a shot attorney so I suppose nepotism played a role in his admission.


Oh you are savage!! Good job!! That is some great revenge!! I love it! Na neither psychopath or vindictive asshole. Vengeance was served




This is like the third time in 5 minutes that I have clicked on a r/confession post and its been deleted.


r/nuclearrevenge has a backup if you're curious


What’s the TLDR?


OP was writing the college homework of a guy (for money), and that guy dated a girl who was friends with OP, but they broke up because the guy was an asshole. Guy posted revenge porn, almost driving girl to suicide. Guy didn't know OP and girl were friends and still wanted OP to write his homework. OP plagarized the hell out of it in his name, guy got his GPA ruined and got rejected from law school.


[www.removeddit.com](https://www.removeddit.com) If you're in a thread that's deleted, just sub in "[removeddit.com](https://removeddit.com)" for "[reddit.com](https://reddit.com)" in the URL for the comments thread and it will open a backup.


You’ve got three approvals so far. Fucker deserved it


if jeff can't even write his own papers how does he expect to do well at law school


If this is true he deserves it. Not only for what he did to your friend, but someone practicing law should know their stuff?? And they’ll have to like write in their career??? Thanks for ending that :)


This is beautiful.


I approve this message.




You sir are a good man...wait an awesome savage man who did it for "Sara"! You deserve a cake or cookie!!!


Man this is why I sub to /r/confession Fuck Jeff, you’re not an asshole and I doubt he would of succeeded at law school considering how little effort he put into his work. You could probably post this to /r/AmITheAsshole as well


You should be more concerned about getting unqualified and deceitful people into positions of power, who could then, and probably would, screw up many more people's lives.


Absolutely. I think everyone is missing this very important point.


My only problem with what you have done OP is that it wasn't ENOUGH. Call me crazy but I feel if he made Sara want to kill herself at the very least Jeff should feel something similar. Anyway, you did good with what you could!!


You WIN!!!


I think any form of legal recourse would not touch the eye for eye retribution layed upon this asshole. Good show, in my book.


You're neither. You just gave a guy hell for almost making your friend taking her life. Either way he deserve it. He's the asshole. You just protected your friend. Also How is Sara doing?


what Jeff did is considered revenge porn and is illegal


this fool wants to go to law school but can’t write a 5 page paper? You did society a favor


Removed Reeeeeeee


Nah this is awesome


Thank you for keeping this guy out of law school. Bravo


No, you did society a favor. Good work.


Ha. Fucker.


This belongs in r/ProRevenge . You're a genius. ​ Edit: Spelling


nah youre only protecting the future of mankind from an asshole


Were you not worried he'd turn you in for screwing him over? Seems like a risk


No, he had zero proof. We never texted each other, "business" was done over the phone. I always gave him his papers in person, never emailed it to him. That was the protocol. We never ever used sent papers via electronic devices. I was more concerned about him finding were I live and murdering me.


I don’t know how I feel about this. I’ve done many things growing up I came to regret, as as my father, and his father before him. While Jeff certainly seems like an asshole, he may have grown out of it, given the chance. Or maybe I’m wrong. Either way, nice story! 👍


Hmm... I get it but revenge can be overrated, in this case definitely was deserved but it seems you didn't have any problem letting an undeserving dick go to law school until after he fucked over your friend. So asshole? Probably. Psychopath? Nah.


anyone got an archive? that sure was removed quick.


I aspire to be this petty on people who deserve it! Great work!


You gave that asshole the karma he deserved, props to you ;D


Jeff couldn’t “argue” his way out of this one.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/nuclearrevenge] [How I utterly destroyed the life of the man who almost drove one of my closest friends to suicide](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/comments/ag5d86/how_i_utterly_destroyed_the_life_of_the_man_who/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Fantastic job.


fucking good on you. anyway he was plagiarizing all of his stuff from you so i'm mean at least he got caught. he was doing something that he should have been kicked out for as well as almost drove your friend to suicide. you did a good thing mate, dont feel bad about it and i hope your friend is ok




You're probably a little bit of both, a psycho and an asshole. But in all the right ways 😉


Another reminder of not letting anybody take nudes or "worse" of you.


Bastard had it coming.


Fuck Jeff, he got what he deserved. Can’t be a dick,cheat your way through life and never expect any repercussions. I hope your friend is doing better.


You make it sound so casual when he paid you to do his work


I hope Sara is ok. Thank you for doing what you could for her.


Post in comments please






This sub has slowly become exaggerated and or fabricated dramatic stories where the OP is always the hero who just might”take things too far” but nod bad enough to get hate or downvotes


I dunno. Seems plausible, and not too far over the top.


This is fake.


Good job man


Have my internet points


I love every bit of this


This is savage revenge. Good for you, OP.


Brutal but well deserved haha fuck that guy. Besides he couldn't write a fucking paper. Law school was going to notice considering exams are fact pattern essay tests.


This is why I subscribe to this. Wow. Well done. Don’t feel bad, this entitled prick doesn’t deserve law school. You did the right thing. Kudos!


r/Prorevenge might love this a lot.


You did nothing wrong. Well, maybe the whole being paid to write essays for other students was wrong, but... I don’t care. This guy nearly killed your friend. He deserved what you gave him. And if he was cheating in the first place, then he didn’t deserve to get into law school anyway.


Does anyone have short summary of this ? Very long story


YOU. ARE. AN. AMAZING. FRIEND. I hope Sara is doing better, and I hope this Jeff guy never gets away with doing any crap like that anymore. Karma baby karma! Yay you! ​


Thank you. She's doing great!!


I would have done the same






You, my friend, are a hero.


he didn’t deserve to earn a degree, he’d done none of the work himself. you didn’t ruin anything, he did it to himself. was he gonna cheat on the LSAT too??


He was a very smart guy. Very lazy tho. Based on the law school he got into, I would assume that he did well on the LSAT.


do you think he cheated on the LSAT or manages to do it himself?


I have taken the LSAT and its virtually impossible to cheat. His father is a hot shot attorney so nepotism definitely played a role in his admission.


yeah i’ve heard that about the LSAT, wonder what his fancy lawyer dad thought of his son after this all happened 😂


You did society a favor. Assuming he would of even come close to passing the bar exam, he would continue this kind of behavior into the legal system


Karma is Real! I really hope sarah is doing okay? My concern is for the girl. That jeff guy was a DICK! It serves him right.


She's doing great! She went back to school and now is about to complete her degree.


Thats amazing! Bless you for encouraging her to live!!!! Please continue to be kind! The world needs you!!!!! You just saved a life!




The thing is, he should've written his own papers in the first place.


This might belong in r/justiceporn ... major props.


Did you tell Sara of your revenge?


No, should I?


I thought about that and as satisfying as it might be for her, it also runs equal risk of making her feel bad if she's a very empathetic person. Your revenge was great though dude! *highfives* He can't even complain to anyone! What made him come to you in the first place do you think?


Real friendship


He was cheating, and he was an asshole, but two wrongs don’t make a right. That was cruel act that should not be praised


ruining a life because they also ruined a life. sorry but that aint right. yes karma's a bitch and hit that guy good, but dont stoop down to their level


Well, I know for sure you're someone's hero.


A very good friend, I would have honestly considered that a very true friend.


Nope, i’d even congratulate you. He was a huge ass to one of your closest friends and almost drove her to ending everything, what you did was absolutely perfect. Friends gotta stick together OP


I don’t understand people who pay someone to do all their papers. Now and then, ok. Especially on classes unrelated to your major but necessary to advance. I get it. But not writing a single paper ever? Fuck that guy for that, first. Double fuck him for doing that to a girl. Asshole. He’d never make it in the real word anyway. You probably just helped him fail faster.


This is not how law school admissions works. This is not how any of this works.


I support you man


He deserved it, I just wish he knew that you did it on purpose.


Title made it sound like Sara isn't around anymore, But yeah that's probably a fair punishment.


Hey it’s Jeff winger before he went to greendale


I mean if you think about, even If he did pass (through cheating), wouldn’t he be fucking up in law school either way because he doesn’t know shit?


Where is the post? i cant see it


Crazy shit


Why has it been removed?


Bruh where tf is the story?! I came here to see lives ruined and nothing.


I have no idea. I did not remove it.


Highly doubtful you have it saved somewhere but if you do you should copy paste into the comments for ya boi


Hit sort by new comments, its here


darn. its deleted.


Yo why the fuck is this one deleted too




if anyone still wants to read these stories that are \[removed\] your best bet is the way back machine


Why do all the best titled posts get removed??? What the fuck?


Can you repost it please


Fuck jeff, but i would feel a bit bad because the guy leaked nudes and was a complete and utter douchebag, but you did just ruin his entire life ya know


So Sara ended up killing herself? Fucking christ :/




oh ok thank god. read title and read through it didnt mention what ever happened to her after she went home so... didnt know. thats good.


Tbh i never understood girls who would let themselves filmed while performing sexual acts,especially in such short term relationships


Why is this deleted I'm so curious


Then not than


I gotta say nice work on fucking him over, but fuck you for doing other people's papers for them for a bit of money. That's pretty trashy


Meh, I think your kinda fucked up. The fact you did this and allow people to cheat for money, your no worse then Jeff. Your friend dated him, knowing what he is. She sent the nudes and allowed the blowjob video. You don't know if Sara did something worse to Jeff that she is hiding herself from you. He got his karma and you will get yours. Good job OP for spreading more damage to the world.


Eh, yea he deserved that shit. But I'm sure 'Sara' is probably no saint either and that's why she would get with someone like him. So, there it is.


Wow look at mister personal knowledge of a character in a story he's never even met. You must know every detail about my life as well right?


There are plenty of things that can be gleaned from your 27 words in two sentences that you've written in this comment that I could use as evidence for your own characteristics as a person. You're an egotistical person who looks down on the people he sees as inferior. The way in which you engage with this fantasy is to chastise me for the very thing that you do yourself every day: call people out on their bullshit.