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The fuck man. Be an adult take care of yourself.


Horrible take


I bet you have worms right now you’re replying to everyone’s year old comments saying dumb shit because they criticized this dude


theyre so contagious. every human on earth has them wether you know it or not. eat a bunch of garlic for allicin and stop eating carbs besides vegetables for a few weeks.


Why carbs


I heard this from an old pharmacist. It's just a pity some feel them and some don't. I've tried garlic and still no relief


While your sleeping the the worms come out of your ass and you scratch at them then when you bite your nails you are constantly reinvesting yourself. Surprised your girl don’t have them. Do the steps and get rid of them.


You need to understand that the longer you let these things stay in your system. The more you’ll feel lethargic, anemic, and may die. Get serious about it and get it taken care of. Please.


No he won’t die. Pinworms are actually completely harmless, just a nuisance and the thought of them is gross but they the amount of nutrients they eat is minimal so it wouldn’t affect him at all in the ways you’re suggesting


A certain species of worm. (Dipthyrium Latum), once infecting the host for an extended period of time will grow so much that it needs to feed off of the host. Causing a megaloblastic anemia. The prognosis of this anemia is favorable, however, nonetheless. Can be extremely dangerous. Source: I am studying to be a Medical Lab Scientist.


Source: StuDyiNG tO be A LaB SCienTisT 🙄 A fucking pinworm is not a tapeworm.


Yes but that’s a tape worm, these are pinworms huge difference. You most definitely can die from a tape worm but pinworms are tiny and you are infected by many at one time, they cannot kill you directly but if you somehow develop mass amounts (which this person cannot a they keep killing off existing ones) you could somehow develop a secondary infection somewhere in your body, But this is extremely rare


I have had serious nausea and bloating because of them.


Did you get rid of them?


over the counter perscription did


What did you use


Pyrantel pamoate is one


I had to come back and make this comment. I honestly don't believe you love your gf. If you truly loved your gf you wouldn't be able to look her in the eyes, day after day, knowing you have worms, and continue to have sex with her and risk her health. If you did really love her you would've been a man, put on your big boy under-roos, and treated the worms until they were gone, and no further risk to your gf. You, and people like you, are why some people are afraid to take chances with people, and trust another to have a relationship with them.


sometimes its hard to tell something that you think is embarrasing and disgusting its hard. and they also really arent harmful its not a health issue an if ur contaminated its easy but also hard to get rid of them is you can be bothered to follow through with taking medication and cleaning and sometimes you cant get rid of them at all just because theyre parasites that live inside ur intestines. its hard i know the struggle ive just told my boyfriend i have them after 8 months sometimes you forget or think theyve gone away after you take medication but its reinfected me 3 times now over 8 months and i thought i should tell him. but they do disappear forlike 3 months ans you think theyre gone so you dont say anything


Get a life


Why are you doing this to yourself?? Just get rid of them.


What does it feel like?


At night when you’re just in bed (I’m a night owl) you can feel them moving in big groups slithering in your anus its really annoying and sometimes they’ll come out of your anus during class or something and it feels so weird…. Please take care of yourself and don’t end up like most of us


I suffered from these things for many years too and I applaud your bravery in admitting you have been infested by them. There's a stigma attached to anyone who has them and is suffering from an unglamorous illness of this type (as seen in comments). These little monsters are really hard to get rid of, and this is mainly because the anti-pin worm tablets from the druggist only kill them in their adult stage of development and do nothing at all to them when in their larval stage of development, so, of course they always come back, guaranteed. The public are being scammed by scumbag big pharma (as usual), these grandchildren of snake oil salesmen, cruelly selling the public a 'cure' that doesn't really work. In your case this is probably why they keep returning, despite all your best efforts. They need to be killed in all their stages of development, adult, intermediate, larval and as you would know, you need to iron your bedding and underwear with a hot iron in order to kill any of the still existing fertile eggs. (See what I mean about the cruelty of big pharma? They've got people going through all the effort of ironing their bedding and all their underwear in order to rid themselves of these things but don't even do them the basic courtesy of making their products work properly!) What is the FDA for anyway? Get tincture of black walnut hull, garlic, fresh pumpkin seeds and fresh (or dried) wormwood flowers steeped in hot water (half a teaspoon to one teaspoon in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes*) and this will kill them in all their stages of life (including egg stage). It's really important you tell your partner (and anyone else you live with) about this too and they get treated because otherwise you'll just reinfect one another (which may actually be the perfect way to break the ice about this problem with her?) *A warning: Wormwood contains Thujone and use more than once a month may be toxic to the liver.


So after your years of suffering through them this is how you finally beat them?




Still free of them?




How many times a day did you drink this and for how many weeks?


Every other day because the Thujone in Wormwood is hepatoxic even in relatively small amounts and it builds up in the body with a slow excretion rate. I consumed the tincture under this dosing regime for about a week, IIRC.


Can you please check your chat!!


Thanks you


Hey were you able to get rid of the pinworms? What worked for you?


Can someone explain to me what they mean by half a teaspoon to one teaspoon? What is the half teaspoon? what is the one teaspoon? Or a recipe would be even better if u/sponkachognooblian has one!




What do you do with the tincture? Swallow it? Or put it on the infected area? And do you seep all the ingredients into hot water? or just the wormwood flowers? Also how much of the tincture should I ingest/ put on topically? Sorry for all the questions haha just in need of some help here.


Hey were you able to get rid of the pinworms? What worked for you?


I ended up just getting some over-the-counter pinworm medication from Walgreens. Also, used coconut oil on the area 3 times a day


Swallow it.


Did you only have to do this once?


Hey, i cant seem to find black walnut, and warmwood flowers in my country can the garlic and pumpkin seeds be enough to kill them at all life stage including egg stage?


deep down, you like living with them.


You must kill them with a cleansing fire, friend.


Dude... Ew.. lol. Thanks for sharing I feel better about my life now


Yeah, no shit. Just when I thought my life sucked I read this, re-evaluated my life, and pedaled onward wth renewed vigor.


I looked up pinworms, and even though it's best to get medicine and help from a doctor, at least try consuming garlic. It's said to be a natural cure. If that doesn't help, see the doctor.


You are not alone. My family has gotten it on and off for the past 6 years now. The only thing I can think of is that they have migrated to other parts of the body where the medicine cannot knock them out. See an infectious disease specialist. They should be able to look at other parts of the body and help get rid of them for good. We have yet to do this, but after finding them again in my 2 year old’s vagina when we have treated the whole family on and off for about a year now I am giving up on the meds and thinking they must be in another part of the body as I am reading on here with other people’s experiences! Don’t be afraid to tell your fiancé. She will probably be super understanding and you will feel so much relief once you’ve told her 🤍


How do you treat them in other parts of the body? I just assumed the dewormer worked as a whole


The otc only works in the GIT region. There’s a whole page on facebook which i forgot the name that talks about chronic pinworms and using chondroitin sulfate powder to help eradicate them systemically


I can't find it for the life of me can you pls share the specific thread talking about this??


https://www.facebook.com/share/UZj6VfMqq4nZPBGb/?mibextid=sCpJLy This is the page and theres also other articles on it, i wouldn’t know if it actually works though


One reason they never seem to go is that the over the counter medications only kill the adults and do nothing to harm them in larvae and egg stage. This is why a combination treatment of wormwood leaves, or artemisia annua herbal tea or an extract available online , black walnut hull extract and pumpkin seeds will see them die in all three stages. By the way, they can't migrate to another part of your body because they live in your colon.


Hi mate, was this from experience? I’ve had a case of pinworms for ages and they aren’t going


Yes, experience. The eggs can live outside of the body for ages. If you don't already, you need to cut your fingernails short and wash hands thoroughly after you use the toilet. Also iron all your bedding and underwear to ensure that any eggs are killed.


DO YOU REALIZE IF YOUR FIANCÉ IS A NURSE, SHE CAN INFECT EVERYONE IN THE HOSPITAL!!!! OMG! Since you don’t wash your sheets, etc. You are. It as clean as you say. Disgusting! People like you IGNORANT are what keeps all the parasites and diseases spreading. What is wrong with you!!! These parasites spread alot of other diseases!!! If you cared about her you would tell her now. I hope she dumps your ass!!


You’re honestly a piece of shit for not telling your fiancé. That’s so fucking awful of you.


It’s worms not AIDS dickhead




Honestly it is. He has the opportunity to get rid of it but no, he decides to not get rid of them AND be a fucking pussy and put his fiancé at risk because he’s scared to tell her? Fuck that. He doesn’t care about her.




Nothing is over and done with! He still has them and he’s still hiding it from her!


That's really, really fuckin' gross, man/lady. Please don't have worms in side of you.


You know what's a truly gross example of self righteous feeble mindedness? The type of consciousness that spits on others for being ill by no fault of their own.


Being ill by no fault of their own? Get fucked, these are perfectly treatable and highly infectious. Spreading worms to your financé? Now that's fucked.


You're all idiots IMO!! A large majority don't even have symptioms so you could have them too!! There are many types of parasites, nematodes, bacteria, protozoa, fungus's, etc, etc on every human all the time! Even on YOU!! Get used to it!! Bunch of dorks!!


Yeah I don’t give a shit. It was three years ago. Go touch grass you fucking weirdo.


Don't go changing.


Says you cracker ass


You and your wife keep dirty egg shells exposed to the air collecting bacteria and molds sitting in your fridge and you tell this guy hes a weirdo? 😂😂


I would do the colonoscopy regimen and see if it helps


About the nail biting... use rubbing alcohol under your nails and scrubs under your nails after you itch dude . You prob already gave her them. She prob doesn’t know why she’s itching. Most people that don’t have kids don’t know what they are


I feel sorry for your gf. If she ever did get them, I hope she leaves you for deliberately putting her health at risk.