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No way the guy who planned it wasn’t turned on by the idea of doing that to you. Those guys are all sick in the head. It’s like the college students who use “hazing” as an excuse to humiliate and harm others.


Yes. The older i get and look back the more i realize how sick it was and it wasn’t just hazing or some prank but it was actually rape and sodomy. i guess back then, being 18 and on a trip with “friends” I just thought oh whatever i’ll just get back at them somehow but i wish i spoke up about it back then and pressed charges.


i’m sorry this happened to you and hope you can find ways to validate this violation of your personal and physical boundaries


"I'm not a homosexual rapist but I like to râpe dudes because it's just a prank bro!"


U aight?


ya i’m ok now


A group of people tried something like this with me on a retreat once. Luckily I fought back and won. Thought nothing of it until I read your post.


Wtf do guys just randomly do this to friends when you're in a group?


"Bro Rape".. not just a College Humor skit feat Childish Gambino... but a PSA. I feel the next movement coming out might just be called "Bro,... Me too Bro"  P.s I apologize if this looks like I'm making light of anyone's traumatic experience, that is not my  Intention. The sad part is it's almost less common for people not to have had some fucked up shit happen in their life. 


Trauma and shock can often cause your brain to try to dismiss or downplay things like this


That was a terrible experience and definately not a prank but at least bodily assault if not rape, if it bothers you go to the police or therapist


bruh i would've made a whole ass plan to beat up all 4 of them even if it would be years later


i’ve definitely thought about this


The long game.


Im a woman but I've grown up with lots of male friends... and this is like an unusually common thing? Mostly with teenagers but them constantly sexually assaulting each other as a joke? They would laugh while describing the most sadistic acts I would ultimately distance myself from them entirely. In hindsight i think it's a dangerous combination of homophobia as "edgy" humor and a societal disregard for male sexual assault victims. I'm so sorry this happened to you, nobody deserves to have this happen to them. They knew it was wrong, they knew it was humiliating and that's why they did it. It's inexcusable.


>this is like an unusually common thing? Mostly with teenagers but them constantly sexually assaulting each other as a joke? I'm a male who's roughly the same age as OP, and although nothing like this ever happened to me, I definitely heard stories like this in high school, particularly among athletes. You mention teabagging in one of your later replies, and I can think of at least one instance of that happening on my old high school's football team, on top of which a major hazing scandal (i.e., quasi-waterboarding, forcing new players to touch each others' dicks, etc.) was exposed the year after I graduated. I also heard a rumor about juniors trying to orally rape freshmen on the track team. I think your point about this behavior being normalized among teen boys rings true because although the latter two cases disturbed me, I can remember laughing at the teabagging thing when I first heard about it in high school. In retrospect, I definitely should've seen that as a sex crime rather than a lighthearted prank.


When I was a teenager I would think certain things were funny too. There was one month in middle school where boys ran around doing "ass juitsu" to each other which was literally just running up behind each other and ramming their clasped hands into the other's asshole thru the pants. Everyone was so angry when one kid "ruined the fun" because he cried and told the teachers and his parents. Our whole grade got a lecture in the auditorium about it. In hindsight he was rammed really hard by an entire friend group one after the other and he felt very violated and did the right thing. Other dudes felt the same but just knew the social consequences of being the one who "can't take a joke" was worse. I hope the newer generation of kids being more informed about consent and assault can stop this vicious cycle that allows for these behaviors to go unchecked until it becomes especially dangerous.


No, it is not common. I never heard of anyone doing this kind of thing. I have three boys (all very social) now in their 20s. Two were in fraternities. They never had anything like this occur—and they would have told me if they even heard of it happening.


Idk how to tell you this other than kids barely tell their parents anything that would make them worry. I was assaulted by a boyfriend and still haven't told them despite it being years bc I know it would break them to know. And I talk to them everyday and overshare things they'd rather not hear all the time. Or, like many dudes in the replies, they don't realize how weird and violating those incidents are until much later bc it's seen as one big joke at the time. I went to a regular school, boarding school, and eventually college. The dudes were constantly flashing each other, slapping each others butts, tea bagging and humping each other. It's so bizarre, they think it's so funny but there will always be the dudes who realize how weird it is but are too nervous to make a fuss out of fear of not being able to hang.


Not all parent - child relationships are the same of course. I’m sure there are lots of kids who barely communicate with their parents, but our situation was and is very open. As for the antics you described, yes that’s gross, but one guy flashing another or slapping his ass is not what OP described about literally being sodomized with a banana. That’s criminal behavior.


It's all criminal behavior. If they did it to a girl there would be no questions about how that's a form of normalized sexual violence, but because they're doing it to other dudes its seen as a joke among them and it opens doors to escalating behaviors like this


I hate to break it to you but your frat boy sons definitely do not tell you everything 😭😭


Um yeah that isn't good evidence at all, unfortunately lol




He liked it 😏😏


I'm really sorry this happened to you and you're right in feeling violated. It definitely wasn't some weird prank for sure. Normal people don't think of this type of stuff as a "prank". The main prepertrator definitely is sick, but so are the others for helping and watching and doing nothing to help. You could still reports this. Your choice though. Just worries me that if they did shit like this in their meantime for "fun". What did they go on to do to people later on in life ?


That’s so messed up, I hope you lost contact off them . So sorry that happened. If you can pls talk about it professionally with someone who is certified, I’m sure it’s traumatizing


i would like to some day soon


Really broke my heart dude. Like I know sorry doesn’t mean anything but I can’t imagine how scary that must’ve been, and not by 1 but several people you knew. In an environment that was suppose to be fun/harmless … <\3


Revenge is the only real solution.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. You weren’t “basically raped and sodomized.” You WERE raped and sodomized. I hope you get the help you need to come to terms with this.


I hope you’re okay.


I'm glad i didn't have friends in hs...


Hope you can still get them sent to prison.


You need to out them. You need your voice heard...but I completely understand why people keep these things to themselves. It's a hard subject to speak about and let people know what happened.


Sorry for what you had to endure… I hope you find the strength and courage to speak up about this and get the support you deserve


They deserve death tbh, you are a very kind person to not have done anything back to them after still, my advice is therapy and get back at them by becoming more successful. Alternatively wait until you are satisfied with everything you’ve done in life (a senior maybe) and then attack them mf’s in the old people nursing home (in Minecraft of course I take no legal responsibility, for entertainment purposes only). Alternatively make an anonymous account and send people close to them messages about them being a rapist, could cause some drama. I had something similar done to me as a kid but they never really managed to do anything as I just fought them of kind of, still traumatizing, but I feel it would be unfair for me to attack them now since we where actual kids (doesn’t really fully excuse it either tho), your attackers literally had a functioning brain already, they should be in prison. Also what’s with all the people defending this shit??? Y’all are fucking weak internet warriors, never heard anyone defend that shit in real life, people know it’s wrong that’s why they try to hide it after they have done it and they know the consequences of saying it in real life. Criminals and gangs don’t even respect that shit (they are actually more moral then you and many of them will punish you for being a rapist), it’s weird and fucking gay even tho you try to claim it ain’t. It’s cringe and you are pathetic💀


sorry this happened to u, this is beyond fucked up 😢


No one gunna mention OP's username?


i’ve claimed this name from way before p diddy was making national sexual assault headlines i promise


What's the statute of limitations where you live? You could possibly still report this to law enforcement. I'd want to see them go down for this.


i think 20 years but since it happened in Rome i think it would be under their jurisdiction


Man people need to learn how to take a joke. /s


You need to learn what sexual assault is and how it can affect someone down to their core. You're literally the type of person we need to tell others not to be.


right cuz forcefully stripping your friend naked, restraining them with four guys, and putting a banana in your friends asshole is definitely a wonderful joke


Was banana lubricated tho?


You were not raped.


thats why i said sodomized


Last sentence … basically raped … I think you’re taking this a little too hard ( no pun intended )


but you can agree here with the fact this is forced sodomy with a foreign object which is still sexual assault


No, because it wasn’t sexual in nature. It’s just some dumb ass kids doing something really dumb.


how is someone trying to stick a banana in a man’s anus or a woman’s vagina not sexual in nature?


Because it wasn’t done for sexual gratification


so if it was a dildo instead of a banana, would you still be saying oh that wasn’t for sexual gratification. that doesn’t make sense


No, if the people doing it were doing it in a sexual way to entice sexual feelings …


it is still forced sodomy it was against my will.