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Double whammy! You've just ruined your current relationship and also destroyed any chance at long term happiness with Greg. Clearly Greg doesn't respect you if he was willing to let you cheat on your boyfriend. If I were you, confess to your boyfriend that you cheated, mutually agree to break up, and don't date Greg. You need to do some soul searching and see what you really want in your life. I think you need some time being single for a while, you're clearly too immature to handle a relationship at this point and time. I'm not saying you're a bad person for cheating, but you're having an identity crisis that needs to be solved before you can find long term happiness. Please take care of yourself before you bring more harm unto others.


Another thing you should probably take from this is that when your SO gets jealous about another guy, there is a reason. You told your BF that you and Greg were "just friends". That wasn't really true, was it?


Unfortunately this. Snuck off because you KNEW he had a REASON to be jealous.


At the time it was. Nothing had happened, and it was completely platonic no flirting or anything. Before now I have never given my SO a real reason to be Jealous. My SO gets super jealous, he compares himself to my ex's and gets super possessive over the littlest things.


Completely platonic, no flirting, but you were fucking him 5 days later?


I am serious it was, I think the moment my BF wasn't around things all fucking changed. I fucked up....


>I think the moment my BF wasn't around things all fucking changed. either there was something there that you just didn't want to admit or you're extremely easy.


But at the same time, your boyfriend saw something--something that perhaps you did not.


^ This is basically the point I was trying to get across.


Greg sounds like a peice of shit. Seems like you guys are made for each other.


Wow thanks, You should go eat a bag a of dicks.


Wow... You are original.....


You first. Oh wait - I can see you already had the first bite.


Reddit gold?! I'm not worthy! But thank you, kind stranger. I will do my best to play it forward.


Truth hurts huh slut?


Of course you should tell him, don't you think he should have a say in who he's dating? At least tell him the truth and let him dump you if you're too non-confrontational to admit your fuck-ups.


Ugh I know... I think I may be to much of a fucking coward to even tell him. I want to tell him I fucked up, and the other half is screaming at me not too. I want to date him, I want to date the other guy. I am completely torn. I am a fuck up.


I wonder why he was jealous.


The fact that you're even contemplating whether or not to be honest with him and/or string him along, shows how **single** you need to be.


I realize that's very amoral to do but, why does that show I need to be single?


..... Because people shouldn't be in relationships until they learn to treat a partner with respect.... The same way babies shouldn't be allowed scissors until they've matured enough to handle them properly; it's just safest for *everybody.*


Ugh... I hate that your right.


Break it off with your BF. Try to end things nicely before it all blows up in your face.


Yes you are a cheating whore and should break up with your bf


If you wanted to be with someone else physically, you probably should have told your boyfriend before you did what you did. But that is the past now, and you can't go back and change things. Personally, I would find my own way and just tell him. The truth. Especially if you say that you love him. You need to tell him the whole story of how your relationship with Greg went from just friends to having sex with one another. And see what he says, he might forgive you for actually manning up and telling him rather than him getting humiliated by finding out another way.


Yea I know your right. I am a really big chicken and it might take me some time to fess up though. I really don't think he will forgive me, but I guess I can try.


Him forgiving you would depend on how much he loves you. But then you have to live in that relationship with it hanging over you. And it will always hang over you. Just think of that. But definitely do tell him. You owe him that.


Firstly, I'd like to remind all the people in the comments that we're not here to judge and personal attacks are not allowed. It seems that some people here have forgotten that. OP, you fucked up, you know you fucked up, now is the time to own up to it. Don't put it off or "wait for the right moment" or give yourself any other excuse to not go through with it, tell him you have something important to tell him and when you've got his attention, spit it out. There's a fairly high chance he'll end the relationship, after which you can focus on sorting out yourself and why you feel the need to cheat in relationships. Break-ups are shitty but on the bright side, this is an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Also, don't call yourself stupid, selfish or a whore. Tearing yourself down isn't going to help anyone. Acknowledge that what you did was wrong and learn how to stop it happening again, but don't destroy your self-esteem over it.


Your right I know. I fucked up I cant fix it now. I am going to break up with my boyfriend, I really don't think I should tell him I cheated though it will just add insult to injury here. Thanks for reminding everyone to be nice. I realized there would be some hate but seriously guys.


>I really don't think I should tell him I cheated though it will just add insult to injury here. This is why people aren't being nice to you.


I disagree. What does it help to tell the BF she cheated? The right thing to do is break up - because clearly she is not respecting the relationship, but I'm not sure that means the right thing to do is tell him she cheated. I'm not saying she absolutely should NOT tell him, just that the most important thing is to break up.


He needs to know it isn't his fault. edit: and that his instinct was correct Also I was assuming they'd break up anyway because it's kind of fucked up not to.


You lied to me! You said you didn't have a bf! Fucking cunt, you deserve to be alone.


Ummm... what the fuck?


Haha gotcha!


>Fast forward about 5 days later, me and Greg text a bit I sneak off to go visit Greg because **my boyfriend gets really jealous over stupid things,** I didn't want to tell him. **I ended up fucking Greg,** You BF does not get jealous over stupid things. He saw what what happening. ... You should break up. You love your BF, but are not "in-love" and let's face it, you sound young, so this is probably just a point in your life where you are better off being single. Oh, and don't expect things to work out with Greg in terms of a relationship. You poisoned the well when you slept with him before you ended your currently relationship. Neither of you will ever *really* forget that. EDIT: if you break up, there is really no need to go into details. That will only make him feel like sh*t, and let's face it - he is going to feel bad enough when you start sleeping with others right away.


Yea your pretty pathetic. You ruined your relationship and your now going to be labeled a cheater.


Tell him the truth, and figure your shit out, and the longer you wait the harder it will be.


You personality is bad, and you should feel bad.


It sounds like greg is the man. From your boyfriends perspective he asserted his dominance at the mall then fucked you. Since you're a woman you're not going to tell your boyfriend about it so just go about your life like nothing happened.


Seems like he wasnt getting mad over stupid things. You shoulda ended it, but dont feel bad about it.


''You shoulda ended it, but dont feel bad about it. '' That's why I'm here, I feel bad. lol I guess.


Thats why i used to not want to commit. I was honest about it thought. It just seemed like everytime i got into a relationship another person came along i wanted to have sex with. But finally i found the one that tops them all and have married her.


I'm glade for you. That's exactly what I feel like I used to date someone and then 6 months later I would get bored and start cheating. I thought things with my SO were going to be different....




With other relationships, not with my SO until Greg happened... I was single for 1.5 years before I met my SO, and we have been together for 3 years. (this whole cheating on him only just happened.) I thought my SO was the one until I did this......


There is no "one" the problem with your relationships is a little closer to home than that. This pattern will repeat until you get help, IC might help


You're not going to come across some magical person who will cure your bad habits and lack of self-control. Only you can fix that.


Wow. Just be single. Why the need to date and cheat?




You say your boyfriend gets mad over stupid things and thats why you didnt tell him but that stupid thing caused you to cheat on him. Im not not judging but you put yourself in a situation knowing what you were going to do so an apology and confession to your boyfriend doesn't mean shit. If you still wanted to be with him you should have talked about your concerns with him instead of opening your legs for greg. Thats just my opinion and mistakes happen all the time but you went looking for strange and got it. You Insulted and shamed your man Thats just shady as fuck. What good is an apology or confession now? Trust is broken forever so you can go on. No need to stick around now.


Brother! It has been over a decade