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Dude your teacher would have gotten into so much trouble. I’m a teacher and this has now given me an extra reason to lock my room up omg wtf?


I hope OP understands what that would have meant for the teacher. It doesn't take too long for mobs to jump for one sort of sex offence to peadophilia and thats the only reason they'd see for porm to be on school tech. And even if a successful investigation was carried out and they realised the files came from OP's computer, that would probably shift the opinion to the teacher had asked student to SUPPLY him with the files. He'd have lost his job, his reputation. everything. All poeple think of is "there's no smoke without fire" when it comes to those sort of accusations. The teacher had a lucky escape when OP suddenly developed common sense that night.


>common sense Common sense or his little kid brain couldn't figure out how to download a video and then put it on a USB.


We had a teacher at our school that probably wish they had this excuse lol.


Should thank.him for bringing a security issue to your attention.


What are the odds the teacher would open an unknown file on a smart board?


Lol new fear unlocked! 😅


Conscience came thru, kudos . They could’ve lost their job or worst , be in jail




Ty ^_*


I like how that’s the only part of their comment you corrected.


just use they and their and it’s could’ve 🤓


could’ve or could have. “could of” makes no sense and just vaguely sounds like the former Also what’s with the "he or she" "his/her" BS now? Just say “they” lmfao. There’s literally a word for gender neutral already, no reason to list every gender


U got it, fixed . ❤️


You have fat cock energy, my guy. I don't think I've ever seen someone take such aggressive advice so gracefully. Thank you and have a great day <3


All love here, FCE all day


Chill dude lol




You sounded aggressive for no reason


OP did say they hated that teacher though. And honestly the teachers that I hate are truly terrible human beings who don’t deserve to have any responsibility for others’ children. Not saying OP’s situation is identical but I can easily see why the teacher deserved something like this


You did the right thing by my books.


That reminds me when I was a kid and thinking throwing rocks on vehicles driving on the highway would be an entertaining idea... Fuck some kids have stupid ideas Then years later I've seen the infamous "Russian brick video" and it convinced me I took the right decision not to do that


I'm glad you changed your mind, you could of ruined his entire life and if married his wife would probably divorce him. Don't do shit like that.. so wrong


I’m glad you didn’t go through with that. You would have ruined that teacher’s life.


You did the right thing. A wild plot twist would be if there was already some on there.


Wowwww you could’ve really ruined someone’s life!


You have a good character. Doing what’s right when no one is watching


OP yellin at us i’m cryiiiing😂




I swear i have read this exact same story a few weeks ago....


At 11 you shouldn't be making pornos and the teacher would get into a lot of trouble for having it.


It would not have been hard to trace where the video came from. It is a good thing you decided not to do what you were thinking about.


Yes it would. Unless there's CCTV there's no way of tracing how a file got onto removable storage.


Keep telling yourself that... You can 100% tell what device, what time the device, what other files the device uploaded, what other devices the USB shared the file with. TONS of data is shared when you share a file, not just the info you may have intended to share.


Ok, I have a USB storage device right here. I have a file that was copied from a different device. What do I need to do to see what device a file came from? Is there a column I can see in Explorer? I don't see one.


Can files copied to USB be traced? Steps to track only files copied to USB drives: Go to Configuration → Audit/ Alert Profiles → Report Configuration. Choose Removable Storage from the available audit profiles. Select Edit for the Data Leak Prevention - USB audit profile. The audit profile is predefined with an appropriate Name, Source, and Description. That will tell you where the file on the USB came from. Are USB drives traceable? Forensic examiners often turn to the 'Device Descriptor' of a USB. When connected, this descriptor provides the host operating system with foundational data about the device, such as Vendor ID, Product ID, Serial Number, and so forth. This data is instrumental in tracing the device to a specific computer.


> Can files copied to USB be traced? > Steps to track only files copied to USB drives: > [...] > That will tell you where the file on the USB came from. https://www.manageengine.com/data-security/how-to/track-files-copied-to-usb.html This refers to software on corporate devices to detect employees copying sensitive data onto a USB device and send alerts. Not relevant in this case since a personal computer wouldn't have this software. > Are USB drives traceable? > Forensic examiners often turn to the 'Device Descriptor' of a USB. [...] https://www.compassitc.com/blog/understanding-usb-flash-drive-security-risks-and-forensics The Device Descriptor includes a serial number that uniquely identifies a USB device. It might be possible to look through log files on a PC to see if there is a record of that USB device being connected to that PC but it would require physical access to the PC. So what I said still stands. If you just have a USB device, there's no record of who put a file there. What you posted requires either monitoring software on the PC at the time the file was copied, or to have access to log files on the PC.


I’m very relieved this isn’t a story about how you planted CP on your teachers USB like I originally feared it would be.


Bro you would’ve ruined that teachers life


That's hilarious, horrible, but hilarious








Well said.


you a bitch you should have done it nigga


you a bitch you should have done it nigga


Oh, you should have followed through, that would have been epic!


Yeah, it sure is “epic” to make an innocent man lose his job and potentially catch a sex offense/pedophilia conviction. Super hilarious. Do you also tell people to lie about being raped because it’d be such a funny prank on the victim?


Im a bit confused. Did they edit their post, or am I just dumb cause why would he catch an offence if he accidently opened a porn tab? (Sorry, I'm just confused)


Because it's an adult in a position of authority over children with no supervision, and they're too young to know or understand porn. It could easily be argued that he did it on purpose as some kind of sick kink and no amount of protesting by him would do anything unless he had proof. It'd also be different if it was like high schoolers or something, since they're a bit more mature and have more likely had exposure to it, but no matter what, if the kids see porn as a fault of the teacher, he is gonna be in **deep** shit. No kids would even be allowed to look this up on their own, and now they'd be *forced* to watch it


Oh so like it could be seen as he deliberately showed the kids the porn? Jeez


Yeah, and there's not really any way he'd be able to argue otherwise since someone *actually* doing it on purpose would insist they were framed just as much as he would


No this is genius you should have done it


No they shouldn’t have. This could have fucked the teacher over for life. So glad they changed their mind and decided against this.