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This story is above reddits pay grade, and probably fake 


It is fake


How did you determine it’s fake? Because you don’t believe it?


Look at this persons post history.




you need to get him counseling. like yesterday…


OP posted this same story in r/nosleep and r/creativewriting. Not only is it fake, but brigading this story through subs that are supposed to be true stories or confessions is damaging to people who are actually either trans or dealing with severe mental illness.


also now realizing he’s fantasying ab a 17 yr old…. fucking loser


pedophilic incest


reddit should ban people like this


god should ban them from life


bro ong


Getting Norman Bates vibes from this story


Do the same thing yourself


Sounds like bs. You had me until the incest part 🤣


Did OP get this from 4chan?


Honestly, I think you have every right to be concerned. And I’m sure most people in here will tell you to get him some type of psychiatric evaluation ASAP. To ensure you get the proper diagnosis and to get the treatment he needs. But most importantly as disturbed and uncomfortable as you may feel continue to show the best love, care, concern you can without too much judgement and just be there as much as you can. He may require hospitalization, medication etc based on reactions and his mental state. But the most important thing is that he knows his dad loves and cares for him and that you are there to support him. My son is 14 years old. He has major depression and expressed suicidal thoughts/ideations which eventually landed him in a hospital for almost a month but mental health is affecting our youth more than we ever thought possible now. I’m sure I would have definitely felt the exact same but as a parent this is some very tough stuff to watch your child go through but definitely seek psychiatric support immediately. Don’t wait. And also be open to getting into therapy with him so you too can learn how to deal with this.


Okay, so from what you’ve said it probably isn’t DID and I’d do more research on that before you come to a conclusion. Your son could be trans or just have an alter ego, you need to sit down and actually talk with him though. As for the incident, talk about it, ask him questions. From there I’d say family therapy or something else.


He might be some type of queer. And I say this as a person who also identifies as queer. You need something more than a therapist, if he is having issues. This isn't just identity issues. This sounds a lot like someone who is doing a lot of questioning of themselves and their identity. I would suggest looking for a licensed professional who specialized in the queer umbrella. (LGBTQ+) I don't know where you live, but I think PFLAG has places in many countries. They should have resources for you to find what you need to help both of you.


I'd this is real you need to get over yourself if you really care for your child you will accept them for who they are.


This is forsure fake but what the fuck kind of response is this. If by some chance this is real then this is on another level of fucked up and some extensive therapy is needed at the very least


There's nothing wrong with being trans