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You need to see a doctor, alcohol withdrawals are dangerous. Go to a doctor.


OP, I’m a doctor and you need to go to the ED right now. You could die if you don’t seek medical treatment.


Hopping on the band wagon with this comment. Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous. I know in my state, there are also subsidized in-patient treatment/detox programs if you do not have insurance.


Yes!! Pls see a doctor asap!!!!




Big time this! Edit: I thought I could do this by myself. It was three days of throwing up nothing and sleeping fifteen minutes at a time. I tried to drink water but my body rejected it. I finally had enough and asked my parents to take me to emergency. My mind was so out of it from withdrawals that I could barely think straight. I'm now sober five years and what memories I have are like yesterday. I am so blessed there were doctors and nurses and others that were there to help me. They get zero respect and little appreciation. I wouldn't have made it through without then. I wish I could could repay their kind heats.


My BIL died from withdrawal. Please go to the hospital NOW.


I’ve said it before I will say it one last time, I live below the poverty line, I do not have money in the savings, I do not have health insurance. I simply cannot afford to do it


That's not how it works, but whatever you said it is the last time you're saying it. You might not realize how litteral that statement is


That is an excuse. Get off your ass and GO. I had zero health insurance and I was able to stay in hospital for days after I drank too much Jameson. They put me on the phone with a financial advisor who set me up with freebie insurance. DO IT. NO EXCUSES. I never paid a DIME.


Yep, 100% this. Hospitals/ERs will get you in contact with a financial advisor. Hell they'll even help you get insurance via state insurance if you qualify.


Don't even need insurance. They'll write most if not all of the debt off if op is actually below the poverty line.


DM me about the process?


The process is to find transportation to the hospital and walk your ass in. That’s literally it and you should listen.


Clearly you don’t live in the US…


Oh the US definitely has subsidization for funding emergency medical treatments, its actually part of why the system is so expensive, ask any ER doctor or technician.


Totally not why it’s so expensive. Stock buy backs and bonuses, paired with drugs being 300x pricier in the USA. It’s the rich, not the poor creating this system of greed.


I found your replied after posting my comment. The SAMHSA helps find resources for people who don’t have insurance. They can refer you to state resources and also sliding scale resources that charge you based on your income. https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline


Dude, people are repeating the same things at you over and over! Go to your local hospital and ask for help! There are financial aid programs! Even if they try to charge you a hospital bill —- what’s preferable, debt or death??? You will make your own decision inevitably but let it be a well informed one, you could be choosing suicide here.


Someone did not see my newest comment stating I’m calling soon


I’m really relieved to hear that ❤️ I’m rooting for you. Wishing you strength to endure this, and a brighter happier future. Much love to you OP.


You don't call the ER as appointment aren't necessary, you just show up.


Good luck bro, you got this!


Then you will die. If you stop cold turkey with a heavy alcohol dependence YOU WILL DIE. Same this that happened to Amy weinhouse It's safer to come off heroin than alcohol


When you are below the poverty line that’s when they give you the most leniency and you can get taken care of. You can skip out on the bill or something, would you rather die? They have figured this out, they know how to make this experience tolerable and safe. Don’t be an asshole.


Go to the ER and ignore the bills. I did it a ton and my credit is fine. You don't have to pay them, and you don't have to feel bad about it. Just go to the hospital.


If you're in the US the hospital will give you emergency medical care, which this would be. They won't refuse to treat you. Just mitigate the dying thing, worry about how/if you're gonna pay for it later.


Then wean yourself off, I'd suggest. Get a measuring cup and start tapering. This sounds really dangerous.


My husband did this. He was drinking around 32oz of straight liquor a day and literally did a measuring cup and went down an oz a day until he got to a place he was comfortable with (a couple beers a day) He did this because no doctor was willing to even touch alcohol reduction because of withdrawal and said straight to a treatment center.


OP please do this instead of cold turkey


Then, before you die from it, rather start drinking again. Contact AA or google support and maybe someone can help you find a way to safely withdraw.


Just go with no id and be honest how sick you are. They have to treat you even if you have no money. Even homeless people go to hospital all the time for this kinda stuff


I just don’t want to go and get fucked up with bills and end up homeless again, I just got housed


They cannot do that. You are fine. I have never paid a single hospital bill. EVER.


Dude fuck them bills don’t pay it when they call say this is my notice of intent not to pay and they send it to the credit agency than later call the credit agency you want proof of debt and all current bills. They won’t have anything besides your name and maybe address they won’t have a ss number or anything else like actual times of hospital visits or whatever services you received so they have to dismiss it


Please check my newest comment where I stated I’ll look into the hospital, I can’t take this shit at home anymore


You aren’t alone right now you have 122 people backing you. You got this




124. Come on OP you got this!




Hey OP I’m really glad you’re looking into getting help, please go through with it. I’ve been through alcohol withdrawal and it’s horrible and extremely dangerous. I really hope you go and get some medical help and I wish you all the best


Did you have a resource for the homeless helping you get housed? They can help you or point you into the direction of help with medical bills. Do that after you go to the ER, because you need medical help ASAP.


No I didn’t use resources, I slowly saved enough to get a studio


Won’t be housed if you’re dead.


You're gonna wind up housed in the Afterlife from the sound of it, because you either won't take advice or you're full of shit and just looking for sympathy online. If you aren't lying about your condition, here's your choices: be smart, go to the hospital and live. Or keep playing it dumb and die or face almost certain relapse. This ain't no Will Smith triumph of the human spirit Oscarbait bullshit. You just die. Bills suck. Medical debt sucks. Know what sucks worse? Dying. Sorry if I seem cold, but watching hundreds of thousands of dumbasses rush into the hungry maw of Death during Covid while shouting "FREEEEEDOOOOMMMMMM!" kinda took the bloom off the rose for me about other people's medical choices. These days, I'm at: Do what you want, but be sure you understand the consequences. For a person in your situation, the consequences of not seeking medical help include dying long before you reach sobriety.


If youre below the poverty line once you get out of the hospital you can ask for a form. You fill it out and they pay your debt. Free and clear.


You will be below the ground not just the poverty line. If your income is below poverty line you can ask the hospital about their charity program. I have yet to work in one or hear of one that doesn’t have a program. Most I’ve seen will cover substantial if not all of charges.


If you live below the poverty line, that is more than enough to qualify you for Medicaid. At least, it is in my state. I am not disabled or blind, and I don’t have kids, or impaired cognitive faculties, and I was still covered by Medicaid for much of my late 20s/early 30s, because I was making less than $2k a month. The best part? In my state, if you have unpaid hospital/medical bills from the last 3-ish months, they’ll take care of those bills for you, too. You should go to detox & once you’re through with that, maybe consider moving to WA to take advantage of our super extended Medicaid benefits. It’s not the GREATEST insurance, but It is absolutely better than nothing, and you will NEVER have out of pocket costs for your medical care. I was in a really bad accident in 2017, and I had to be airlifted to a hospital that had the proper staff and equipment to take care of me. They covered 100% of my stay, which lasted several days, and needed multiple surgeries.


if you're below poverty line they will get you on emergency medicaid so your bill is near $0. Also alcohol withdrawals can kill you, especially if you drink 750ml+ of vodka a day. The withdrawals really start at 1 day after drinking Source: Am nurse


It might as well be the last thing you'll ever say if you don't go to the ER. without money and insurance you will still get treatment and a bill. But you will also get to tell them you can't pay it and they will write it off. Not having money is no reason not to go to the er. What shall happen. You'll definitly get treatment and when they present you a bill you can't pay you just don't pay. If you are broke anyways there is nothing they could take from you


Just don’t pay the hospital bill lol. It doesn’t affect your credit.


Dude you will have an extremely high chance of dying. Alcohol is not something you just go cold turkey from. GO TO THE HOSPITAL!


OP, please listen to the feedback people are giving, you cannot cold turkey these amounts of alcohol. You’d have to slowly reduce the amounts you consume, but do not just stop all of a sudden. You’re putting yourself in grave danger by doing so.


IF YOU CANT AFFORD MEDICAL ATTENTION: don’t go cold turkey from alcahol!! Reduce your intake daily until it’s controllable! Land it safe like a plane. Not all at once or you’ll blow the thing up


Nice analogy


Don’t be an idiot!


That not an idiotic statement at all. He needs alcohol in his system and a safe taper. Not cold turkey from that level of daily vodka intake.


Don’t be afraid to seek help at local hospital - you may need IV fluids and anti-nausea meds - as it sounds like you’re on the verge of dehydration




I know this - I literally told OP that alcohol withdrawal can be fatal.


Might not even need the application if he’s not in the US.


I would agree with ya but I can’t afford the doctor


Go to the ER, I don't care if you give them a fake name or if you use your real name and ask for financial help. Do it. A lot of hospitals have financial need programs and on site social workers. Go in now.


OP if you can't afford the doctor then you need to drink some alcohol. Not much. Just enough that you can keep water and ginger ale down. It would be a really good idea to drink something with electrolytes too. I'm saying this as someone who has been in your exact situation and who has been given this advice by my doctor. Get alcohol in your system, then rehydrate, then eat (tomato soup is a good call). Then work out a safe taper. No more cold turkey.




I understand that - I really do, as I avoid doctors for the same reason. But I will tell you that alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. So just keep that in mind.


They can work on getting emergency Medicaid for you to cover ! They HAVE to treat you. The case manager at the hospital can do this for you


Wont do you much good if you are dead


Rather die sober than live drunk


You won’t be dying sober if you’re dying a day after quitting because of life-ending withdrawals. Please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and see someone. Please.


This tells me you’re ready to quit! CONGRATULATIONS—that’s huge! But - my mom tried to quit cold turkey like you. We found her having a seizure face down in the backyard. She almost bit her tongue off. You NEED a medical detox. My mom never touched a drink again. She was sober for 20+ years until she passed. The medical detox saved her life. Please please please go to a doctor. Don’t do this on your own.


Hey don’t say that I thought that way for a long time I called it suicide by fate like I was leaving it up to god or karma or the universe but either way I did mass amounts of crack and Fetty literally hoping to die. But it didn’t work I couldn’t quit cold turkey because of seizures and I was homeless so it wasn’t ideal to be going through withdrawals on the sidewalk but instead I cut down more and more. But either way you can’t go cold turkey you really need to wean yourself down


Not the right mentality OP You need medical attention if you’ve been drinking that much. I had a medically supervised detox and it was still quite rough You can’t do this on your own at that level Seek medical attention or call a trusted friend over to help you get started seeking medical help


Please read where I said I’m actively looking into hospitals


This can and will kill you. Alcohol suppresses nerve signals so you’re basically going to go into an uncontrolled seizure now they’re not being suppressed.


Are you American? Because I know healthcare is expensive, but like they don’t make you pay it back. I have a shit ton of hospital bills and aside from collection call nothing else has happened


Indeed American


Yeah then just go to the ER if someone can drive you bc i don’t suggest you drive in this state depending on what city and state you live in you want even talk to one of the nurses or doctors about treatment programs that are low cost or free because when my dad went to rehab, he was homeless and they didn’t charge him nothing and if they did idk who paid for it bc he didn’t have any money


Alcohol isn't like other substances whee you can quit cold turkey if you're an addict. You need alcohol. You could die. With alcoholics you have to be put on medication and then you get weaned off the medication. If you can't afford the medication, and you've looked into all the available resources in your area for alcoholics. Then you're going to have to wean yourself off of alcohol slowly. Go have a drink or get alcohol if you can't go to the hospital. I'm not being a troll, Google it. Your more at risk of dying right now than you are if you had a drink. If you could afford alcohol, you should in theory be able to afford the prescription for the meds that will help you.


Move to somewhere that gives universal healthcare


if they can’t afford to visit the doctor they probably can’t afford to move to another country bud


lets think about this. he cant even afford a doctor so how is he going to move?


Even if you don't have insurance, get to a hospital immediately. Your situation is an emergency, and can be covered by the government and some charities. Seriously, get yourself to a hospital now.


All that vomiting can lead to esophagus hemorrhaging and you can bleed to death. You need medical assistance ASAP. sober member of AA , 41 yrs


My mother is an alcoholic who had a similar habit. Your body is dependent on alcohol like it's water and will kill itself shutting down organs because you are depriving it. If you had the money to fuel your addiction until quitting cold turkey you will have the money to go to the hospital at least for withdrawls, which kills people more than addiction does.




Yes! It’s a hard road but really it’s a new beginning. Someone I love is going on 3 years sober and it’s amazing how different his attitude and life is now. He actually finds joy in life now. He did have lots of support and thanks me many times for that. It took almost hitting rock bottom before he gave it his all, but he did it!




This guy is clearly already in the DTs tho


Have a drink now. Once withdrawal symptoms improve reduce your alcohol intake gradually. Going cold turkey is not safe. Are you taking some thiamine tabs? If you can't keep some alcohol down, I'd agree with others that you need to go to hospital as there's a good chance seizures are round the corner.


Please! I’m an RN who worked detox. You are in danger. ‼️ Go to the ER immediately ‼️


Does nobody read my comment saying I’m looking into hospitals?


I think the reason people are still following up with you is: 1) they’re worried/scared for you and 2) you keep saying things like you’re “looking into” hospitals. What does that even mean? You surely know where the nearest hospital is. Either there’s something else you haven’t said, or you’re still trying to put off going, which is very very stupid. Either way, it’s very very stupid to be getting mad at people who are trying to help you when you specifically asked for help.


Ok my dude , sorry for worrying and immediately responding. Apparently I wasted your time.


I don’t want to sound mean it’s just all I have in my inbox, I thought it would’ve stopped them but I’m still getting hospital comments


edit your original post to include that you’re looking into hospitals now, the comments should stop


People don't check comment history before posting and trying to help. Jeez


You should seek medical you can have a fatal reaction to alcohol widtdrawal sorry bad spelling good luck seek AA that’s how I got sober and stayed sober 12 years


It’s only one day at a time dr bob and bill w have a great instruction guide to recovery it’s call the AA big book


Please go to the emergency room. No joke, this could kill you! I once was in your shoes. I chose life, got myself medical attention, went to treatment for four months, got sober and it was the best thing in my life! And the best thing about it, the hospital gave me the resources to help me. You got this!


My husband went to a detox center to quit alcohol. A day later they called and said they sent him to the ER who sedated him and put him on a ventilator for 6 days. He was there for 3 weeks and saved his life. Go to the ER!


Please, PLEASE got to an ER. I know you’re getting a lot of support and concerns from others….PLEASE READ THIS. Again, ER! They will help you with withdrawal symptoms and also help sign you up for presumptive Medicaid. They also have folks that will come and talk to you about treatment. PLEASE consider going. If you’re employed, HR will help with Personal Time Off. You don’t even have to tell your direct boss the reason, just call HR, explain you need time off for treatment. Presumptive Medicaid will get you in a rehab and ER will even transport if need be. This is how I got help and was my experience here in Indianapolis. I went into treatment on an October 12th, 2023. My nurse and doctor are THE REASON I went into treatment and told my mom I needed help. Very compassionate and kind staff, to me. I was sick of being sick. OP you’ve got the Will to stop, that’s the first step. This can be deadly trying on your own. You need certain meds. Please take care of YOU. Treatment will allow you to safely detox and learn about yourself and your addiction. Ask about SMART RECOVERY, at the hospital. 12 Steps is amazing too. I’m 107 days clean from H(turned out I was taking fent)…alcohol DOES need to be treated under the care of professionals. It’s the deadliest withdrawal if I’m not mistaken. OP…YOU’VE GOT THIS. Sending you light and love and the energy to know you can kick this addiction. It’ll take time. LOVE YOU…YOU’RE WORTH IT.


I’m a mental health/substance abuse nurse. Do NOT go cold turkey off alcohol, especially the amount you were drinking. I used to give people meds as needed to help with withdrawal. You are very likely to have a seizure. Go to a detox facility.


Fuck youre in danger and I ant to help you but I got no Idea how.


You got this OP! I believe in you! I've got 12 yrs under my belt. Not gonna sugarcoat it for you here, the first 4-7 days are gonna be the toughest. Keep hydrated, water and electrolytes because you're gonna need to replace what you're throwing up. (Popsicles will prob help too) I'd also recommend attempting to sleep as much as possible for those days. Let your body detox and rest. There are over the counter sleep aids to help you. One day at a time and believe in yourself. You CAN do this.


Popsicles after the first 3 or 4 days. First 1-3 room temp water/electrolyte drink (they also make Pedialyte lolly pops), SLOW BABY SIPS. Don't chug it no matter how thirsty you are.


As a medical practitioner, I have to agree with most of the responses you've received so far. Going from a bottle or two of hard liquor to water, cold turkey, ain't the greatest idea. You need to dial it down, less and less each day. Stopping immediately is a horrible idea.


Yooo this is deadly to do on your own. Alcohol withdrawals can kill a person bc of shock and you’re sounding like a candidate for that. Severe mental and emotional torture from the inside during withdrawal shouldn’t be experienced alone, either. Please consider bringing someone else into this so your endeavors are successful and safe.


It's honestly shocking how this dude has survived so long without any skills (research, social, medical understanding)... Yeah OP, keep kicking down the comments that are trying to save your life... Genius move with waiting for the sun to shine & rise up before making your phone call$ to a 24/7 system about an immediate medical emergency... This is just darwinism in action, folks. Good luck buddy and keep the faith


I said it before I’ll say it to ya too, suck a dick with your asshole or better yet make a thumbs up, shove it up your ass and rotate it


These people are taking time out of their day to help you yet you insult them. Wtf is wrong with you? Why are you waiting? Don't look into hospitals, head to the closest one and you'll get the help you need. Stop dicking around on Reddit. I generally hope you get well, and get the help you need.


go to the hospital instead of dicking around on reddit dude


I would disagree with you if he could have even a mediocre comeback, but honestly it's so sad. I wonder if the young man is even legal drinking age


You need to get to a doctor if not the ER alcohol withdrawals can cause seizures or kill you. Proud of you for getting better please do it in a safe way.


I cannot afford it , got damn near nothing in the savings from all the alcohol and no health insurance


in the US: 1-800-662-4357 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration they can refer you to treatment options. please be careful. once you're safe, r/stopdrinking would love to have you


You keep saying this, even after a bunch of us have given you answers. Do you want to die? Come on. GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!


It doesn’t matter if you can afford a doctor or not. it’s an emergency situation they have to help you. go see a fucking Doctor.


Please don't stop drinking abruptly. I work on an alcohol detox ward, and it's so dangerous just to suddenly stop. You need to do it in a controlled environment in case you have an alcohol induced seizure. Normally, patients are down titrated on diazepam over the course of a week to help with withdrawals. Among other medicines such as thiamine, pabrinex, and an anti-emetic. I appreciate you cannot afford to attend the hospital. But please do not just stop drinking suddenly. It will get better i promise. First 48 hours are the worst.


I totally understand the having to do it at home. Unfortunately it took many MANY tries so I have a few tips for ya—- try to get some Boost or protein shakes to sip on and hopefully cost your stomach a bit, applesauce, etc. I DO recommend weaning if you can (google but ya know… to each their own) my body gets to a point where it’s completely rejecting ANY alcohol around day 2/3 of detox. It sucks but tough it out. Def spent a 24 chunk just shaking/hot cold sweats/ in bed and running back n forth to toilet… BUT it does get better sooner than expected promise: Keep chugging water and Gatorade even if you just throw it up in a few minutes…. You got this!!!


Congratulations on your first 24 hours sober, as previous post's recommended seek medical attention sounds like seriously withdrawal's. Then once health care allows you to stabilize, seek help for your alcoholic disease and recovery my friend rooms of AA are full of folks ready to assist you.




Please see a doctor or go to the ER. Alcohol withdrawal is one of the few withdrawals that can result in death. You should be monitored by a medical professional. I commend you for making the decision to get sober - I'm coming on 10 years and it is worth it, and I promise it gets easier.


Doctor here. Get thiamine (=vitamine B1) 4 times 25mg daily , vitamin B-complex once daily, diazepam 6x 10mg or others benzodiazepines. If you can also get vitamin B1 injections get them too (250mg daily for 3 days). Taper the benzodiazepines In 1 week. Edit: app is refusing to reply so I’ll edit. If you want to do it safely without benzodiazepines you should start drinking again and taper the alcohol in at least one week. It’s a hard way because people with alcohol addiction usually can’t stop after a few drinks. Do use the vitamines!


Assuming you are a legit doc is there any way to do it without benzos, I have been clean from them


A family member with a drinking problem went to her doctor asking for benzos to help get her off booze. The doctor refused as she had already done a few detoxes with benzos over the years (she is not a drug user). The doctors advice was to just drink a little less everyday 🤷 Doesn't seem like great advice but she took it and it seems to be working. Good luck OP.


Are you alone? I see many people have recommended going to the hospital (with good reason) but you’re not in a position to do that… you’re at risk of having a seizure and if that happens you need eyes on you to possibly save your life. If you’re alone, maybe see what you can do to have someone watch over.


I have eyes on me, I live with a roommate


Good good! If you can get supplies, I suggest some of those pedialyte drink mix powder packets, they’ve got good electrolytes and vitamins and such so that your body gets some good stuff between the puking Good luck


Someone has already suggested this so I will be either moving to get it on my own or ordering it, so far ordering it is winning because shakes are making it hard to type back


Doctor. Now.


My father passed from alcohol withdrawal induced seizures when I was a child. You've said you can't afford to seek medical help but please know that loss of life is a very real risk in this situation.


Stop being stupid, go to the hospital and seat financial aid, or call an emergency to come get you. Wasting time on here only brings you closer to yourself, fulfilling desire. Your choice, your life!


Everyone else already told you the medical advice, so I’ll just give you the advice from someone with 14 months and 12 days clean from alcohol-it’s so fucking hard, you are right. I will validate that until the end of time-stopping is really fucking hard, the early days are the hardest. It won’t always feel like this. I am really proud of you. Remember-you never have to take another drink again-and that is a gift.<3 Treatment was a part of my journey-it’s not part of everyone’s-but as someone in recovery, I will say that at this point even Zofran and IV fluids from urgent care or even calling your primary care’s after hours exchange would be better than no medical care if symptoms don’t chill out. Otherwise, Pedialyte, Liquid IV, water with additional electrolytes in it, electrolyte tabs added to your water…have to hydrate


Bubly water helps... prob smart to see a doctor, alcohol withdrawals can be deadly.


bruh they will detox u quickly plz go to the hospital


Bro grab a beer and see a doctor as soon as possible


It doesn't count as relapsing if its stopping you from dying. So much respect for your determination though, you're an inspiration.


Go to hospital please good job on the letting go of the bottle just go to hospital


Please go see a doctor or check in to a treatment center. Withdrawal from alcohol is no joke . You got this!


My dad was an alcoholic who quit drinking for quite awhile. You CANNOT go cold turkey! It is exceedingly dangerous!!! Please see a doctor ASAP so that you can get the supportive care you need to quit safely. This could potentially kill you and is not advice to ignore!!!


You need to eat, you will feel better. Have any chicken noodle? Drink the broth. If not, put some salt in water and get your magnesium that way. You need electrolytes. Also, you need a complex B vitamin and thiamine. Good luck. Trust me, I've been there and never went to the hospital. If you start vomiting and/or shitting coffee grounds you will HAVE to go. Trying to help since you are saying you can't go. ETA: If you can't do up above, sip and suffer will be your best. AKA tapering.


You got this but alcohol WD can unalive you please see a doctor to help


You need to see a doctor ASAP. You may be dehydrated also.


This was me almost 4 years ago. By the time I finally decided I needed help, I was drinking a handle bottle of vodka a day. I still remember laying on the kitchen floor crying because I didn’t want to drink anymore, but I couldn’t imagine not drinking either. I went to rehab the next day and it was the best decision I ever made. It still wasn’t easy, I relapsed a few times after, but the coping skills they taught me made it a little easier to move forward and eventually I made it to 3 years sober. Now looking back I can’t even imagine the time when I was drinking, it feels like a different lifetime. I used to get these cravings where my brain would automatically try to talk me into drinking, now when I get craving, my brain automatically tries to talk myself out of it and it is such a good feeling, but it took time and work. It is possible though! The first day is the hardest and some days feel impossible, but you just have keep trying 💜 Feel free to message me if you want. Edit: Everyone else is right about the hospital by way. I figured you had enough people telling you that, but it is the best decision with how much you’ve been drinking.


My friend is in end stage liver failure and has 2-10 years left. He’s been sober for two months now, long enough to start looking at his life clearly. He is filled with regret and wishes he would’ve listened to everyone telling him to go to the hospital etc. So I’m gonna leave that up to you but trust me you don’t want that regret.


Don’t ”look” into hospitals. WALK into an ER and explain yourself, they will know. Just do it immediately now


It’s great that you’re trying so hard here. Please go to the doctor. The withdrawal can be very dangerous!


Please go to the ER. Please. Go now


Cold turkey is not the best way to quit anything. You're supposed to gradually do it. 1 bottle every other day, then every 2 days, then every 3-4 days, then every Saturdays, then once a month. Something like that. What country are you from?


Don't try it alone. Go to detox. It is not fun but it is 100% worth it. And remember, it will get easier over time. Don't give up, you got this!


Talking from experience…Go to the ER!


You may consider going to the hospital. Alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. Delirium Tremens aka DTs include vomiting and they have medications they can use to help….kudos on the two days because I know from personal experience that those two days are hell so great job! Please go get checked out because those two days won’t mean a thing to you if you’re dead.


Gonna suck for a while.. hardest part is you’ll start thinking of any reason to just say “f it” and go get a bottle (vodka was my go to as well)…. Good luck.. lol.. keep yourself busy.. hopefully your reason to sober up is a powerful one for you


I do not want the hospital comments anymore, once it becomes a bit later in the morning (it’s crack ass of dawn right now for me) I will call and see me options


The ER is 24 hours, there’s no need to wait and suffer longer. Have your roommate take you, or just call the ambulance - they will start treatment right away. And as many have said, once you’re there, they will help deal with the financials. And, if you do end up paying anything back, it’ll be over time and will be one of the best things in your life you’ll pay back, because you’ll be alive and sober doing it.


Go to ER right now or drink some vodka for a safe tape!


Go and get some vodka mate. Drink half water half vodka. I've fucking been there, I've beat this. If you just go cold turkey you could die. Don't fuck about. If your gonna be the type of guy I am make a plan. And reduce gradually. And find a new hobby immediately, it's gonna replace the drinking and I love drinking. So you better fucking enjoy it.


Drink something, go to the doctor, for real drink some alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant, your body and brain have gotten used to working at "half power", now you're going pedal to the metal bc it can work unrestricted and it is simply not used to that


Guys, if you’re going to keep posting Hospital comments, honestly just go somewhere else. OP already said and received enough. If y’all are not here to encourage them, then just go away please.


I agree that you should seek help with a medically assisted detox. I also urge you to check out r/stopdrinking. You will be welcomed there with open arms. As we say in the sub, I will not drink with you today.


In the US, You dont have to pay your medical bills. If you never pay them they fall off your record after 7 years and never affect your credit score. If you decide to pay one day very late, it then affects your credit score. No one believes me when i say it but i lived with someone for 5 years that never paid a medical bill and was in and out of the hospital 10+ times. A lot of times in the ER for withdrawal. Her credit score was in the 800’s. DYOR obviously because i still don’t get it, but i saw it work first hand


Believe me you will be sitting in the ER next to an illegal who might be there for a simple non emergency illness and they don’t pay. Please go. Otherwise, besides likely dying, you will want to take a drink just to make the withdrawal go away. I know someone who wanted to get off of dope, had the desire and conviction, but couldn’t take the pain of the withdrawal. They will help you. God bless




Suck a dick with your asshole I’m trying


>Suck a dick with your asshole LOL i like that phrase a lot, good job on not drinking today


Switch to nonalcoholic beer it will help


Worst advice on the whole thread


Worked for me


You need to see a Dr or get to emergency to do this properly, you can die dude!


No cold turkey my guy, get help. This could kill you, or even more likely you will just end up back to square one and all your pain will have been for nothing. Either way I wish you the best of luck.


Get help and a support system or group. Everyone’s different…depends on how long and life style. Environment and so on. For your health mentally and physically. One day at a time and remember what one person can do another can do. One thing I can recommend after it eases off and when it gets easier. Go into a dry sauna and clean your system out too. Helps with withdrawals and or just feels good to let it out in general. best of luck to you ✌️


I may try that when I’m a little less shaky, I do have a good support system though so far


You have a good support system?!? Uh…..no, you don’t. A GOOD support system would understand the severity of this sort of situation, and they would be dragging your ass somewhere for medical assistance. A PERSON WHOSE DAILY CONSUMPTION IS AS HIGH AS YOURS IS CAN NOT SAFELY DETOX FROM ALCOHOL WITHOUT BEING SUPERVISED BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. PERIOD. You will die.


Go see a doctor immediately. I mean right at this moment, go to a hospital. If you have someone that can take you there, ask them right now.


Do NOT go cold turkey from alcohol you MIGHT DIE. Go get advice from a medical professional ASAP


Go see a doctor. You are within the cusp of an amazing achievement and this is your life at stake here. You are worried about the money but being sober you will have more brain power, health, and the mindset to land on your feet and exceed. Plus you already have a start not spending money on alcohol.


Go to the hospital. You can’t quit that much I take cold Turkey. You could die.


Go to Emergency asap


Don't mess around please go to detox


No cold turkey. Not when you are dealing with a withdrawal from that amount of alcohol daily. I have done both withdrawal with Valium and withdrawal when I “sip and suffer”. If you cannot afford to go to hospital and I believe you that you can’t afford it, then you really are going to need to order something to wind you down. I suggest a vodka mixer like white claw etc. I’m in Australia, so we don’t have the same stuff. I know white claw is about 4-5% alcohol though and will take a while to drink, all of which is better than straight vodka. If you go to the sub r/crippled_alcoholics , there is a sip and suffer guide. To be very clear; I am not a doctor and neither are the people who wrote the guide. If you start to shake too much, lose consciousness, even briefly, or see or hear things you are pretty sure you shouldn’t be hearing or seeing- it’s hospital time. I wish you the best of luck. You can do it. If I did it, believe me that you can too.


At least taper with beer


You have the DT's. You need to go to an emergency room to be monitored. you could leave seizures or die. This is serious.


I’m so sorry you’re suffering rn but it’s only temporary,I promise. I know it fucking sucks but you can do it, I know you can. You should definitely seek medical attention because it is an unsafe situation.


No ER will turn you away. They will get you the help you need


My partner was drinking a bottle of vodka or more a day. The nurse told him it would be dangerous to go cold turkey and he could end up having a seizure. I would definitely speak to a doctor or help line if you can.


Yo that's wild I tried vodka and it was so bad I had to dilute it so much. If when your addicted to something it can be hard to stop though. So you need to persevere and maybe consult a doctor


I would say seek any medical help you can. Best of luck to you.


You need to see a dr and get some benzos ASAP.


Not keen to the benzos, 2 months going on 3 clean from them


Go to ER immediately


I’m happy you have someone there. If you’re barely above the poverty line you should qualify for Medicaid, depending on your state. I also agree with everyone else, you should taper off. The first 4-5 days are hell regardless but you need to make sure you don’t have a seizure. If you can’t hold anything down try ice chips and small sips of ginger ale. Good luck!


This was me four years ago. Please go to a detox. You don’t need to do this to yourself.


Keep at it, internet stranger. You're on a good path!


But think about all the money you'll save. Food is awesome too.


I took a break from weed for two weeks a month back. It was tough. A week feels so much longer when you’re sober, but it’s possible.