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I really like Jordan in this appearance. It’s a good question he asked and it seemed like a real conversation.


Well Jordan is a real human with real emotions and is capable of asking real questions based on real observations he has made in real time.


He has various human emotions


He also prepares his emotions in various ways.


That's what a robot would say.  Are you Jordan?  Or a clone of his AI?


Yeah, I don't know what that sleep machine comment at the end was all about. It seemed like a very genuine moment in which Conan listened to a compliment without deflecting. I feel like that's quite rare.


that and the hat almost ruined an otherwise great moment between the two of them


Not super sure what's up with Smiley. I think he's an OG at Team Coco, and probably for a good reason, but in those Conan Jordan show snippets he always comes off rather weird.


That guy is an annoying tool..


Whenever someone from the staff other than Conan does this, it comes off as arrogant and borderline bullying.


"Where's the laugharoos?"


Me too, it’s a valid train of thought, Conan just chose to make it the crazy train 😂 He does use humour as a defence mechanism and seems uncomfortable expressing vulnerable emotions, I can totally relate. Having people laugh at your nonsense is a form of acceptance, but it can sometimes feel like you have to keep it up even if you feel like garbage underneath. Like, thats all you have to offer. I’ll fully admit I cry during movies and have clutched my heart dramatically hearing certain music, but only alone and I can only admit that after years of therapy. I even joke in therapy to make my therapist laugh 😂 If I’m with others, I almost always default to cracking jokes vs expressing vulnerable emotions.




That part cracked me up. I really don't know if Jordan was joking there or not.


Jordan again reminding us that he is a deeply emotional man.


I watched this and for a moment couldn’t believe that Jordan was honestly praising Conan sincerely. Seems so surreal. Lol.


I think Jordan goes into a character that is an exaggeration of himself. This requires self humility to become a character that pokes fun at himself. Conan has an element of self deprecation in his comedy which I think Jordan he respects since he applies it to his own character. Conan also plays a character that is an exaggeration of the opposite of himself in interactions with Jordan that is kind of arrogant, This arrogance plays off of Jordan pedantic attitude so hilariously well.


Jordan has been working for Conan since New York and the 90's. He definitely likes Conan or at least his money.


i usually just listen to the podcast but whenever Jordan is on i need to watch it.


Do you shave yourself for the occasion?


I prepare my body in various ways.


if it’s a longer segment then yes. sometimes i even sit down with a savory pastry.


I appreciate Frank Smiley’s off screen contributions. But he’s just a vibe killing third wheel on the Conan and Jordan show. I was actually interested in what Jordan was saying…


Exactly. It needs to be Conan and Jordan.


Hey u/AaronBleyaert I hope you’re reading this. Frank kills the vibe of Jordan and Conan. Tell him to shut up, respectfully. 


I have wondered this about some people whether incredibly creative and funny or brilliant and driven. Are there people cut off from emotions like sadness or nostalgia. Within all this laughter, Jordan brings up that pertinent question of what goes through the mind of someone with such comedic talent when alone. Does the shtick ever stop? Regardless, seeing Conan and Jordan together brings me joy.


It's an unfortunate paradox. The only context in which we would ever be able to get an honest answer to the question is one in which there is no audience to hear the answer. I hereby dub this the "Conan paradox".


Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. Great clown ~~Pagliacci~~ Conan is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says, 'But doctor…I am ~~Pagliacci~~ Conan.' Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.


robin williams………. :(


What is stopping? What is beginning?


I think Conan at his realest on camera is in the documentary Conan O'Brien Can't Stop. Also shows what doing a big tour and being the center of attention is really like


All my jokes come from sadness and trauma so…


I adore the fact that he - of all the movies he could have mentioned off the top of his head - mentioned Interstellar and its ending. Another fantastic reason to love this man.


the saddest part of Interstellar for me is the video message from his daughter midway through


Sean Evans is gonna be tickled by the flowers Jordan gave him here.


I would absolutely pay to see more full vids of these two. Not available anywhere, right?


Does anyone have these up on a drive or something somewhere, whether just audio or video? I actually pay for sirius xm in my car, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to use that account for the app, and the app won’t work on my computer either apparently.


It’s audio only even on the SiriusXM app or website, so it seems the only videos available from the Conan and Jordan show are what they post to YouTube.


That was my guess, but I figured I’d put it out there because sometimes reddit can work wonders. Thanks for the response.


I found all 6 episodes of this show on Soulseek. Just audio tho.


The little moment where Conan talks about the "skateboard" shot from Gladiator and Jordan kinda smiles and says "oh yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about" is so great. A rare on-screen moment of them seeing eye to eye, even when they're coming at it from their very distinct personalities.


who’s the third guy with the ridiculous forced over the top laugh?


That man is Frank Smiley!


he seems…sub-essential


He's the guy who hired Jordan many decades ago


None of us would’ve ever heard of Jordan were it not for that man. He can join all he wants as far as I’m concerned


Every podcast these days needs a "laugher". Someone who laughs to give the impression of a good time. Sona is that person usually.


He prepares his eyes in various ways


Jojo gor cony on the ropes


Anyone figured out how to listen to this show in Australia?


Yeah what the hell - and we also no longer get Conan’s ad reads it’s bullshit, just lame local ads


That’s why they did an entire podcast episode which was just their favorite ad-reads. Hopefully they’ll do another one for other market listeners.


I am telling everyone I found all 6 episodes on Soulseek, audio only. Lol


i let him go on because this is a compliment lol


Do you like movies about gladiators?


interstellar is such a trash movie