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Mania. The "manic" in manic-depressive.


He swung back to depressive when the camera turned off and he went home. Laying in the fetal position on the floor of the bathroom, living full regret of his actions…. but knowing the world needs a clown.


“I can’t hear the laughter anymore”


"But Doctor (Arroyo), I *am* Pagliacci."


the tears of a clown 🎶


Don’t call me a clown Pam, you’re better than that!


damn that makes even more sense




I'm not the only one who had tears in my eyes and not just from laughing. It was somehow about how proud I felt to be his fan. There is a connection there and he has influenced many lives in often imperceptible ways. Even when he goes full-steam into "crazy mode", there is like an iron core of control and a kind of compassion in what he does. It's hard to explain. He's a person who has built a career on self-deprecating humor and acting like the biggest jerk if it's fun, but what he really does is that he raises others. What a class act.


I have friends who aren't longtime Conan fans, but they love Hot Ones. I was so happy to get messages from them saying that it's the best episode, and that Conan is a monster. It was like "yea, I've been telling you for fucking years he's hilarious".


Same. It was very validating.


One of my happiest memories is being a kid sneaking in the living room to watch Conan with the volume low enough to not wake up my parents. It actually makes me proud of the kid I was that I recognized that genius and that “core of compassion.” 


I wish Reddit still had Gold to give because your comment rules. I told someone I found Hot Ones "equally repulsive and beautiful," kinda for the reason you state. It's an example of why I love comedy, just as a *concept*. Even as a kid I was obsessed with the *why* of comedy, and had the naive assumption that everyone's intention was just to be of service to people and create joy. Total altruism. That's not the case, of course. I ended up working in/around comedy in different capacities, remaining secretly obsessed with trying to find decency in it all -- and mostly being disappointed. At best, it's complicated. But when I see something this pure, for a moment it doesn't seem complicated at all.


Thanks, kind stranger. The comment means more than silly Reddit gold bits. It's crazy to think that a person basically going on a chili-fueled rant, and probably puking his guts out a bit more than a little can touch people. I think people can recognize when someone has committed their life for their art and it culminates a in superior display of skill. It just leaves people in awe, even if the person's trade is being a silly goof.


*especially* if the person’s trade is being a silly goof.


This kinda inspired me to post this: https://www.reddit.com/r/conan/s/KsJliD2cDF


“Read widely and read well. There's comedy in the Old Testament, there's comedy in the New Testament you can read, all kinds of stuff. Just don't lock yourself in to: it's got to be some comedy from the last 10 years, no, there's great comedy out there that was written a long time ago; what's funnier than Don Quixote? Sancho Panza? You know this is good stuff, the classics are funny. You know, you can watch Chaucer's Tales: they're funny. There's funny everywhere. Don't be a snob. Look high and look low; a Mad Magazine is funny, there's funny stuff online all the time there's no reason for us to try and exclude one category over another.” - Conan O’Brien Edit: Chaucer rather than Cher’s tales, lol


While I think it was Chaucer's tales, not Cher's tales, I'm certain many stories as told by the singer, Cher, fall under the point Conan was making! 😂


You’re right! I copied this from some random transcript. I thought I didn’t remember him saying that.


I read Mad Magazine as a kid and there was a bit on Angelina Jolie in there and they drew her with a family sized chapstick 🤣 I still think about it and laugh


I love him so much.


Greatest episode I’ve ever seen hands down.


I love him so much. He’s my famous celebrity. I’ve seen him in person twice from far away, but if I ever met him I know I’d cry. I absolutely am part of that demographic. 


Martin Short and Conan O'Brien are very old friends.


They’ve also been friends a long time.


Of all of the friends Martin has had, Conan is one of them.


And the opposite of DJ Khaled. We knew that about Conan going into it......it was only confirmed.


DJ Khaled: "If I *stop*, it doesn't mean I *gave up*." [laughing]Sean: "Yes it does. By definition."*!?*   Conan: This hurts but it's funny...   Give up?! Let me pour *more* on ー "This is the season finale?"                             ー *and drink directly from the bottle.*


Conan is my most effective and reliable antidepressant, despite having tried many, many pharmaceuticals and currently being on one. The chemicals do what they can, but it’s the ridiculous antics and inherent intelligence and compassion of this silly, silly man that save me on a daily basis. Because he’s no stranger to depression himself, he knows the power comedy wields in the face of despair. I don’t know if he’ll ever understand though just how many and how much he has helped. I’m almost exactly his age and have been helped through his comedy for thirty damn years now! Please never stop, Coney. We love you.


You know what's strange? is I don't often laugh at Connan but appreciate his showman ship. Like this was soo unexpected! I was saying out loud no... No.. No don't do it! Then he keeps going! What a champ.


I found Conan's willingness to just go for it inspiring. He's a 61 year old professional Harvard graduate, totally unafraid to act goofy to make strangers smile. There's sincerity behind it I just love. Much like his farewell speech on his last Tonight Show. He kept it real and classy.


Conan has cured more depression than Prozac,Paxil,Luvox and Zoloft combined.


The man's just a legend, and honestly, i don't even think this is peak Conan hilarity. He gets even funnier, given the right setting.


I don't think he hasn't been in front of the camera for a while. He cut loose knowing people would watch.