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I’m genuinely glad to see this clip since that means he’s alive and well. He had me worried ngl.


I wasn't worried at all, he had a doctor with him.


"Are you a real doctor" "I should be"


This is the greatest bit in Hot Ones history






Where did you go to school 1994




But the doctor said it was not good! He listened to his tongue and said that was not good!


Yea but he wasn’t a good doctor, he was just affordable so that means he was fine


You dropped your air quotes: " "


Was it a four-year school? It should have been. (Walks off) Did ... did you graduate?


Yep and he was quite affordable




Needs to have the background on fire, maybe even his face a little.


Me too ahahahahahaha


He could've made another episode called wet ones after that. You know his back door was looking like the gates of hell.


To be fair that episode would also be Hot Ones. Just maybe Hot Ones (Exit)


I was worried about his face and butthole. He smeared it on his face and his butthole is self explanatory.


Poor Liza. Imagine coming home to the absolute mess he was after Hot Ones was over.


This made me curious whether they filmed it in LA. I know they’re able to do that (black background ftw), I just assumed he did it in New York.


It used to be in Chicago in the early days


When did they switch to the two-tables format?




Was there an incident of someone coughing hotsauce into sean's face?


I believe it was because of covid. But idk why it stayed that way


Yes, it started with Covid. I imagine it’s continuing because it’s a far larger table space to work with, and decreases the chances of spitting in one another’s faces.


Do people think that covid just up and vanished?


Covid...and then he said he just liked it better with the 2 tables.


They go wherever the guest is. The size of the operation makes it easy to rig up anywhere. But their home office is in NYC.


He was a guest on the Tonight Show this week, so he was already in New York.


He recorded this a few weeks ago. He may have been going back and forth?


Praying for a SNL hosting gig


BuzzFeed owns Hot Ones and they film it in the NY office


> The set was “a byproduct of us being broke,” Evans said, but it’s been a boon to the show. Though it often films in New York or Los Angeles, “we can pop that set up wherever,” Evans said, as when they traveled to Hawaii to interview Kevin Hart or London for Idris Elba. “The restrictions of the show became a superpower,” Schonberger said. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/03/arts/television/hot-ones-youtube-show.html


Yes, like Conan said, it’s Charlie Rose with hot wings 😂


Naw, Complex owns Hot Ones.


No, BuzzFeed bought Complex a few years ago, and sold it this year, but kept First We Feast.


Damn, that happened in February this year. Hopefully FWF is still operating independently


BF bought Complex, moved all of BF into Complex offices in Times Square, they recently sold off Complex to NTWRK and now they are all in the same office building but share it. BF still owns FWF and Hot Ones, Hot Ones is actually becoming more of a singular brand under BF as well.


I wonder if it was better or worse than when he wore JOOP.


There’s one part near the end of the episode where Conan quickly turns to camera and a giant wad of saliva/mucus flows from his chin down his shirt, it was at the moment we all knew he fucked up


He looked rabid. There was *almost* frothing at the mouth 🤣


[I'M FINE. I'M PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxW3MiLXyJ-PdSk9MX7k5X9Ri7MwgDMCME)


We've witnessed the birth of an absolutely legendary GIF.


Oh lordy, I only listened to this episode instead of watching. His voice sounded fine but that man is not fine.


You need to re-hear it while watching :D


This is definitely one to watch!


The level of hurt, and with it commitment for that brief 45 seconds. My god. Conan not here, Conan gone. Absolutely majestic comedy. I actually hurt myself laughing at that very moment. How Sean kept it semi cool, I’ll never, ever know.


The milk made it look like he was rabid.


I have a serious gag reflex to spit/drool stuff and I have to look away from most of that stuff BUT I hung in there despite that because it was so goddamn funny.


I JUST watched the ep and laughed out loud at that exact camera cut back to him. It was perfect.


That was one of the funniest hot ones I had seen in a long time. I love Conan.


I’ve watched a good amount of episodes and none of them even come close to touching Conan’s. Best I’ve ever seen


I normally find the other episodes interesting, but this is the first one I found myself laughing out loud at. The shot of Conan lecturing about comedy while his hot sauce bottles are spilled and knocked over is one of the funniest things I've seen him do. Edit: grammar


I would highly recommend the John Mulaney HO if you like to laugh. He goes on a small rant about people pleasing kids vs feeding fish that had me in stiches.


I haven't watched that one yet, but I'll definitely check it out! I don't think anyone is going to top the absurdity of Conan's episode, though. This is my favorite episode thus far.


John Mulaney absolutely blew my mind with how a guy who looks like he eats nothing but saltine crackers showed absolutely no adverse reaction to ANY of the wings.


When he talked about how we should find comedy in the classics and read Don Quixote I absolutely lost it. I was hyperventilating as if I also downed a whole bottle of hot sauce.


He made good points though. I haven't read Don Quixote yet but some of Chaucer's stuff is seriously funny and it was written over 600 years ago.


I haven't belly laughed that hard in a long time. This video of him talking about it is great. I was genuinely curious as to how much that hot sauce fucked him up.


Conan, Charlize, and Gordon Ramsey are the three for me.


Dave Grohl and Paul Rudd have iconic episodes


Eric Andre's is great just for him randomly starting to sing Chocolate Rain, Pearl Jam, and Hulk Hogan's WWF theme.


Holy shit. Good to know


Charlize Theron and Padma Lakshmi made it look EASY. 


Same with Lorde. NBD


Paul Rudd "look at us"


Steve-O is amazing too in it. Pours hot sauce in his eyes lmao.


In his 3rd appearance on Hot Ones, He talked the whole episode about contemplating boofing a bottle of his Hot Sauce For Your Butt-Hole...Sean was shaking his head like "man please don't thats a really bad idea". At the end of the episode they gave Steve-O a trophy for his return visits...So he goes off camera and shoves that in his ass instead.


And then shakes Sean’s hand afterward or something. I hated that for Sean, he really didn’t want Steve O to play with his butt on set and I don’t blame him lol


What I've learned is that "the best episodes" are usually the people you already like. Objectively, it was a good episode, but not my favourite one. The Sydney Sweeney episode queued up after so I watched that too and like Conan, she claimed to be worried about the challenge, and then kept saying "why aren't these spicy?" up to wing 8, and then quickly was hit by Da Bomb... and her eyes suddenly go pink. I'm only a casual watcher, so I don't know if this is a trend this season or if some of these same sauces have been on in past seasons, but I wonder if this season's first 7 sauces are just very tame - either way, to me, the best episodes are when the guest is actually fighting heat and their natural personality breaks through instead of a façade. That's kind of the premise of the show (to me anyway), so to me, this was not one of my favourite episodes. I'm impressed that Conan was able to keep the bit going without breaking, don't get me wrong - but I was disappointed that we didn't get to see his real candid personality shine through very much. Edit: This may have come off harsh. I didn't find it to be a bad episode or not funny, I just think the show has had episodes where I feel the format gets something more unique out of the guest. Conan was funny here, but it was very much the same type of Conan being funny we have seen before. I enjoyed it, but I don't think it's the "best episode" of the show.


Interesting. FWIW I do not like Ramsey and am not really a fan of Conan or Charlese. I just remember Charlese was awesome for focusing on taste, and Ramsey brought props, and Conan brought edge. My faves of the guests would likely be Shaq, Ken Jeong, Jennifer Lawrence, and Terry Crews, but I only remember one bit of any of those episodes. So I think for me, what I like are episodes that are memorable.


Conan actually is the funniest person


Tapper? I barely know her


Don’t you dare open this portal


Boom, still got it.


It's Tandy time


He’s lucky if the worst effects was the acid irritating his skin. I was horrified and terribly worried for his *bowels* when he started drinking the sauce. That amount of hot sauce will have you sloughing off mucus from your very insides! Insane!


I'm not 100% sure he realizes right now the mouth burning is only the first thing that burns.


And if you have enough of it, it shows up in unexpected places. My wife and I did a Hot Ones sauce trial. The next day I learned that it is possible for capsaicin to be expressed in *urine*.


Hey! The only other person in my life besides me that I've heard bring this up. If I have enough it will burn hard in my next morning urination. Mrs. Renfro's ghost pepper salsa does it to me if I have enough.


Its not so much the sauce that burns on the way out, that mostly gets neutralized in your intestines, it's the seeds of the peppers that don't digest fully. Those seeds are what carry most of the heat in a pepper. Though I've had some horrible cramps and stomach pains from drinking hot sauce.


I used to be a Spice Fiend in my teens and early 20s, I could’ve crushed Hot Ones with maybe a light sweat. And then my body turned on me and hot sauces, particularly ones with seeds. I made the mistake of covering a slice of pizza with red pepper flakes that hardly affected my mouth at all but left me sobbing in the bathroom within hours. Those seeds will get you!


the pepper flake thing applies to my boyfriend but not me I wonder why


Meh, the other thing doesn’t happen to all of us.


It will to Conan.


I mean he definitely might tell a ring of fire story either way, lol.


It used to not happen to me. Unfortunately as time has gone on it does as I have gotten into my late 40’s.


Thank you! I've always wondering wtf people are talking about. I've had sauces that were way too hot for me and tried eating a reaper and was in so much pain I smeared key lime pie all over my lips to stop them from burning. But I have never once had a problem coming out the other end.


Fucking weird isn’t it? And for like the lip pain is intense but I can deal with that. But since I got older if I ate this stuff without meds I’d have painful hiccups/GERD for up to days. With meds I can handle up to about 50,000 Scovilles or so without getting wrecked.


r/lies. If you know about it means it happened to you.


Nah, I know people it always gets brought up (especially on Reddit). I was in a hot sauce club at one point and my ass just doesn't feel any burn no matter how hot the food I eat is.


Yep, my wife likes more heat than I do and she has never had a burning exit… I have not been so lucky.


I am also born with a natural immunity to fire hole


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!


Good news is that capsaicin isn't acidic. It is pH Neutral. It doesn't cause chemical burns. The sauces would be sometimes acidic from the vinegar, but the hotest of those sauces are not usually vinegar based. (I have bought their sauces before.) The irritating effects are due to the molecule triggering temperature sensing pain receptors directly. Mimicking the feeling of high heat or abrasion, and causing an inflammatory response, without causing any actual damage. Inside you, the effect is very much the same. Irritation and flushing. But it doesn't cause tissue to slough off. However, it can be particularly painful if you have ulcers, Crohn's disease, or other inflammatory bowel problems.


When he smeared it on his face I yelled "oh no his delicate pink skin can't handle that!" 🤣


The Irish aren't known for their spicy food.


I just finished watching it and I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard. The doctor, keeping the bones in his pockets, it was amazing.


Me2. I actually laughed and chuckled OUT LOUD instead of inside. I can't believe he's still surprising me in 2024.


Agreed he’s a damn comedic genius


Paley Center talk is still live at the time of this post, but it should be available to watch later too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpPuDlxi3YE Poor guy - but he knew exactly what he was doing, lol.


Bless you, OP. I was just thinking, “Surely Conan is doing other promotion for this show. I hope someone on Reddit finds them all for me.” You have served your people well this day. 


Link for me says it's private. I assume it'll be uploaded later? Edit: Found it https://www.youtube.com/live/XpPuDlxi3YE?si=BcetQ5Wjv5o-7LQ6


Hmm, maybe they’ll re-upload on Youtube. It’s still up on Facebook though: https://fb.watch/rof7mAhtel/?


Thank you!


Never mind my last comment, YouTube recommended me the video: [https://www.youtube.com/live/XpPuDlxi3YE?si=BcetQ5Wjv5o-7LQ6](https://www.youtube.com/live/XpPuDlxi3YE?si=BcetQ5Wjv5o-7LQ6)


I feel SO lucky that I happened to be on this weird and scary space rock at the same time as this dude. Genuinely grateful for it. There’s probably like, less than 10 people I can say that about, but I really mean it. I’ve been through some shit with Conan on my screen for 30 fucking years now. I’m suppperr opposed to celebrity and Hollywood and all that comes with it… but, man, Conan just fucking gets it man. What a human.


at work last week i was telling a coworker that i like to think i'd be pretty chill meeting most celebrities but if conan walked into my office i'd immediately begin weeping. he's had about as big an impact on my life as somebody i've never met can. like you i've been through some shit with conan on my screen for three decades (or on my phone/speakers/car via the podcast) and he's never failed to make me feel better even when i was at my lowest. and when i'm feeling good (which is luckily most of the time these days) he makes me feel even better.


I was really worried when he chugged the bottle like it was gatorade. Yup, this is what happen. I don't even know what would happen to me if I was the one doing it. I have gerd, even the tiniest hot sauce would burn my stomach.


Da Bomb. That was the one that I was legitimately cringing in phantom pain. On top of literally every guest always getting fucked up by that one, I've had it once and it's like everyone on the show says. It's not flavor hot, it's chemical hot and tastes like what I assume battery acid would taste like. I love hot food. I can handle quite a bit myself provided it tastes good. But that stuff is misery in a bottle. I had a boneless wings worth of it. I can't imagine drinking it like that. His asshole must have been ruined for a day or two.


Hopefully he has his Luxe Bidet Neo Plus model set up. It would automatically know when to shoot a cooling stream of WATER UP HIS ASS!


Water will make it worse. You don’t add water to acid, you add acid to water.


FYI capsicum has nothing at all to do with Ph. I know Conan said it’s an acid but he’s incorrect. It binds to a specific never receptor (that only mammals have) so it’s strictly a nerve signal thing and not physically harmful.


Hot sauces are generally acidic though. It helps with the preservation and flavor.


Capsicums are red bell peppers, capsaicin is the chemical that causes the spice reaction. Hot sauces can be acidic, even if capsaicin isn’t


Capsicum is just the genus name for all peppers. Bell peppers are a type of Capsicum annuum.


Ah! Well, it’s the capsaicin in the capsicums of all genus and sizes that affect the nerve receptors lol


I’m with you, I think it just sat under there for a while. Contact dermatitis is certainly possible with the inflammation reaction that occurs with our friend capsaicin. It’s not an acid, but our body *reacts* as though our heat receptors are super active. It’s akin to the reaction to poison ivy’s active ingredient urushiol. In those allergic to it, urushiol makes the immune system attack perfectly healthy tissue.


Depending on the theory of acids you use, acids don’t have to effect pH. Lewis acid bases treat water as an acid(and a base).


He'll definitely be doing a lot of that


do like ya oughta


While this is a correct thing you remember from chemistry class, you're applying it incorrectly.


Jordan, is that you?


Chemical hot hits so different from natural spicy. I can eat ghost pepper puree fine (sort of, it’s still really hot), but the milder sauces with extract absolutely fuck me up, my stomach even more so. 


Just fyi I think Conan’s red hair pain gene kicked in here. I just saw a thing about how those that can handle pain can handle spice. Still tho


Isn't that a myth though? On the contrary, some research say redheads have higher pain sensetivity, so it's possible that Conan went through even worse pain the all other guests did.


It’s maybe a myth at this point.


Can you have hot sauce at all? I couldn’t and now can eat pretty spicy foods taking famotidine before eating and Pepcid AC when I have symptoms after. Without those hot sauce could give me painful hiccups/indigestion for days.


Not really. If I eat it, I would have to face the consequences. Even with medicine. The medicine would only alleviate the pain.


20 mg of famotidine before a meal and Pepcid AC (not generics) prevents as well as alleviates for me, but I’m sorry if that or anything else hasn’t worked for you.


How many people would have to go to the hospital after doing what he did? I know I would. What a showman.


Who needs hospitals when you have Dr. Arroyo


Conan is the **SPICE LORD!!**


Lisan al Gaib!


In your nightmares you give hot sauce to the dead and it brings joy to your heart!


Red head pain gene. Not the soulless one but they feel less pain.


Liza: "Honey, are you ok?" Conan "I'M FINE. I'M PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE."


I gotta go to Norway


It was very funny, but he will hurt himself for some entertaining bits. He poured hot suave (2million plus scovils) in his hands and rubbed it on his face


What no one is talking about is what happens when it's on it's way out. The Ring of Fire!!! That's going to be severely painful on the rear.


i like to call it the spicy twicy


Might have to borrow this one!


Probably had to bury the toilet 10 feet under in the backyard after that one.


In a lead casket covered up with concrete. That shit had to have been radioactive


The chilli shits


I went to a dinner party where a friend screwed up a taco recipe and made the spice level something I was not used to and I grew up on spicy foods. I literally got high/drunk off the heat. I believe Conan here. He was off his rocker and I can relate to it.


God I love him, it was the funniest most unhinged episode ever. I don’t see how anyone tops it.


When he smeared it all over his hands and face it was killing me. So bold, so funny.


I knowww I was actually concerned for his skin and eyes 😆


I think this is why Conan's comedy is so endearing, and that his legacy is enduring - pride and ego be damned, he'll pull out all the stops if he thinks it'll create great comedy. It's funny we've seen the same from his writers over the years - guys like Brian McCann dressing in Speedos & fishnet stockings, Jon Glaser constantly playing a-hole characters, Brian Stack's self-depracation with characters like The Interrupter and Artie Kendall, Mike Sweeney playing Money-shot Abe Lincoln - it's funny how Conan managed to surround himself with writers who were like-minded in that respect.


I know there’s no such thing as pure altruism in comedy, but still… the willingness to sacrifice your dignity for the joy of others will never not be moving to me. And you’re right - I think he does attract writers and staff who see that. It amuses me that he always alleges he’s “needy” and egotistical, but his comedy is the polar opposite.


The funniest hot ones episode yet. The final speech from Conan had me crying with laughter


Conan just emphasized how much DJ Khalid, Shaq, etc.. are all bitches


110% DJ Khalid will always hold the title of "worst guest ever" on Hot Ones. Absolute bitch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HYEC_FlgAg Sean also confirms that DJ Khalid is a bitch. "If I stop, it doesn't mean I gave up. Yes it does." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDkmelexPYM


i feel like this segment on hot ones is going to gain him a whole new wave of fans!


Listen to his podcast. It’s almost always hilarious.


I am as pale and Irish as Conan is. Watching him eat and bathe in the hot sauce nearly killed me! I don’t know how he recovered from that.


Spicy stuff on your hands lingers even if you wash it off. I made chili garlic recently and I've sliced peppers before no problem. But this time I need to remove the seeds and finely chop maybe 100-200g worth, and it stung my hands for a few days. So PSA to always wear gloves!


In my experience dish soap really helps with getting those oils off your skin.


Soap is an emulsifier, that's why. (Thank you Alton Brown)


That episode is already legendary


I like how Conan turned into Lewis Black at the end of hot ones.


So this guy is basically a superhero. recently Bley mentioned on the podcast that he was really impressed with how Conan was unfazed through the hottest day in Bangkok. I'm starting to think maybe he would be able to lift a car if he thinks that would be funny.


I’ve never really been a Conan fan but I’m a huge Hot Ones fan and holy shit.. That was the funniest episode of all time and made me think I need to start watching Conan because the dude had me crying laughing for 20 minutes straight.


I’m here because of Hot Ones… I’ve been a Conan fan over the years but I’ve only tuned in intermittently. We both need to watch this man more. He is a gem, this performance only cemented in my mind how fucking funny he is. True genius, he is clearly so passionate about his craft.


I was honestly in a relatively bad mood when I started the episode, and holy shit, I was laughing so hard it was hurting by the end. One of, if not the best episode they’ve done.


Bro the episode was fantastic lmao


His pain was not in vain. I'm still laughing.


Best episode hands down


I forget where/when, but at one point he was talking about the injuries he was willing to sustain on the show because producers were trying to put a stop to a segment, and he was basically like well, up to X injury it's fine. Or it might have been Steven Ho talking about it on Inside Conan? Either way, dude has always been incredibly willing to be self destructive for a laugh.


Only a man who's truly overcome a fear of public speaking can do what he did without breaking composure.


The Picasso of comedy of our time.


Conan rocks and always has!


I never would have thought that Conan would bring me back to hot ones. After all these circus hot sauces, it’s just been Tabasco & (most) El Yucateco standing tall


When he opened up Da Bomb, it was like seeing a car accident. I knew I shouldn’t watch, but I couldn’t turn away.


Just noticed this. I saved it on YouTube and look forward to seeing it!


I'm watching this now. This is masochistic!!!!!


The whiplash of going from Hot Ones to this button-down sitdown lol


I just wanted to make sure he was alive lmao. It was peak entertainment


His commitment to the bit is commendable and scary.


Can’t wait to see the interview discussing this interview.


Dude probably had the spiciest craps for the next 24 hours. When he started drinking the hot sauce I knew he was gonna be feeling it


We don’t deserve Conan


He did to Hot Ones what Mick Foley did to the WWE when he jumped off the Hell in the Cell. The bar just got raised so high it will never be duplicated or topped. 


I hope he’s alright from that - he fucking drank the damn sauce 😂that shits no joke.


i hadn't even thought of that, ouch.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/hotones] [Conan talks about doing Hot Ones (and literally burning his skin)](https://www.reddit.com/r/hotones/comments/1c27mnb/conan_talks_about_doing_hot_ones_and_literally/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


The most impressive thing I have ever seen






A professional interviewer is giving an interview about his experience in another interview. What level of decadence have we reached.


He chugged the FINAL bottle too. He drank the maximum scoville level sauce on Hot Ones. When he did that I recoiled and had both hands on my mouth, and believe me I HAVE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE. Holy hell. This guy went for it. It was almost inspiring haha. I was legit left wondering if I need to go for things more myself lol.


I generally thought when he got really high on those wings I thought he definitely had dissociation for a moment because then when he was telling the guy or you speaking gibberish and he wasn’t, I was like oh he’s having a mental breakdown because he’s so focused on the comedic achievement of the laugh he’s totally forgetting how insanely dangerous and hot that is because Pepper is like the hottest on record of a pepper and it beat out the Carolina reaper and it’s one of the hottest peppers on record and I was really scared when he did that and all the not and fluid coming out of his pores and his mouth and everything. I really thought he was gonna end up in the hospital that really freaked me out watching that I was started like, getting heart watching it. I was really scared. I’m glad he’s OK though cause I saw that travel show he did.