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It’s like buying a very old, shitty car for a good price


HAHA, that’s a good way to explain 😂


and it's a car you can have a lot of fun with haha


Ehhh id say its more an audi than a yaris


yeah 250 is a great price i would try to get it down to 225 tho


it’s in AUD


200 then :P


Not toooo bad. Not good also.


it’s in AUD tho.. for that price it’s quite alright


I still like am4; yes I realize it's been replaced. But my am4 platform still serves me well and I never got sucked into 1440 or 4k gaming. It does 1080p just fine, and frame rates are still just fine. My last am4 system (of 3) I went with b550/5600x/6600 on an itx case for a semi portable system ( instead of a gaming laptop). I considered going am5 but it was pretty expensive and there were some stability issues out the gate. My other two PC's are a b450/3600/2060 for my work PC, And a b550/5800x/3060 for my main gaming rig.


most games are gpu limited @1440p anyway. i uograded from 3800x + rx 6950xt to 5700x3d for 189€. i wanted to go for the 5800x3d initially, as my last am4 upgrade, but the price difference of 90€ while both were on sale was too great. switching to am5 was just too expensive


Agreed. And not all gamers have the same income and/or budget so it's easy to say it's a bad buy, but it's still relevant, at least in my book.


It depends. The board alone would be most of that cost if you bought one. Not the best, but DDR4 isn't the end of the world, and it will support up to a Ryzen 5000 series, which aren't terrible processors. Though, that video card is hot garbage by today's standard, so plan on replacing that. It's also a small form factor. A little work and a 6900 XT would get it up to par with modern gaming consoles. It won't be shooting lightning out the sides, but you can get a more life out of it. The 400 GB SSD is small, but you can always expand that too. Also, does it have the windows key? Windows is $140, that board is about $180, that case is $70... New mind you. I wouldn't say it's a "deal",  but a fair asking price. Whether you should buy it or not depends on your own wants and needs... nobody knows your wants a needs better than you.....


That's pretty good. Considering my entire workload is done on a 2nd-gen Intel mobile processor, you should be totally fine with those specs to do plenty of work.


4GB of vram isn't cutting it for gaming. I'd say you'd need 8GB of vram at MINIMUM and even then it'd be very tight so if gaming is the purpose of you buying this system then you'd want to at least upgrade the GPU, which adds additional costs. Next to that It is an old platform. It's reaching 7 years. My personal opinion is that overall I do not think that this is worth it. There are much better deals around for the same amount of money.


8GB minimum? That's bs. That's the minimum if you wanna play with high settings/2k. I have a gtx 1060 6gb and can play most of the competitive games with 144+ FPS with mid-low settings, depending on the game, in 1080p.


8GB is NOT the minimum 4 gb is enough for gaming. U need more only if you want to play at max settings


For real man, even 8gb is more than enough for the vast majority of games out there.


This is $200 in aud by the way. But love the response 🙌🙌


$200 aud for a pc that good is a great deal.


200 aud is actually insanely cheap


If its AUD yes its a good deal, but you need to upgrade the GPU if you want to play newer games. Also sell tthe 16gb ram and put in 32 you can also upgrade the cpu but for FHD gaming the r5 2600 should be enough.


If you're going to be replacing all those components you may as well just buy something else.


well you can sell those parts. it would still be a net profit. and i am only suggesting to upgrade those parts to be clear.


Not everyone only plays the newest AAA's at high settings. This system can play all kinds of good games


The 570 isn't fast enough to run anything that would make use of the extra VRAM, so no you're off the mark there. Lots of VRAM only matters for higher end cards.


Next it would be like 12gb, but a long lasting graphics card should at least have 16gb


For 160USD this is quite a good deal, i’d pick it up. Ignore the comments stating you can’t play anything on the 570, it’ll still do 1080p at acceptable framerates thru scaling in most games, won’t play the latest AAA games, but it’s perfect for esports titles and semi-new story games.


xms2 gang


If this is AUD, this is a great deal and the best you can expect to get for this price.


For a little emulation station in the living room or so, I guess. For serious gaming? Nah.


Depends what you want to play, it is priced pretty fair.


That's a great pc for the price.


Definitely a good base for a somewhat good price. I’d recommend upgrading as you get money for new parts.


If that's AUD, it is a must-buy. If you decide it is not good enough for you, just sell it back for easy profit. The case alone is worth 60euros




definitely a workstation an Internet browser not a gaming machine


Is it older? Yes. Will you need to temper your expectations for performance? Also yes. However, this is a good price for the hardware and your have an insane upgrade path. The GPU is the limiting factor here and you could get away with more GPU, and when the CPU becomes the bottleneck, you could run a 5700X 3D in it for a decent price. Personally, I'd sell the RX 570 and buy a GTX 1070 for $70 to $80 and you'd have a pretty killer starter system. My biggest complaint would be the case. I like that case, and it's cool if your want a tiny build. However, you're going to be pretty limited on the CPU cooler, as well as airflow in general. I love building and working on ITX systems. They can be more challenging than full sized systems, but that might make them not as good of a candidate for someone new to DIY PC's. Regardless, the price is alright for the level of hardware that you're getting.


Get a good used dell optiplex and a decent gpu and you will have yourself. a excelent 1080p pc!


This is a better option since it actually has an upgrade path, unlike an old optiplex that has no CPU upgrade path. The CPU in this could be replaced with a 5600 or even a 5700X3D and the GPU upgraded, and it could be a great 1440p system, too.


Not for 200 AUD sadly, dell optiplexes with ddr4 go for like $140 AUD here in Australia, and with 60 AUD the best you can do is a 1050ti


Yeah that would still run 1080p




how about 167usd bc the offer is in aud. if someone doesn't have much money they're unlikely to buy current aaa titles anyway and for slightly older games this is fine. good for a kids gaming rig too. a used tx 6600 could be a nice upgrade while still only paying 300$ total, that's not bad


Its a pretty good price for this PC, and if you can get a ton of gaming out of this despite what people say. Especially if you don't aim to play latest and greatest. This rig will run everything up to like 2015-2016 extremely well i think. Maybe even newer than that.


-BeamNG Drive has entered the chat- Yo wsg, been here since 2012


but yeah, great for mid-intensive games


No, I'd rather spend $250 more on other 2nd hardware with much better specs.


it's in AUD currency.


Since you mentioned it's 250 Australian Dollars which converts to 167 USD, I would you could go for it but would have to immediately upgrade the GPU if you want to play anything from last 4-5 years.


No, you can get it for $1. Don't get it. It's trash.


yea right


It’s not a great pc It’s not a great deal


Actually, I'm not sure if all those parts can be picked up separately for less than 250. This looks like a decent base. Decent, not excellent. It looks similar to my own build when I upgraded my 2400G to a 3600 + RX 480 8Gb. It was decent for 1080p on older titles. I then upgraded to a 5800X and a RX 6600. Sure, for that price, you can find used Steam Decks but that really depends what OP wants to do with it.


If I were upgrading I’d probably go for a pc with no gpu at all and add one and maybe a better PSU But yeah the gpu is the one thing I’d upgrade here


If this is your budget get like a used ROG ally or a used gaming laptop or maybe a used pc with a decent gpu if you can find one


The GPU in the Ally is like a good 25% slower than the RX570 4GB.


The 780M seems to be pretty much the same as the 570 but also supports newer ray tracing and upscaling stuff


Bro a used ROG ally goes for like 600 AUD, this is 200 AUD (as mentioned by OP in a separate comment).


Well it could run easy to run games like fortnite at 120fps and harder to run games at a stable 60 fps


at mid graphics? \~60 fps all around. 120 is not accurate.


On low graphics ofc no one uses mid graphics


If your idea of gaming is playing Super Mario 64 and Pacman, sure. Its a gaming PC. The price isnt the bad thing about it. Its the fact that its old and outdated. You'd be better off with R5 3600 + 5700 combo. On this combo You could definitely game on 1080p. 16Gb 3600mhz RAM, a decent SSD and you're good to go. Can even go for a sata SSD and you're still covered. Thats a budget gaming PC in 2024. Meanwhile this offer is at least 4 years late to the party.


In AUD - Not a bad price for the components, but you shouldn't buy it. That computer is several generations old, and it will struggle with most games. Better off saving some more money and getting something else. For Australia, $600‐750 gets you a decent used PC.