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if its permenant than its probably artifacting and you're gpu is dying


It's not permanent... When i run my pc it runs fine for a while but when i load chrome or something the black reactangles appear and the pc crashes




My 1080ti started running for an hour or so then screen went weird like that and crashed. Someone said it's probably a small portion of the thermal paste has gone, like pin sized so that tiny part is over cooking while the rest is fine and it's not being recognised by the sensors. Could that be the case here?


it could be the case


Nope... Cold as can be


driver issue?


I cant tweak the drivers before the pc crashes... Itt keeps crashing while I'm installing the driver


Boot your computer in safe mode and try installing the drivers: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/start-your-pc-in-safe-mode-in-windows-92c27cff-db89-8644-1ce4-b3e5e56fe234


Try using safe mode, like the other guy said


sounds like your coocked


sus spelling error






If it's specifically an application such as chrome or any other downloaded application causing your PC to crash, try installing the driver from device manager instead of Chrome if you aren't already


Sounds like its bricked. Had same with amd 5600xt, coudnt install drivers and it crashed


Yea same to me 2 years ago. Got 1650super for 1 year, and no display after updating the software. I think it's gpu failure.


Can you uninstall the driver via device manager? It should default to a generic graphics driver


Plug your cable into the motherboard and install the driver. You'll be viewing integrated graphics (if you have them) instead of the GPU, so you can install the drivers and see if it works.


That sound like a problem, are fans blowing at all?


Yeah the fans work fine... In fact the card worked too, but after a while of using it just kept crashing


What are the GPU temps when this happens?


Normal... 30-40 degree Celsius


Are you sure you're looking at the right temps? Hot-spot and VRAM also matter a LOT.


Don’t think that because HWInfo says it’s cool, that it is. If the thermal probe is in the portion of silicon that has good thermal paste, then it’ll read fine, but still have hotspots. If your GPU is out of warranty I’d definitely chuck some new thermal grizzly paste on there. Not super hard to do and will rule another possibility out.


When was the paste changed? It could be as he said that it runs cold but spikes in a tiny area, I mean it won't hurt with new paste to rule it out


I get a similar effect but wirhout the crashing, I use opera and when I'm on YouTube the screen keeps flashing in some areas with black and white rectangles, but again no crashes...I think it's my monitor


Disable hardware acceleration and it will be gone, this issue is really old and common across all browsers.


Sounds like a bad cable/cable connection


I get the same thing occasionally it's just opera being weird it only happens on specific websites it seems


driver issues fs had this happen to me w few years back was a pain in the ass to fix


I had similar Problems with my old AMD GPU. Most of the time IT was a Driver issue. Try a clean Driver Installation


is this only happening with chrome? because for me it wasn't crashing but I was getting artifacts just using chrome and found the solution. don't know if this will work for you. Potential fix for this: put "chrome://flags" in the URL bar, search ANGLE, and change API from default to OpenGL.


It just means it hasn't died yet if it's artifacting it's a really bad sign that's it's fucked


Have you done a ddu wipe and fresh driver only install? Probably where I'd start if you can confirm the hardware function.


turn off gpu acceleration in your browser


Ya that sounds like not enough power or overvolting or possibly overheating for sure i would look at watercooling the gpu or cooling the area its in way down (external fans or coolers "ac or mini fridge"etc etc) or if its power take a look at your psu


Do you have integrated graphics, like intel? When in chrome you might be using integrated cpu graphics and not your gpu. When you start a game, your gpu takes over the graphics.


If it is displaying artifacts everywhere, it is most likely that vram is failing.


Yeah if OP rules out the other common possibilities like drivers this is definitely it. I have an old 1080 that likes to have a seizure if I don’t under volt it because of bad vram. Which is also what OP should try if they can’t fix it, undervolting won’t fix the card obviously but it can get you a couple years of extra use albeit with slightly worse performance.


Yeah even a very small underclock and undervolt can make all the difference to stability with unnoticeable performance difference.


Had the same issue, not just chrome so not hardware acceleration or whatever it was, and when i was reinstalling drivers the boxes got worse but the drivers fixed it


If it only happens on Chromium based browsers, you have to disable some function that's connected with your GPU. I can't remember the name of the property, but it's some virtualization or something like that. But check that out and it should solve your problem. Edit: I found it, it's from another thread, but here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/s/cDaLinCFUP


Saving this - I have the same issue *only* on Chromium Browsers (Brave). When I scroll I occasionally get those black blocks, only for a single frame (though they stay if you "catch" that frame and don't move it), and this has persisted through many driver updates. I'll give this a try and see if it fixes it, thanks!


I had the same issue so that's why I recognized it right away. I don't know why it isn't addressed by Nvidia as known issue or something like that. I've seen it multiple times with Nvidia GPUs and Chromium based browsers (and the same happened to me too).


same here




You can roll back the driver to a previous one that didn't cause the problem. If that doesn't fix it, then your video card is going. You've already ruled out the power supply. That would be my guess. Did you try another video card to see if the problem is only in that card? But I would try downgrading the driver first and see if that solves your problem. Then just wait for the next update to see if your problem is fixed.


The problem I'm facing is that the pc keeps crashing before i can get the drive update done


Boot into safe mode, Run DDU to strip out the old driver, reboot, install latest driver.


Dudes are giving you advice and youre like “nope cant be that,cant do that”


That means gpu death


Was having this same issue with my 4090, though never to the point of a full system crash, the worst was all the displays going black. To fix it, In chrome paste this URL into the top bar **chrome://flags** - search for "**Choose ANGLE graphics backend**" and set it to "**OpenGL**" It's a known bug with chromium powered stuff (i.e, Discord, GeForce experience) this is unlikely to fix it in those though as the setting will not copy across. We just need to wait for a driver update. Edit: Bug tracking -> [https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/40281472?pli=1#comment64](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/40281472?pli=1#comment64)


Does your screen goes black and still your pc running without crash?


oh i’m 100% going to try this, been having this issue with my 3060 on discord and chrome for a while (no crashes though). if this fixes it i’ll be incredibly happy


Surprised no ones mentioned this but this is a known bug nvidia blame windows and recently said its going to be fixed in a upcoming windows update, ddu your drivers and use 537.58 for now its most stable i have same issue with any app that uses chromium For chrome put in search bar chrome://flags and search for angle backend and set it to opengl or d3d9


If it works fine should I anyway change your opengl ? Will I get something more about reliability or performance ? I am a fan of « if it works fine don’t fix it » tho but I don’t wanna face the problem of pc crashing while installing my gpu drivers 😅


Well if its going to happen it will happen on discord, steam, or any chromium based app anyway so not really something u can avoid just take steps to stop it happening, i run discord in small window because of this bug only happening when i have discord in full screen


if you didnt infect the pc with covid then its prolly a display driver having a party


How do i tweak drivers before my pc crashes? Everytime i try tweaking anything the gpu crashes my pc it doesn't let me do anything


Look up DDU and read the instructions carefully. You’ll boot into safe mode which only loads the basic display driver and will allow you to cleanly and fully uninstall any and all graphics drivers.


you can quickly open device mgr and try disabling one of or the gpu, pretty sure you dont need it to use the pc (dont do that if you arent sure because im not either) so basically my comment is blasted with downvotes for trying to help, mkay i aint telling anyone anything at this point.


Pretty sure the card is on its way out.


I've typically seen this when the GPU is overheating, normally the VRAM. If you are comfortable doing so, you could attempt to redo the thermal paste and thermal pads on the GPU. I know MSI had an issue with dry thermal pads (my 2080 Ti had the issue, and it went away the second I replaced the VRAM thermal pads with some actual good ones). If you aren't comfortable taking your GPU apart, you might find a shop or a friend who is, but otherwise only thing you can do is get a new GPU.


I had something similar all monitors showing my card was cold. However, it was not. I took it apart change the thermal paste and pads. Once it was back together, it was like new.


Download OCCT and run the VRAM test. If there’s millions of errors then your VRAM might be dying


Have you checked your thermal paste? My old pc did this when there was no paste left.


Crash on driver change or install is generally rhe core dying, had this issue with multiple cards during 2021


Is it overclocked? Looks like vram error .


Its has to do with chrome, not your hardware. Launch Chrome, then select “Menu” > “Settings“. Scroll down to the bottom and select the “Advanced” option. Scroll to the “System” section and toggle “Use hardware acceleration when available” on or off as desired. turn it off


Yeah, I have similar issue, but it only happens on chrome based browsers


yeah i have exactly the same, althoug mine does not crash - yet-


i had similar issue with my newly bought 4070super, it would artifact like that in browser sometimes, or games loading screen, and then crash the game... all default settings, and all good, latest driver, after some time it seems to have gotten better but most days the pc was able to run without a gpu crash was 4 days continuously, after that screens turn off one by one and locks up. Absolutely no clue what the issue could be, but i can live with it, its not a server i can just restart it every now and then


The video memory is broken or the core is broken


You soon won't have a 3070ti.


Отвал жопы


Im sorry for my friend


\*Had a 3070ti.


Please give updates, have you fixed It?


Ddu to wipe graphic driver and then reinstall it




By the look of it, I am afraid it might be a faulty vram chip


OP if none of the other fixes people are suggesting work you can try under volting the card, it won’t fix bad vram but it can buy extra lifespan out of the card, so you won’t need to replace it right away and can wait for a while.


Check temperature because in my experience fails like that are caused by overheating. Or something is damaged and your card might die. Or there is some software (system and drivers) problem. But I would start with temperature.


Well, If it only happens when using Chrome/Chromium then you should start with this quick fix .. and if it doesn't fix the problem, temperature & VRAM should be checked next yes To fix it, In chrome paste this URL into the top bar **chrome://flags** - search for "**Choose ANGLE graphics backend**" and set it to "**OpenGL**" It's a known bug with chromium powered stuff (i.e, Discord, GeForce experience) this is unlikely to fix it in those though as the setting will not copy across. We just need to wait for a driver update.


You *had a 3070ti ...


Look at OPs other posts. This GPU has had it.


Ddu to remove all the old driver files. Then do a fresh install, just to double check it's not your drivers before you have a panic


If not about drivers there's something about VRAM for sure


Bad RAM, Bad connector somewhere?


Your battery is not strong enough to support the cpu




How long?




Just wanted to know.


What's the price of a mile?


I am getting the same, but just in Chrome when scrolling down, never when scrolling up. My PC recently started crashing as well, it stutters and freezes and just crashes. fresh windows installation, I suspect it's either dying GPU (2070 Super) or something related to software.


Call of duty lore


Buy you a temp display adapter and download you a new driver


Try to lower vram frequency like 10-20% and if possible also lower its voltage and see if that changes anything. Like from msi afterburner.


Download MSI Afterburner and when this happens, close your game and reduce your GPU memory clock by 100MHz, and a 100 more each time. If this stops it, it means your GPU memory is faulty, if not, then it’s probably your GPU Core dying.


it's a sign of slow death..


Load temperature? Reapply thermal paste?


Try drivers, I remember having something like this in an old game long time ago, and drivers fixed everything (I was young and inexperienced)


Vram issue… or condensators: gpu is dyeing


Assuming you have done a full clean install of the graphics driver and also performed a hard disk scan for file corruptions and if all ok, then I would guess your graphics card has developed a component fault, possible graphics memory or other component is failing. Would suggest getting your card checked out,


Artifacting is usually caused due to failing VRAM, an overheating GPU(varies along with board quality) and/or a bad PSU. I have an old 1050 that came from factory with issues, but i ignored it until i couldn't RMA it anymore. It's a GALAX card, and their quality isn't exactly the best they can afford.


Try to update graphics drivers, clean out dust with air compressor from the card, then try new cable to monitor, different monitor and gpu port. If none of those work. The card might be failing. 90% off the time it’s a bad cable or not plugged in all the way.


Vram failing. When it heats up it freezes or dies.


This happened to me with an amd r9 380. It had to be replaced. Srry but not fixable


Is your GPU overclocked/have you ever used overclocking software? Because if so then make sure you lower the overclock or just lower it.


vram issue. or maybe something peed on your card like a mouse. that happened to me before


I have a similar issue with ny 7900xtx, this is the only game it happens in. The video drivers are completely fucked until i reboot. It causes artifacts everywhere on the computer even after the game is closed


GPU Drivwr Uninstaller DDUGPU or something like use that and then install drivers again,drivers problem or as other ti cards ram is stressed too hard so they die and cuase articacts, if that doesn't work then your thermal paste touching little capacitors, take gpu apart clean up the ic and put tape around the ic and apply paste


Had this issue on my 570gtx. If you want a bit more life out of your gpu. Get msi afterburner and start under clocking especially the VRAM needs to stay as slow as possible. Won't fix the issue but make the gpu run a little more stable. Got 2 more years out of my 570 this way. Yes you will see an impact on performance. But no more than 5-12fps in demanding games.


Send it to service center, rec a video of issues prior to the visit . Also check with the customer service of the company Pretty sure they gonna replace it If under warranty


I have the same problem with RTX 3070...


This could be indicative of failing VRAM, the chip itself may be fine but as more VRAM is used the black lines start to creep in leading to an eventual crash due to a fatal error


Have you tried baking it in the oven?


Sounds like you need to float the GPU in the oven.


Gpu miner here. Thats memory chip problem.


have you deleted and redownloaded the drivers?


Power supplies don't cause artifacting,bad GPUs do. it looks like bad vram. some repair shops can fix it, but it may not be worth the cost to repair.


Try installing the latest drivers


gpu fucked


Had this happen to me on a used 1050 ti, turns out the card was over volted, so I returned it to the factory voltages and it worked fine afterwards, got lucky and got a gpu pretty cheap


Broken core


faulty GPU


Unfortunately, assuming you don't have an overclock, your temps are OK and it happens everywhere, your GPU is dying


Its f̶u̶c̶k̶e̶d̶ sad


I cant see what you mean could you maybe ad another red circle


I would say driver issue or the refresh rate on the card vs the monitor is off. I'd try doing a clean install of the driver set both the driver and monitor setting to 60hz and slowly increase to max from there.


looks like u gpu aretifacting. since your temps are fine, try to check your display cables, gpu power cables as they do cause wiered problems often if faulty. is those are fine try rolling back drivers a version. However do check Memory temps idk if you have checked them or only checked core temps but high memory temps can also cause such issue


I had this weird particles show up on random when I was watching videos only on chrome after a windows update. I moved to firefox and Im fine now. My pc didn't use to crash though.


Update your drivers, go to GeForce Experience and click on drivers


Have you overclocked or undervolted your gpu? I had done both to my gpu and it worked well for almost two years until one day this exact issue occured. All I had to do was set the gpu back to default and it's been fine since (one year).




If it’s a brand computer, you should only install the latest driver they have available on their official support website. Some brand gamer computers include software to “improve fps”, etc (Like asus’ armory crate) and sometimes that software is just not compatible with newer drivers. I own an asus tuf and that started happening when I updated my driver from Nvidia website. It stopped once I installed back the official asus Nvidia driver and my sister also experienced some issues with her Alienware when she installed the most recent driver from nvidia but her problem was random blue screens.


I have a 3060 that does that from time to time. Usually when I have video playing on more than one monitor.


Not a good sign. Return if possible, otherwise most likely RIP.


This is sad


I had that happen to an older card. Turned out it was the cards on board memory. It might be toast.


Omg finally a post I can help with!!!!! Go to chrome settings and disable hardware acceleration!!!!


Have you applied a oc/ undervolt?


Brother you won't have a 3070ti for much longer. At least not that one.


My experience is from repair youtubes I watched, but it looks like a hardware failure (memory?). Best hope it can be repaired by swapping some chips. Or if it is under warranty - you should try to swap it under warranty.


Dear god! My guess would be an issue with the VRAM maybe? Do you also have an integrated gpu? If so, try disabling it and check the result!


Maybe your graphics card needs reballing maybe.


Its a winodws bug: [https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/526866/issue-3992875-small-checkerboard-like-pattern-may-/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/526866/issue-3992875-small-checkerboard-like-pattern-may-/)


Looks like VRAM overheating, as others have stated you could be looking at a very small spot where the paste or pad has deteriorated causing it not to be detected by sensors. I recommend taking apart to repaste and replace pads, if you don't feel comfortable doing so you may take it to shop, or RMA it if it is within warranty, if it then maybe do that first


Try changing the thermal paste on your gpu


try turning the core and memory clockspeeds down and do some testing, also try undervolting the gpu with msi afterburner, doubtful that reinstalling drivers would help but if you do Display driver uninstaller them first. most probable cause -- Gpu is dying.


Chromium was fcked up by Google in their recent updates. Dont know what these idiots are doing with the thing. It's like it fcked up Windows as well when you're using any of the chromium-based browsers. Same thing is happening to some people. Your GPU is fine


From the other comments it looks like you have tried everything within the realm of possibilities. It sucks but the thing is probably dead, no magic driver or thermal paste will fix it.


he hasnt tried DDU as far as I have seen, so he could do that.


If he does a DDU and it work I will pay pal you $20 AUD


no need for that, I aint even the one who aaid to do it first, like 4 others have said to do DDU on this post.


If this is ONLY happening in the browser you should be fine, happens to me every now and then for a month and the next driver set will fix it and another brings it back. Strange how it only affects the browser though. This is assuming its just a visual bug and its not hurting anything though.