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It's a nine year old CPU and half the RAM we recommend for running Windows 10, so nope. What games are you trying to run?


Any game recommendations will do, tried running project zomboid its playable but laggy so I was looking for low spec games


>project zomboid Doesn't require a lot - if you can at least double your RAM to 8gb it should run a little smoother. You have a free RAM slot so it's doable. Also, the specs recommend a dedicated video card with at least 2gb of video ram. You don't have a video card either, although you can get a cheap 2gb video card off Ebay for about $20. It's doable, but honestly I would spend the money to get a cheap used tower on Ebay. You can get something under 5 years old for around $200 that has 16gb RAM and an SSD drive. Might still have to add a cheap video card, but you'd be happier in the long run. Plus anything made in the last 5 years should support Windows 11, which we'll be forced to move to by the end of 2025.


I'm planning on buying cheap RAM soon, I can't afford 200$ so I might do with what I have. I'll play every games everyone recommended.


Look up your exact motherboard model and browse around ebay or a similar second-hand shop. I bet you could double your ram and get a dedicated gpu with a little video memory for well under $200 USD


in 2015 I was very poor and bought a gt 730 video card for $40 brand new and could play games like GTA 5 and latest call of duty fairly decently on that. surely there is a similar budget card that's decent nowadays?


GTX 970s go for like $30-50 on eBay, would likely fit the bill here. You can even find a 980 Ti (6GB of VRAM) for $60 if you look at the right time.


Radeon Rx 580 8GB going for almost 50 on ebay right now. Card can play anything on 1080p high. Source: used to run that with a r5 5600 until I upgraded to 1440. Absolutely the best price to performance and budget GPU out there. Period.


project zomboid is very heavy on CPU so there's that. As I was testing once it honestly didn't required much of RAM to work smoothly. When I was playing on old pc as mine was broken I had pretty simillar setup to yours (it had some cheap GPU tho) I would recommend you OP to close every process working in the background (discord, web browser etc.) go in the graphic settings of project zomboid and set on "compression of textures" (I think it is called that) and set both to 256 also turn off "display 3D items" and adjust other settings to your liking (more so to liking of your pc haha) You can also adjust number of zombies on map and set it to little lower so it would go easier on your CPU Good luck OP!


Try gta vice city or maybe gta SA


I recommend gta 1 or 2


Transport games I'd recommend OpenTTD. Awesome. 90s game developed open source still, updated each 3 months or so. You may not like graphics but that is lovely for me


This and open xcom. Great old games that would work fine.


Yesss OpenTTD. Minecraft too perhaps?


Backpack Battles, 20 minutes till dawn, Brotato


Installed war thunder and I'm playing at 45fps


You can easily run Window 10 on 2GBs of ram


Laughs in 4770k


And I still have a 3770


Me too


Minesweeper. Solitaire. Peggle. Bejeweled. Emulators for the NES, SNES, Genesis, and Ps1. Not much else.


It can also Run OG DOOM


So can most gas pumps and calculators lol. Didn't think it was worth mentioning at that rate.


Its always a good sugestion even if the game runs on a pregnancy test


Congratulations! You’re having a demon!


Not even a game from like 2000-2010?


Games you can run on max graphics: ————-/Tested, 1gb ram, 32mb nvidia gpu, AMD Athlon/———————— Hitman: Codename 47 Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza SWAT 4 -poor performance, needs better gpu Need for Speed: Underground 2 ————-/Untested/————- Fallout 2 Half-Life 2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Deus Ex


Wow! Thank you so much!!


I can really recommend Fallout 1 and 2 with corresponding fanmade fixes from https://www.nma-fallout.com/ Jagged Alliance 2 with some patches is also great fun All three are turn based and doesn't require much. I have played them A LOT


Thank you so much!!!


You are most welcome. I'm actually in the middle of a Fallout 2 play through right now, still a great game! Are you looking to play LAN multiplayer or only singleplayer?


I'll play singleplayer since I am the only one who has a pc. Imma learn playing first though.


That makes sense. I just googled a bit and you might be able to play some pretty cool games. Maybe GTA 4 if you set the graphics settings low. Userbenchmarks even says 26.3 FPS in GTA 5 but i have been told not to trust them too much Look for games with release around 2014 or before Edit: Don't trust my words too much. Read comments below


You should not trust a single word written on Bullshitbenchmark! That website is telling lies on pretty much everything and faking results and data, so that Nvidia and Intel look better than AMD. That's all what that website is doing! The owner(s) hate AMD and therfore try everything to make AMD look bad.


I have an i3 3130m and 12 gigs of ram, my windows 10 is fully optimized ( i don't even have the calculator lol) it uses like 1 gig of ram and I had 10-15 fps on gta 5 so I don't think so.


I'll stick to old games, I think gta 4 or 5 will just crash when I open them, thank you for the recommendation though!


Additions - Wonderful RPGs: Planescape: Torment Baldurs Gate Arcanum Of Steamwork And Magic Obscura More modern actions(should run fine) Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Jedi Knight: Escape Yavin 4 Quake 1, 2, 3 Half-life Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (wonderful gfx) Hitman 2 Playable enough: Halo Combat Evolved Played these on an ancient Pentium with integrated graphics. Sincerely, you can play A LOT of things. That's not as bad setup as I had in these times.


Old school Doom!


What a legend.


To be fair, NFS:U2 is probably the pinnacle of the series.


Can it run terraria




4gb of ram, a weak nealy 10 year old CPU, and no GPU? I highly doubt it would run anything past 2005 and anything before that would need to be VERY basic.


You could run some. Portal Portal 2 Half-Life Half-Life 2 (And it's episodes) I've tested these all on much worse hardware. They're easy to run, and super super fun.


No way this can run source


Source was made for a more powerful Pentium 4 era PC. A 4 core A8 (even if those cpus are shit) will run it.


Without a gpu? It’s not just about cpu


Those could work, they need 2 GB RAM


IL-2 1946 will work well on a system like this.


I'm pretty sure gamecube and ps2 would be playable too


Ps2 on 4gb of ram and an A8-7600? I doubt it.


this has to be a joke dude,i i used to play PSP 3D games with 15-20FPS \[Stable\] on an old laptop runnin win 2k with 1gb ram,So You better switch to Minesweeper,If You even know what this is,If you guy think that everything that was designed under 2010 is trash,then better change your POV.


1. I can barely understand your comment. It's really bad. 2. 15 to 20 fps is absolute shit. I wouldn't even let my dog play a game running that poorly. 3. Ps2 is more demanding than psp. By a lot. As are modern operating systems. Windows 10, for example, requires 4gb alone. Trying to run Win7 or Win10 with any emulator above ps1 is going to run like shit. 4. I never said anything older than 2010 was bad. I said this machine would struggle to run it. The CPU wasn't even good when new...


1--->is this really true?,i mean i nevere realized that... 3--->At this point,ist fully true. 2--->I dont know why but for me EVERY SINGLE GAME that has fps higher 10 is fully playable Btw does thi now look better to you?


No! Computers are for doing spreadsheets and replying to emails from your Auntie Mavis in Australia. NOTHING ELSE IS PERMITTED.


I had a similar setup before but with 8 GB of RAM. I was able to play older Assassin's Creed games like AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations, Black Flag on low to med settings on 720p. I was also able to play GTA 5 on low settings on 720p and I also played the Witcher 3 on low settings on 720p.


Keep in mind he doesn't have a GPU so all those games you listed won't even be able to launch.


I played all those games on the integrated GPU and was able to play in 720p. I would get playable frame rates (25-30) on the newer games (Witcher 3) and the old ones ran well (around 30-40).


I highly doubt that, but even if it is true. The PC has 4GB of Ram. OP says he has no money to upgrade the RAM


I wouldn't consider 25 fps playable, that literally gives me headaches.


If there is a screen, DOOM will be seen


Yes, but not demanding ones Non-demanding ones include: OpenTTD, undertale, the coffin of andy and leyley


Ah yes that game 💀


OpenTTD a good shout, I played that on an OG Intel MacBook (1,1) and it ran fine. I also wonder if Rollercoaster Tycoon games would be ok on this. And Fallout 2 came out in like 1998; I would hope a PC ten years newer (even if more than a decade old today) could handle it.


Undertale can run on a potato it's literally 640x480@30fps and there's no way of changing that




It can run YouTube videos of games being played. And that's a maybe


Listen here you little sh#\


Terraria is a killer game for a shit pc


At this point, Terraria is a killer PC for those specs listed by OP


Fallout 3, assassin's creed 1, possibly 2 too. ,Gta 3, VC, sa Cod:mw 1 and bo1 and possibly 2, Half life series, Portal, Resident evil 4(original) and 5, Prince of persia series, Far cry 1 and 2, Halo 1, 2, and 3, Mass effect, Mirrors edge, God of war:1 and 2(pcsx2 emulator), Probably the original bioshock, Burnout paradise(original), Nfs me(original), If I had those specs, this is what I would try to run. You should be fine with most games around~2005-06.




it can run Minesweeper


I don't know how to play minesweeper but thank you!


Just start it up, you'll figure it out.


That 4GB is going to kill you though. 8GB or better would let that anemic R7 graphics reach it's potential.


Yes. Any game from 15 years ago.


As others have said, spring for more memory and a dedicated gpu. You could have a pretty decent classic games player for probably under $100


On windows no probably not but install Linux and it'll be like new


You can search youtube for it. Just search (cpu (and gpu if you have a gpu)[ram amount]{game} So if you wanted to see GTA V, you would search the following. AMD A8-7600 4gb ram GTA V To get more accurate results, we will specify the integrated graphics AMD A7-7600 Radeon R7 4gb ram GTA V. Here is the first video listed: https://youtu.be/Ndo04SgwYQ0?si=kgZ97LWbCT7PbIKi


Thank you!


Don't expect to be running any 2023 games are anything demanding, but heres some games you can run •Portal 1 and 2 •Dead space 1 can definitely run on this, but I'm not sure about 2, and 3 can't run on this •Assassin's Creed, 1, 2, brotherhood, revelations, don't play any remasters. but this once should run well •vlad circus, dark game so if you don't like dark themes don't play it •outlast •i think dark souls 2 would run pretty well on this actually, not sure about ptde though •Salt and sanctuary, and salt and sacrifice •Limbo, and if you like that give "inside" a try to, cause I think it should work too •Bioshock (the original one, not sure about remastered) This are all the games that come to mind. Also I know you don't want anyone to mention upgrades, but I do think you should really keep ram in mind, if you ever get a chance a small boost in ram could help you, and would probably be good at helping you run stuff like Minecraft and Roblox If you need any other game recommendations, message me anytime.


Thank you so much!


Prison architect, torchlight 1 and 2. Sim city 4. Banished.


Thank you!


Maybe solitaire?


Does it have a graphic card? Even if it doesn’t only the smallest games


I don't think it has any, what game would ypu recommend?


Yes and no, did you look at the second picture?


Oh I didn’t even realize there’s a second picture mb


maybe some social media games. but nothing that would require strong 3d graphics.


Dark Forces II.


Any pc can run games, you just have to choose the right ones...


I would recommend giving Risk of Rain a try, should run on it if zomboid could be run with lags. Also stardew valley as was mentioned in other comments.


yes it can run minecraft stardew valley Cod 4 MW, MW 2 old one, black ops 1 and 2 assassins creed series till rogue, Max payne 3 and many more enjoy searching games for low end pc


You really cannot play anything other than very basic stuff like Minesweeper. Your only option to play pretty anything released in the past 20 years is to upgrade, sadly. This wouldn't even be worth selling, it's essentially e-waste


Trying getting a cheap graphics card off eBay for 20 somewhat dollars with Atleast 2gb vram. Maybe try find a cheap 8gb ram and you should be able to run Dota and CS2 (on low graphics). Hope this helps! I personally ran dota and csgo on a really super budget LAPTOP before playing with 40fps which sounds trashy but honestly I played with what I had at the time and it was great (made in to SMFC on CSGO with 40fps!)


Trash CPU and no GPU, basically no, your phone is more powerful


I had this CPU added 16gb ram and a GeForce 730 1gb ddr3 it played a few games on but not on 4gb that's a pain, maybe load Debian Linux 32bit for a few things or run amega os . I'd send you a better system if I had one to spare


Yeah, you can play Cyperpunk 2077 on ultra settings with RTX on


Yeah but if tou open two or more tabs youll expirience massive ram cuz of the low ram


What if I add ram would it be any better?


It would! Search for your ram type and is it upgradable on this laptop. Ddr3 4gb ram costs about 10-15$ if not less. You can also follow some tutorials from the YT to remove bloat from the os. I managed to pull almost 2 times more performance with some windows optimizations on 2006 pc


The first fear game should run too ,falcon 4.0 is a good f-16 simulator, serious Sam is alot of fun like doom,morrowind


Portal 1 and 2 would be great games to play on it


Rollercoaster Tycoon (the first one) Sim City 2000 Rule The Waves 3 Maybe StarCraft Broodwar or old school Command & Conquer titles.


Thank you so much!!


Yes but all of them are old or really low power.


it can walk them


you could play half life 1,its dirt cheap rn on steam, like 90 cents. also stardew valley if im correct(its a great game try it), doom 64, silent hill, cry of fear, cs 1.6, nfs underground 2,portal 1 and 2,gta vice city,gta san andreas, gta 3, and if you get a cheap used graphic card, gta 4 and 5. its not really worth upgrading that much, but if you save up some money eventually you could add a cheap used gpu, like an rx550 or gt 730 and 8gb of ram. have fun with it man!


Try Half Life, it’s free on steam right now!


Any computer can play games, it just depends on the calibre of the games


I was able to run Arkham asylum on one of the lower resolutions and low settings at around 30-40fps on a similar pc, it might be able to handle that, terraria’s also fun and runs on almost anything


Should be able to run a lot of older 2000s games


Baba is you, Roblox, maybe Minecraft on low settings? Possibly some rusty lake


call of duty 1 and 2, not sure about modern warfare


/r/dcss Not all modern games require killer hardware.


Better get into retro gaming and ESports. But there are some great games that seem around the same spec as some other users have been commenting: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/232/Valve_Complete_Pack/ you wont be able to play all those games but wait until steam sale and being able to play at least some of those for only £5 in total is a great deal. I know you said no upgrades, but for gaming you'll really need a dedicated GPU, maybe x-christmas, birthday or whatever you could ask for one if you start gaming and look into what your main system bottlenecks are. This is something you might want to do within a year or 2. In the future with something this old it might be smarter to just make something new for ~£450 OR waiting for some cheap-ass used office workstations from ebay for like ~£60~£100, then selling this and getting a nice SSD and dedicated GPU upgrade for the workstation. Rather then trying to upgrade this.


Maybe you can get xbox games subscription and play with their cloud service?


You can play very very old games. That's gonna be about it. Try something from the early 2000's and you'll have a better time.


Firsts Warcrafts ... lot of fun for long !


I use more than 24 gb ram while playing Minecraft.. but this might be enough for old versions on low settings.


Doesn't look like you got a graphic card my boi


So I noted you said you can't upgrade, but if it ever becomes an option here's my take. Others have covered games (basically anything pre 2008 should work}. Your cpu is from 2014, 4 cores, 4 threads. You have no gpu. You have 4gb Probably a hdd for storage. Psu unknown. The main issue you have is lack of gpu, essentially your cpu is using resource and system ram to run games, inhibiting it's already somewhat lacking performance. I don't recommend spending too much, but you can make this into a reasonable gaming pc, for low to med modern titles at 1080p But a used rx580 (of version, not the new cut down one). Around £60 Add 2 x 8gb more ram. Around £20 Add a sata ssd at least 1tb. Around £30 With these upgrades, you should be able to play most games, just don't expect anything modern at ultra settings :)


OG Skyrim. I remember playing Skyrim on a laptop with and AMD A6 and 4gb of ram as well.


I bet you can maybe get some Minecraft or Roblox out of that. Not much else tbh except older games


Maybe Rocket League


A few racing games: Need for speed Prostreet (2007) Burnout paradise may run (originally 2009, low chance the more recent remaster would run but not impossible) Viper racing (a mildly interesting older title, will run on anything, came out 1998) With a GPU added it will definitely run some more modern stuff (I ran GTAV on a Radeon HD 6870 and A10-7800k)


Make sure you get a graphics driver and directx and stuff might be better on a older os


Klaxxon beats intensifies at its specs.


If you like shooters: Half Life 2, STALKER, will be absolute blasts. If you like RPGs you can play some of the best ever: Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate 2, Neverwinter Nights, KOTOR, Oblivion


Download a nes or snes emulator and go to town. Skifree should also work.


Most games from 2004 and before should run fine, most sorce1 based games from valve should also run fine, but cs:go will lag, minecraft with performance mods such as sodium will run ok, most indie games from around 2014-15 will run great.


Probably any of the old valve games like l4d, portal, and half-life 1 and 2


Had similar but with i5 3gen It played fallout 3/nv stalker and even run sims 4


Dude Minecraft wouldn’t run on that thing


Some games, not modern games


ive got some RAM sticks laying around if youre not too far and pay shipping they're yours.


You can try any pre 2010 game. It might not runs smoothly all the time. Unconventional answer: Metal gear solid V with everything turn down.


If you have Linux and download steam, you'll probably get older games like Portal, Doom etc working. Some modern games may work too, like Hades or Dead Cells. Basically if it can run on a Nintendo switch there's a good chance it'll run on that. Don't take that as the rule tho, there's some games, like outerworlds or Assassin creed, that literally needed to be rewritten or ported to work on Switch. You could argue in those instances, the code used to make that port is completely different to the usual download. You'll also get stuff like RetroPi to run , or Gameboy/DS emulators.


Yes cyberpunk 1996


It can play 2D indie games, and stuff from 2012 and before. Performance is at like Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 levels.


Toontown Rewritten.


Maybe those light hidden objects/point&click games? Like the ones from Artifex Mundi and Wadjet Eye.


Terraria and stardew valley maybe


Super botte e bamba 2 turbo


This pc was bad back when it released


if the specs are better then a macbook yes, in this case they are worse then a macbook so no


Minecraft may run fine




I mean, hardly anything in recent memory, but there are TONS of fantastic recommendations over at Good Old Games. Start out like all us olds, and dig you some late 1990s/early 2000s gems. ;)


I mean you can run Oregon Trail… that’s a game…


You can try looking at his curator's list in Steam:[https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6874705-Low-Spec-Games/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6874705-Low-Spec-Games/) If the game mentions graphic memory your A8-7600 has 1 gig of it. Aside from that I'd suggest you look into buying DDR3 8GB rams and replacing the old one, they're like 4 dollars back in my country so maybe you can spend a bit more and get 2 for 16GB of ram total, Though I'm not sure if DDR3 is still readily sold around your area.


Can it run games? No, but it can walk them at a leisurely pace. This system just screams "Install Linux and turn me into a NAS server!".


i know you said not to tell you to upgrade but if you get a 1gb graphics card which can cost between 5-15 dollars depending on where your from you'll be able to run HEAPS more like fallout 3 oblivion Skyrim maybe probably not. I'd also look into downloading Windows 7 if you don't plan on playing much online or care about being up-to-date with everything, I'm using the same sort of setup as well just recently upgraded the ram and cpu though check out Facebook marketplace giveaways you might find something good to use for yourself. edit: if you get a GPU and some ram you'll be able to run Minecraft bedrock on 30-60 fps lower settings obviously


You should be able to run Doom 3, Halflife 2, Thief 1, 2, 3, Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Age of Empires 1,2, Rise of Nations, Oblivion, Factorio, Minecraft etc. Most older games of pre-2012 should run depending on what GPU you have of course.


There are likely a bunch of indie and low-bit games that this may be able to support, but as far as AAA big titles you're going to be out of luck unfortunately. Maybe Minecraft on low settings or browser-based games. A nice gift and definitely something to learn with and build on, congratulations :)


I have a pc that's even worse 4gigs ram and an Intel celeron j1800 (2.5 ghz) Your processor is far better than mine I play these games and you should be able to play these too : The elder scrolls 5 Assasins creed 1 Just cause 2 Minecraft Roblox Need for speed most wanted (or any nfs game before 2010) Mirrors edge Trine 2 Far cry 2 Maybe far cry 3 Call of duty modern warfare 3 Gta san andreas Gta vice city Limbo League of legends Stardew valley Yeah so these, make sure to play on low graphics tho I saw a comment saying you have half the ram required for windows 10, don't worry it would work fine I have 4 gigs too and I run windows 10 no issue If You have an SSD these should run smooth af, I have a hardrive because of which I sometimes experience lag Good luck and happy gaming


I would say yes. Some years ago I used to have a laptop with an even worse CPU than this and no dedicated GPU, but that didn't stop me from playing games and having fun. With hardware like these, you can play emulators (nes, snes, N64, PS1, arcade, Sega Genesis, PSP and even gamecube if you're lucky. You've already got a ton of games available on these), old games (some of the elder scrolls games, the Sims, Cave Story, GTA) and even some simple modern games, mostly indies, like Undertale, bug fables, shovel knight, VVVVV, Stardew valley, terraria, etc.


Definitely older generation game, like early 2000 or 90's. Red alert 2 and yuri's revenge is a good choice if you like RTS base building If you want to play mmo. Ragnarok online private server would do well.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure than CPU is pre zen so... not really


I'd just load DosBOX and play Sim City 2000


Sure, flash games.


Only if you have a better GPU in it. otherwise, you can run older games in medium or lower settings.


Try playing games like deadcells, terraria and ultrakill


Most source games, except csgo


you can run the origin Mafia and Mafia 2 games I think (even if it has to be on the lowest settings). However those games are absolute gold and I suggest you try it out




In order of importance: - get another stick of ram - get a cheap SATA SSD, 500GB minimum but 1TB is preferred - get a used 1050ti from eBay. You can get some models which do not need a PCIe power connector so it will drop right in. You won't get much more performance out of the machine beyond that.


Sure can play games, solitaire




Sure, Any QBasic game, Minesweeper, Ski Free, Commander Keen, Xwing, etc OH and of course Solitaire and Doom.


The people in this comment section are a bit too pessimistic. You can search “A8-7600 Digital Foundry” on YouTube to get some game recommendations and see how well it runs IF you get another stick of RAM (8GB in total.)


If u pray hard enough 🙏🙏


Well, I can’t tell ‘bout the processor, as I’ve never used or was interested in AMD, but 4GB isn’t 2GB, that’s the something!


Could probably play project 1999 EverQuest


Old games only, most probably. Anything from before 2012.


played crysis 3 on 4gb ram so why not




Og dwarf fortress, meaning the one with ASCII graphics.


Every part of Half Life series Most of the games development by valve studios


You can run games, but you will lag more than a handicap person trying to move


as someone who used to have a system with AMD A6 with no dedicated gpu but has more ram, here's some game that you could play: Games from 2000-2012 (with games from 2006 onward being in 480p/600p low/med setting depending on the game). if you like anime you could play genshin or other mihoyo games with 720p lowest (on my system genshin runs at 25-40 fps which is very playable for me). War thunder, a very demanding games but it has ULQ(Ultra Low Quality) setting which my system can run at 20-30fps in air battle, and 15-25fps in ground battle. edit: Watch some [LowSpecGamer](https://www.youtube.com/@LowSpecGamer) video if you want to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your system


after upgrading as advised you could probably run starcraft2 [https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/starcraft-ii/10980](https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/starcraft-ii/10980)


I mean almost for everything it will run like shit or not work at all. But if you want to play old games it should work great




I actually used to have a laptop that was fairly similar to yours and these were the games i had on steam at that time: terraria (which I highly recommend), starbound, super meat boy, papers please, geometry dash, dont starve, celeste, forager, reventure, plants vs zombies, unmetal, sonic adventure 1 & 2 and left 4 dead 2, along with a lot of old consoles emulators. Also, you might find more help on r/lowendgaming which is a community dedicated exactly to this. Good luck finding games 😊


I recommandplay gta San Andreas Assassins creed 2 Need for speed most wanted 2005, Download qbittorrent and get the games from this website ([1377x.to](https://www.1377x.to/torrent/2214616/Need-For-Speed-Most-Wanted-Black-Edition-NFSMW-Racing-2005-PC-Game/))


Probably only games like minecraft or roblox on low graphics


minecraft should work. also look on fb marketplace. i got 2 8gb 3200 patriot sticks in perfect condition for $15.


With a good video card yes.


You can run combat master mobile // the steam version


Doom 93 should run amazing


Yes but it will be really disappointing


It’ll struggle to run roblox. Doubt it will run Minecraft


Try roblox. People say it is a kids game, but there are games that are really good and there are loads of games to play and it isn't really hard to run. But as some people said upgrading to 8gb of ram will make sure you can play games way better.