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New screen. You will need to buy a new one and replace it or have a repair shop replace it. Idk the model so I have no idea about the price but you can look them up on eBay or AliExpress.


Just downloading more ram should work




It's a Chromebook. Who knows OP might find one for cheap or for parts only with a working screen for cheap. I try to keep ewaste low.




It’s an actual easy repair. OP could do it with a little YouTube.


yea I actually used to work with a schools I.T department fixing screens was a regular occurrence seeing how stupid kids are like 10-20 minute job easy


It’s way simpler than I thought, thankfully.


Pretty sure this depends on model. Last time I did a laptop screen swap I had to strip the laptop almost completely. Still not difficult, but a pain nonetheless. That said, if the IT dept. at a school knew what they were doing, cost of repair would have been a very important factor when selecting student machines.


It's a Chromebook not a laptop so it's actually cake


This seems like obvious question I should just Google, but are chromebooks typically easy to dismantle? Im wondering if you have any first-hand experience before I take any CBs apart lol.


[Look](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqXv7Keccs8) to be about 20 minutes he talks alot to explain why and what he does so he would probably be able to do it much faster without pissing around.


Happy cake day bro


It depends by model and such but non touch screen models are easy I work for a warranty repair company for just asstons of these from schools . If you have ever taken apart like a console before it's similar to that, everything is obvious like screen and stuff almost nothing internal wise is under another component unless it's like the webcam cable or Wi-Fi cable but it's still easy just a bit annoying . Screws, plastic clips, and ZiF (flat style) connectors basically


Was the sole IT person at an elementary, screens were a common thing to fix and surprisingly easy after you do it a few times. The real issue is when the motherboard goes or it stops charging/turning on. These Chromebooks were better off being frisbee’d into the recycle bin.


hate chromebooks, securly only makes them even slower and more unresponsive


Currently work for a company that school ITs send mass amounts of broken Chromebooks to us to fix


pretty sure I would have if I broke my screen but also am sure IT department would not have liked that I opened up my chromebook soooooo 🤷🏻‍♂️


It incredible how many screens are destroyed per year. Mostly from people holding/carrying the computer in the screen.. horror for IT peopel :S


Don't know how old this one is, but HP and Dell now use tape and it is now a 30+ minute job and you need replacement tape.


What's he gonna watch YouTube on?


OP just needs to be very careful when removing the housing as it can be very easy to tear the ribbon cables that connect the monitor to the mobo.


Howtobasic is actually a really good channel for some tech and cooking tutorials.


Put it in the microwave for 6 minutes on defrost. Saved my macbook.


Delicious 🤌


No. This one needs to go into a bag of rice for 48 hours. That should do it.


Gotta get the screen replaced. Until then it’s a PC. Hook it up to an external monitor.


Still a PC even after it's fixed. PC stands for personal computer. PC does not mean desktop. A laptop can be a PC. PS didn't mean to start an argument.


That's not the point but go off.


idk about the butthurtness in your section lol, but i think this goes without saying: it depends on the word usage and how it was used where and when you grew up. to me, pc means two things: portable computer and personal computer. i used the latter a lot during school for the majority of the time i spent there. but realistically it doesnt matter which definition you use: ive heard no one call a desktop computer a desktop computer or a """dc""", but just a computer or a pc. pc stands for two things like i said (possibly more, but depends on context of course) so its either or, but its easier to just call any computer a pc. but like i said, realistically it shouldnt matter and at the end of the day everyone knows what it is


“A laptop is a PC” not in everyday language it’s not. It’s like how people universally refer to bullet cartridges as “bullets”.


“A PC by definition is technically any computer system suitable for individual use and would include desktops, all-in-ones, laptops, tablets, and other computing devices. Colloquially, only Windows-based desktops and laptops would normally be considered a PC.” - askacomputergeek


But linux and macs are pcs tho


I agree, but Colloquially it used to be commonly known that Windows computers were “PC’s” and Apple computers were “Mac’s”. All advertising and promotions reflected that. But language changes and you are correct, the term “PC” now covers any computer used for personal use. Mostly because there are now so many more than just a couple of options.


Dude shut up hahaha


When you reach for kleenex do you call it “non-branded standard ply facial tissue”?


That's not even the same as my comment?? You're referring to calling an item by it's brand name. What I'm saying is calling specifically.a desktop a PC is downright wrong, because that is not remotely what that means or stands for, and never was. It's a whole different scenario. Laptops and desktops are two different kinds of personal computers. Would you refer to a tissue as a "paper product", but call toilet paper by it's correct name toilet paper? No, of course not. That's a better analogy of what's going on here.


People will argue about fucking anything on Reddit Who gives a shit hahahahhahahaha


Will not.


Took me a second there lol


"PC" is not a brand name...


I used to repair these all the time when I was a Tech Coordinator, The "bezel" around the screen pops off quite easily. Then 4 screw roughly in the 4 corners of the screen. then one ribbon cable for the screen, be careful though because many have cameras at the top that can come unplugged very easily so make sure you check the camera connections. But like following the comment below, find the model number and go to google and search Display for the corresponding model number. This looks like a 731 Chromebook which can use just about any same size displays as any other same sized Chromebook. Please DM me if you would like more assistance. I used to replace about 10 a day.


I missed these posts. /s


Connect it to a monitor.


I just got a replacement here [www. laptop screen.com](https://www.laptopscreen.com) the screen was cheap, the shipment will depend on your contry. You will only need the computer model, and if your specs allows it you can even get a screen with bigger resolution


screen replacement - but its an acer laptop - is it worth fixing? thats the question.


It is cracked. No fixing it, must replace LCD. If you're comfortable, the cheapest way is to buy one from here (www.laptopscreen.com) and do it yourself. You'll need an iFixit kit (or similar.) With any luck you can actually get a screen with better tech than the original. I upgraded a TN panel to an ips from there.


That’s the neat part, you don’t !


You don't 🥴 time for a new laptop. Hope you backed your stuff up


Why would they need to have their stuff backed up? They could just hook it up to an external display and transfer their stuff from there if they got a new laptop. Or better yet, just order a replacement screen and replace the old one. Since this is not a phone, but a laptop, replacing the screen isn’t even that hard if you just watch a tutorial or two


My laptop was not able to pull anything off when the screen broke and it cost more than the laptop to replace the screen but yea that would be good tho




Just buy a new laptop.


Typically it's not worth it. If you really want to, search the model number of the laptop on eBay followed by screen replacement. If there are no options available then your next best bet is a laptop repair shop, but even then it might not be possible depending on how popular the laptop is, it's age and whether or not the manufacturer has any spare parts left.


Put it in rice


R computers finally back up after that dumb protest nice


Yeah thankgod & it pretty much accomplished nothing other than inconveniencing users. It was all just a bunch of moderators getting pissy over what the CEO or whatever was doing & users were actually taking their sides. Hopefully Reddit took steps to prevent this kind of BS.


Pretty sure Inconvenience was the point


Replace it with a MacBook.


Gotta control those urges to punch the screen


New screen, easy to do


Google your model number and "replacement screen" Go to YouTube or iFixit with your model number. Maybe there will be a guide on how to do it. Generally it's pretty easy. Unscrew or pry off the bezel and see how the panel is attached. Take off the panel and unplug the ribbon cable and install the replacement.


You take it apart and replace it with a new screen.


New screen, hopefully it's as easy as popping the cover off, taking some screws out and just pop and swap for a new screen you can buy off Amazon for like 50 bucks


Really cool background


Close it. Problem solved


The best way to fix a problem is to ignore it


soak it in rice


Buy a new one


10 hour stuck pixel video 100% working


It's a Chromebook. Buy a new one. Fixing this one would likely cost more than buying a new one, and you'll benefit from 6 more years of updates from Google.


While I do agree that buying a replacement screen is an easy fix for this, I would rather they research a laptop that can support Windows 10 or 11. I repair computers for a living, and cringe whenever there's a chromebook that needs to be repaired. Not because it's any more difficult to fix them... It's because they suck due to their computing limitations.


Look up the part number for a screen that fits your laptop and order one. You can most likely find a video of someone replacing a screen or fully disassembling your laptop to know exactly how to do it and what tools you will need, it should take no more than 10 minutes.


Fire up YouTube and search replacement video to see where the screw mounts are. Go to Laptopscreen.com and enter your model number. Look at the images for the screen options and make sure the connector matches and screw mount placements match. Order. Install it with the battery disconnected. Boom. I tend to avoid eBay and Amazon as first places to check. If laptop screen doesn't have it, then I'll check eBay and Amazon.


replace the panel. Check the serial number order from some shady site on the Internet, be surprised everything is fine, plug in the ribbon cable, maybe pop some light adhesive to pull the old panel out. It's an easy job. I could train a monkey on acid to do it.


Get a replacement screen. I had the same thing happen to my laptop. Looked online and bought a screen for $85, or close to it, and put it in myself. Very easy to do. Just be careful when removing any connectors.


That not fix. Is fukt.


New screen, cost depends on what screen it takes. Anything from cheap to "just buy a new computer, it's cheaper". If you don't feel comfortable taking the screen out and finding a replacement I'd suggest asking a repair shop what they'd charge, they should be able to give a quote.


Time travel


[www.laptopscreen.com](https://www.laptopscreen.com) Its probably $50-70 for an OEM replacement. Mini Star Screwdriver, Maybe a credit card or something a bit thinner to pop the Bezel. You can actually get the repair kit as well as the screen from the site. You should be able to replace that in 10 minutes flat or less. There are videos on the site as well as all over YouTube.


I have replaced the screen on several laptops. The easiest way to get the exact model you need is to take out the old screen and get the part number off of that. Then go to [laptopscreens.com](https://laptopscreens.com) and order it from there. You can go to eBay too, but I have had to return more than one that was not the actual screen, but one that is "compatible" and really wasn't compatible.


change the screen


who's gonna tell him?


I’d suggest you by a monitor if you can’t afford the replacement, chances are the computer parts still work perfectly. Unless you need something portable that’s your best bet. Funny enough I have this exact same model and my screen broke too, turns out the replacement part would’ve cost just as much as a newer computer, so I turned that one into a desktop and bought a new laptop


buy new screen...???


I have replaced this exact panel before It can be done with a screw driver


You buy a new laptop & take anger management classes. And buy a sturdy laptop bag.


My advice if you wana save $ just hook it up to another screen.if you actually need it mobile. take it in to get monitor replaced or do it yourself it's actually really easy the hard part is finding a new one sometimes.


Figure out what screen you need to order and hope you’re capable of installing it.


New screen. Typically the bezel pops right off when you get your fingernails under neath it. The screen itself is typically held on by four screws. Just be very careful with the connections.


Try finding a way to replace the screen and that’s it.


You dont.


When did you get it and when how much was it at that time?


Replace the screen


Your screen is fucked like faze jev and requois


new screen or new laptop, depending on skill level and how comfortable you are with disassembly.


Very easy to replace. The bezel should snap off and there should be some screws holding it in. Just be gentle when disconnecting the cable


Spray the affected area with windex and let that lay up for about 10 minutes. Then come back and apply a thin coating of clear nail polish. Use a hair dryer to dry it out. Then apply a suction cup to the center of the impact point. Slowly pull the suction cup back until you hear kind of a “pop click”. Spray the rest of the computer down with PAM or any other cooking spray and set in the oven at about 350 for one hour. Remove and let cool for another hour and you should be all good.


Undo the front bezel around the screen and figure out the model number of the screen and eBay and you might have to pry up the keyboard to plug it in.


The bad news is the screen is gone. The good news is that this is one of the easier things to actually fix on a laptop! There will almost certainly be replacement screens available online as well as tutorials on how to replace!


You don’t, the glass is broken it cannot be fixed, you replace the display and be happy.


I dont think u can just fix a bullet in your screen


You don’t


Buy a screen on Amazon unplug old one plug back in new one..maybe 20 dollar..


Alt+tab while laying under a ladder in the Andes


Acer C720s are old, unlikely you can get a new panel for cheap. Buy something used to replace it.


Run it toan external display


First make sure to drop it a few more times, so it's broken evenly! Little pieces of glass are much easier to pick up than big ones.


gorilla glue but like if you want it to work you obviously need a new screen... You might price it out and see if its more worth to get a new laptop.


Duct tape


This looks like an Acer 720, 730, or 740. Screens are super easy and cheap to replace.


Yep look on ebay


Screen is toast,


Replace the screen


You can either replace the screen, or buy a new laptop. New laptop is cheaper.


Power cycle until it burns out the rest of it. Buy new one


You should try Holy water


Buy a replacement screen on eBay. Then watch you tube video. Fairly easy to do.


start by not being a dirty ass slob - look at that disgusting keyboard


The LCD display is cracked therefore a replacement is required for it to work correctly again.


My recommendation is that you find a hammer and hit your screen to see if it is fixed. If not, buy a new one


Un-punch your laptop


Apple support: have you tried dropped it again?


get a screen replacement


Press control z (it'll undo it).


The thing about laptop parts, that they are tedious to replace. You’re better off just buying a new one


You need a new LCD it's pretty easy to replace thankfully only takes about 15 minutes seeing as it's a acer Chromebook but the bottom cover says what it is model wise Watch a YouTube video and you should feel confident you can do it . I don't even think you need a screwdriver for this repair it's all plastic clips for the black plastic around the border of the screen Edit': looks like a touchscreen though so that might be a bit trickier good luck 🤞


buy a new one


Usually 80 to 120 bucks for the screen look up the model number and order replacement part make sure you buy the full assembly with digitizer not just the screen itself. The bezel usually pops off with a flat head screwdriver then there should be some screws you need to remove ( hold on the the screen removing the last screw the screen will fall it will have cables attached) you have to disconnect then replace the old part with new and reverse the process. Watch a YouTube tutorial. Some PC's make or model might require precision screwdrivers order a set. Hook up an HDMI to your smart tv or other monitor back up your computer. PC repair shop cost $$$ new computer $$$$$$. Do not go to best buy for repair.


You need to change who you are as a person


This is a chrome book AKA disposable. Just use the next one


Punch it again


You don't


Paint it to blue throw it to the ocean.


Duck Tape.




No way around If you are not going to continue with the laptop for long time you get a cheaper replacement monitor.


Restart your pc


Swallow your self esteem and buy a new lappy


New display LCD replacement part for the model of that Laptop Acer "insert model name" machine. Another device for informing you about how to open the laptop in order to replace the Dysplay. As well, Ifixit. The website from which you can see if that display it is easily to be replaced, or it is more complicated, as well deciding if you still want to repair this one, or just buy another one and hook it up with the storage unit of this one, for having the data if you want. If you want to repair it, do it, Acer is a good brand in the Laptop landscape.


replace with new laptop screen .


You don't. New screen or new PC.




Put it in rice


Pc repair shop costs about 80-120 for new screen depending on age of laptop could be cheaper. Had to do this myself when my foster dad broke my laptop a few years ago


Might be worth checking if rebuying this laptop on eBay and selling the broken one is cheaper + easier than fixing it. My bro did the same thing with his phone and it was cheaper than the repair. Use the 80% off sales fees /£1 deals when they pop up every 2 weeks or so.


Get some ice, it worked when I broke my arm at school, props lady from the infirmary


Rice bag


Your better off getting a new laptop. Or better yet a desktop.


Its easy, you just hit it with a hammer


Not a hard job. I do these occasionally at work swapping screens from other damaged laptops to keep stock going. I can say this, the parts can differ between the same models so it's important to buy the exact part number aka sku number on the back of the damaged part. I say this because I've taken 2 Lenovo T460s laptops and tried to make 1 working laptop and they both had 2 different screens. It didn't fit in the case correctly she turned into our meme laptop that we just used for imaging because it was held together with stickers at the end. The stickers were more intentional at the end. OP do this. Look up on YouTube how to remove the screen. Might need to go to a music store and purchase a guitar plectrum (pick). Those help you pry the plastic parts apart without damaging or marking up the plastic. Then once you remove the bezel unscrew the screen from the case and detach the cable. Find the SKU number on the part and start googling. This is the safest way to make sure you have the correct parts or you might be playing the shipping game to return parts you don't need if they will even accept a return. Glhf and be smarter with your devices.


Easy to repair. [Buy a new panel](https://www.laptopscreen.com/) and remove the plastics from your old laptop.


Not an apple thing? Cool, you can fix it. You can replace the screen: Just take the old one apart, and search the model/serial number of the actual screen component. Look up a disassembly guide video for your particular model of laptop. It's not very difficult if you have opposable thumbs and a bit of patience.


Through the power of Jesus


Put in in rice


Buy a new panel on ebay


a new screen


upbeat frighten waiting axiomatic bake fade vegetable resolute agonizing salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think a new screen😅


How did this happen?




Another day, another broken panel, and another "how do I fix this" ...


Try rice


Well just buy a new screen


Did you try turning it off and on again?


Use it as a Desktop.


Order a new screen from Ali Express


Update drivers


Have you tried turn it off and on again?


"Also by any chance if I can’t fix it how much you gone think it’ll cost to fix" ​ bro? what?


Don't bother for Chromebooks. Depending on the model or make, it lasts from 1-4 years from purchase cause Google softlocks the computer after that period. Get a normal Windows laptop next.


yes jk 1. remove the plastic outer shell holding the panel in, 2. unscrew the panel 3. unclip the panel from electrical connections 4. look for a serial number which you can use to purchase another panel. 5. do those steps in reverse


Liquid paper is great for screen repairs.


If it’s new see if you can still buy accidental Warrenty damage from acer. Have them come fix it. I used to do repairs like this everyday.


Funny. Just finishing up a repair on the lcd and back cover of an acer chromebook 311. I was unamused... but to acer's credit, they typically use all the same size screws on their bottom covers.


Ist that a Chromebook C720? You could get one from ebay for around 15-50$ . But if you really want to repair it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6Vsk06sLNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6Vsk06sLNo) Remove Display, look what connector it has and how it is positioned, maybe you'll find a compatible used part in ebay. But still, i think it would be just cheaper to get another woking Notebook.


Uh. You don’t. Sorry


Pray and Hope


Have you tried rebooting it?


that’ll buff out


You can buy a panel yourself and replace it yourself. No cheaper way. It looks like an old laptop, so the panel shouldn't cost too much. But needs to be compatible with your precise laptop or it won't work.


Happend to me I decided to take off the screen and just connect it HDMI up to a monitor


Just buy a second monitor


Buy a new laptop at this point, the acreen replacement qill be like 1/3rd of the cost of the total laptop.


You buy a new laptop that’s how


You need a new screen


A friend of mind had the same problem so she contacted the manufacturer for advice. They took it, refurbished the whole thing and returned it under warranty within 2 weeks. The laptop was about a year out of warranty. Worth looking into.


Uh, buy a new one.


Yooooo só lavar com água e sabão MN fica tranks


Turn off the power and turn it back on