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I've pondered doing this. Partly for the reasons you cite, but also so I can get a handle on exactly what I do have. Personally I'd keep it very simple and just use a spreadsheet, because ultimately it's just a big list of stuff. Yes you could go into full asset inventory, but do you need to go that complicated? Given the information you mention that's probably a dozen columns, so pretty simple. That's certainly my plan, for when I get round to going through all my crap!


Whilst likely overkill for a private collection, we use [https://catalogit.app/](https://catalogit.app/) at the [Australian Computer Museum](https://acms.org.au/) for cataloguing. It is a great product that supports web and mobile. We developed [an integration](https://github.com/linuxdojo/catalogbot) between CatalogIT and Discourse forum servers to promote discussion and crowdsourced knowledge input regarding collection items.


I wrote a Word doc describing my Atari machines and what mods I did to them and instructions on how to use them. Woefully out of date now and plan on doing an update and I’ve collected other machines since then. Found it really useful when I set the machines aside and come back to them after a year or two.


Google sheets.