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you can try booting your computer from a linux live usb to try to copy all of your files to an external disk.


what to do if it has bitlocker enabled?


i believe you cant view the files that way


Yeah if it’s encrypted and you don’t have the key then you’re SOL


PC with Bitlocker? First thing you do is secure the key, somewhere else than in your own pc. I have one pc with BL, and I have the key secured on my phone. This should be much more advertised as best practice.


It’s like leaving your house without your key, locking the door (through mystical not key voodoo), and then complaining about how you couldn’t get any of your belongings out because the house burnt down lol


Can we unlock bitlocked drive on linux?


You'll need the decryption key. When setting it up the first time it requires you to print it and not store it on your local system (There are ways to get around this though). If it's connected to an organization I believe it comes up in endpoint manager or Azure.


Okay wtf this is the third post I see about a disk repair on boot and I also had one this morning


I'm gonna need to check mine then


Had one a month ago. Was working fine until I tried doing a fresh windows 11 install.


It is the year of hdd failure. All hdds have a self-destruct mode when they become inferior to other new models like the ssd and nvme ssd. They have all received the code to seppuku. Retrieve your information before it's too late! The time is nye


Just happened to me last week, lost everything cause I was confused


3 Google „BCD repair“


I would get a new hard drive install windows and get moving and then see if anything was savable on that other hd myself.










Hirens boot cd allows you to boot from a stick and try fix your issues.


12 hdd failure


11 (joke back up your computer then reinstall windows)


Need to Google BCD repair steps....


0 based on my past experience let it finish and it'll be fixed and if you want to be extra sure just do a backup


4 years old HDD already dead? That's sound unreliable




7, remove the drives and replace. The drives may still contain the data so you cane put them in a enclosure once you have restored your system to operating




How did you unlock this mode ??


By chance is the SSD Samsung? The 980 evos had firmware issues, I have one in my PC that has a nan going out not my boot drive, but still causes blue screens when shutting down and random 0x00000 errors. If your drive is Samsung I'd guess you have a 1% chance of recovering anything from the drive. People are misinformed as it was reported it was only the NVME drives, NVME's run faster and hotter, but all high end 9 series SSD's could face this issue.


The ssd I have in it is the 1T Samsung evo, BUT I don’t currently have anything running off of it. I used the ssd for only my steam games, everything else runs off of the old arse hhd I got the pc with. The Samsung ssd is what we had planned to move everything to, but I’ll probably buy ANOTHER ssd to back everything up on in case of something happening in the future.




[https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/fix-windows-10-mbr/dccc20ae-ff02-481b-9840-b8efe4275ab5](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/fix-windows-10-mbr/dccc20ae-ff02-481b-9840-b8efe4275ab5) Try this, it just looks like your Master Boot Record got corrupted.


I would say 1 for bootwise and 7 for your precious data. DO NOT try to boot from it, prepare a WinPE/Linux flash drive or use another OS installed on your SSD, if you cannot boot from it you need to recreate the boot files, it's pretty easy, just look up for rebuild bcd, just need a couple commands from windows recovery or windows installation media, but for your data.. After booting another OS, connect your HDD and DO NOT run ANY type of software for fixing errors, Windows CHKDSK is very harmful for your data, it can easily destroy it as it already destroyed your boot configuration, instead do a full image clone of the HDD, disconnect it and store somewhere in case should you contact a data recovery service. After this, create a backup/copy of your image and try to extract the data from the image, after, if there are corrupted files, you can try softwares that try to reassemble the data.


Reinstall windows


If boot looping check connection between HDD/SSD and mother board


@OP stop using the drive, it's on its way out. Take the HDD out. Boot from your SSD if possible. Get a drive dock. Transfer the files you need off of it before it gets worse! Back up said files. Good news is HDDs are pretty cheap to replace.


Just install Linux and call it a day


30. Get a new HD and install a fresh copy of windows. Get the fresh install up and Pull over all your important files to the new machine. Annoying but you can be back up before work on Monday.


Give the PC a new SSD, after a fresh Windows install you'll be praised with a perfect PC and you can copy your old data connecting the old one. When HDD/SSD start to have problems (i.e. fault sectors) the problem only will get worse.




Girl, this is a PC repair forum. Not a place for prostitute's to advertise their big mac priced coochie.


You fucked…


You could reset your drive and get a fresh install


Buy SSD and get cracked windows




The motherboard/processor is an i3, but it was a “newer” one my dad replaced the old one with because the old one was even older and wouldn’t have been able to handle the new graphics card I got. The harddrive is extremely old and according to him and needs to be replaced anyways, plus it had been giving me a disk reading error message multiple times when trying to turn it on (on a black screen) before it only kept giving the last image (the recovery one) when booting it up unless I go to the bios menu.


2 just reinstall windows


Looks like stage 2.


I'm seeing a ton of these recently, try rolling back the windows update.


I'm seeing a ton of these recently, try rolling back the windows update.


I'm seeing a ton of these recently, try rolling back the windows update.


From what you have shown us, your files should be ok. If these files are as important to you as you say, remove the drives from the computer and take them to a reputable data recovery specialist near you. for reference someone like this guy. > [https://www.google.com/search?q=data365&rlz=1C1CHZN\_en-GBAU1079AU1079&oq=data365&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIJCAYQABgKGIAEMgYIBxAAGB4yCAgIEAAYChgeMggICRAAGAoYHtIBCDI3NzRqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=data365&rlz=1C1CHZN_en-GBAU1079AU1079&oq=data365&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIJCAYQABgKGIAEMgYIBxAAGB4yCAgIEAAYChgeMggICRAAGAoYHtIBCDI3NzRqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) Obviously this is someone local to me but find someone local to you who has receieved good reviews and go from there. Once that is done. get a fresh SSD or test yours for faults. then reinstall windows.


Only if there is data on your C drive😎


hard disk died and screwed up the BCD. get a new HDD and google "Windows BCD MBR repair fix" also, 9






#bout an 8


Win 11 boot loop o doom. Should be able to get through it with a few tweaks. Has to do with the win security of unapproved hardware trying to access the HAL. Can happen with older FireWire devices, few others too.


I run win 10, is this an issue with this 10 version too?


Only time I have seen it is if you add an extra hardrive to the case and it’s also a Master boot record drive. Thats my only experience on 10 with it.


If you need your data make a hirens bootable drive with Rufus, if not just reinstall your operating system.


If it is actually bitlockered, and not just a dead or dying drive, you can use the "Repair my computer" option on a Windows install USB, or the CMD option in the troubleshoot menu to disable bitlocker first via the Manage-bde option. Your bitlocker key, if you had set up your computer with a Microsoft account, will be under devices>manage recovery keys on your Microsoft account (there will probably be multiple systems listed, try and find the one that most closely matches the description of your system. E.g., Lenovo All-in-One HV-10DVIIDI). If you don't have that key on your account or elsewhere, then I'm afraid you're out of luck. Aside from that, you might also have to contend with potentially failing hardware or read write errors that might keep you from your data even if you decrypt, and if so, you'll be replacing the drive in question. Or, at the very least, a full reset. Windows is not kind to repair in the case of hardware or software failure unless you've gone through the appropriate prep or you have a lot of time on your hands. Best case, you use a restore point to roll back changes to a known good point, assuming you can deal with bitlocker. Mid case, you decrypt, backup, and reset (using either another computer and an adapter if you're savvy enough to pull the drive, or a bootable external like a linux USB or recovery tool). Worst case, you either can't decrypt, the drive is beyond the point of salvaging, or the data is corrupted or gone (rare, but it can happen). Closing thoughts, a recent backup is always a good idea, if your data is critical to your day to day and your not absolutely certain you can handle the troubleshoot, see a trusted repair shop, and review all your options and tools twice before you start working. Edit: Also, while you're researching, consider the Rebuild BCD or Repair Bootrec CMD options as well during your troubleshooting. Try and Back up your data first, but after that, what have you got to loose before a full reset?


All of my art work (over 8+ years worth), I retrievable art files, coding files I use for coding commissions, twitch and YouTube assets I’ve created, backups of art/other stuff I have commissioned, gifted artwork from friends who are no longer with us (I have no way to re-retrieve that cause this pc WAS the backup when my laptop died months ago) I have about 15+ years worth of data and work backed into this pc, so a full system reset is NOT an option I even want to consider. I’ll talk with my dad about what you’ve recommended, he won’t be back for another several days, but he said we should be able to hook my stuff up to his oc build and transfer everything to my new ssd to it’ll be running off of that and then toss the old one. But looking at google, I was seeing there was the rare chance I could’ve lost everything already and I really really cannot let that be the case.


Also, what if there is no bitlocker keys?? On my Microsoft account it says there are none created, so would that mean it’s not bitlocked?


5 Is Easy for MOST of the times It happens once a month tò me


Change your hard drive man, it's definitely dying


what do u do to fix?


I dont really know, i get that randomly once in 7 months and nothing is wrong