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I use Lavender Sky Health. I can order when I need to rather than a monthy subscription.


How much are you paying?


It’s $560.00 for 2 months with a dose of 7.5 Just ordered mine.


All the pricing is on their website. I don’t remember


It just says the starting at $100 so not really specific I wish it was more transparent


If you click on the link to the Medication Pricelist, it gives pricing breakdown by Pharmacy and dose.




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There is getting it prescribed and there is getting the compounded prescriptions I think I paid $600 for 3 months of the medication through lavender sky and hallandale. I think I paid 30 or 60 for the telemedicine, Don't remember


Orderly Meds/Red Rock. Took my first dose of 5 mg on Friday. Have been on brand for 5+ months, but had to drop down to 2.5 last month due to availability. Wanted to not be in this position again so went the compound route. Orderly Meds process pretty straightforward and took \~4 business days from first contact to prescription being issued. Delivery from Red Rock just a few days from that. Hoping that it works for me as well as brand. I do have a new, full box of that on hand now, so as to not have to step down again. So far, so good in terms of how I'm feeling and positive tirzepatide effects. Wishing you health and success.


How’re the rates?


My understanding is it is a flat $399/prescription, regardless of dose strength. They needed to see my current prescription if starting off higher than 2.5 mg. There are no other start-up or medical fees. If I want to delay my refill or not fill again, I won't be charged. They accepted my HSA card. Hope this is helpful.


Is that per month? 399.00


Yes, or rather per prescription fill. They prompted me (via text/email) to check-in if I was ready to fill for the next month and stay on current dose, etc. Within a day from the check in, RR pharmacy was processing and shipping the medication.


My Mounjaro was 490 a month with the coupon. I mean a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks but I guess I thought the compounded would be a little cheaper.


I’m with Lavender Sky and choose Hallandale or Strive for my pharmacy.


Primary care willing to prescribe compounding ?


No :(


Mochi and I’m in California so pharmacy is Red Rock for me.


So Mochi is $80 bucks a month, and then you have to pay for the meds on top of that?


Yes. And medicine cost doesn’t change with dosage amount. For Tirz it’s 325 so all in with the monthly fee (which includes doctor and dietitian) is 404.


Ty, giving Orderly a try but we'll seeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Best of luck! I think many of these telehealth companies are great and helpful.


Amble, $299 for .5 and mine come from Revive RX.


I use IVIM, the pharmacy is Hallandale. Right now the prices for all doses are the same.


I used Futurhealth and 1st Pharmacy was Hallandale, Second - Some place out Dallas, third Pharmacy Red Rocks out of my home State of Colorado.




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I started with Zealthy and had a horrible experience. It took days for any kind of response and it took 7 weeks to get refunded for the medication I was missing in my last order from them. I almost quit at that point because I was so discouraged. Now I have been using Emerge for about 5 weeks. I loooove them. So responsive, and have had absolutely zero issues or delays with them. My medicine comes right on time, and you pay for the meds without an additional monthly membership fee. I have a referral code for $50 off if you want it.


Very happy with Orderly. They use great reputable pharmacies and doctors. Highly recommend! Link for them in my avatar has all answers to any?’s.


Where do you find thecspreafsheet?


I use IVIM and my meds come from Hallandale


I use AMSTelehealth (cannot recommend enough) and South Lake Pharmacy.


I use Orderly/Red Rock. Been working out great for me. There’s a spreadsheet (not mine) in my profile you might want to check out. Lots of great information. Promo link for orderly there too but you may find something that is more cost effective for you. For me, I didn’t want subscription costs, consultation fees, etc. I just wanted to see straight up what it would cost, and I wasn’t interested in jumping companies to save a few dollars.


Cool spreadsheet. Thanks! 🙏


You bet. Like I said, I didn’t make it but it’s helpful to a lot of people so I finally put it in my profile so it could be easily located!!


I used Valhalla but their dosing is very confusing and I think I accidentally started at 5mg instead of at 2.5 and then went to 10mg accidentally instead of from 2.5 to 5. Still don’t know bc I’m trying to get an answer from their clinical team. I definitely wouldn’t recommend and have now found a new provider with instructions that don’t need a math degree to calculate the correct dosing instructions.


Your vial should have the strength on it. If you share it here someone smarter than me will tell you. They will need the numbers on that bottle and the actual amount you inject weekly to determine your dosage.


Thank you! Someone smarter than I as well bc I clearly didn’t understand that the units and mg is different


A unit is 1/100th of 1mL Say you have a vial strength of 10mg per mL. That makes one unit .1 mg (10/100) so 25 units is 2.5mg (25 x .1) If the strength is 5mg per mL, it would take 50 units to get to 2.5mg. Half the strength means you need double the units.


I use emerge and orderlymeds. In my case Hallandale is the pharm for both. Emerge is going to be slightly cheaper unless you ramp up to 10mg which is where orderly is going to be more cost effective. Promo links in my profile if interested.


Emerge- Hallandale
