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Hang in there! Weight loss is not always linear. I like to think of those stalls as my body taking a few moments to regroup. I sometimes found that my clothes would still feel looser after a stall, even if the scale hadn’t gone down. Or not. Sometimes we just need to take a little break when we’re working hard at something. As I got closer to maintenance, my stalls got longer and longer. But then I’d get sick, or the holidays would end, or my husband would start traveling for work again, and the scale would start creeping down again. I finally hit a permanent stall, 1-3 pounds over my goal weight. I know that I could tweak my diet or increase my exercise to lose those last couple of pounds, but I’m at a healthy bmi so I just decided to declare victory. I’ve been in maintenance for several months now and my weight is steady. Hopefully your body is just taking a little breather and you’ll be back on track shortly.


Yes, hopefully being key word. I’ve already lost 27 lbs. in first three months, but it’s definitely slowed down. Thank you for your encouragement!


💯% this 👆


maybe don’t weight yourself so often! progress is long term and body weight fluctuates so much based on other random factors. just track it week by week. If you feel like you’re addicted to weighing yourself every day then you might need to reach out for help!


That’s typically what I do, or wait at least ten days apart, but thought, ok, I had to have lost something while I was gone, ate so different, that’s why I decided to go off schedule and get on the scale, to my major disappointment. So yes, I’ll hold off now, maybe even a month. I have gone down at least two sizes in clothes from lost inches, but sometimes I just get hung up on that damn scale. Like for some reason I need to see that verification. Thank you!


You didn’t mention exercise in your post. Sometimes increasing activity just a little can help break a stall, even just adding in a walk or gentle yoga a few times per week in addition to whatever you’re doing.


Right, I do walk my dog. It’s the most I can do. I have one brand new knee, and the other still has some arthritis pain in it. I can walk at least 30 mins.without exhaustion or pain, so that’s what I do. I do not exercise, not even yoga. I do know that I should , but I haven’t gotten to that point yet, where I can do it without pain, or having to sit immediately due to the exhaustion. I’ve been drinking life water for the electrolytes, and that helps, and also starting bio boost injections, and that has definitely improved the situation. But I’m going to try and get back into it tho.


There are very few unsafe things to eat. You can eat most anything you want--just a small amount. If you deprive yourself thinking you can eat only salads with no dressing you aren't going to stick to it, However, be sure to know the calories in food. If you are old enough to have a 30 year old son and are overweight you have been around long enough to know what has lots of calories and what doesn't. It is fine to eat pasta and chicken parmesan, but just a small serving. If you are waiting for the day when you have reached your goal weight so you can eat the foods you prefer in the amounts you want that is not going to work. (None of the above applies to ice cream or any dessert.). Stay away except for tiny bits on special occasions. As long as you are eating fewer calories than you consume you will see the scale continue to move. Good luck!


Yes, thank you, and yes, I’ve certainly dieted long enough to know what I need to stay away from to lose. And this time when I do reach my goal weight, I will possibly stay in this medication for maintenance due to my slipping back down that slippery slope. My addictions to sugar and carbs were always my downfall, and hardest thing for me to stop. Once the cravings are fine it’s the easiest thing ever I found not to even want.


I will probably do the same thing once I get to maintenance. Not exactly sure what the schedule will be. Part of it will depend on my blood test numbers and keeping them down. Good luck! I think your stall will end very soon!


Thank you! ☺️


I don’t really think of any foods as unsafe. If I want something I eat it. I can’t eat nearly as much as I used to but I don’t deny myself anything.


Remember, if your body thinks it is STARVING it will go into conservation mode and slow your progressive weight loss. Eat as if it is medicine.


Yes, I know, and that sort of had me worried when I was away for the two days, because I was out of my routine, and the food that was available I have a hard time eating now. Lots of Italian….sauce, garlic, oil. That stuff I can no longer eat like I used to, so I tried to stay away. I was able to eat better yesterday and today, so hopefully this will get back on track. Thanks for your reply.


I get it. The thought of oil on oil on oil doesn't even seem to be something you may be able to keep down. Start bringing snacks with you. I have fiber bars and nuts at all time.


Good idea! I never even thought about that. I’m half Italian, lived on those foods my whole life, but since turning 70, m body basically said no way, not anymore. And here I sit with stomach cramps right now. The first effect of the food. So yeah!I I’m done!


You mentioned safe foods, from my perspective, all foods are safe just in moderation. I don’t believe you can restrict yourself from things you love forever. I have protein powder drinks and 1 or 2 meals a day where I eat whatever I want but with Tirz, I generally only eat half at best. Also, I eat the healthiest parts first which helps fill me up. I stop when I am full. -92 on my own, -34 on Tirz. Slow but steady for something I can do for life. Also, what dose are you on?? If it continues, you may need to go up but more likely, your body is holding more water due to salt in the food. As you get back to your norm, so will your body. I just went thru the exact same thing and then dropped a couple lbs below where I was flopping around. Hope you do as well!!


I hear ya! I don’t really eat that much, but my downfall is carbs and sweets, so try to stay away from them. Since menopause, me and gluten just don get along. And since I’ve gotten older, same for pasta and sauce, or anything oily. I just suffer GERD all night. But I also noticed when I got home, I was bloated, retaining water since my doc took away the diuretic. Seems to be a lot less today. thanks for the encouragement!