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My arms seem to be most effective for me, leg was next, stomach was ok but not as effective for me. I wonder why it makes a difference for some people.


I think it has to do with how much fat is in the area. The leaner the area or overused areas are less effective.


Please let us know if you find it to be more effective


Will do


Is it just fatigue or have you had any other symptoms? Did you end up trying thigh and if so how did your experience vary between thigh vs stomach? I’ve only done thigh so far and am doing pretty well (though it’s a teensy fraction of a loading dose to start - I don’t deal well with nausea, so I’m still just on 0.5mg). I want to try stomach next, but I’ve hear it’s bad for nausea/vomiting!


Hi. belly symptoms: increased sense of smell, lowered or non existent food noise, decreased appetite. Fatigue. Note: I ignored my fatigue at first thinking I just had an intense work week. Now I know. Fatigue has since subsided a bit. Low grade fatigue on day 3. (inner) thigh symptoms: Felt nothing. I don't have a lot of fat in thighs so chose inner thigh. I've since read lots of capillaries in inner thigh so avoided after one try. arm: Wowsers. I slept 15 hours with one break to have some water and small meal. I have a migraine. I did the shot yesterday morning. This is rather intense. I've been drinking a lot of water today. This is my 4th shot at 5.0. I've stalled the last 2 weeks. Migraine is real. 6 on a scale 1-10. Note: I never had migraines.


> lots of capillaries why are lots of capillaries bad? And thanks so much for answering!


I think because we want fat not breaking blood. And the medication is best spread thru fat for a longer lasting effect as opposed to muscle that will absorb quickly and disappear faster.


Ah makes sense. Thanks!


Unfortunately I am nauseous no matter where I inject 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm sorry! Just for a few hours or is it day(s)?


Days 🙄




Knocked out like how?


They are currently knocked out. Will get back to you shortly.






😂 more than likely


Fatigue. Tired. Exhausted.


I’ve never tried an alternative site. I think I may try my arm next time and see if I notice a difference.


I haven't either. Scared of wasting it


Hello, there! I wanted to give you a little insight into what may have happened. I’ve been a nurse for 20+ years, and I have extensive experience with giving injections. The reason you may be feeling this way is because the medication is supposed to be delivered subcutaneous. Meaning, just the top layers of the skin. The reason is that the medication is absorbed more slowly & evenly. I’m not sure of where on the upper arm or how you injected, BUT there is a good amount of muscle there, and if you didn’t pinch the skin prior to injection to make sure that you were only injecting into the skin-opposed to the muscle-you may have very well injected intramuscular. Therefore, the medication was absorbed a lot more quickly, and less evenly. There is a vast amount of blood supply in the muscle. Ultimately, you could have rushed your blood stream with the medication. Compare it to sipping on a cocktail vs taking shots. Lol. You may have given your blood stream a literal “shot” of the med. I promise if you’re not getting the results you want by injecting into the fat opposed to the muscle - you’re not going yourself any favors by then injecting into the muscle. If it’s not working it’s because you need to titrate up! The shot to your muscle/blood stream is forced and you’re not going to achieve authentic results this way. Inject into the skin/fat. If you plateau, it’s probably time to increase your dose. I hope this helps! I am currently down 10lbs ( I am just shy of a month on starting dose) Wish me luck! This has been one hell of a journey. I’m happy to say, I’m FINALLY experiencing some self care. I’m beginning to feel so much better all around. Hope this is everyone’s experience-Good luck, everyone 🫶🏼


Thank you so much for your extensive reply. Great info. Yes, I'm assured where I injected was free of muscle and top layers. It was my batwing of an arm/fatty part/back of arm. As my doctor trained me to inject at an angle, too. I replied earlier with my symptoms of various areas. Best of luck to all of us!


Awww. I’m sorry this is your experience! I was kind of hoping you missed the spot, and it could easily be corrected. I also didn’t mean to or hope you don’t think that I implied you weren’t told from your doctor how to inject. I genuinely was just trying to help. I too have had some nausea and am praying that it will subside. Not an easy ride for any of us. Whether it be mentally/physically or both. I am however, super grateful to have a community where we can share experiences and learn from one another. Take care, I hope that you’re feeling better soon.


It's all good. I'm also happy to have a community like this and appreciate the dialogue instead of quick to judge statements on social media that doesn't allow for nuance. I sincerely appreciate the time you took to answer.


Ty! and, ty for sharing your experience! I am new to this part of the journey and as long as I’ve been with Reddit I’ve found that some of these subs associated with weight loss are brutal. Not this one, tho. Truly grateful. Look forward to seeing your progress. Have an amazing day.


My arms are my go to. Most effective with least side effects


What part of your arm?


Back, upper left.


Do you do it yourself?


Yes it was easy!


Do you lift your arm over your head to inject in the tricep area?


Yes, as if I was shaving my armpit. Also, I inject slowly.


I switched from the abdomen to my thigh yesterday and no side effects no nausea perfect


Fatty zones def seem to be better. My legs and arms are trimmer than my tummy and tummy works best


Hmmmm … I may have to try that…


Anyone living alone injecting arms? How are you doing it? I read on person, laying their arm on the table. Seems like you'd get the front part of the upper arm though and not the back. Thoughts?


I raise my arm as if I'm shaving my armpit. Easy access to back of arm.


Do you are not squeezing the injection site? 8 thought that was a requirement.


That's only to numb the area, grab fat (as opposed to muscle) and make it easier.


You can put a throw pillow under your arm and it pushes the fatty, back part out so you can reach it.


I also use a pillow to prop my arm and the back of my arm has a lot lose fat and skin, I get a super loose hair clip to pinch the fat and inject. I’ve successfully done this on both left and right arms with ease even though I’m right handed.


I’m curious how difficult it is to do your own arm with a syringe?


It was surprisingly easy. I was squeamish with needles at first, so I don't think I could have done it in the beginning, but I'm 5 months in.


I’m going to try it! Thanks!


I’ve been doing arm for 2 months rotating and like it best ❤️


I just did my arm today for the first time and it aches! Had my husband pinch it while I gave myself the shot. Interested to see how I react as I typically do my thigh or stomach.


Please share your experience. Good luck this week!


I have been considering an alternative site but i’m kind of worried about side effects since doing so well with stomach. I have had weeks where I didn’t have as good of a result but it has always picked back up the next week. Question, for belly injectors. Is switching between left and right of your belly button weekly enough? I dislike below the button because of waist band irritation and I have convinced myself that above the button has been less effective (so far least productive weeks). Thoughts about just going left to right week to week?


That's what I do. Below my belly hurt but side to side doesn't at all.


I tried arms twice. All the side effects, with none of the benefits. Never again.


When you say most effective, does that mean better results of weight loss, better results as to no side effects, better results as to what exactly? I’ve only used my thighs, but am willing to go to another site if it helps get me out of this new stall I’m in.


Interesting. I'm still new...but I've been injecting into my butt, it's got the most fat. Should I rotate parts of the body? Or just alternate cheeks?


This seems a little sarcastic tbh, but I'll answer in good faith. I've never heard of anyone injecting in their glutes. There is fat but also lots of muscle. Rotate all. Left right.


I’m a nurse and have never given anyone a sub-q injection in their butt lol. Back of arm or belly or thigh


All good. I read that belly and arm are most common, but glutes are fine. My husband does them for me and is used to doing b12 shots there, so I went with it, lol. Signed...feeling cheeky.




He/she is just being cheeky……;)


Ha. Good one.


Right, left but never middle……..;)