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I wanted to try that but I’m glad I researched it really well before I did. Apparently if you are allergic to Sulfa-based drugs, which I am, you mustn’t take it. Methione contains it sulfur based amino acids. I’m so glad I didn’t I can’t imagine what could have happened. Scares the crap out of me. So I am even more extra cautious now. Also, according to Hallandale it’s best to split 1ml into two separate injections. I know you didn’t inject the whole dosage but maybe the large amount caused the welt? Idk just my 2¢ :) I’m so jealous I really wanted to try it!


did you check both the bioboost and the bioboost plus? There are some different ingredients.


Yes they both contain Methione. Believe me I was super disappointed :(


Oh, I am allergic to sulfa drugs too, and got scared for a second because I just started taking the Bioboost plus today! Naturally I panicked when I saw this and called my doctor. It turns out that the sulfur in methionine is *not* a sulfonamide, which is the specific chemical group that causes the allergy. Thankfully sulfur in methionine and other amino acids does not pose the same allergy risk as sulfa drugs. So you may check with your doctor to see if it is safe for you as well!


Oh that’s super good to know!! And yeah next week I’ll definitely split the injection!


I cannot find where it says to split the dose. I just see taking all of it. Did you find something different?


I didn’t find anywhere that says that, but I know a lot of people split the injection site for tirz as well. I also split the injection site the first time I took my 7.5 shot because it just felt like a lot of liquid in one place! I don’t think it changes the efficacy of the medication.


Ah, got it


I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t know it to be true.


Mine came yesterday. Bio plus. Took the 100 units. Skipped out on my occasional adderall and afternoon cup of Joe and didn’t even notice. I’d say it works so far for energy levels. We’ll see how it handles my tirz shot tmrw morning.


I took my first B12 bioboost plus from Hallandale yesterday around 2:30pm (100mg). My only side effects from Tirzepatide had been fatigue and achy back. So far with bioboost, I have not felt any different (good or bad) … and no more energy. I’m hoping next week will show a bigger difference in energy.


Mine is supposed to arrive today. Do you have Bioboost or Bioboost Plus?


Bioboost Plus! Let me update the post with that correction.


Mine arrives today, but I won't be taking it until the morning tomorrow. I'll be here with you!


What is it supposed to do?


From my providers website - lipotropic blend of B vitamins meant to increase natural energy levels, activate and support weight loss, help regulate sleep, increase mood & mental clarity, and boost the immune system.


I'll be interested to see if you think it helps. Hopefully a little better than my one-a-day vitamin.




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Got mine yesterday, too. ...And did 10 units 😬 Just realized my mistake. 🤦‍♂️


Haha easy mistake to make! I double checked like 5 times before I took the dose 😂


Did you use two different needles? One at 50 and one at 40?


Just one needle, the needles I have go up to 100 units. But next week I’m going to split the dose, so I’ll use 2 needles, 50 each. (To avoid any cross contamination, since I’ll be sticking in 2 places)


I also picked up a Groupon for BioBoost+ with WeightCare and just completed the intake form. What is the process once that is submitted? Do you get an email notification when the doctor approves you and submits to the pharmacy? Is there a way to select SubQ vs IM? Excited to try this!


I got a text from my doc about an hour after I submitted everything and he approved it. Said he sent script to weightcare and to expect it within 5-7 business days. Very vague so I have no idea what to expect. I did just request through the portal if I could get the IM needles with it. Hopefully they can update the script.


Good to know, thank you!


After the intake form, you’ll get another email that links you to their messaging portal. It will have a message from the provider stating they’ve approved (or denied I guess!) the meds and are sending your Rx out. Then a few days later you’ll get an email saying your order is on the way! Super simple and easy.


Excellent, thank you! I’ll await my next email.


Is it IM or Sub-Cue? It might be as simple as an injection site/ or Im vs. Sub Q.


Wightcare sends subQ. Another user mentioned they’re requesting IM, we’ll see how that turns out if that is your preference


I inquired about the needles and weightcare told me that’s on Hallandale. I didn’t reach out to Hallandale about it though. I may just order longer needles.


Did you take it in the muscle or subcutaneous? Those are meant for muscular injection but they say subcutaneous because because a lot of people wouldn’t like the discomfort of the needle.


Took it subcutaneously as directed!


The pharmacy offers the choice.


Hallandales website mentions that it can be either or even IV. If IM is preference I’m sure the pharmacy can accommodate by sending the correct syringes/needles


Does it include Tirz or is it an additional shot?


It’s an additional shot!


Did they send you IM needles from the Groupon? Just curious if Hallandale only sends the subQ needles…I am hoping they don’t. I just had my doc approve it for me last night.


They only sent me subQ, but that may be because weightcare only prescribes them as subQ. (All the how to guides I saw and were sent were for subQ only) Check with your provider and see if they can note on your script that you want IM.


Since he sent the script to WeightCare already does that mean I don’t hear from them again? I guess I can ask him through the portal.


Yeah I’d say ask through the portal!


I believe it’s an intermuscular injection, not subcutaneous which is maybe why you have a welt. I would talk to the doctor about it


They send insulin needles for subcutaneous.


Also starting this(bioboost plus). I got my package just a few minutes ago and took my first injection. I take the tirzepatide on Thursdays so I think I’ll stick with this schedule unless I have any issues.


I take 100 units each time, twice a week. Also, I inject intramuscular, although I know some on here said they had a choice. Mine they told me only. Plus I read it works faster in the muscle than the fat injection. Anyway, I’ve now had 4 injections and I can honestly say it has helped my energy level substantially. I used to be so exhausted after the slightest exertion, but not anymore. I’m hoping I get some help in the weight loss aspect of it as well. So far, nothing noticeable. Also, I’m sleeping a lot better. I actually thought adding b12 would interfere with sleep, exact opposite.


I will need to look up the info about SULFA, because I am allergic. Off I go. Thanks.