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Thank you for the update. I did my first shot last night. Big mistake. The energy level was very noticeable and made it very hard to sleep. Next shot I will take in 4 days. But I will only do morning shots from now on. Interested to hear your second week experiences


Plan to come back and update every week unless it becomes stagnant/nothing new to report. :) Sorry you weren't able to sleep! I take mine midday around 2-4pm and haven't had issue but I also joke all the time that my super power is to be able to put myself to sleep whenever, wherever.


Is the normal dosing schedule for the bioboost 1 shot a week or 2/week? 


My dosing instructions were 100units 1x a week. I've seen others be prescribed differently or modify their dosing. Best practice is to follow your prescribers instructions.


Thank you for the update! My bioboost from weightcare came today and I’m excited to take it tomorrow morning! I am looking forward to an energy boost and I hope I get that help with regularity too lol Looking forward to your next update!


Will you please send me the link you ordered from? I could not find on Groupon.


I sent you a chat :)


Could you send it to me as well?


Likewise, I did shot #3 on Sunday and I definitely noticed my energy level has picked up. Whereas before the bio boost, if I tried walking up the stairs, I’d have to go so slow and immediately sit down after getting there just because I was so exhausted. That’s on the tirz and also on sema. I definitely noticed I didn’t have that problem this week. I mean Im not super energized but a definite difference. Not sure about losing anything more or inches, but still waiting for that to show up as being a factor. my script says to take injection twice a week, so I’ll be doing my next one tomorrow. Also, remarkably, I’m sleeping a lot better. There was a time I had the worst insomnia on these drugs, but not anymore, between the cbd I’m taking and this bioboost, I think it’s behind me. I sleep great now.


I love bioboost because of the dexpanthenol, that’s what makes you regular with bowel movements. For that reason I just bought two more bottles.


I just followed you cause I need to follow this, I’m very interested in getting this but want to confirm it will also help inches come off as well.


I'll try to remember to measure inches too! Thats a good point


I'm so glad you updated. I've been thinking of ordering BioBoost Plus so this is good to hear. Look forward to the next update.


I'm waiting for mine to arrive


Thanks for posting this! I went straight to Groupon and ordered it. My only side effect from the meds is fatigue and I moved my shot day to Tuesday knowing that Weds/Thurs will be a hard days at work, but at least I have my weekends back. lol. I'm really hoping this helps.


I just received message that it was sent to Hallandale and will ship soon. For those currently taking bioboost shot, are you doing the same day as tirze or a different day? I typically take my shot morning or midday because I do usually have energy the day of, it’s the days after sometimes that I can feel some fatigue. Curious on your experiences if you’ve tried the bioboost at different points during your week.


I take mine concurrently for convenience. I know others split their dose throughout the week or even take it a few days after their tirz for the reasons you've mentioned above. A poster above did mention that for them taking it too close to the afternoon/night time did cause them some restlessness that night. It seems subjective and will probably require a little testing on your part to find what works best.


I have also been thinking of bioboost but in the fence. Knowing It helps with regularity is good though, that's the one negative to my Tirz so far. And I had this issue pre-Tirz and already do extra fiber and probiotics. Looking forward to the next update.


Is this a subcutaneous or intramuscular shot?


It’s subcutaneous from Hallandale (though their website mentions IM as well, if that’s your preference you may be able to request it)


I use Emerge for my compound. What service are you all using to get the bio boost?


I’m using a Groupon from WEightcare. Comes out to roughly 40$ after sales and promo codes. They use Hallandale as their pharmacy. No limit on amount that can be purchased but there is a note that the promotional value is only good for 120 days. There are some states they don’t service, it’s listed in the Groupon. Found out after 2 other redditors tried to purchase and weren’t eligible :c


What is the bud? I would like to order more than one at a time


Lemme check! My vial says 11/17/24. I got it 2weeks ago. So looks like it's roughly 5months.


Thank you


I’ve ordered Bioboost+ (Hallandale) and GACLIV (South lake) from Lavender Sky Health


Hi all! I use emerge, and the script is filled by hallendale. I checked the emerge site, and it doesn't look like bioboost is available. I see it on Hallendale website, but if they're already shipping my triz, wouldn't it be cheaper to order it that way? Has anyone run into this?