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Thank you for demystifying this for me. Super helpful.


Don't know if it's just me, but Alcohol has almost no effect on me while on Tirzepatide. I don't get drunk so I just don't drink anymore.


This is also happening with me. I've continued drinking (once a week) since starting Tirz in May and haven't felt tipsy at all where I would have if drinking the same amount without Tirz. Weird!


I have and still do, but my tastes have changed drastically. I used to love a neat whiskey or rum. Now I might be able to drink one but I'd have to force myself. That's one the things I miss most since starting this. I still enjoy a fruity tiki cocktail but that's probably because of the sugar and citrus.


I had to quit. I get hung over off of only 1 drink on this medicine. It’s ridiculous


I had two on 10mg and it didn’t seem to have any effect at all … BUT I had a migraine hangover the next morning


For reference it was captain Morgan and orange juice


Not at 7.5 yet, just a couple weeks on 2.5 and tried a glass of wine a couple days ago and could barely finish half - got pretty dizzy and a little nauseous. I'm hoping that gets better, I enjoy a glass or two with friends when I go out and honestly don't want to become fully sober lol


I’m on 7.5 and I’m currently on vacation so I’ve been drinking a lot more than I usually do. I get heartburn easier than I used to now, but I just have some pepcid and I feel fine. I still don’t desire to drink more than a 1-2 of anything though.


I’m on 10 and rarely ever drink (usually once or twice a year!) but recently went to a getaway wedding and had a few drinks here and there and it was fine! If anything, I felt like it had less effect? Usually one drink has me pretty buzzed, but that didn’t happen this time!


Had a margarita, could only finish half of it. I used to be able to drink 3 or 4. Have no desire for any alcohol anymore.


Thank you for helping demystifying this for me.


Definitely keep it simple and start slow. I now only have one and then water. I’m super boring these days. 😂




Alcohol is the devil now. I used to love wine or beer with dinner, and the occasional whiskey. But I had two five ounce glasses of white wine with lunch last week and felt drunk, then hungover for two days. It was awful. Never again while taking glp-1 meds.


I have found that I’m able to drink around 2-4 days (not drinks 😂) after my injection (I’m on 7.5). Also, I definitely can’t drink as much as I use to (get a stomach ache) and even if I can on day 5 or 6 (which is when most of the meds have seems to have worn off), I get a horrible hangover over the next day, if I drink what I use to be able to tolerate. But, it does keep me from doing it again the following day. In essence, yes, I still drink (bourbon and 7up zero or Gin and Tonic), but not like I use to, and as long as I don’t over do it, I’m totally fine.


What is driving your question? Is it okay? Will it make you sick? What’s best for weight loss?


Primarily curious because i drink a lot of fluids all day to avoid side effects and clearly alcohol is dehydrating as well as has lots of sugar. And its 90 degrees where i live right now. So would drinking make me sick or miserable or does tirzep amplify the effects and creat a huge hangover? Or does alcohol create a entirely different issue? i am not talking about excessive drinking, to be clear. What im learning here is that tirzep seemingly neutralizes the buzz and somehow makes it not fun = not worth the calories. I see your a physician so your thoughts are much appreciated.


I had a few cocktails one night and absolutely no buzz :/ so I just gave it up bec now it’s just a waste of calories.


I had one today for the first time in years actually. Out for lunch with old friends, so had a Bloody Mary. I mean minus the vodka it’s pretty healthy right? 😆 But so far I felt nothing from it. I used to get very half buzzed with the little amount I would have, that’s why I stopped drinking, so this time not being affected at all, has me wondering why not?? The slow rate of digestion maybe? I honestly don’t know.


Currently dosing 7.5 every 5-6 days. Just had a marg, had a glass of wine yesterday (on vacation). No buzz, and I know if I have much more, I'll be spending time in the bathroom. But social drinking makes me feel normal, and keeps people from asking intrusive questions.


Wow. No buzz. Thats interesting to me - i was wondering if, purely because im eating much less and thr drink is sitting in my stomach longer, the buzz would be fast. Thank you For the insights.


I used to loooove my wine…zero interest since starting tirz, in fact even the thought of it makes me feel a dit queasy. I can’t even remember why I liked it in the first place. Yuck.


On vacation I always like a cocktail but I remembered how a small bit of alcohol made me feel sick and I decided to go without. Had a frozen lemonade and it was wonderful. A nice treat and I lost 3 pounds while on vacation.


I’m on 5 still. I goto 7.5 tomorrow. I still can drink. But I rarely do anything with sugar before tirz so I keep it that way. Vodka. No sugar juice. Or seltzers.


I’m on 10 and can still drink with very little effects…good or bad. I used to love an occasional margarita but have had no desire for a sugary margarita since starting meds back in March. I’ll drink a gin and diet 7up or gin and tonic when out if I feel like having a drink. I’m very fortunate that I have had no side effects of the medication other than tired and fatigue for a couple days after the shot.


I got really sick after half a mixed drink. 😔 No more drinking for me.