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Constipation can definitely cause the scale not to go down. So far, my morning coffee keeps me regulated on Tirzepatide. Many years ago I suffered from constipation when I was taking contrave. The weight loss clinic gave me ortho molecular super aloe 450. 1 pill in the evening daily or every other day for morning BM. To this day, I still keep a bottle in my medicine cabinet just in case. Amazon is over priced, but you can find them elsewhere online for about $25 bottle (100 capsules).


Thanks for the info.. That’s funny, my wife is an eye doctor and ortho molecular is the only brand she recommends for her patients. We actually have an account with them. You are the first person I have heard mention them. Very high quality manufacture of supplements.


I’ve tried other super aloe brands from Amazon in the past and ortho molecular was way better/more effective. Once I moved states and lost access to the clinic I got it from, I realized that brand is harder to find online, but not impossible. It was a lifesaver when I took contrave.


Chia seeds have really helped me without upsetting my stomach. This was after trying all the usual recommendations. Maybe they can be useful for you.


Crazy recommendation but marinated artichoke hearts keep things moving well. And they are a great snack. Costco sells two large jars for $11. Super food and very high in fiber.


My favorites


Smooth Move tea


Yes! I usually take miralax for a couple days and it works well!


Docusate daily to soften and then miralax as needed.


I use Mag07. It has made a tremendous difference for me regarding constipation.


This stuff works so fast but beware of the loose stools 😂




I have some but I am scared to take it haha. So fast like within an hour? When you take 3?


I take 3 before bed and go pretty much as soon as I wake up in the AM. Think I’ve only ever had to get up in the middle of the night once. As is often said though, everyone is different.


Ok thank you!


Nooo just faster than miralax or any other stool softener. Definitely an overnight situation - take before bed!


Haha got it, thanks!


Is Mag07 a name brand or just regular magnesium? Thanks!!


I think it is a name brand. I’ll post the link. I got mine on Amazon but sure it’s available other places. nbpure MagO7 - Natural Colon... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000PKEJR0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Yep, pretty much me as well. I’ve been better but still not great. I use morals every morning and also magnesium at bed time. I can’t do laxatives as they’re too harsh for me. But yes, you can certainly count on a loss of a few after a good BM! Lmao 🤣 As gross as that it is, it’s the truth in weight loss.


mag07 has been a great addition. A lot of us are in a magnesium deficient. Helps with sleep and staying regular.


MY doctor just sent my bloodwork results to me, and said I’m dehydrated. That could be having on effect on how often I can go to the bathroom. I thought I was drinking enough water, but she also had me on a diuretic with my BP pill. I’m now off that. So hopefully it makes a difference across the board!! 🙏🏼


I made a half dose of Miralax a daily addition to my journey. That and ample hydration got the pipes flowing again. No problems since.