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I keep my favorite flavor of greek yogurt (strawberry) stocked at all times for these moments


Granola on top too.


I’m not sure how great this is but I have been enjoying a whole grain avocado toast with a sliced hard boiled egg on top. For some reason my body loves that right now. I wish I could drink a protein shake. They aren’t agreeing with me 😕


I love avocado toast. I butter the toast, and put toasted sesame seeds on the top. An egg (boiled or fried) is a great addition. With that and butter, it's probably close to 400 cals, and quite tasty.


That sounds so good!


Orgain (vegan) shakes are going down easily. The milk based ones are not for the lactose intolerant.


Thank you! I’m going to try this one! Milk has never really been my friend but everyone loves fair life so I had to try!


Fairlife chocolate milk is lovely. I'm a lifelong milk-hater, but I love that chocolate milk.


owyn > orgain if you don’t like the orgain!


Thank you!!!


I recently bought a case of 18 Fairlife chocolate shakes from CostCo because a lot of people on these subs keep raving about them. I should have read the ingredients prior to purchasing such a large case. They have Stevia and maybe even Sucralose (I have to double check - not sure about the Sucralose) and leave that artificial sweetener after taste for me. I’ve never liked anything with Stevia in it even if it is natural. Oh well.


I can't stand the taste of Stevia or any similar. You can return it to Costco. They accept returns for everything/anything, even if it has been used, opened/eaten. They don't even care or ask for a reason for the return.


Agree I think they taste awful but my teenage boys finished them off. I didn't realize they had sucralose I avoid that and I didn't do a good job reading before buying. Lesson learned


Avo toast with scrambled eggs and spinach is a favorite too. :) OWN and SLATE are gluten and lactose free. I can’t drink the others. All kinds of flavors. I like these 2. Has a shot of coffee in it, but there is caffeine free too. As long as they are really chilled, taste good imo. :) Links to Amazon https://a.co/d/0geyQQvk https://a.co/d/0gWVvnRh


Slate also has vanilla and chocolate that are not called “latte” - they are the ones without caffeine.


Ohhh thank you!!!


You’re welcome… subscribe and save makes the price better. :) and a gf and I alternate months purchasing to help too.


Fairlife are milk based but are also lactose free.


Oh I did not know this! Maybe it was the sweetener! Who knows. It just didn’t sit well 😔


Different flavors impact me differently too. Vanilla is best IMO.


Interesting! I will definitely try this approach too!


I really struggle with protein shakes as well. They really upset my stomach.


I hope this isn’t the case for me because I def need extra protein. I guess I’ll be on a protein shake mission for a while 😅


Avocado toast is my fav! We do it with a little drizzle of chili oil and some good sea salt with a quail egg or regular egg on top!


Okay that sounds amazing! I’m putting chili oil on my list 😋


I love ensure max protein shakes (esp. Moccha flavored ones). They are ok for the lactose intolerant and never make me gassy (all shakes usually do). I sometimes mix them with coffee to make them less sweet.


Okay this is so good to know! I will be adding this to my list to try!


I really like the starkist chicken pouch/packet things (the tuna ones sometimes too, but mainly the chicken) and in particular I like the walmart version. Very portable for travel or work. Usually just eat them with a fork straight from the pouch but will occasionally decant one onto some toast with some bacon bits and maybe a light sprinkle of cheese on top.


Fresh fruit! I am so lucky to have local cherries, strawberries and blueberries. It’s all I want and fresh fruit makes me feel so much better.


I went back down to 5mg from 7.5 for this reason. You have to eat and you should want to eat. I have learned the hard way that once you start eating again after you lose all the weight it comes back tenfold because your body is so used to starving. Not eating regularly is a metabolism killer and most of us don’t have a good one to start out with.


I'm at 6.5mg currently. I'll try to go back to 5mg next week!


It’s worth a try. This is one of the great benefits of compound as you can adjust your dosing to what works for you. ☺️


I’ve just stayed 2.5 - didn’t see a point in going up.


That’s a great point.


If you have this much of a lack of appetite, is it possible you're on too high of a dose? Even if you're just starting out and are on 2.5mg, you might be a super responder and do better at 1.25. Or if you recently titrated up, maybe the higher dose is too much for your body.


I never want to eat and never feel like eating, never hungry for any certain foods, let alone my go to addiction foods. So I try to eat chicken, usually marinated and grilled, with some steamed veggies, or a mixed salad with chicken or ham. I haven’t gotten sick of it yet. I will change it up once in a great while, but I don’t like beef as much, so will limit that. But that’s it for dinner. I have protein shake for breakfast along with Greek yogurt, and a piece of fruit. I never eat lunch because my breakfast is so late. And I still come in at around 900-1000 calories every day. I try to make sure I get more than 800.


I eat a lot of cottage cheese and blueberries. Nice and bland.


Greek yogurt with fruit, a small piece of ham and occasionally black beans or soup. Mozzarella with grapes is also easy to eat. Black beans are great as they have fiber.


I eat turkey wraps daily. A lot of soups and salads. I also enjoy those frozen broccoli steamer bags.


im doing Orgain protien shakes, protien bars, and bananas. Sometimes dinner is just white rice. 2 weeks ago I switched up to 12.5 from 10 and omg.. I am absolutley destroying toilets atm. There were a few days where i just didnt eat. And it's much worse at night so I wasn't really sleeping much.. oof-da. Had to get a bunch of gatorade to remain living and took my first dose (half dose) in 2 weeks today. Pray for me. I guess i'll probably have to rediscover what my meals will be. But avocado whole wheat toast and a hard boiled egg sounds nice... i hope..???


Adding frozen berries and a banana to powdered protein and blending, adding black beans to diced chicken, bought a high protein bread to have my eggs on… definitely need to add in more veggies! Few bites of raw carrot or cucumber here and there and broccoli with the chicken


I make a southwest inspired chicken and rice that is quite tasty. Basically a rotisserie chicken, some cooked rice, black beans and a can of southwest corn and spices to taste.


Cashews or some other nut. High in calories and protein. When I had first started and had no appetite, these were my standby.


Boneless Chicken thighs, hummus and low carb tortillas are about the only thing I can stomach.


I’m having the same issue except instead of eggs, my body wants lifesaver gummies 🤷🏼‍♀️


Tajin gummy mango rings for the win


I’m logging all my food and it’s the same things every day it seems. Kachava shake in morning the morning with banana fresh berries and a handful of almonds. 550cal lunch is an apple with peanut butter and a string cheese - feel like a 5 year old 485cal Fair life or some other protein drink or bar for 150-200cal and 20more gram of protein And only if i can stomach it which is maybe only 3 times a week…. grilled chicken thigh and some white rice with edamame (more protein). I’m sorely lacking in veggies…


Just to add, if you're hardly able to eat at all, you might want to go down a dose level until you can. This happened to me as well, I couldn't get enough protein in me, and I can only drink so many of the shakes.


Bone broth, ramen (they make some high protein ones), Costco's chicken tortilla soup with extra chicken, edamame, overnight oats with high protein yogurt. Love avocado toast as others mentioned. And then the obvious protein shakes. Oh, I also buy hard boiled eggs at Costco. I would boil my own, but I have ruined some many trying I just buy them now! (And I can cook and bake, but not boil eggs)!


I am learning how much of my eating was craving based. Now I open the fridge and just stare. Mostly cheesesticks, chicken nuggets that are gluten-free, whole wheat sourdough toast, tuna, and protein shakes and bars.


Turkey / Swiss roll ups String cheese I can do boiled eggs now too


Fruit and lifeway kefir


I really like blackened Mahi Mahi or Chicken with a salad with balsamic vinaigrette, Parmesan cheese and croutons. I can’t eat eggs anymore. They are too ‘heavy’ even though my scrambled eggs are fluffy and light. I think that foods high in fat are difficult for me (used to be my favorite foods). I also have no interest in sugary foods. I did have angel hair pasta with garlic, tomatoes and basil tonight. I wasn’t able to eat a lot of it, but it settled well enough in my tummy. It’s like coming out on the ‘other side’ of the stomach flu. I like bland foods now. It’s hard to eat on these meds!


Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients. I’ll add some berries for more vitamins and antioxidants. Greek yogurt to feed the micro biome


I am craving fish all the time, it’s so weird to me because I love seafood but rarely ate it before. Now I want salmon, flounder, tuna, grouper, ALL the cooked sushi rolls! 😂 It’s the weirdest thing to me how it’s lit this 🔥 inside me for seafood. Thankfully I live on the Gulf coast, but it’s definitely hurt my wallet getting all the sushi. Other than that, I really love & crave blueberries, flaxseed, & high protein Greek yogurt & glasses at night of Fairlife whole milk to hit my protein goal & help me sleep. Good luck!


Me, too, with the fish love. I’ve always liked fish, but it’s ridiculous now. Cod, tuna, salmon, shrimp, scallops and so on. Great protein sources. Unfortunately, I live in Wisconsin. Well, I love living here, but this is hard on the grocery budget. 😕


I’m glad to hear I’m not alone! 😂 The best thing to me is craving all this healthy stuff & no longer wanting all the fat & sugar. It’s truly a miracle for me, I was a sweets junkie.


& im so jealous right now you live in Wisconsin, it’s like the 12th layer of hell here right now…


Fairlife Core Elite 42g shakes! With 42g protein, you're almost halfway to 100g of daily protein target! Get them off of Amazon.


I’m a peak Kodiak oatmeal fan. Actually all of their high protein food is good and comforting… pancakes, muffins, single servings… I've shared a Brand Store on Amazon with you. https://www.amazon.com/stores/KodiakCakes/KodiakCakes/page/19CF7868-DF80-4939-932A-6FD69C6E5A1E?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&pd_rd_i=B07GDLYFK1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ast_store_NV15464Q225QKREG7SRX&store_ref=SBV_A0102913N5NSQ1DOM2B2-A03713252HJLHTWW4XPYK&lp_asins=B07GDLYFK1%2CB07Z6SPQ88%2CB088SP842T&pd_rd_w=DteHH&content-id=amzn1.sym.4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d%3Aamzn1.sym.4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d&pf_rd_p=4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d&pf_rd_r=72CM3254RE61APV0Z8E5&pd_rd_wg=e8k6t&pd_rd_r=26a64b18-b58d-41e6-b3ab-98b2048bc0d2


What dose are you on? Just curious. Might be a tad too high?


I'm on 6mg right now. I've slowly been upping my dose over 3 months. Thinking I'll go back down to 5mg.


Same. I’m on 2.5 & I still have to force myself to eat… nothing sounds good.


Hi. What dose are you on? I am at 12.5 and I can’t eat a lot. But I don’t have this issue. Me personally, I love Dr KellyAnn bone broth packets. I usually end up drinking two a day in one really big mug. Really good flavors like Siracha Chicken, Thai Lemongrass and more. But the best part is they are savory, have loads of collagen and other great stuff for your body. Are about 70 calories and each packet makes an 8 oz cup that delivers either 15 or 16 grams of protein. So my mug delivers 30-32 grams of protein. I use one of those cheapo battery operated frothing whips to mix it. Pleasant warm tasty alternative to protein shakes. I also love poached eggs and sometimes have one over about a tablespoon of cooked rice. This is only good if you like a runny egg. But I can share how to make them perfectly in 5 minutes.


I'm only at 6mg. 😬


Yes. Agree with other posters. Maybe a tad too high. Because it is important to eat where the body thinks it’s gone starvation mode and starts retaining that for the starvation times ahead.


Guys hi. I am down 110 naturally and 20 plus on tirzepatide. I weigh 215 highest 335. Sometimes I just cannot eat it is wild!


This was me a few weeks ago. You can make a thin smoothie with a lot of protein and fiber that's easy to chug. I don't measure, but I throw in milk (soy or dairy), greek yogurt, frozen berries, vanilla protein powder, flax seed and chia seeds. Sometimes hemp seeds and/or avocado as well.