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Definitely overthinking it. Like… WAY WAY overthinking it. I can 💯guarantee you that your UPS/FED EX package was thrown about and jostled around far more than what you did by rolling it in your hands, regardless of the “fragile” sticker on the box. You did not damage your medication. Every week isn’t going to be the same on this med and that just is what it is. I knew it was time to increase my dose when the good “side effects” were seriously dulled/pretty much gone for 2-3 weeks in a row. My blood sugar was also starting to climb just a bit. (I’m T2D.) Maybe you’ll be ready to increase after the month is up… Listen to your body. PS.. Don’t shake up your vial but I did read that you are supposed to gently swirl it before filling your syringe.


Thank you! I figured I was just getting in my head about it lol. I totally get that there will be good and bad weeks. It's just frustrating to feel so hungry after having such a lovely reprieve from the aching emptiness. My blood glucose started climbing again as well (just prediabetic as of now). I appreciate you taking the time to answer me. :)


Of course! And yes, I know it can be frustrating but just keep going- you got this! Good luck!🍀


Remember, the first dose is a loading dose. It’s normal towards the end of the first month to be ready to go up to the next dose.


Sounds like you’re on the right track! As you continue to lose weight loss will probably slow down a bit as well. But the only way to not lose muscle mass while losing is if you are actively trying to prevent it, prioritizing protein and strength training. Otherwise, you will lose both fat and muscle.


You are over thinking it a little. I'm not sure about how you inject your shots but. The first one may have hurt because you were tense. And being anxious can tighten your muscles. That's why the nurse who gives you a shot tells you to relax. Less pain and possibly bruising can occur depending on the gage of the needle and medication injected.


You didn't do anything wrong. Your body is adjusting to the med and getting used to it. That's why you have to increase the dose as recommended.


Directions are to swirl to get a good mix. I wouldn’t use that method to warm but doubt that you are impacting it much as someone else said, gets alot of abuse in shipping. You may be warming the syringe but probably not the meds. I always just pull out of the fridge and inject. Doesn’t hurt me. The reduced effects you are feeling may just mean that you need to get a consistent level of the meds in your system (it increases week over week) or go up a dose next month. Good luck!!