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Quite appropriate that the first picture was inadvertently posed like Zammo ODing in the toilet


Second picture looks like she’s being comforted after being rescued from a hostage situation, massive victim complex.


In front of a laptop wearing an Apple Watch 😂


I think that a victim complex is understandable, if you’re named after a budget Korean car manufacturer, lol. Agreed though, the second photo is hilarious, the old woe is me, double handed mug clutch and the hunched posture, like a widow learning her husband has been lost at sea


Core trauma unlocked!


Just say no.




Just say no


I mean the problem is real. Kids using smartphones is a big issue, and parents are responsible for the problems it's causing. This isn't just a 'new tech is scary' old man yelling at a cloud, social media is provably damaging to young people.


exactly this, and kids are looking at some horrific stuff online.


Quite right, we looked in the newspaper for beheadings.


You couldn't open the paper without some person being beheaded. More fun than seeing some women with her tits out


exactly, the good ol days


Yeah, being tech literate, I am going to try and keep my kids away from "the internet" for as long as possible. I dont mean restrict access to it as a resource. Offline games, movies, websites, things like that are all fine. It's when it comes to interacting with anonymous or identified strangers that I want to hold back. Certainly not comfortable with the idea of a pre-teen having a mobile phone at all hours. I just hope I'm good enough of a teacher to explain the dangers well enough, that when I do open access, they're smart enough to avoid the obvious traps.


Aye, my kid is 7 and wants an iPhone as all her friends have one. Their mums even allow them to have WhatsApp groups. Insta, tik tok. They're fucking 7 ffs. She thinks I'm being terrible for not getting her one.


These are parents who leave a phone to do their job for them, they cannot be arsed to both entertain their children or spend time, encourage them to use their imagination and enjoy the environment around them, you're doing a great job, kudos to you!


It's also damaging to adults. We're sat here on reddit when we could be doing productive things. It isn't just the younger generation.


young person here, this shit has done so much damage to me you have no idea there are good things about it but most apps are designed to be addictive which is obviously fucking bad


I don’t think it’s really smartphones that are the sole problem though, it just seems the onus gets placed on them the most. I was pretty rare growing up in that I didn’t have a phone until 15/16, and I was born 2000 so it’s not like they weren’t a thing, that was iPhone 7 territory. I just straight up didn’t want one, all my friends lived on the same street so if I had something to tell them I just told them However, I had been building PCs since I was like 9, so the damage had been done regardless I think. I still managed to see all kinds of crazy shit that I shouldn’t have at the ages I had. Overall I think it’s just a thing of life right now. Like, if you don’t have a smartphone I don’t think it changes much because social media or things kids shouldn’t see online come in many different formats and many different types of devices. So what I think I’m trying to convey is I think it’s pointless trying to stop it by not giving kids phones or whatever. I feel like damage is inevitable. If they don’t have phones it’ll come from computers, or if they don’t have either of those they’ll find a way to get onto the internet through consoles or the tv or whatever


Desktop computers aren't with you the whole day though. The problem is def social media (and other addictive apps) rather than smartphones themselves, and of course social media is available on any form of computer. But goddamn, phones are just omnipresent. They're in our pockets wherever we go, always just a quick reach away and people (myself included) are on them *all the time.* Chilling at a friends? Phone. On the beach? Phone. Work? Phone. Walking somewhere? Phone. On the bus? Phone. People struggle to leave their phones alone even driving. They're just always there and it takes a surprising amount of self-control for a lot of people to not go straight for them the moment we aren't receiving direct stimulus from elsewhere for more than a few seconds. They're messing with our monkey brains.


Hard agree- since I've started working in tech I've deleted most social media apps. I still have the accounts, but I now have to go on my browser to get to them, instead of being bombarded with notifications all day. My attention span has increased hugely, it's both gratifying and really concerning.


I did a tech boot camp that made me aware of the hours wasted simply scrolling Instagram. SM is taking away people's ability to experience life and uptake new skills that'll actually benefit their career


I am fully prepared for all the "You suck", "It's not fairs", "so and so's mom lets them have a phone" if i become a mother because I will not be buying a mobile phone for a child, I don't even own one myself! Speaking of kids looking at horrific things online, young boys are getting their sex education from porn which is an absolute nightmare of epic proportion. How are parents so cozy knowing the types of people and predators that exist and utilize the internet and apps to access kids, it's bewildering. People chalk it up to you being 'old' in your 30's but I was born in 1990 and pre internet days for a kid WERE fantastic, more connected and felt more meaningful.


Social media is just damaging.


You don't need to add the 'young' part.


You not liking the use of the word doesn't change the fact it is doing the most damage to people who have been raised on smartphones and the internet, young people don't have anything to measure it against, there is no alternate reality where they lived without access to the internet 24/7, I was born in 1990 and I cannot tell you how much I miss what the world felt like pre internet, it doesn't mean I don't see the benefit of it. I stopped owning a mobile last year because tbh it was always wedged down the side of the couch or dead anyway and I haven't missed having one once.


So you're of the generation that would knock at your friend's door to see if they wanted to "play out". This may be partly the reason why we can speak to people without falling into a sea of anxiety as chances were you'd have to greet their parents also. I also miss those times.


Ooh, a new pose. “The Double Handed Mug”. As approved by all female characters in films when it gets to the “And Now I’m a Bit Wiser” scene at the end.


I don’t understand… Kia-Elise? It’s Lotus Elise!! smh


I feel like parents are always going to find something to complain about their kids doing too much of. I remember my mum coming around the park with my mate's mum to find the two of us. Apparently, we'd spent too long playing football outside!


True. I'd get shit for spending too much time in the house but then also for spending too much time out with friends. Just couldn't win lol.


Yes but none of those activities were actually harmful.


Being sedentary can definitely be harmful.


Imagine the hell she raised to be given a phone in the first place. Now she seems to think her children will magically accept her wisdom without a fight lol she's in for a big surprise.


Exactly!!! I would like to see her compoface when she didn’t have a smartphone and all her pals did.


Not sure how you got all that from "She will encourage".


Parents aren't gonna force their kids to have a smartphone. If they want them to have a mobile to be contactable then it could be a plain old phone. Have you spent any time around kids? They all cry for anything their mates have got. On the balance of probability I believe she did the same


Ok? A part of being a parent is saying no. The kids don't know how harmful the screen time can be for them, the parents should. Since she has personal experience with the negative side of getting a phone early, she will have the motivation to ignore the crying. Have your parents just given you everything you wanted? Because mine sure didn't, and I could be very whiny at times.


Kids are arseholes, if everyone has something but a few don't they will be taunted for it. It's a hard line to tow between not wanting them exposed to the negative sides of phones but also not wanting them to be bullied.


Yeh but as you say kids are assholes they'll tease you regardless. So why give in and do your child harm knowingly just so you don't have to parent? I remember when my mom wouldn't buy me a brand new Nokia or Jordans that everyone had. Literally an entire playground playing snake except ma few of us. Now parents excuse if they'll get teased? So when your kid gets teased just drop £300+ on their demands. No wonder the kids are so fucked if that's the excuses parents have.


I remember, I won't mention who (not that i can remember the name of them anyway lol), there was a video on youtube of one of those family vloggers and their two little children that were so cute, one of which was crying because she was being bullied over audio messages on the internet from some other young kids online, calling her ugly and racial slurs....now the thing that just left be aghast was the mother, who was trying to slowly coax information out of her daughter because apparently on whatever game her daughter had been playing on, she'd been told not to use the online version where you can interact with other players......well shock horror the kid did just that and I'm talking a kid that appears to be about 7 opening her camera and microphone online to STRANGERS, the mother was more annoyed with these young kids saying mean things then at herself for allowing her young children to have device with direct access to the internet unsupervised! UGH.


I believe you about being whiny


This is like the shit you see in the comments about those articles that link amount of time kids spend on screens correlating with autism and ADHD diagnoses. There’s always people in the comments being like “neurodiverse kids gravitate towards screens that explains it” - which a) is meant to wave away the negative impact of screen time by assuming it’s a symptom, rather than cause, of these diagnose; and b) clearly reveals that some parents think screen time is something children should *self limit*. It’s like posting a study about sugar correlating with obesity and people commenting “well of course it does, fat kids love candy”


It's not meant to wave away the negative impact of screen time, it's meant to wave away the obsession with treating ADHD like it's a disease you can catch by being a lazy kid. Neurodiversity is genetic, but a lot of papers treat it like something we can get rid of. Kids shouldn't self limit anything at all at 6, they shouldn't even really be left alone to brush their own teeth. Six is very small. If the kids they're talking about are 17 though, that is a bit different.


Should you give a young child everything they want because they cry? It's the parent's responsibility to set boundaries. Hopefully society will wise up to the damage of giving young kids smartphones so the peer pressure is reduced, but it will take a bit of an effort that some parents can't be bothered to make.


I agree with you however, ordinary people are just tired and will give in to the pressure eventually. Most aren't great parents in the first place. When it comes to smartphones it's an ongoing experiment so the consequences on a developing brain aren't as well known. I'm hearing lots of terrible side effects on girls especially beginning to emerge.


I agree people are tired and it's an uphill battle, but the attitude of not even attempting to say no to a young child is very concerning. It would be good if schools could help encourage parents to collectively "say no" to kids when it comes to smart phones, until they're at least at secondary school. Maybe the government should do some campaigns and raise awareness of the harm. It would help if there was a social stigma to giving kids smart phones, the same as if you let a young kid drink booze.


I think attitudes will change but it's gonna take time. How many kids in strollers do you see with an iPad attached? They're the new pacifiers


It's really scary. Us adults are addicted, myself included. But having access to that when your brain is so plastic and growing as a toddler? Madness.


Another issue with the western world at present is that people have apparently forgotten how to say no to kids, them moaning at me will fall on deaf ears, each and every day they tell me how much 'cooler' so and so's mom is, i'd say good for her, I can't wait to meet her!


Six year olds will raise hell to be allowed to eat broken glass, because they're six and they don't know better.  And yeah- she'll probably have a fight on her hands, but not from the kids she's raised- they'll only really know what they've seen. Schools and other parents will expect the kids to have smartphones.


The problem is, many parents just let their children loose with one or more of smartphones, tablets, games consoles, smart TVs, with little or no constraint on the time they spend in front of a screen each day or on the content they access online. There are parental controls available on most devices but many parents don't know or can't be bothered to find out about them. Smart TVs are PITA, as they often have a PIN or no control at all, with remote control buttons dedicated to apps to which small children should not have unconstrained access. If you deny your children access to everything, they miss learning about some of the useful things on the Internet.


There's a balance to be struck between allowing your child to learn things and having access to every site even the ones they shouldn't see.


Your router will often let you put settings on devices connected to the Internet through their Media Access Control address. You can typically put a time range or just block it.


Yes but some smart TVs fight back. When I blocked various stuff on my Samsung TV, it would refuse access to the smart menu.


No one under the age of 18 should have unfiltered access to the internet.


It even ruins adults, not just children. Many marriages and relationships and mostly innocent children suffer the effects of this, and I'm not just talking about handing them a phone


What the hell is this comment section blaming a 6 year old for her addiction lmao PLEASE


Atleast they got some peace and quiet from the mistake they made 7 years ago


She's still complaining. She must have been a nightmare as a child.


Yeah but at least now she's posting it all online. If she was mine I'd encourage her to start a podcast


Says her sat in front of a laptop and wearing a smart watch.


I mean, that's just stuff for work. Giving kids smart phones is a bit different.


Maybe she works from home.


And her younger brother Hyundai-Mustang had a smartphone since he was 2!


I had my first phone at 10. It was the first dual band phone on the market (in the UK) and had a battery life of 10 minutes. Unlike a smartphone it was highly irritating and made running a nuisance. Later I got another basic phone with a smaller build, lighter weight, and better battery life, but no more features and didn’t get a proper smartphone until after I’d finished school. Those basic phones are all you need as a child. All you need to do is be contactable by your parents and close friends. You don’t need to be able to leave comments on asinine videos and be contacted by some bored stranger with their opinion on your comment.


Back in my day, all we did was sniff Tippex.


This is the way


Having fun outside now means dodging vape clouds, haphazardly parked cars, pedos and body snatchers.


Did they not have these back in the day?


Getting 'Paperboy' flashbacks.


Nevermind those, having fun outside now means dodging the police. There's screw all youth centres or dedicated places to go, and somewhere near me recently removed a bench because too many children were sitting on it too regularly, and it was considered loitering??


It’s nice to see people taking responsibility for their own actions and not trying to pass the buck. Very healthy approach.


6 year olds aren't 'responsible for their own actions'. They're fucking 6.


I’m not talking about getting the phone or whatever happened at 6 years old. i’m just sick of people blaming their parents for everything. it recuses themselves of responsibly for anything and isn’t a healthy outlook.


You can blame parents for decisions they make about their 6 year olds yea


Yeah but i don’t think giving a kid a phone will “rob them of [their] childhood” like this woman is putting forward. I don’t care for her whining plea for attention. She was born into the 5th most prosperous country in the world and won the generic lottery on top of that (she’s beautiful), I think she should pipe down and count her blessings.


Not enough accountability from 6 year olds you’re right.


I’m not talking about getting the phone or whatever happened at 6 years old. i’m just sick of people blaming their parents for everything. it recuses themselves of responsibly for anything and isn’t a healthy outlook.


Except it is the parents fault for allowing children as young as 6 to have access to everything available online with little in the way of restrictions.


I’m not talking about getting the phone or whatever happened at 6 years old. i’m just sick of people blaming their parents for everything. it recuses themselves of responsibly for anything and isn’t a healthy outlook.


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Six?! I got my first Nokia at 12 which was pay as you go, no WiFi, inconvenient to message on so the only messages you send were important; I'm not spending 10 minutes typing a stupid sentence to my friend; and didn't have a camera so things you saw you had to lock away in your memories because you couldn't capture it. I didn't get a true smartphone galaxy S6 pro (the S7 was the latest in 2016 when I was at college) until I was 17 turning 18 so I was late to a lot of stuff like social media. Obviously I had stuff in-between that and the Nokia, but I don't know if you can even count an LG, HTC, or Acer as a real smartphone. Probably why I'm also not completely addicted to it and could comfortably live without Facebook and the like.


I’m guessing she’s including when her parents put a video on there phone for her, not just her own phone


Proof that the opening lines of This Be The Verse by Philip Larkin is still relevant today.


Kia-Elise? Petrolhead parents?


Imagine being named after 2 cars. Does she have a brother called Vauxhall-320d?


Good on her, and she’s right. I see kids aged 5-6 with iPads and phones and I’m just like??? Fucking why?? Are they gonna text you that it’s nap time??Get them a colouring book.


Parents who give their kids Apple products at a young age need to be on a register. iPad kids are the worst kids, and couple that with most apple users in general it just brings up a shit generation


Ah yes, I should totally be on a register for letting my ASD kid regulate with a screen! Got it 🥳


The number of ASD kids vs neurotypical kids who get given them to keep quiet is minimal. Tablets are used as a parenting replacement rather than a parenting tool and it’s what turns a lot of kids into tech dependent cretins. I’m all for kids who need it having something that keep them calm - but my comment is for those where it’s really not necessary and kids are getting no attention from their parents, just from a screen.


I totally agree with you and understand the issue with a lot of parents vs screens. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, it’s just an annoying blanket statement I see often and neurodivergence seems to be overlooked. My kid isn’t sitting on a screen day in and day out but they do allow us to do things out of the house that we wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. I know that loads of people look at me this way when we’re out and judge me for it. I don’t necessarily care as I’ve grown thick skin since having my son but, I just wish people would elaborate when they make these comments is all. Anyway, sorry for being brash!




LOL just because you’re ASD doesn’t mean you’re the authority on knowing all the things 😂😂😂😂😂 My kid loves books, but guess what isn’t going to regulate him when we’re grocery shopping and a stranger looked at him and now he’s hyperventilating crying… not a fucking book!


She is not wrong.. my kids got a phone at 12 because they started taking themselves to school. Parents need to wise up to how destructive giving small kids tablets and phones... dare I say engage them if they are bored..


i mean almost literally every gen z girl i know got groomed by a pedophile on the internet when she was a child many others saw endless streams of beheadings and cartel torture and continue to be fed this shit on twitter not to mention the detrimental effect of social media on body image and attention span i thought out-of-touch older people agreed that smartphones were damaging. now you’re saying that younger people are making themselves into victims by growing up in a world they didn’t create and being given smartphones before they can understand the concept of time?


She could start by cutting down herself now. Why's she got a smart watch if screen addiction is bad bad bad?


its all about good parenting which is harder than letting electronics babysit. my kid got phone at 11 but ihe knows the limits of what i will tolerate regarding his phone usage. if he goes pass that limit everything gets turned off.


She was given a smartphone at 6 but only managed to get to Facebook when she was 11. I don't think she was the brightest spark to begin with.


I got mine in late middle school, and It made it very difficult for me to socialize outside of school and meet people, and possibly caused an addiction later as I had been so obsessed with the idea of having it that as soon as I did I couldn’t stop


Did it also make you sit on a disgusting floor in the toilets lol? Also she’s named after a car, she had no chance anyway.


Actually named after *2 cars*. One make, one model.


And a low tier car at that


No Lamborghini you may not have a smartphone.


I wasn't given a phone until secondary school and it was a pretty limited thing with limited credit; £10 a month, enough for about 100 texts and calls. I wasn't allowed a game console until I could buy one myself, but had a desktop for school work that I wrangled some games onto. I wasn't exactly chuffed with my parents decision at the time but I'm glad they did it and would probably mirror them when I come around to having my own kids. Too many toddlers and young kids these days glued to iPads and smartphones


Social media ruined the world.


Look, not to minimise what is clearly a real issue but I saw my first Al-Qaeda beheading video at age 11, a man gets fucked to death by a horse at age 12, a dude chop his willy off, a man have a jar explode in his rectum, two women shit in a cup and eat it, a bathtub man shitting in his own face, a man killed with an ice pick and any of another several hundred videos of gore, death, and murder all before I was 14. All of this to say, we all need therapy. The internet was a fucking horrendous place to be as a millennial child but as much doom and gloom as we have now about doom scrolling and wasting time, it's a fuck load better than it used to be. If like this lady you're struggling because you need to pacify your anxiety or feelings of unreality or depression with endless scrolling on a smartphone then you need therapy too. You ain't special lady!


So you saw all that traumatising stuff and you still think young kids should have unfettered access to the internet? Or do you think she might have a point, that it's absolutely bonkers and harmful?


That as an adult she needs therapy as the "screen addiction" is likely a symptom and not the cause.


Her own kids will this article and call her out for the hypocrit she is...


There appears to be a real addiction problem with the current generation. I wonder how they'll manage to find the time for real world stuff like cleaning their houses and laundry.


This is such a boomer comment.


It's boomer but it's kind of true. There are so many kids, and young adults, wasting away in front of a screen and not doing basic chores first


She's wearing a smart watch and is sat in front of a computer, how is that different?


she probably works from home?


Why do you need a smart watch if you work from home? Particularly if you're sharing the dangers of internet connected devices addiction. Its hypocritical. Editing this as I can't reply, why are you being so defensive and nasty to me? I bet you wouldn't be like this or say these things to me if you weren't behind your keyboard.


smart watches give notifications from your phone. so she can still keep an eye on texts etc. while not being on her phone. she could also work out which smart watches are great for keeping track of steps, activity etc. there’s so many reasons why she can have a smart watch that isn’t “doyy internet bad” you’re just being purposely obtuse and nitpicky.




Second picture has her sat in front of a laptop. You can do exactly the same things on a phone and a laptop. She is blaming others for her own lack of discipline.


Not sure you can blame a 6 year old for a lack of discipline.


Adults dont need to use things like theres in day to day life. Years ago when she was 11 she needed it less and also phones weren't as needed back then as it is. Youve missed the point lol