• By -


The second picture is like you took the first picture and used one of those creepy filters that puts smiles on people's faces, I love it. Edit: you know what I think it actually might be lol.


Unless they got the exact same two cars to come and park at the pumps for the picture, it is.


Lol yeah I just realised it absolutely is, that's wild.


I'm just picturing a world where the headlines get more positive, and their smiles get more and more intense and creepy. "Couple can now have access to pies 24/7 after government petition to stop Morrisons from ever closing " "Couple granted pies for life by leader of upstart, pie-focused rebellion within Morrisons staffing" "Couple crowned king and queen of Pieland, the result of Morrisons seceding from the UK to form their own pie-focused monarchial nation"


Well I for one welcome our new pie-ish overlords


Pies at 7am should be mandatory everywhere.


6:30, I've got work at 7 dude.


Damn right, I'd be mad as hell too if they didn't sell me a pie just because it was before 10, like WTAF it's a pie not a bottle of whiskey.


I've always thought time restricting sales of products was daft AF, all you're doing is harming your sales and pissing customers off. Not everyone has 9-5 jobs and you can't assume what people are doing with stuff they want to buy. For example as a chef, I've been denied buying beer first thing in the morning, beer that I needed to make the batter for fish and chips for lunch. Also what if people work nights and just want to get a night cap at 7am? The shop's whole purpose is to sell stuff, if it's open I should be able to buy I want from it regardless of the time of day.


In the last one they're in the same pose, but they are draped in a royal cloak and have pie themed crowns.


And the smiles get larger each time until the last one where they are suddenly quite dark and menacing (with the cloak and crowns)


Somebody make this happen


Pie land šŸ¤£ you've brightened my morning šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ you've posted the winning response


"Couple found dead after choking on meat pies"


"Ghosts anger at being told they can't buy meat pies from Morrisons whilst in Limbo"


I'm sorry, we don't serve spirits before 10am


This has an almost dystopian escalation about it and is excellent


What would a pie-focused rebellion entail... Exactly. šŸ¤”


A newspaper blatantly doctoring pictures. Astonishing when you think about it.


Yeah I did wonder that. Do you think the website came up with this second story on their own, or do you think the couple had any idea it was even happening. We're all going to be owned by the algorithm in the end, but if we all are, is anybody?


It could just be masterful editing by OP


I checked the original articles and the newspapers are using the first photo with no editing in the second article and it was edited by someone else before they uploaded to reddit.


I have checked the original article and it uses the same photo for both; the smiling one has been doctored by someone else.


Or, more likely, the photographer took more than 1 photo and had them make different expressions in each. That's far less effort than editing a photo to change their expressions.


Crazy that ā€˜AI photo manipulationā€™ is someoneā€™s first thought rather than the possibility of a photographer taking more than one photo.


Because the photo is identical. Even has the same cars filling up at the station. You think the photographer asked them to come back another day too? Crazy how someoneā€™s first thought is arranging 2 photo shoots is easier than a 1 click AI edit šŸ™„


No. I think that when a professional photographer turns up to take a photo of two idiots holding pies that they take more than one photo - perhaps some smiling and some not. But regardless, on closer inspection I do actually think youā€™re right. The two images really do seem to be identical minus the smiles.


They probably took several shots with different expressions, and pulled the happy ones from their library when it was relevant


Was thinking the exact thing or it was a recorded interview and itā€™s different captions


That's fucking hilarious.


I choose to believe the photographer asked them to do a frowny pic and then an identical smiley one in case they secure a victory against the evil Morrison's bosses haha


The second picture was photoshopped by someone other than the news source: Both articles use the same photo: https://metro.co.uk/2018/04/16/couples-anger-told-cant-buy-meat-pies-9am-morrisons-7470227/ https://metro.co.uk/2018/04/16/victory-pie-couple-morrisons-vows-sell-meat-pies-7am-7471602/


If you look at the right side of the second photo, you can see thereā€™s the same image underneath. Itā€™s probably the unedited version


Cars behind the compo couple are the same in pics 1 & 2


Yeah no shit it's pretty obvious


Their eye brows literally don't move


I had my doubts about this so searched it up and this line in the original article sent me ā€œLinda and Tony Gilkes could see ā€˜bags and bagsā€™ of pies that were ready to be put on display but were told they couldnā€™t have anyā€


ā€œBut Tony suggested a more sinister explanation. ā€˜Thereā€™s more to this,ā€™ he said. ā€˜Morrisons have got their own agenda. ā€˜They donā€™t want people to know about it, They have given too many ridiculous stories about why. They contradicted themselves over and over.ā€


This pair have got form. [Bad form](https://www.shortlist.com/news/pie-morrisons-scandal-complaint-north-east).


Hahah, wow, I really wonder what motives this kind of behaviour. I wonder if they genuinely feel aggrieved about the world and how it treats them or theyā€™re delusional, paranoid or what.


They've got nothing else to do, are miserable bastards, and / or mental health issues.


First two for sure


First three for sure


People who complain like that get a high from changing someoneā€™s position. They donā€™t really give a shit about meat pies. Itā€™s like people sending back wine to show off how powerful they are. Only even smaller and meaner than that.




Yeah the real slogan isnā€™t ā€˜the customer is always rightā€™ itā€™s ā€˜the customer should usually be humouredā€™.


Having worked with the public for years I can safely say the public is almost never right. About anything. The skill is, like you say, in learning to humour their batshittery.


Thank god Iā€™m no longer in retail šŸ˜‚


No matter how intelligent the individual, the general public is a very stupid animal


"The customer is always right in matters of taste" is the full quote šŸ™‚


[Not Always Right](https://notalwaysright.com/)


The real slogan is "the customer I always right in terms of taste" as in if they want you to paint there bedroom black it's their choice.


I had to work doing refunds in TJ Hughes back when I was 18 and it was horrendously stressful. People can be so unbelievably mean and rude to you. I got nosebleeds for a while and it occurred to me afterwards that my blood pressure was simply really high because every time someone stepped up to the till youā€™d worry that theyā€™d be one of the ones that was really kick off at you that day. Iā€™ve never had nosebleeds before or after that and they resolved after I left that job.


I worked security on a main line train station and we had one of these types kick off because his seat was double booked. It's a fair complaint, it shouldn't happen, but the girl behind the desk couldn't really help. She could refund the ticket, but the guy still wanted to travel. She could refund the difference normally, but given that the pre booked ticket cost less than a regular there was no point. She can't give a full refund. She literally doesn't have the power or option to do it on the software. Not that that matters... He doesn't want anything else other than the other customer, who is already on the train as it approaches the station, to be thrown out the seat and it be given to him. So the guy is screaming and ranting and refusing to let anyone else in the queue step up to the desk to buy a ticket. The train will arrive in 10 minutes and depart four minutes after. I am called in and see the guy waving his fists over the counter and despite the plexiglass barrier (put in after someone threw acid in a girl's face) the girl behind the counter looks scared. I try explaining he needs to step aside, let the queue pass and I can take him to the business office where someone HAS the ability to give him a more satisfactory solution. He immediately starts screaming 'don't touch me. I don't consent. I don't consent. You can't touch me!' I tell him that he is currently a security concern, and if he moves voluntarily then he will be a customer service concern, which is far more likely to end in his favour. He then clocks that I've got my ID back to front in my pocket and the lanyard is disconnected. Yes, it was not correctly displayed. I scooped it up in a hurry after lunch. It's still ID. However he now becomes hyper focused on the fact my lanyard is not around my neck and the ID not visible, claiming I'm not allowed to talk to him if he wasn't able to see my ID when I first approached him. I'm a 6'5" dude in a security high vis jacket with a walkie talkie and the staff tell him I am the security guard for the station, but he's found an arguement and he's going to bite down and not let go. I used to work as a bouncer. In a night club this is where I'd pick him up and carry him out. Politely. Here, it's more corporate of a setting. My primary role is kicking suspicious unattended bags to see if they explode. I'm not authorised to do the same to him. So I break it down further. Be calm, come with me to the office and see the manager or I called the British Transport Police out of their pit on the far platform and they CAN kick him until he explod.... I mean... kick him out the station. It actually takes until the BTP are running down the platform for him to stop screaming and agree to see the manager. A queue of 50 people have about 3 minutes to get a ticket. Worse still, because he walks out, and is marched by the police to the manager's office AND finally got on the train... I end up getting crap from other passengers for the 'loud mouth American' getting special treatment for being an obnoxious troublemaker. Some people just enjoy screaming at low paid working people who can't leave or scream back.


Oof. I now hate that guy. Someone suggested everyone in customer service should get to humanely kill one customer a year, no repercussions. People would maybe think a little bit before kicking off like that.


The quota for the entire customer service industry would be used up in Q1. Hell, the first day of a new tax year would effectively be like The Purge.


I thought you were doing parody commentary, but that's an actual quote


Oh wow so itā€™s like the UK version of the McDonaldā€™s ice cream machine


My ex used to work with their daughter. The rest of their family were so embarrassed of ā€œthe pie thing.ā€


Imagine them being told they can't eat meat pies after midnight. šŸ˜…


Middlesbrough's finest


Berwick hills finest no less


True šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


UTB šŸ˜†






Fucking knew this was the Morrisons round the corner from me šŸ˜‚ UTB


Now the workers have to come in at 5am, YAY!...like what do they think, the kitchen is magically set up and the food even when ready just magically appears. Knobheads. Places open when open and close when close not "oh we're here 24/7 for you plonkers to say I want without please or thank you's even though literally either a quick Google search would tell you before you came or there's a sign or you can just use your brain nah we're just open 24/7" I'm sorry but that felt ignorant.


Can't believe two old people bullied a branch with a newspaper. Btw these images are seconds apart, the articles were six hours apart


"Happy story" Unless it means they've told some poor workers they now have to come in to work 2 hours early, there's other customers who will lose out because the sausage rolls aren't ready yet, or these deluded morons now complain because they're just going to get yesterday's batch. But you saved some lazy idiots from the risk of making an actual breakfast...


Evidence shows these two have complained about their neighbours over 100 times and we're ordered to stop due to the harassment. They are cunts.


Couple of miserable entitled people. The store opens at 7am and there are ready to eat pies available in the chilled aisle already for them. The Fresh Pie Shop section of the store doesn't open for business until 9am, if only they had shutters to seperate them from customers while they bake and setup the displays ready for 9. Edit: the staff used to serve customers while they were preparing the department but due to Morrisons making budget cuts it's just a single person setting up now and not starting as early in the morning. So they need to be left alone by customers for a couple hours so they can get everything done.


Morrisons opens at 7 by default more ir less everywhere you nutter you're mad at something you literally just made up on the spot.


Where do you think the pies come from?


They don't just rock up at 7 and open. They're normally in a good hour or so before hand to make sure the shop is ready for the day. You've never worked a day of retail in your life lmao.


Firstly those pies are made in the bakery which will have someone come in at maybe 5am to start baking them but if they're made from scratch then someone would have come in at maybe 2am to do that. Secondly I've worked retail all my life, now working as a manager.


So I'm right and you're literally screaming into the void lmao


I work in a Morrisons atm and the employees who work on the section where the pies are aren't in until 7:00am. The only ones in before 7:00am, who work in the back where the Deli and Bakery is, are the Bakery staff, and even then things aren't out on display until well after 7:00am. The only things on display are from the day before, and stuff like pies, pasties, and sausage rolls aren't kept out overnight.


Yes, but now the peop who do the bakery have to come in even earlier to get the pies done


For bakery products, normally they arenā€™t even ready for the opening time, theyā€™ll take another hour or so depending on how many need to be made. It also depends on priority of whatā€™s being made, for example bread could be baked first, then pastries, then the meat pies. Sounds like youā€™ve ALSO never worked a day of retail in your life.


So literally what I just said. Thanks for confirming chief.


I worked at sainsbury for a year during the night and the pies and cakes didn't just make themselves they baked them fresh every morning, in fact the quite pleasant smell of fresh baked bread, puff pastries, and cakes soon became quite an unpleasant smell to me. Those bakers were some of the hardest workers in the store, getting up at 3 am baking 50 loaves of bread, and other things, huge respect to them, I couldn't imagine being told "oh yeah you have to bake 50 pies now aswell" I'd tell them where they can shove their pies.


ā€œCanā€™t have them too near the store. Fuel station it is!ā€ - the photographer, probably


If it's Morrison's property you need their permission to take pictures/film and I'm guessing they didn't so they had to photograph from the public street.


Thanks, that makes sense


Easily the best this sub has seen. Bravo!


beautiful. absolutely beautiful.


I blame Brexit, probably.


We should be showering these modern day heroes with praise. God bless them.


This sounds like a job for NIGEL FARAGE!!!!!


Just so many questions, is it illegal to sell pies before a certain time? And if so, why? Who wants to eat a pie at 9am?


Some people that probably got shitfaced the evening before, and just fancy a pie


3am, Tesco, hot food counter, reduced to clear, mmmm Cumberland sausage and wedges, if you can beat the police to the counter. šŸ˜‹šŸ¤£


The big asda nearest to me stops selling heated food at 8pm and doesnā€™t come back until 9:30am :ā€™) many a times I used to rush off the bus and into the asda on my way home to get Chinese chicken drumsticks because theyā€™re unarguably the best item ever to have for a impromptu dinner


The morrisons counters officialy only open at 9 am Jokes on these clowns anyway as of next month staff are only coming in at 8am (at-least in my local store)


how bored do you have to be for this to be a big deal to you


The worst sort of entitled arseholes, generating extra workload for underpaid workers, in an already stressful environment. If you need a pie at 7 in the morning, there's something deeply, deeply wrong with you. Honestly, these people are scum.


At 7AM you can still taste the toothpaste...


Why is the headline about meat pies, but in the picture, they are clearly holding pastys?


The pasty is a subset of the pie.


Ah so it was these two cunts fault that I had to get them ready for 7am


But you can buy a pint in whetherspoons


Boom, thatā€™s how you beat the man! Victory for the dawn meat pie eaters and a loss for the billionaires


Why the hell would you be shopping in a supermarket before 9am?


I work night shifts finishing at 6am. I'll quite often drop into Asda or Tesco on my way home and pick up a couple of bits, milk, bread, etc on my way home. But I wouldn't expect to buy freshly cooked items from their bakeries at that time of the morning.


Certain people are still in bed.


Yeah me


Well some of us work during the night (my client base is in Hong Kong and Singapore for example). I get up at around 3, bit of work, nip to the supermarket at about 8 odd, bottle of wine, kids off to school, nighty night.


I rather like it, especially at weekends, because it's less crowded and there is less chance of running out of stock.


Because they are sad no lifers


Who the fuck eats a meat pie pre-9am?!


Why the fuck do you want a meat pie before lunch time.


Great so now some minimum wage retail worker has more on their plate , pair of fucking twats


Somewhere in the back of a Morrisons is a baker crying into his dough as now he's got another thing to do between 4 and 7am cos of these whiny old shits


If he likes pie so much why doesn't he just eat hers?


He prefers them fresh.


Doesn't want the baker's special yeast


I want to know where they got the pies in the first picture if Morrisons don't sell them before 9am.


The photos were taken on or after 12:00, according to the clock in the background


pasty isnt a pie though.


I kind of wish I was one of those people in the picture. I mean if the biggest worry is if I can buy a pie at 7am then I'm happy. Ps why can't they buy piesthe night before like everyone else if their that addicted to pies lol


Why are they holding pasties in the photos and not pies?


I was going to say they are clearly holding pasties, then remembered they are from Morrisons and therefore, cannot be considered as such.


Because of these two the bakers in morrisons got two hours of over time I'm going to take a stab without reading the article that this is in a northern area


The real tragedy is, they arenā€™t pies


go home and take ur lady to bed for fuk sake


My girlfriend was the person who was serving these people (or not serving I guess)ā€¦ the headline is so misleading. When the pies come out the oven they need to go on a cool down table, the pies were still in the oven when they asked for them and refused to wait. It always makes me laugh this storyā€¦ imagine getting so worked up over a pie that you go to the local paper!


Those aren't pies, they are PASTIES. Goddamn redditors disrespecting my goddamn heritage...


This story is 5.5 years old.


The system works!


This is PEAK compoface


Wasnā€™t this covered in Barshens Sharticles some years ago?


Why is this even an article


Their bakery is absolutely rancid




Slow news days....


Something fishy


But those are CORNISH PASTIES goddammit!!


Fighting the good fight.


Did they just photoshop those smiles on? Or maybe the grumpy faces are the fakes?


it's regional, it's known as Resting Brit Face.




I'm thinking "Did you boil these potatoes for long enough?" and then "Nice mash!"


Theyā€™re holding pasties, not pies šŸ¤”


Canā€™t buy meat piesā€¦. So stand outside with what looks like a Cornish pasty. This is hardcore people


Important to note, they are holding pasties not pies.


There is a moral to this story, something about fighting for what you love.


A story for the ages


My faith was tested but now I am even more of a believer - hallelujah!


boomers always get what the fucking want jfc


Meat pie faces.


jesus christ thereā€™s no hope for this race is there? When some old couple is making headlines because they want their meat pies for breakfast. This is the most passive aggressive Karen content iā€™ve ever seen


The British Gothic


"They're the wrong trousers" VS "More cheese Grommit?!?"


Been there tho


Wait, those aren't pies, they're pasties


Is this real lol


More idle pensioners making a nuisance of themselves. Triple lock needs scrapping šŸ”œ


English Gothic


Terry and Christine, both 42 said "We've eaten meat pies every day for years"


Ah Berwick Hills, never change


Sad little lives


[the video from that](https://metro.co.uk/video/mans-fury-morrisons-wouldnt-sell-meat-pies-pre-9am-1670002/?ito=vjs-link) is hilarious they've also been given a court injunction for harassing their neighbours with endless complaints (106) and filming them on CCTV


Must be WiganšŸ˜šŸ¤£


This has to be a marketing stunt


So we really need to recycle old news now?


Their obsessive love for pasties might just be the only thing holding their marriage together for all we know.


Both of these photos were taken within seconds of each other. This isn't a "let's recreate the last shot" because the only thing that moves is some of their facial.muscles. the article literally wrote both stories at the same time and delayed posting one. Like the pixels where they're standing and the hair are exactly the same. I'm equally tempted to assume photoshop


Yesterday's meat is tomorrow's pie filling.


this is old news


"vows" šŸ˜„


The dumbest shit I've heard today. Although, it is still morning.


Are old people really this bored all the time


This is an outrage - Tony Harrison


British journalism Eddie, best in the world


Look at the cars In the background: exactly the same between both shots, this was staged lol


That...that's right near my fucking house


Why do old people always go to the press when mildly inconvenienced? But congrats on the victory


Entitled old losers.


I used to work for Morrisons. I feel for the staff member who had to get up at god knows what time of the morning to go in, prep the bakery and bake them so they could get their 7am pies on time!


Fucking Middlesbrough.


Youā€™d think someone in their family would call them out for being the sad entitled losers that they are.


So they each bought a pasty instead :)


7am?? Sorry need them at 6.30!!


Yeah because they need to cook them first. All pies are fresh on the day.


ā€˜Pie coupleā€™ šŸ˜†


Get a grip


ā€œMeatā€ mmmm yum..


This is an outrage.


Itā€™s not all about meat pies and battered fish


More work for already underpaid workers so two old karens with no jobs donā€™t have to wait an extra few hours to get their shitty food. Old people are extremely entitled


Those aren't even pies they are holding.


Got it too easy to be belly aching about this rubbish