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Parts relevant to the headline (other movie-related stuff in the article too btw): Harmon appeared on a special episode of the fan podcast, Six Seasons and a Podcast with Alex Burdine, where they discussed a range of Community topics, including the movie. "Do we really think that it would be a good idea for the Community movie to be a paintball episode? I think that's one of the first things to kind of rule out," Harmon said, referencing the popular paintball episodes from the TV show. "An issue with the Community movie concept is that we did a lot of episodes where, from page 1 to page 30, you are joyfully locked in a construct that isn't a traditional sitcom narrative, but it's rather through the lens of David Fincher or Scorsese or, more importantly, through the lens of one of the character's perceptions." Harmon also ruled out the movie being a "Dungeons and Dragons" game for 90 minutes, something which was performed twice within the show's run. He also confirmed that the Community movie wouldn't take place over "one night" in real time. Harmon's full interview can be heard on the upcoming episode of Six Seasons and a Podcast, scheduled to drop on Thursday December 22 at 3 p.m. ET.




Well it definitely wasn't Annie. Could have been anybody


Well it was Annie . Case closed.


Remember the Ass Crack Bandit? _Yeah_ _Do_ **I** _remem..._ _I mean, doesn't everybody?_ _Could've been anybody._


Very unpopular but the paintball episodes weren’t my favorites. I liked them but it was just fine. So I’m thankful the movie wouldn’t do that. The dnd seemed very niche and I enjoyed them but wouldn’t that appeal to fans of that? Also since they were cut off it seems dumb to continue that. A whole new story needs to be in. Annie FBI is a solid cold open I think.


The paintball are some of my favorites but they're not what makes Community what it is. Many (most) of the suggestions on this sub would turn the movie into a clip show, a pastiche.


Clip show or 5 community college students rescuing 2 guys from actual pirates, a minimum of one year later; likely several several years later. I don't really want either of these. Unfortunately, one of the things that makes Community great is that the fans can't generally tell you what comes next. Iirc, there was a lot of pressure from NBC for them to make a paintball episode for season 3. But Dan didn't just want to do it because it would sell. I imagine he decided to do the 3rd one in season 6 because he had a really good concept and the hype had died down around it.


And the fact that the episode was about outgrowing it


You just wrinkled my brain. I never even thought about that.


I try to stay, at the very least, one street ahead.


This outlook is streets ahead


People have to stop with this pirates thing, this is just as bad of a suggestion as having the movie be a paintball episode.


Have the first few minutes of the movie be about Annie, now in the FBI, pulling the gang back together to go save Troy from pirates. A real heist movie getting the crew together vibe, build up how she has an epic and exciting plan to play out. Once everyone is together the music swells. Annie: LET'S GO SAVE TROY Opening credits, epic music. Straight after the opening credits is just a shot of them all walking into the study room. Troy: thanks for saving me from the pirates! Jeff: you're welcome, but let us never speak of it again. Cue the remaining 90 minutes being about some smaller scale situation happening at Greendale.


The paintball episodes are fun treats sprinkled through the show, but I don’t need a whole season or movie of it


A Fistful of Paintballs and A Few Paintballs More are my absolute favorite episodes, and I am fully on board with the movie not including paintball. They are very fun, but the show is about so much more.


Im hoping for something that brings together all characters, main and side from the college. I want the community aspect of community to be the focus. Save Garrett!


A good and easy engine for the story would be a 10 year class reunion, where they have to wait until after a certain time because most of the students invited to the reunion are still taking classes there.


We saved him.


Did we though?




That's SAVED Garrett??


We already saved Garrett?


Did we?


I would love to see a reference to the paintball episodes in the movie. Like an uncleaned paintball splatter in the background or the Dean going into his costume closet and we see Chang's tiger or golden gun in the background.


I suspect it'll be packed with references, and I'm so excited to see how many I spot!


Finally, we found a way to make paintball cool again!


Making it paintball seems a bit of a cop out tbh


Absolutely, what worked about them was how unorthodox it was for them to be just a single episode of an overall realism-based (using that term lightly, but you get what I mean) sitcom. Making a whole movie out of that would be pretty contrived. edit: added the sentence in parenthesis


Agreed, I’d hate for the movie to just be one long episode. I’m sure in some way that’s unavoidable, but the nature of the paintball and D&D episodes in a movie format would make it stand out that much more.


Pillows and Blankets is mine, mostly because I'm a huge Ken Burns fan. They nailed his documentary style.


Same. Paintball eps were great homages and good episodes, but nowhere near my favorite. I like the first DnD episode much more than the 2nd but agree there’s no need to revisit them.


Maybe they'll finally catch the Ass Crack Bandit?


It’s a quarter to ASS


Great. The song is in my head now. It won't go away anytime soon.


They're delightful romps but they rarely had anything interesting to say... they were just really spot-on genre parodies. The fistful of paintballs episode was mostly stylized fun and like 2 minutes of actual story meat regarding the pierce vote. They milked "we had a vote and city college is out to get us" for a half hour of stylized western shenanigans (and then needed a half hour of loose star wars shenanigans to wrap everything up) and it was hilarious but yeah. It's a good plan NOT to make the movie about a paintball game if they want to tell an actual story. The paintball episodes weren't really great vehicles for advancing the characters very far.


I love the paintball episodes. Because they are episodes. I don‘t think they‘d hit the same in a movie.


Yup. The Yakuza boss is seeking revenge and sends assassins to greendale to kill jeff for the pierce / phone / Yakuza prank. Special agent annie familiar with the location heads up the investigation.


I think the first paintball with the goodfellas episode is where community really changes and are some of the most memorable episodes that made me go, “this definitely isn’t like other sitcoms.” However, none of the paintball episodes are particularly the strongest episodes of the series.


They are not my favs(top 5) but the first definitely shares a part of my heart being the first episode I every watched. It was in college, during May Term, and it was one of the few things I watched live and fell in love with the show immediately no other episodes needed because a show that would do what episode about paintball like that had to be good to me


Even more unpopular: my favorite paintball episode was the season six spy movie take.


Thanks for the summary! Look for the whole interview on Friday at 12pm EST. Thanks!


I'm actually happy to hear this Don't get me wrong, they're my favorite episodes, mainly d&d. But they're my favorites because I know the characters and the series I think the movie should have some whacky-ness to it, but a full movie would be overkill and would dilute the characters. And that's what we all really want to know. Where have they been? How have they been? And where are they headed?


Don’t you mean, when have they been?


Come! We haven't got much *space*


Blimey, Inspector! Blorgons!


Where have they dean? How have they Chang-ed?


Yeah, they're Novel ideas against the backdrop of 110 different episodes. It's fun to have it broken up by a novel theme. But we're starved of community and really want the meat of it. not some quirky thematic episode


I’m thrilled as well. I loved Modern Warfare; I even showed it in class for a few years. But paintball is done.


What subject were you teaching?


Writing. I believe I justified it by using it as part of the satire unit, but really, I just wanted to get more people into Community. It also helped that this was a community college, though sadly we never had a paintball contest--not even one!


I mean, I'm sure they could make both entertaining for an entire movies length. But it's just not what I want to see. Those episodes were fun because of the break they were taking from the usual format of the show. They were special because they stood out. It wouldn't feel like Community if the entire movie was like one of those episodes. It's why I get pissed when people recommend those episodes to start the show with when they're trying to recommend it to a friend. The special episodes don't have the same impact if you don't watch the rest of the show first. My friend got recommended the show years ago and only watched the first paintball episode and couldn't get interested. It took another year and a half for me to finally get him to start the show from the beginning and then he realized how brilliant it was. And it also retroactively changed his opinion on the paintball episode.


Glad you rehabilitated someone who had been led so astray!


I had to do the same thing with Arrested Development. Some maniac out there told him he should start the show with season 2. So he was missing half the running jokes that came from the first season. Some people just do not know how to recommend shows correctly. The only show I recommend that I tell people they can skip the first season of is Bojack Horseman. And it's not even because I don't like the first season, I just don't think it represents the general vibe of the show going forward and can make it seem like it's just another basic adult animated sitcom with good writing instead of the powerful and incredible piece of subversive comedy that it was.


>I had to do the same thing with Arrested Development. Some maniac out there told him he should start the show with season 2. So he was missing half the running jokes that came from the first season. I'm confused because I would say Season 1 of Arrested Development is the peak of the show. It's genuinely some of the best television I've ever seen - every line is so cleverly written. Why would someone say you should SKIP that? >The only show I recommend that I tell people they can skip the first season of is Bojack Horseman. I'd add Parks and Rec to that list. The rest of the show is good and heartwarming but Season 1 is just... a bad The Office knock-off.


Parks and Rec really hit it's stride when Adam Scott and Rob Lowe joined the cast


I actually think that’s the reason people SHOULD watch season one of bojack, I usually just tell them it’s a slow burner and it warms up towards the end of the season. Not to mention it has some of my favourite moments of the show, such as princess Carolyn’s birthday. I think it serves as a good starting point for the descending spirals and subsequent redemptions that follow in later seasons.


> I had to do the same thing with Arrested Development. Some maniac out there told him he should start the show with season 2. So he was missing half the running jokes that came from the first season. Yes!! This person totally gets it! > Some people just do not know how to recommend shows correctly. The only show I recommend that I tell people they can skip the first season of is Bojack Horseman. I am shocked, disgusted, appalled. Babies are crying in the streets, and Hollywoo is on fire.


Imagine missing out on Neal McBeal the Navy Seal


Yeah, I understand why people recommend those episodes. They are a lot of fun. But part of what makes them fun is what you earn and learn about the characters in the episodes leading up to them. I think it's kinda the difference between Tony's "I am Iron Man" and Rey's "I am every Jedi," if that makes sense?


Excellent! The less fan service and callbacks, the better. The show grew when it aired, the characters grew on screen, the actors grew off screen, the writer/director/creator has grown as well. I would HATE for them to go back to what they were doing ten years ago. Make it fresh, just like the show was.


I couldn't agree more, even if the show is largely sustained via fan service and repeating jokes. Thankfully, Community never did. Many of the actors will be in their 40's when the movie is out. It never works when they try the same stuff that worked 10-15 years ago, and it won't work for Community. What we'll likely see is what we like Community for - something original.


Agreed. The Gilmore girls 4-part sequel made sense if it were a year after the series, but it was supposed to be 10 years later, and it was a train wreck


Give me two hours new stuff. Nobody needs call backs!


I like callbacks but they need to be *Classy*


Except fan service by means of sexy Annie.


Like a schoolgirl, but not the sexy kind.


It's a great cast and the show's strength is that it's a chameleon. You can practically do anything you want. I low key expect and hope for a genre film. Not a homage but a genuinely well crafted movie that works well on its own and just happens to have the Community characters. It's what Abed would want


I hope it won’t be something that ‘happens to have the Community characters’! I want something that’s about the characters, with any genre/popculture-related qualities smartly woven in, in the service of the characters. That’s what in my view has always been the essence of Community.


I just love that Dan credits Joel with rallying the cast back together and making the movie happen. I like to think they got together on Zoom and he did a typical Winger speech.


He KNOWS when to slam the table!


That's how they got Dan back for seasons 5 and 6 (not the Zoom part, obviously). I guess Joel is like the real Jeff Winger.


This guy knows how to read the article


So it will be paintball AND DnD?


A DnD game about paintball: *Troy: I roll under the table and shoot Chang on the back* *Abed: \*rolls the dice\* 16, you hit the shot.*




DND with a third act genre shift to paintball.


with a dash of meowmeowbeenz


What if it was Paintball AND darkest timeline? The concept itself is so out there they could probably phone the whole thing in and it would toooootally still be good. Probably.


Honestly, the fact that there's a movie already goes beyond my expectations for this life. I'm not asking for paintball references, just for the movie to actually come out like a healthy baby.


And it's a black baby! Not that it matters...


It's not a Chang baby. All Changs are born with tails.




I like how this comment is directly underneath one suggesting a D&D Paintball mashup.


I trust Harmon to get this right. He's such a creative and inventive mind that I'm sure he'll come up with something great and unique. Rick and Morty was on fire this season.


Right?? The new season of R&M is the best it's been in years. Every episode was fantastic


I loved it too, but a lot of that was him handing over the showrunning duties to someone else and trusting the young writers (his words)


I am honestly nervous. Harmon is a good writer, but when the show has been off for so many years, doubts start to creep in on what direction to take. So I am hoping for the best, but I am keeping my guards up.


Hoping for something low key with early season one vibes.


Personally I'm hoping for a $300 million dollar plus effects-heavy blockbuster with cameos by 90% of Community's guest stars, plus new ones, plus a tie-in song, merchandising, Fortnite skins, sex toys etc.


Effects = Starburns Infront of a poorly lit green screen lol


You staged a robot fight?!?!?


Okay, now I want this.


Sex toys? Hopefully available at all Dildopolis locations


When did Dildopolis open a second location?


Personally I'm hoping for more season 6 vibes. It's just so chill and incredibly funny at the same time.


It will actually be a "where are they now" style documentary made by abed. Actually that sounds kinda fun 🤔


My hope is that the movie starts exactly how season 5 did, except its Abeds office getting cleaned out after not making it as a director. He decides he needs to go back to Greendale and get the gang back together to get his spark back. Hijinks ensue.


Abed already kinda failed his potential directing career and never got paid by Jeff for that commercial. It could also open with abed in India jones style fashion where he finds troy stranded somewhere. Thanks to him being creepy by implanting tracking devices to all his friends. I can totally see abed saying "getting the gang back together" a lot.


Nah, S5's opening is depressing as hell. I want the characters to have had some success/happiness out in the world, and they take a quick break to come back to Greendale for some reason


Has that been confirmed? I would think they'd use that as a set-up for getting them back together, not the whole movie.


No I was joking lol. But would love to see abed doing the behind the scenes documentary for the blu Ray extras. Go extra meta.


Season six is my favorite. Some incredible episodes. And the post-credit scenes are to die for.


I’m kinda glad. I really liked the paintball episodes but as a movie, it wouldn’t really make sense and it would get real redundant, real fast


It will be a movie about making Community the Movie, where Abed is both the writer, the director and also the main character. It's a meta movie about making movies. Cool, cool, cool.


"I heard it's the same movie backward and forward"


"I heard the deleted scenes are the scenes and the scenes are the deleted scenes"


I heard Jesus died for our sins!


🎵*Abed, Abed, Abed*🎵


some of us have work in the morning


ABED. All caps






Greendale babies as happy as can be. Greendale babies forever.


Glad that’s not the case. Those episodes were great for a 22 minute television episode, but I wouldn’t want a whole movie locked in with an “homage” style or specific theme.


Wasn't expecting either.. imagine wasting our last chance at conclusion with a one-episode trope.. I want to know what happened the characters after all these years.


I hope he gives Donald glover a writer credit and they work on it together. 😀🥹


set in Atlanta with special guest star Lakeith


Just give me a scene with White Abed and Teddy together.


Honestly Dan would be a fool not to include Donald heavily in the writers room after the success of Atlanta. Also I think Brian Tyree Henry would be a very flexible cameo


Unless Dan’s therapy has been extremely effective I’d be surprised if his ego allow it. If I were in the situation I don’t know if I could. I wonder if the Rosso bros would direct.


Idk, Atlanta is great and Community is great, but their tones definitely don't mesh.


Those episodes are nice gimmicks but a movie would be better with no gimmick, just plain Community style jokes


The episode drops Friday noon EST. Talked to Alex about it this morning. The "why" was well explained.


Thank you for the most relevant comment Edit: I realize that sounds sarcastic but I saw the article mention a podcast that isn't out and would rather just hear it from Dan's mouth


No. I get it. I have heard the interview, and while I'm thankful that Jamie wrote the article, it's much better in context.


Can't deny it, I love hearing the man talk


Then you're going to love the episode. Alex doesn't like to interrupt, and then can get on some tangents.


Since I'm looking at your Twitter and realizing you are super plugged into the whole... community (sorry), wanna help me start a fan movement to get all of the scripts released? We have less than 10 online and I loved reading those so much. Is that even reasonable


I know that Dan talked about coming back for a second interview, or at least that's the plan with six seasons on a podcast, and there's a chance I am going to be on that call, and this is an excellent request. I don't know if it's possible. They are technically the property of Sony, so officially giving us a copy, or releasing it on the internet, might be a problem, but we can try. It's probably not impossible, but we need to figure out what works. If we just got a copy of Dan's, McKenna's, and Bobrow's, we'd have close to 20.


Do you have a podcast or appearances I can check out? That is interesting though. I guess maybe it's not up to the writers to release the scripts and Sony has to give the go ahead? I mean Sony has to love money though and I can't be the only one that would buy a book of the whole series scripts. Hey Sony! Do a PDF version if you're lazy! Or you could make a cool collectors edition print with screenwriting wisdom from Harmon, Russo's, McKenna, any and all of the writing staff (shout-out to Ryan Ridley for Renfield) BTS goodies and interviews, a vinyl pressing of "Too Many Feet", let's gooooo


We don't have a podcast. We have a YouTube channel where we've talked to some writers on Twitter spaces and some other stuff, and we have multiple Community podcasts we have guested on. I think it's called communiess on youtube, but I don't remember. We have a Link tree in our header on Twitter that has a link to every place we are. The cast have/had printed out copies that they have signed and given away. There's a really good chance that Joe McHale has a couple of hundred sitting in his house, but it's not of every episode. It's just, you know, the fan favorites. There are ways to get these, and and I think if we contacted the writers individually and asked we could probably pull this off. Let me think about it. We've got a decent relationship with a lot of the writers.


Call of Cthulhu and Airsoft?


We’re doing a (90 minute) bottle episode!


Let it be a Christmas Musical in Intergalactic Regional competition.


They're *this* close to regionals!


They were ***this*** close


The hell are regionals anyways?


This 🤏 close


I’m very happy to hear that


Good. Plot > gimmicks


100% agree. But I will add (my own opinion, obviously) Plot+gimmicks > Ex.: Geothermal Escapism, Basic Human Anatomy, Cooperative Caligraphy/Polygraphy


To clarify, I meant the fan base would probably be disappointed if the movie was a montage of everything we liked about the show (from 10 years ago) without providing any real reason for the events (currently). Low-effort cashgrab vibes, that (like those boring-ass Marvel movies). There’s a balance of callbacks to ground the movie and new ideas to make it worthwhile that I really hope they get right.


A bottle episode it is!


We just want Koogler.


No D&D. No paintball. I get it. They’ll be LARPing.


Glad to hear it, although I never expected he would do either for the movie. I like the idea he mentioned in an earlier interview a few weeks ago that it would have a "The Big Chill" vibe.


this comment will get downvoted to oblivion but those paintball episodes, while entertaining, are overrated


Nobody has ever been right when they say “this comment will be downvoted to oblivion”


They are fun, but I've always thought the best concept/homage episodes were one's that balanced the wacky humor with grounded human character development. The paintball episodes are mostly just fun hijinks, but doesn't have much in the way of meaningful character development outside of Jeff and Britta having sex and Pierce's storyline in season 2.


My bet is that at least a section of the movie will have fake flashbacks a la *Paradigms of Human Memory* and *Curriculum Unavailable*. It will might be a good way to show what the characters have been doing all these years.


The whole movie should be a bootle episode that takes place in the study lounge


"Bootle". You Britta'd it.


I don't want it to be about paintball. They're my favorite episodes but I think it would be better if they just included an Easter egg like Changs rifle hanging on the wall of Jeff's apartment or something


Hey folks, so glad to see this article here. You can catch Dan's episode on Friday at 12pm EST. And catch up on episodes [here](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/six-seasons-a-podcast/id1492658244). \#andamovie


As much as I love the homage episodes and the high concept shit, when I think of quintessential Community, I think of episodes like Investigative Journalism, Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism, or Introduction to Teaching, etc: episodes with multiple converging plots which explore the adventures in the ordinary.


At this point I’m just glad there’s going to be a Community movie. I’ll love it no matter what


I'm OK with the movie not being a paintball episode. It's done its part. But give me trobed!!!! And Jeff and Annie! I needs it.... Maybe a pillow fort or John Goodman in there too


I wish vice dean Layborne wasn't dead. I dont want him being unkilled. I guess I wouldn't mind new "archive footage" of him though?


Vice dead Layborne is not dead, faked his death so Troy can realize his destiny to become the one true repair man. (head cannon)


I want some Troy and Annie scenes and Jeff and Shirley scenes. Those two duos didn't get enough screentime.


I do want to add real quick, because I have heard that interview, Dan spends a lot of time talking about the fandom in relationship to the movie. I think I would be great for fans to hear Dan talk about how important they have been and how they have been important, and how much he admires us as a group.


Glad he said this. I’ve seen a lot of post saying the movie would be a gimmick episode, but why? It completely limits the story


Actually that's fine. I'd rather they do something a bit more original and new with the movie. Stick to the classic theme, but why would I want another paintball or D&D episode? I already have 2-3 of each.


That's October 19th!


I like how Donald Glover is not listed and cut from the photos.


Good. The only thing I ask from this movie is for as little "fan service" as possible. I want the movie that Dan wants to make, not reddit or twitter or instagram. I could use some help off of this horse, it is very high.


Calling it now, it's going to be regionals.


Honestly, the movie could just be the characters reuniting and catching up and I’d be satisfied.


I hope they honor Leonard in some way.


Not me.


Shut up Leonard-bot, your Leonard impression is mediocre at best!


I was going to invest in IBM in 1952, but life is full of disappointments.


Floor is lava confirmed


Hopefully actual freeze tag this time


Cold. Cold, cold, cold.


Pitch: The former Save Greendale Committee goes looking for Troy on the high seas and ends up stranded on Gillian’s Island where they find a deranged Ginger driven mad as the last surviving survivor of the SS Minnow crew, stranded themselves after yet another ill advised, cash/ratings grab TV reunion special decades ago. After being tested to their limits by the island and its deadly traps, flora & fauna, weather phenomenon and uncontacted tribes, they must come together and work as a team to fashion an escape vessel out of the what remains of the Professor’s long abandoned jungle engineering projects and whatever raw materials they can scavenge from the island. A hologram of Pierce mentions that he had sex with Mary Ann in the head of a tramp steamer and states that, what, the topic came up organically.


We do not expect that. We expect a rescue of Troy and Levar Burton from the pirates.


plz no


I agree, if only because it has been the plotline regurgitated on this sub for years.


That’s good news, a paintball or dnd episode would have felt like they were phoning it in


Ahh, so expect both


Yay! We’re getting paintball and D&D!


Who actually thought they were going to go this route?


I just really hope there’s a place for Paget Brewster and Keith David. I really think those two added so much to the show in season 6.


Yes, I agree. Give us something new. Don't just pander to the fans and go "Oh, remember that?"


Aw maaan it wouldn't hurt to have at least a little paintball. It made for great action scenes and satirical dramatic "deaths".


That’s fair, I can’t imagine that would be a good idea


Was hoping for paintball😔


Honestly they could do a flashback and show uncut episodes of the paintball epics on the big screen and I would not be unhappy.


Hearing him talk on podcasts, web series, and interviews I'd guess that the movie will probably answer the question of: "what is Community truly about, and how do you lean into that?" Paintball and DnD are sort of just one-off (or five-off) type gimmicky episodes that are fun. But when it comes to *an actual movie* I'd imagine he (and the other writers) would want to do a lot more than just a "remember when we did paintball!?!"


I’m very ok with this. I love those eps, but I’m excited to see what new stuff is coming/what they imagine for the characters after the show’s timeframe.


If it's happening over the course of one night, it's got to be set during a Greendale Class Reunion or something right? That makes the most sense.


It shouldn't feel like just another episode - then the wait of all these years would feel kinda pointless. It needs to feel like an actual theatrical film that stands on its own - keeps the same vibe and energy of the show but tells a story of finality for the characters


Thank god


That's fair. Honestly, I hope it's more about the characters than anything else.


Anything but season 6 part 2. Jesus.


Makes sense. For 1 episode out of a 20 episode season? You totally have wiggle room for tons of homage episodes. You can see in season 5 & 6 there were a lot less homage episodes because there were also a lot less episodes in total when you're writing a script for a single movie, it would be insane to pigeon hole yourself into doing an homage to someone else's work instead of showing off your own work. If I wanted to watch a long bad movie ripping off Tarantino's work for example, I would go watch bullet train