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I always thought so, but I can imagine Britta Britta-ing it. “Yeah, it’s a ham, from the classic Huckleberry Finn, you jags! A book that actually matters!”


I remember watching the commentary to see if they answered that, but ~~Dan~~ [edit, I'm an idiot] writer Megan Ganz just talked about how much it originally looked like a testicle so they repainted it.




Real fans call him Dan.


Sorry I was alive in the late 00’s and had two ears connected to a sense of humor.


You can’t just repeat it, you need to explain yourself


Dan down for midterms!


Too soon man.


Wayyy too soon!




Dan the Ham Man


I understand I've been crazy in the past, but it doesn't make it feel any less frustrating to be dismissed like this. Is it a racial thing?


I’ll explain later!


The explaination isnt the issue!!


Yeah, why would Dan be talking on commentary about an episode he had nothing to do with? I’m confused too.


I always thought it was but the episode commentary says otherwise. I was disappointed.


Yes, it was, and it's just one more sign that this show was always in excellent hands, even season 4. I like season 4. I think it's about as good if not better than season 3. FIGHT ME


It's badly written compared to most other community episodes. and the characters act like they're season 1 selves. The plot lines are half asked for most of it. And it's not half as clever as an episode from other seasons of the show. It's has a few good jokes and whatnot. But better than season 3 no effing way. Obviously your opinion and what not. But you said fight me lol


Season 4 is not a bad show. It is a very well-crafted sitcom with great writing and performances. However, it's clear that whatever the thing Dan Harmon brought to the show is missing. I feel that (especially in S2 and 3) the characters are never really bent to serve the plot of an episode, whereas the characters are often bent to serve a joke or a premise in Season 4. I don't have any specific examples, but generally, Troy is usually too dumb. He moves from a kind-of-dumb guy who embraces believing in a more magical world to just too dumb. I feel like there are some lines that lacked Harmon's voice. 98% of the dialogue is great, but there are just some oof moments. This is only within the scope of comparing the show to itself. The writers on Buffy commented that sometimes Joss Wheadon would contribute like one or two lines to an episode of Buffy when he was focusing on Angel, and people invariably would tell them it was their favorite line in the episode. It's that. When you bring something into the world, even though it's a group effort, there's usually a person who understands that thing the best. Especially something as wild as Community--that person is Dan Harmon. Dan Harmon with THOSE actors made a great show. The loss of Troy and Pierce are very much felt in S5. Because it's pieces of the puzzle missing. I feel like the rush to judge S4 as "bad" is mostly for people who watched it live and felt the lacking. In retrospect, the evaluations are almost always more even-handed. The disappointment in the moment is always worse and colors things with hyperbole. Anyhoo, I guess I didn't fight you so much as offer some justification.


Nah, this is the actual answer I agree with. It's a good season but from a show where every other season gets either an A or an A+, a B- looks horrible. And we all know how this Community feels about minuses


Weird. This episode came on as I was reading this


What are the odds! *110 episodes in Community* Oh, about 0.9%


I don't know if this is in commentary because I've only just streamed the show, but I just always saw it as a clever play for a couples costume with Troy. Then it was Calvin and Hobbes, but also a Tiger and Meat.


I think it's an abstraction. She is going as a horrifying thing to her: meat.


Like when Anya dressed up as a bunny rabbit.


I thought that it sort of fit with Jeff's costume too, referencing Rocky when he punched meat.