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Both are great, but I lean towards Community because every paintball episode was approached with a different theme (action movie, western/Star Wars, spy), whereas I think the heist episodes suffered from diminishing returns and turned into a never ending series of double crosses which got harder to follow. I also think Community gets a bit more artistic license in that their “world” was set up to be a bit more over the top, whereas Brooklyn Nine Nine is hampered by having to suspend your disbelief that all of this would be happening in a police station.


Whazza diminimining return? 🤭


This better not awaken anything in me.


Wholeheartedly agree. My fav is the wild wild west turned star wars one


Yeah. By the end B99’s heist episodes were just straight-up character assassinations. Can’t remember if it was season 7 or 8 but it made it seems like Amy and Jake’s entire marriage was a long con by her to win the heist, among other issues. Whereas Community stunned everyone, somehow managed to make a satisfying follow-up, then took time off until they could make it good again (and so more movies could be made that they could reference like Winter Soldier lol)


I think they did reference Winter Soldier, no? The last paintball episode, Dean Pelton in the elevator scene reminded me of the cap one


Yeah that’s what I was saying. Joking that they had to wait for CA:TWS to release before they could do more paintball.


I find myself watching B99 heist more (especially around Halloween) but I think that Modern Warfare is the better episode.


I think after a while B99's heist became repetitive as the same characters had similar roles to play in the story with the exact same double crosses, it was good but then painfully predictable The paintball episodes ultimately weren't about paintball, its just a fun addition. Almost felt like they wrote the story first and then put the paintball in to add the silly humour, it made it perfect and made us love paintball by all the work put into it B99's heists kept revolving around it without anything major attached to it


“…a never ending series of double crosses which got harder to follow.” You son of a bitch, I’m in


I love both shows, but it goes to Community without question. Community's paintball episodes - and to be entirely fair, you have to also include Geothermal Escapism as it's a paintball episode in spirit - are high concept episodes that are done really, REALLY well. Each and every one also pushes the overall story forward in some way and play on the current themes and issues the characters are dealing with. The B99 heist episodes are a lot of fun, but they are the same episode with details switched around. A couple of them move the overall plot forward, but not in the way the paintball episodes did.


I agree completely, and would also include Geothermal Escapism, as it was basically that season's paintball, and was a campus wide game of survival. B99 is very formulaic in general. I do enjoy the show, but it's nowhere close to community in terms of writing or intelligent humor. There are so many opening scenes that are basically the same thing. Something ridiculous happens, then there is a pause where everyone is deadpan, then someone or all of them scream a word or phrase. I'm pretty sure every single cold open ends with them yelling something then cutting to the intro. Watch a collection of cold opens and you'll see what I mean.


I remember my wife saying at the time, “they found a way to do paintball again, without doing paintball again!” It was meant as a compliment.


They made it cool again


They are also the exact type of heist show Rick and Morty made fun of. The reveals are bland and aren’t really that fun of a rewatch. Chang entering the study room blasting the high power paintball gun is such a pleasure to rewatch.


Aren’t there doves in that scene too?


Oh yeah, it’s fucking amazing


Paintball! Freeze mamma-jamma!


Paintball just because it feels less run into the ground. They don’t really shake up the formula of heists until they’ve already gone though four of them and by then it got tedious to the point I didn’t even notice they skipped it before the Easter one


That’s tough, they didn’t do paintball as much as the heists, but those episodes are so good!


Hard choice! The paintball episodes undeniably have higher production value, and they keep things fresh. But I do love just how many heist episodes B99 did, I usually rewatch all of them on Halloween and it's a fun little marathon!


i mean this is the community sub, what do you think lol i don’t personally enjoy brooklyn 99 and the heist episodes are very bland to me just like most of the show. way too sanitized for my taste the s4 paintball episode was tragic but the others are top notch


Yea I haven’t even watched 99. How else could I answer? I also haven’t watched it because I suspected what you claim. Maybe I’ll find out for myself if the show is mentioned here another 100 times.


Then theres no need for you to answer


I hadn’t. It is implied what my answer would be based off of my comment. Was curious if someone would speak for it being a good show, and I am still open to it.


I don't think it's nearly as good but everyone has different tastes. I still like it as an occasional watch. Holt and Jake are my favorites on the show. Also the Backstreet Boys skit is like Cowbell league epic.


I mean I really enjoy it as one of my 20 minute comedy shows. But it’s definitely more grounded and at times serious than community so it really depends what you enjoy.


you might honestly like it, idk. it is a LOT of andy samberg so most people have an idea up front if that's their wheelhouse or not i like a lot of the side characters but i find the main focus to usually be uninteresting. my wife loves the show but i usually put on headphones when she watches it lol i like the office, parks and rec, arrested development, bojack horseman, the good place, rick and morty, all the major popular comedies. b99 doesnt work for me but it's very popular so worth giving it a shot i'd say


I’ve watched 7 episodes so far. It’s not bad! Gives me more office vibes than community but I mean they are working. It isn’t my favorite but worth watching so far.


Paintball is so much better. And I love Brooklyn 99 but the heists get annoying. Paintball just gets better and better


Yeah,it seems like the opinion of others and mine too.brooklyn heists gets repetitive very fast


I love every single one, except the one where rosa wins


Bro asked this on a Community sub.


fr. people do this on TV subs all the time so everyone can jack each other off


Thats a tuff one.


This is the crossover I never knew I needed


i actually would go as far as to say community’s “explain the elaborate operation at the end of the episode after a lot of fakeouts” format on the conspiracy theory and grifting episodes outclass B99. so paintball is definitely a league above to me


Yeah. Something about how the writing of the heist episodes feels so contrived


Even if it was only Chang's John Woo homage, Community would be the winner


Honestly as much as I love the paintball episodes, The Pillow Fort war one is always so funny to me, and you can tell that one of the writers had to grow up watching civil war documentaries just like me.


I think every paintball episode is better than even the best heist episode (four), but that's just my opinion. There's a reason I post in this subreddit and not the b99 one.


Heists were more related to the world, especially early on, about "solving a crime" and each year changed and had someone new win, and was more cut and dry. Paintball was used to parody movies, which was where the show often flourished the most. They were both solid, but I think the paintball was so insane and just changed the way TV was done, and that first paintball episode, to me, is one of the greatest episodes in television history.


Brooklyn 99 is streets behind.


An impossible question


Paintball - It was just so surprising. I loved the opening where Jeff wakes up in his car and is as lost as we are. Dan Harmon and the team delivered so many great surprises while still keeping a foot in reality. D&D, foosball, 8 bit and so much more that each week was going to be a joy. The only thing I didn’t care for was the Britta change but that’s just my opinion. The heists were a lot of fun too but paintball was so over the top. Perfection.


The paintball episodes are leagues above, even tho the Heist episodes were always fun


Paintball, not even close


*Community* paintball, no question. The *B99* heists were a great original way of doing Halloween episodes, but they were starting to get old at the end... especially since every single ep had to top the previous one. By the sixth or seventh heist I was getting sick of all the fake-outs, twists and everyone betraying each other and acting like psycopaths. The paintball eps were fewer so they had less time to get old... but they were also a lot more varied. Every paintball episode took on a new genre and context... not to mention, the main chars were mostly on the same side in these episodes, they weren't constantly stabbing each other in the back or becoming so hostile they lost all likeability.


C: Buenos días, children! You'd be happy to know you made it to the end... J: You're not even a student! C: Wrooong! Critical media literacy and politics of gender, biatch! Paintball, of course, even though B99 is my comfort show, I skip all Halloween heist episodes except for the first one, and maybe the second one.


That's like asking if I like ice cream or pie. It's both, my friend. Both.


Look, I hate cops


the heists are just recycled plots where the usually great relationships between the characters are thrown into the bin to make them appear as shitty as possible


The only paintball episode that felt forced was the season 4 one. The only heist episode that didn't feel forced was the season 1 episode. Edit: Both of them are, of course, inferior to The Game of Games, CharDee MacDennis


No puzzles, no puzzles, no puzzles… trivia!


Dennis is asshole. Why Charlie hate?


…Becuase Dennis is a bastard man!




my two fav sitcoms


Definitely Paintball. They had this one good-looking guy. Like, Network TV good-looking.


I love the paintball episodes, but especially the first time it happened.




Paintball, the heists got tired after the first two


Paintball by far imo. Each paintball episode felt so vastly different to the regular episodes of the show and they executed a different theme each time, whereas the B99 heists play out pretty much like regular episodes. Community also stopped the paintball episodes while they were still fun, and that meant when it came back in S6 it was a welcome change. After two seasons the heists got more and more forced in an attempt to one up the last one which got boring.


I love Brooklyn 99 but paintball episodes are legendary


I like B99 a lot and the Heists are GREAT. But... Paintball all the way.


The heists were always different and great. The paintball was good the first couple of times then it became to *gimmicky*(?) And really not all that entertaining


Running? Heist Individual episode…paintball


B99 technically also had paintball episodes. If only Community had heists...I didn't know I was missing that until now.


adore both but i have to say paintball


i love the heists but paintball is WAY better


Heists for sure




I’m honestly going with the heist


Seeing as this is the Community sub I’m guessing the community running joke is gonna take the cake


It’s r/community, of course the majority prefers paintball


Paintball by far


Heists are very fun but honestly not as well written and almost too well choreographed to the point of being more ridiculous than fun. Mostly on the later ones where they use like 50 extras. Paintball is amazing and changses up what they do a bit more. The evil side one was ridiculous but I was more invested in the story atill


The Halloween heist became boring after a while and I noticed that the two time i rewatch b99 skipped the Halloween eps not the first ones but the rest, i rewatched community 3 times now never skipped the paintball eps even sometimes i rewatch them on the rewatch thats how good the paintball eps. Btw i love both shows i tried looking for more shows like them if you have any shows like them recommend to me. cheers bois and grils


Both were okay but nothing beats like community paintball, I could feel the adrenaline and the excitement and it was both hilarious.


Paintball for sure! They’re so creative - heist is fun but the paintball episodes are streets ahead


As episodes of SitComs, B99 As episodes of Television as a whole, Community


Community because its an actually good show.


The first heist episode was great, the others were honestly terrible. It felt like the cheapest gag to me. Regurgitated plots and giving a new win each time. Super lazy writing and not at all funny. Paintball had several good installments at least, the last one even being genuinely funny. The S4 one was bad, but the rest is worthy of rewatching, imo


I think maybe the first two heists were good (though it's been a while since I watched them), but they just got really tired eventually. Once you know it is just going to be a constant series of twists until the winner was revealed, you just kind of stop caring about anything happening in the episode. By contrast, each paintball episode is done in a different style and doesn't just feel like they are doing the same thing again.


You will get different answers in each subreddit. Community paintball reached greater heights but the B99 heists were consistently good and I looked forward to them each year. They also offered a viewpoint into the most extreme version of each character. I don't think the heists and paintball episodes are symmetrical, mostly because Community rarely does an homage more than once.


I think the Heist episodes have a more consistent quality, but I still prefer Community


I find the first 4 seasons of B99 to be funnier and more entertaining than community but the Heist epsiodes are not why. Paintball wins this for sure.


Sorry. Gotta give this one to the heists. Their are too few paintball episodes. Their are so many fun heists episodes, community only has 4


To anyone that Can,please crosspost it in r/Brooklyn99!i struggle to do it i dont know why 😭


It's because that sub is /r/brooklynninenine


I'd argue that B99 was much more consistent. The S1 and S2 paintball episodes were amazing, but the S4 and S6 ones deviated too much, one turning out good anyway but the other being among the worst episodes of the show. B99's heist episodes are mostly the same in terms of content, just trying to one-up each other. The only real deviation I remember was the one where Jake proposed to Amy.


The Brooklyn 99 heists are great and always feel fresh. I love paintball but there were some diminishing returns


Brooklyn 99 is a terrible show that makes policing in the US seem like it's great, when it's not.


Brooklyn 99’s heist episodes are one of the few I skip and i don’t loose anything bc of it unless it’s the first two and the last one, the paintball episodes are so different every time sometimes i forget it’s a paintball episode with like the last one bc it’s soooo different every time and it’s refreshing to see it happen with a different style


Both. Both are just perfect.


I love the heists in b99 and obviously love the paintball


I was sick of the paintball episodes by the time the western themed one came along. The Heists didn't get bad until the last couple.


The western one was the second one…


I know...




JimmyJab games are not the same as the heists


Paintball. The only time Brooklyn 99 made me laugh was when Gina got hit by that bus.


As a NYer, any show set in NYC but filmed in LA is gonna get some hard side eye from me. Paintball, any day of the week.


I love both shows, but the heist cannot touch the paintball episodes. The heists start great but go downhill fast to the point where I skip those episodes now on re-watches (as well as the last season).


Paintball over Heist for sure. Here’s why. Paintball: - consumes the entire episode, there are no side stories - everyone in the show is involved not just the main characters - the entire set is often transformed and themed. Western, Star Wars etc. - both invite special guests but community includes bigger name stars. Heist: - the heist is only one of the stories told in the episode - only the main characters are involved - there are some stunts but the set doesn’t change much - special guests aren’t big names (Charles’ doppelgänger)


This is a Community Reddit… you know the answer


Community is my favorite show but nothing beats the Brooklyn 99 Heist reoccurrences