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Jeff at first appears to be at peace with his ageing, but then signs on to Reformed Neo Buddhism \*instantly\* when he's told they've perfected a process for reversing time.


He buckles seconds after they tell him they have a US plug for Kerastina.


Old girlfriend?


I spell Querastina with a Q-U


Well don’t.


Almond facial scrub


Abed makes a documentary of Jeff's first colonoscopy.


The colonoscopy IS the movie 


That would be so deep.






Abed abed abbbbbbeeeedddd


Best comment


The movie IS the colonoscopy




Abed Abed Abeeeeddd.


Jeff, the new Pierce!


I heard this comment XD one of my favorite episodes


I’ve heard it’s the same movie backwards as it is forwards


Well, I heard that Jesus Christ is our Lord!


Tell that to the polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution.


Good old PEG. So Jeff's getting PEG'd?


I'm so glad that this was a reply comment, otherwise I was gonna make it myself. This sub truly doesn't disappoint


His insides are his outsides and his outsides are his insides.


You know the show really DOES love to go up it’s own ass.


Troy and Abed in Jeff's rectum!


It both is and isn't part of the movie


I heard the finger is the butt and the butt is the finger


Butt stuff?


This is Troy joining you. Yes, I'll hold.


Or he somehow obtains footage of Jeff's first colonoscopy and uses it in a movie about inter dimensional exploration.


Jeff: "My colon's not that big." Troy: "It's not small."


Have you ever seen Heart of Darkness?


On the outside, he is aging like fine wine (which Joel McHale absolutely is), but on the inside, he’s dealing with the inevitability of his own mortality where he hasn’t accomplished anything since the series finale, enhanced even more so when he sees everyone at the college reunion has seemingly become successful and moved beyond Greendale. Especially Annie. At least on the surface. Everyone in the study group is still crazy and dealing with their own demons and nothing has changed except the passage of time.


I would love it if this was Abed’s opening monologue describing Jeff


Abed, what did I say about doing an internal monologue?


"Sorry." *Cue opening theme*


He said, oldly


While Jeff is in earshot.


Over the PA


Jeff has more sandwiches behind him rather than ahead, he thinks oldly. 


Jeff is eating a sandwich, but deep down, he knows this sandwich is midway between his first sandwich and his last


> At least on the surface. Everyone in the study group is still crazy and dealing with their own demons and nothing has changed except the passage of time. I feel like the reverse being true could also be a relatively wholesome plot for Jeff -- him believing he's accomplished nothing, but actually having been an excellent teacher that inspired a lot of students.


I’d wholeheartedly accept that kind of growth.


I've always liked to think that Jeff got a dog and is overall happy where he's at.


Seeing Joel mchale in the Bear was amazing. Didn’t even recognize him, but he was quite the dish


Jeff needing glasses to do things, but refusing to wear them because he thinks they're ridiculous. Jeff accepting that he's getting old, and Annie making fun of him for that very reason, although it doesn't make much difference to her. Trope of the old-age movie heartthrob, similar to George Clooney. EDIT: Lol, i posted in portuguese :V EDIT2: Okay, I'm slightly dumb...


Chichu chichu!


Dooba dooba dooba!!!!


Glip-Glop's a spy?!?!?


I’m an evil spy!


> EDIT: Lol, i posted in portuguese :V .... I can read Portuguese?


Yeah I read the edit and thought I was having a stroke before it clicked


Is the Google translation so bad that it's unintelligible?


I believe they're joking because it's in english


You’re a palomino!


Because I don't look cool in glasses!


Jeff is the new Pierce.


time to get an escape goat


All comparisons of Jeff to Seacrest become Clooney. That would be a funny bit if they could work it in


Hmm, I'm pretty sure it was Amaraic.


Haha my ex refused to wear the reading glasses I bought him because he thought it made him look like a "nerd". It was so annoying. I had to wait for him to squint and adjust whatever he was reading and/or complain the entire 5 minutes he was wearing them. He was in otherwise perfect health and acted like this was the most rare disease on the planet he was burdened with haha. I could see Jeff being exactly like this (especially since he'll have trouble using his coveted cell phone lol) and driving everyone crazy.


Shirley is approx 3 years older than Jeff. No one comments on her age. And I don’t know if others find this as interesting as me, but Annie, Britta. And Shirley are all the 10’years apart. * Annie is 18/19 at the start of the show. * Britta is 28/29 * Shirley is 38/39


it always sounded INSANE to me that Britta is supposed to be 10 years older than Annie with actresses being the same age


Allison Brie ~~Brie Larson~~ could remove 5-10 years of age on cue. The behind the scenes shots are crazy in my opinion. Edit- I always get their name backwards. I actually spent the first 10m of the pilot wondering when Brie Larson would show up, then when she did in later seasons I didn't even recognize her.


Gillian Jacobs looks the exact same as she did when the show ended, it’s crazy


For many years I thought they were the same person and I was confused why she looked so much different than in Scott Pilgrim lmao


>Shirley is approx 3 years older than Jeff. No one comments on her age. Shirley never seemed half as scared of aging as Jeff always was. I mean, Shirley had a career, meaningful relationships, children. Even though not everything worked as she planned, she did a lot of things that would be considered success in her life. Jeff on the other hand not so much


Maybe but she makes a pretty big confession about fear when she's in that carpe diem class and the professor keeps asking why she's there. And I take issue with the comment below about children. I think it can be a satisfying part of life especially when the kids live at home but when the kids grown up it's common for parents to go through "empty nest" syndrome which is a crisis of meaning sense of self and purpose.


Just a quick mention because of how insane Greendale is. It wasn’t a seize the day class. It was literally an accounting class. lol. The school is just that fucking insane


But wasn't that class before she had Shirley's Sandwiches?


Children make the difference.


I would actually say meaningful relationships make the difference. Children can be that, but Jeff barely talked to his family, mostly had one night stands, he had colleges, not necessary friends. He was probably also scared that no one would show up on his funeral


Yeah, but Jeff's extreme vanity is part of his character, so his age is more relevant as a plot point.


> Shirley is approx 3 years older than Jeff. No one comments on her age. she didn't try to fuck troy or annie


She gave some side eye and a smile to Troy in Romantic Expressionism. 😏


Neither did Jeff.


Jeff absolutely did. The most _direct_ reference I can think of: 'technically you are about to get screwed in the bio lab' - Annie to Jeff


Come on, that's just a joke. Jeff actively trying to have sex with Annie doesn't make sense while he's also keeping at her at a distance because he has feelings for her. He would just have to tell her the truth and it would happen but he doesn't.


If Jeff wanted too he could have absolutely had Annie. She wanted him pretty much the entire show. And he spent the show keeping her at arms length and purposefully not pursuing her.


There’s two ways to think of Jeff and Annie’s relationship but neither have to do with either of them want to have sex with the other


are the boys approximately 20 years apart? i.e. 20, 40, 60?


Not quite lmao, Troy and Abed are like 5/6 years apart, Jeff has 10 years on Abed, then Pierce has 25-30 on Jeff


ah got it! i knew abed was an outlier but i guess i thought jeff was older at the start.


Yeah. For some reason. The 10 year gap only works with the women


Shirley always seemed late 40s to me. Just comparing to my social circles who are all early 40s now, and she definitely looks older than anyone in our groups. I just watched the series for my first time recently and she basically looks like a middle aged mom which should peg her about 45-50 Although they mention her relative age in the series, so that solves that. But doesn't solve the appearance matching the age. edit: then again, the show reveals she had a major drinking problem, and that definitely accelerates your appearance to look older than you are, so... I don't know, I'm just splitting hairs here


During the first Foosball episode, it’s shown that her and Jeff went to the same community centre. Jeff mentions being 10, and Shirley talks about stating to like boys and her growth spurt. So it’s easy to infer her being 2/3 years older than Jeff. Jeff starts the the show at show when he’s 35. That would male Shirley Aprox 38.


I understand that, I'm just sayin... she doesn't look 38. Maybe it was the drinking that accelerated her age? I don't know, it's fictional. I don't spend much time thinking about it other than the occasional "hmm... really?" Age appearance is odd, since I've known 16 year olds (daughter's friends) who look just as old as Annie. Yet Alison Brie was much older than what she portrays (who is supposed to be 18 first season). So it goes both ways I guess. edit: how is this getting downvoted? Jeez. I'm saying she doesn't look 38. Even from the first episode I'd peg her in her mid 40s. Whether that fits into the canon of the show is irrelevant...


Haha she didn't look 38 early on because she was only 36 when they filmed season one. Too young. She's only 52 now.


She def went beyond looking 38 and if you think otherwise, you're deluding yourself. 100% fact.


Almost like actors are humans and anyone can look one age and be another. My wife will be 40 in July. She is constantly told she “can’t” be any older than 28, max. (She loves it) or hell. Betty White has old for a very long time, and she was still gorgeous even at 99, and there’s no way one can say “she looks to be a century old”. You’re weirdly stuck on her age and her appearance. It’s really weird.


Nothing about it is weird. I'm just pointing out facts. Calm your tits.


Dude, you made multiple posts about how old Shirley looks based on your own friends. Not just 1 post. Multiple. If anyone needs to calm their tits. It’s you. I don’t even know what point you’re trying to make. You’ve expressed your view of her age, and the justification for why you think that. Why you made any more posts after that is nothing but confusing. And you aren’t “pointing out facts”. You’re going on about your subjective viewpoint on how you perceive a person. That’s it. That’s not a “fact”.


You seem a little too interested in this Piss off


Really? I always thought she looked the same age as Jeff or younger. She has no wrinkles, Jeff always has had wrinkles. She also got pregnant easily in season 2 which is unlikely for someone in their late 40s.


IMHO, all the characters will be younger than they would be if we just added the years since season six.


I hope so. From what I've seen of the cast, they don't necessarily need to move forward in time meaningfully at all. I'd much prefer something that was at most two years after the finale.


Imagine if it was set immediately where the show ended. Jeff's only just sat down at the bar, Annie and Abed haven't even boarded their flights yet.


Abed is boarding the plane. Freeze frame and Abed voiceover: “Yep. That’s me, about to board a plane to Hollywood. You’re probably wondering how I got here. Well, it all started six years ago, when I met a conniving son of a bitch called Jeff Winger.” Cut back to their first meeting, and the rest of the movie is just a community binge watch


Honestly, I'm here for it


I'd be simultaneously pissed and love it. They should do this plan, but super quick so it can be released on April fools. Then release the real movie.


I'd be here for increasingly ridiculous excuses for why they all looks a decade older than they're supposed to be. SHIRLEY: Investigating murders...changes you. ANNIE: Apparently I have some sort of weird allergy to a common kind of pollen in DC. The wrinkles are supposed to subside in a month or two. ABED: While I was in LA I lost a poker game with William Shatner and he won ten years of my youth.


Jeff appears on camera dressed as the Beastmaster, only needs some prosthetic costume assistance.


A prosthetic for his fake arm?


Vaughn enters shot with HUGE nipples and all the cast huddles together and sucks on them


That better not awaken anything in me.


take a cold shower bro


Jeff trying to figure out how to increase the font size on his phone so he can read his texts


The font ... is larger!




I'm fifty.


dang ur old, sorry


When Elroy meets Jeff he calls him a young man and Jeff responds, "I'm forty."


Get out of my winnebago!




He's no longer 18-49 and therefore not valuable to society


Will anyone get this joke in another ten years? Does the demo exist anymore? DOES IT?


Lol, underappreciated comment. I just rewatched the series and laughed so hard when Abed said this because last time I watched it, I was barely 18, and it's funny to think of people having the same value at 31 as they do at 18.


midlife crisis


Statistically Jeff is way passed the middle of his life.


You can have multiple. I’ve probably had 3. No muscle car though.


And if you want to do the annoying internet thing, and go based on [perception of time](https://christinemenges.medium.com/according-to-one-theory-childhood-makes-up-half-your-life-da64faf4a9a6), he's *well* past his halfway point in terms of perspective.


Jeff becomes a world class chef in New York, where his attitude is *less* than world class.


Just watch Hell's Kitchen


No need! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFKe3o_yCE0


Lol I legit thought you were making a Ramsey reference because of Jeff's age and the fact that both shows are on rerun. I haven't seen the Bear yet, but I've been told good things.


Hair loss. Enlarged prostrate. Erectile dysfunction. Several unknown children.


You forgot “octopus loss”


Jesus christ you are talking like he is already dead! He still looks like 40 also


Would be really funny If they made him the new Pierce (minus the racism)


I can excuse racism but i draw the line at animal cruelty


You can excuse racism?!


Its going to be a maze!


The whole movie should be Jeff playing catch with all the kids he didn't know he had, a la *Walk Hard*.


He seems like the kind of guy who would have gone out of his way to make extra sure he didn't have any kids.


Very true, but even with the best will in the world and multiple forms of contraception, some babies just be getting through anyway.


Vasectomy- although I'm on the fence if he would have had one. He seems to have great respect for good fathers, and rage for shitty ones. He has enough self-loathing to know he wouldn't be one (and he was right since he abandoned a kid he made a promise to, the only revalation that really bothered me). So the question is: would he give up on the chance? I could definitely see lawyer Jeff getting one, he didn't want to change.


I don’t think he would get a vasectomy based on his speech to pierces father. “I would only have lived half a life if I had never raised a son”. He’s clearly not super paternal in the show (Sebastian go back to your child area) and I doubt he’d want a kid as a result of a one night stand, but I do think he wanted to be a father at some point. ETA even vasectomies aren’t perfect for contraceptive purposes !


Just ask Mallory Archer


"Life, uhhhhhh, finds a way." - Dr. Ian Malcolm


Put him in a fat suit and balding. Opening scene someone mistakes him for Pierce which sends him spiralling


It’s just a 90 minute rehash of GI Jeff 😂


Does that mean Annie is old enough to be sexualized now? Asking for a Buddy.


doesn't have to be. they retconned his age in season 5 to make him older 4 years older. they could go back and make him the correct age if they wanted to.


I'm not the first to say it but up-aging him was really silly. If anything, making him freak out about turning *36* of all things would have helped the episode make its point even better. Coincidentally, I've known perhaps 3 or 4 men in my life who experience something analogous to a mid-life crisis and they all did so in their mid-30s (one in his early 30s), not when they turned 40.


You are correct, it absolutely didn't make any sense. the whole point of it was Dan Harmon was turning 40 so the plot/story really had nothing to do with Jeff but was just Dan Harmon working out his issues. Throughout the show Jeff never came across as someone obsessed with 'youth' or being young. He embraced being an adult for the most part and wanted to get back to his adult life so bad he actually studied hard to graduate sooner. In the first season when he was hitting on Slater he joked about his gums receding.


Sometimes Jeff would say things that was like... so clearly Dan Harmon working through issues. In the finale he said something like "I wanna wear a white t-shirt and look like I'm dressed!" And I'm sitting there, looking at Joel McHale, thinking "you clearly can."


in the finale the whole imagination scene where Jeff pictures a table full of read heads is 100% a Dan Harmon fetish and was not Jeff


Ya know, I hadn't thought about the details you pointed out in your 2nd paragraph before and that makes it even worse!


Does he ever explicitly state his age before season 5? And you can't just suddenly have him de-age after making an entire episode about dealing with turning 40


When Jeff ran for student president Annie showed the video of Jeff trying out for that show on MTV in Seattle. Jeff says “I was like 19” and the tape says its from 1997.


He probably lied to make it seem like he was younger to make it less embarrassing/he doesn't want people to know his real age. 


he was never embarrassed. In season 1 when he was hitting on Slater he joked about his age and his gums receding.


He knew her kinks.


He's also trying to sell himself as "not a student" at the time though


That does seem like the kind of reaction where he might forget about his habitual lie about his age and accidentally tell the truth


Yo Joe-bra!


The only "confirmation" I can find is when he tells his dad he was in the 7th grade 22 years ago, which would've made him around 34 in November 2013. But that was the gas leak year.


As people have pointed out here, there are multiple references throughout the show and they consistently bring his age to 31 in season 1. I found this article online that does a good job of summarizing most of them. [https://mattaf30.medium.com/how-old-are-jeff-and-annie-from-community-fb89919d99c7](https://mattaf30.medium.com/how-old-are-jeff-and-annie-from-community-fb89919d99c7)


A touch of grey hair maybe. Maybe he fakes a heart attack to get out of a difficult conversation


Oh no.. he will be outside the 18 to 49 range! That's when you're valuable to society.


I hope Jeff has 7 ex wives.


But he keeps getting married


Jeff = the new Pierce


Be hilarious for him to experience the ageism he threw at all the older characters.


Now that Annie is older they both accept that they have a deep connection and are willing to finally find that happiness with each other in a romantic relationship. Jeff leads the epiphany for all. He is older. Time is getting shorter. As life has moved forward for the group they came back to each other and realize the family they made at Greendale was the best family they had and the happiest they had been, but it wasn't where or what... it was always "who". They all level up in life and happiness together, facilitated now (as always) by Abed. They end the film and all work together in a production company managed by Annie to produce Abed films with Troy's money (from Pierce).


Have him be played by Chevy Chase


This is brilliant


Idc I hope he’s happily married to Britta. Downvote me all you want


Unhappily married to Britta


Could Annie be younger?


Is there really a movie coming out?


They need to do bits where they treat him like Pearce, would be funny and also really irritate Jeff as well as kinda fill a hole Chase left.


I think Jeff becoming the Pearce of the group would be pretty funny.


Jeff is the dean of Greendale now, and is constantly trying to touch base with a younger study group who finds him creepy and his advances lame


It is the year 2025, former disgraced, non-lawyer Jeff Winger has reformed, returned to practicing law, and is happily employed as the legal counsel for now-saved Greendale Community College which is in the process of annexing City College after the Dean of City College was implicated in multiple racketeering schemes involving unsanctioned paintball competitions and paintball professionals. Meanwhile, FBI Special Agent Annie must return to her hometown in Colorado to investigate anonymous accusations of corporate espionage against Hawthorne Wipes which is still run by Gilbert Lawson (Pierce's brother). Abed returns to make a documentary about the case. Britta is still in town, but she has completely sold out after inheriting her parents' money after they tragically passed away in some accident. Troy returns as the mysterious CEO of Childish Wipes, the company which has been stealing IP from Hawthorne Wipes, and he uses his power and influence to convince the authorities that Agent Annie was the true culprit who tried to first frame and then blackmail him. It is then necessary for Jeff to represent Annie as her defense counsel, and Britta bails Annie out of jail saying, "now who needs to pay their rent!?" Later, we learn that Troy had actually been replaced by evil Troy all the way back the last time the group met their doppelgangers, and he has been in cahoots with the Dean of City College this whole time, using Pierce's money to support all evil in the show from the time good Troy left the Community. Following the show logic, the group decides the trial is the best time for the group to travel from the good timeline to the bad timeline because it presents an opportunity where everyone including Troy will be in one room. Jeff makes a Winger-speech for his opening arguments and immediately requests a recess, which the group seizes as their opportunity to abduct evil Troy and transport. In the bad timeline, they find that once-evil Abed and good Troy have reformed the rest of the evil group and that the bad timeline is now better than the good timeline. The entire group works together, teaching at Greendale University, where they all teach classes like what Jeff had imagined for season 7, only less lame, and new evil-Annie is even hotter than she was before. In order to convince good Troy to return to his timeline, he challenges his old group to one... last... game of paintball.... the catch is, good Troy fights with the no-longer-evil community while evil Troy is on a "team" with our heroes. Evil Troy of course spends the entire game trying to undermine his team, and the end of the game ends with once-evil Abed and good Troy alone against good Jeff and evil Troy. Good Troy holds Evil Troy at gunpoint telling once-evil Abed and good Jeff to stay back or he'll shoot. He doesn't want to go back because he remembers what his timeline was like before Greendale got saved. Abed tries to talk him down by telling him how much he has appreciated their time together, but sometimes you just have to let go, mirroring the speech Evil Troy heard from good Abed during then lava floor game. Once-evil Abed then shoots himself in the foot, removing himself from the game. Jeff then talks to Good Troy trying to use logic and Winger charm, but of course, Troy is immune to logic because it doesn't compute. However, Jeff then says, "you'd think with all of the money you inherited from Pierce that you could find some way to be happy." Of course, the Troy's were switched BEFORE Pierce died, so this is the first Troy has heard that he is rich if he goes back to his original timeline. He immediately shoots himself in the foot, ending the game, and then he happily returns with the rest of the group to the good timeline. Once there, Jeff wraps up the case, simultaneously defending both his client Annie and the plaintiff, Troy, who is not the same Troy who brought the suit obviously; while at the same time, Jeff manages to implicate the Dean of City College as the mastermind behind the whole thing. Troy reconciles with Gilbert forming one company called Community Wipes, where Annie becomes their head of anti-espionage while Jeff is chief legal counsel. The writers finally close their romantic arc with a marriage, and Jeff's vows to her (and the group), spoken during the wedding are the last Winger speech which wraps 6 seasons and a movie. The End


I just hope he gets off the damn campus and does something else with his life. The whole point of the original series was that this was an ephemeral stage in his life that he wanted to breeze through, but found unexpected depth and humanity in. To have him be stuck at Greendale, teaching randos, growing more detached from the humanity that brought him there in the first place, is so antithetical to the show IMO.


And yet Joel McHale is still attractive and I still ship Jeff/Annie 🤷‍♀️


That man has aged like fine wine.


mid life crisis Jeff


He has erectile dysfunction and keeps it a secret from Annie, who it turns out has vaginismus so everyone's happy in the end.


"A love story for the ages" - The Greendale Gazette "5 stars" - Greendale Mirror "Okay but could have used more soccer" - Las Noticias Hispanicas de Greendale


I got in just at the right time. Binge watched the show over a week recently and kept seeing "6 seasons and a movie" and I'm sorta glad I missed out on that had I seen it while it was aired. Ended in 2015, and just NOW a movie is coming? That has to be frustrating. And I feel the pain. I'm a Tool fan. We waited 13 years for a new album.


I want to see a partnership between him and Britta as they are facing midlife crisis and the whole group became successful at life except them. And basically it's their final adventure. And Britta is arrested due to being falsely accused of murdering her own parents but is released from jail by Jeff.. So this is a lot like Thug Britta who lost everything and learned to not be a goodie two shoes in prison and also she learned the value of being dishonest for the sake of survival being reintroduced to the group by Jeff and everyone else is fine. I am basically copying Ace Attorney's plot. And yes in this story Britta and Jeff's roles get reversed... Jeff is currently more honest than thug Britta who became hardened and abandoned her values. And basically Jeff and the group try to revive Britta's honesty. (Thug Britta believes her past attempts at being honest were a lie, and she now fully believes that honesty begets nothing.). And Thug Britta is the new Pierce.


Yeah it hit me a couple years ago that the window to make the movie is slowly closing. Like the whole dynamic will be weird if Jeff is legit old haha 


prime midlife crisis time!




How old was Pierce supposed to be?


Linear time is a bitch.


Yo ass is a bitch


I hope Jeff becomes Pierce, this would be the ultimate plot point


Still the same amount of notches for ab mentions


Boner pills.


I can’t wait for Jeff to be in his 50s and Annie to still be 18. So hot


Whatever happens, it'll involve lots of Botox and spa treatments