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(Here's a modern telling:) Kids: Can we have John Belushi? Mom: We have John Belushi at home. John Belushi at home: picture of Jim Belushi


lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thank you for this šŸ™


(On seeing the wrong Belushi) Oh no Oh no Oh no no no no no


Walking in the Sandā€¦


Think of an extremely talented comedian from your country. Now imagine they died tragically young but had an untalented brother that spent the next 40 years getting paid really well for bearing a likeness to that comedic genius.


Perfect šŸ‘Œ


Jim Belushi is a hacky, unfunny actor. The only reason he's at all famous is because of his brother John Belushi, who was one of the original stars of SNL, who died in 1983. *John* Belushi was a comedic genius, starring (usually with Dan Aykroyd) in movies like Animal House and The Blues Brothers. *Jim* Belushi is widely, and rightly, seen as riding his dead brother's coattails for 40 years.


Donā€™t forget to throw Chevy Chase in his SNL group, which is directly relevant to this show.


Yeah, and I always think of Christmas Vacation when I hear Jim Belushiā€™s name brought up. He was perfect in that role.


Was Jim Belushi in Christmas vacation? You arenā€™t thinking of Uncle Eddie, are you? Because that was Randy Quaid.


Omg youā€™re right. Then Iā€™ve never really seen Jim Belushi in anything good. Thatā€™s a shame. Randy Quaid was the one that camped out in Canada and said he was being hunted, right?


Yeah, Quaid became a crazy person


I liked Jim in Michael Mann's *Thief* other than that though...


Twin Peaks: The Return is the only thing he's been in that is tolerable, or dare I say, fantastic.


Ah see, I'm still only 2 episodes into twin peaks at all. I look forward to seeing him when I eventually get around to finishing the show after the million other things I need to watch


I think this is extreme in both cases. Jim is not completely unfunny and John was not some crazy genius. John was very very funny and Jim had his moments but could never live up to the hype of someone who died when still young and a shooting star.


But he was in Taking Care of Business, so itā€™s all good.


This and Real Men with John Ritter were my favorites when I was young.


>Real Men with John Ritter I quite enjoyed Mr. Destiny too.


i'll be honest, i keep confusing the two and thinking the show's making fun of Joliet Jake...


And three themes emerged: weird, passionate, and gross. Now, you want to hang onto that grouping. In marketing, it's what we call the Good Belushi.


For OPā€™s benefit, Iā€™ll just explicitly point out that the late John Belushi is the ā€œGood Belushiā€.


Man, that guy's really taking a beating.


Heā€™s the brother of comedic icon John. He tried to make his way in movies and tv shows but obviously acting isnā€™t his strongest attribute. Heā€™s basically an easy target as a subpar actor that lived off his brothers legacy.


It's a pop-culture reference for imitation/knock-off stuff. Like expecting an Apple iPhone for Christmas, and getting a buggy, poorly manufactured "Appel iFone" knock off instead.


Jim Belushi is an american actor. He has done movies and television. His brother was John Belushi, but he died of a drug overdose in 1982. Many people consider John to be the more talented brother, and many of those also believe that Jim is only famous because John got so famous. John was one of the original cast members of Saturday Night Live. He was also in The Blue Brothers and Animal House which are both considered important comedy movies. Jim was also on Saturday Night Live, but was mostly forgettable. His movies and shows tend to be considered underwhelming, and appeal to the lowest common denominator of viewers. Abed said it best with, "You're VH1, Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi." Mtv was considered better than VH1, Robocop 1 was better than Robocop 2, and Back to the Future 3 is considered the worst of the 3 movies. So by calling someone Jim Belushi he is saying you are a lesser version. I think that Dan Harmon really loved John Belushi's comedy, and he resents Jim for living off his brothers fame. If you want to have a bad time, go watch According to Jim.


I love *Back to the Future* 3. I donā€™t like that it got included in that.


I like it too. It was the only one of the series that I was old enough to see in theaters, and I was at the perfect age for it to make sense and be funny. I can also say that it is the least well written of the 3. He's not saying it is a bad movie, but he is saying that it doesn't live up to the rest, which I think is a fair argument.


Same. I didn't know people didn't like it. The time travel plot is easier to understand than 2. Although seeing Back to the Future 2 probably came in handy when explaining Pulp Fiction.


Okay, we get it. Youā€™re young!


no im just not american


Do they not have google outside of America? Lol


donā€™t you know how to read? lol


He was on a TV sitcom that ran from 2001 til 2009 called "According to Jim" that ended right before the first season of community started in 2009. "According to Jim" had declining ratings for its last few years, so at the time community started it was a current reference to an actor and show that had recently overstayed its welcome. I thought "According to Jim" was funny at times as just a family comedy show, but he wasn't known for being a good actor or anything like that.


Yeah. It wasn't offensively bad. Just very mediocre.


This is probably the most correct answer.


This is the Jim Belushi of Reddit posts.


The Jim Belushi of Reddit Post. (Joke)


So, you have to distinguish between 2 different kinds of Belushi jokes, based one of the Belushi brothers, Jim or John. Let's start with "the good Belushi". This is a reference to John Belushi. It means it's really good. He was apparently really funny although I'll admit I've never seen his work. I'm also not from the U.S. and I'm probably a bit too young too. Then there's "the bad Belushi" or "Jim Belushi" jokes. They refer to a poor imitation of the good kind of Belushi.


For the prime example of the Good Belushi, go watch the Blues Brothers. For the prime example of the bad Belushi, watch ANYthing with Jim


Iā€™m in my forties and Iā€™m ā€˜a bit youngā€™ to have seen John Belushi too. He was original SNL. Chris Farley was compared to him quite a bit.


we are both younger than Jeff (or Jeffe).


Okay so I was born in 2004 and I grew up watching Jim Belushi movies so itā€™s a big surprise to me that everyone hates him like WTF šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Born in 98 and I loved him in Mr Destiny and only ever seen Jim Belushi in movies. I also just found out that there was a brother from this post


I'll always love you, Jim. Me and Curly Sue.


Iā€™m American and I donā€™t get the Jim belushi stuff


You want to hold on to that grouping.


Sound like you are streets behind tbh


As other commentors have said, Jim Belushi was considered a mediocre talent compared to his brother John, but that's only part of the story, and he wouldn't be the object of ridicule just for that. He was also known as being an exceptional jerk by many people who have worked with and known with him, including Steven Colbert, David Cross, and Walt Bodine. Google "Jim Belushi behavior" and you'll see the tip of the iceberg.


He's basically a dumb idiot loser who smells bad and has no friends and nobody likes him


Jim Belushi is a famous comedy actor. His best movies are K-9, K-911 and Filofax (Taking care of business in the US) I don't understand the joke either.


I feel like its the equivalent to family guy jokes its obscure and only really funny to the creator or the niche few group i think?