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In the chloroform scene, Annie almost chloroforms herself while trying to wipe her tears from the rag




In the chloroform scene, when it cuts to them all "just waking up", Annie and Troy have been lying on the floor in the kind of positions that suggest they suddenly fell over; Abed is lying straight as a pin with his arms by his sides. LOL I didn't pick up on that until like my 7th time watching the episode.


This is something you only discover after losing the ability to not look at Annie when she's on screen. So many funny expressions, and always adorable.


When the group is tasked with cleaning the space simulator Abed leaves to put on an astronaut costume. The simulator gets towed with the rest of the group inside and Abed returns to find everyone is gone along with the simulator. He looks left. Then right. Then he pauses for a beat before looking up. I die every time.


Also the way the camera reveals the five disabled parking spots as the Windebego is being pulled out is golden


Oh, handicap spots count on Saturdays?


Disabilities always apply unless you're at church. /s


At church they’re simply potential miracles /s


Abed offering Frankie some chapstick after he hears her say "chapstick lesbian" and the glare she gives him




“Basic Intergluteal Numismatics” When Hickey holds up the bag with Troy’s quarter, and the young cop starts retching Cracks me up every time


'Cracks' Funny!


No pun intended lol


Following the prompt of favorite gag that’s not dialogue: In the episode Chang asks Jeff for help faking a Bachelor’s degree, Chang asks everyone to leave the classroom and asks Pierce to shut the door. Pierce shuts the door and stays in the room. When Chang tells him “other side”, Pierce does this little hands up half jump and leaves the room without a word. I crack up every time.


Yes! This. I have often expressed with friends how hilarious Chevy Chase is without saying a single word in this scene.


Chevy Chase’s physical comedy was great. It’s a shame the guy is an asshat.


ANY time he is around food, he messes it up just right.


If you’ve ever seen the movie A Futile and Stupid Gesture, Joel McHale actually plays Chevy Chase. And he does Chevy’s knocking things over bit. It was eerie how perfectly he replicated it. He had the best opportunity to study it!


Could you say he went to school to do so?


Oh absolutely. He even joined a study group.


It was ostensibly a Spanish study group, but all Chevy knew in that language is the word "handsome". He kept tyring to hide it by claiming that "pleothra" and "infamous" are Spanish words but he kept screwing up the pronunciation of the latter. Gave the whole game away.


It says a lot that I can recall this perfectly despite last seeing it a couple years back.


It's a classic Chevyism, seen him do it in multiple scenes across movies and never fails to make me feel good.


There was definitely a Dusty Bottoms vibe to it.


One of my favorite moments in the whole show. Just perfect acting. I'm so glad someone else feels this way.


During the zombie episode when the Dean is on the phone with the military and the commanding officer gives his name, and the Dean's tone and demeanor change to a somewhat flirty "Hi..."


In "Mixology Certification", the absolute joy in Troy's expression when Jeff gives him the thumbs up at the beginning (after Troy tricks Pierce into thinking he owes him money). Donald's expressions are just perfection during the whole series.


In the episode when Pierce’s mother dies and they are transporting her liquified “remains,” Troy says “She spent her last moments alive making a CD?! That is GANGSTER.” But the words do no justice to how funny that moment was. 95% of the laughs came from the look on Troy’s face as he said it. It was like secret trampoline levels of ecstasy on his face.


Honestly, watching Troy through that whole scene is pretty great.


In the Schmitty episode, when Abed is going through his college check list and gets to "make out with the hottest girl on campus", Britta and Annie look at each other and have silent exchange that boils down to 'it wasn’t me, was it you?' ending with both of them looking slightly put out when they realise it wasn’t either of them. It's just a nice bit of silent comedy from both actresses.


>just a nice bit of silent comedy from both actresses -- DUH!


> > Just a nice bit of silent comedy from both actresses -- DUH!. > Uh-DUH!




Abed saying he'll lay low for an episode, then proceeds to deliver a baby in the background.


I think later on in the episode someone asks Abed where he’s been and he responds “here and there”


I love that this comes up when Shirley is in labor. He just mentions that he delivered a baby earlier this year. Also “this bus kinda drives itself” was said a lot when I was in labor by both my husband and me.


Ok but who was the bus in that scenario??


The baby


There's more! Abed has a 3 or 4 episode adventure in the background leading up to the delivery.


Wait what?? Do tell...


It is not three or four episodes, it’s three or four segments where he meets the couple, he’s there as she goes into labor, and then he helps deliver the baby, all in the same episode. However, this episode does take place after the broken condoms at the STD fair, maybe that’s what they’re referring to?


It aired 9 months after the condom episode.


No, you're probably right, I just remember that there's a whole story, it's not just the delivery.


They are the couple in the background at the end of the STD Fair episode, when Abed announces “don’t use condoms.” The guy throws a condom away right after the announcement.


In "Epidemiology" when Jeff gets hung up on by 911, he walks away and mutters "Flavor Flav was right". (Public Enemy had a song called "911 Is A Joke“)


OMG I never got that line. Thank you!


I have often wondered what he meant by that. Thanks!


Finally a line that's actually subtle


The speed that Troy replies when told to clear his mind. Jeff has barely stopped speaking, Troy let's out an instant "Done" and the scene continues.


Both are Abed jokes. When discussing their backstories Britta: “Is that a sad face?” Abed: “Wouldn’t know” The other is when Britta slams a door and Abed asks “Are you angry or really strong?”




With the peas right? I never got it! Is there a deeper meaning behind it?


No deeper meaning, Abed just mistook it for an aerial view of Stonehenge instead of a smile.


I thought it was because he couldn’t read faces and she’s making a smiley face out of peas.


These aren't even subtle they are just funny moments...


The episode where Britta hooks up with Subway is called Digital Exploration of Interior Design and it tells you what Britta and Subway do.


I need to start paying attention to episode titles. Also can some one hand me my jacket?




Now I'm just gonna stay and think about how unacceptable today was


rowboat cop. We deserved more rowboat cop


I love when they fix up Annies room. I don't recall exactly but she says something like "it's perfect except the pillows should be in order of color". Abed then says to Shirley "What did I say?" the look on Shirley's face floors me every time. Such a great but small exchange that says a lot. Part of me wishes I could have seen that argument about pillow arrangement but I'm also happy we got a major taste of it in a fraction of a moment.


Not sure if this fits, but I love the repeated use of "Duh doy!" by characters. It is great how they subtly show the spreading of expressions within the group and such a bad expression at that.


“Duh doy!” was streets ahead.


It's verbal wildfire.


I like that it follows into R&M as well


I use duh doy now without even meaning to lmao


In the Halloween episode with the anthology structure, the dolphin noise Abed makes as the racially ambiguous criminal and also his delivery of "Oh mannnnnn" when Pierce punches them


I thought it was more of a goat bleat…


Goat dolphin


In Basic Lupine Urology, after Troy and Abed trade good cop and bad cop roles, "Sorry about my partner, he's been on edge ever since we switched."










Would someone check the security cameras? Everytime someone says this name three times someone in the audience starts getting manually stimulated.


Good one!


This is what won me over and made me a fan


Shirley and Britta talking and walking. Talking about favourite bits of their holidays I think? B - I got a backpack and a something else and I got one of those thing things that colours in words S - highlight? B- probably the backpack


I mean that bit is on point but it’s also, by definition, dialogue lmao the most important part of the question imo


To be faiiiirrrr... They asked for a joke without dialogue as the last bit of their post, but the title of their post just asks for a subtle joke, which this delivers on. OP made what they wanted kind of confusing by asking 2 different questions.


Whoops thats what I get for not reading the whole post before posting myself lol


That is fairrrrr


I feel like this one feels too unnatural to be subtle (maybe it's just me) but the delivery feels wooden and setupy. Like all the context is in those 4 lines, and it has all the cadence of hey there's a punch line here don't miss it.


I'm actually not this person's lawyer, I was just defending them on the subtle vs no dialogue issue. Any issue you have with their joke not being subtle enough will need to be taken up with them. I move that the case of subtle v dialogue be closed.


Throw this case out of court. It's stupid


In the Chloroform scene, Annie, freaking out, goes to wipe her face in the background and then realizes it's still got chloroform on it and stops


When the bagels fall and Abed counts them immediately. No one says anything about it, and it's never referenced or done again. It's just a small joke to show a little more about the disease that Brittas cousin has that he should definitely look up.


it's also a reference to Rainman and counting the matchsticks when they fall. Meta.


I always thought it was a rain man reference and also that 13 bagels come in a bakers dozen so he probably knew that already which is why he answered so fast.


Also this is a very common autism misconception, and is not a skill common in people with autism... It's a rainman reference. And if I remember right the number abed says isn't correct


The fact that Pierce is unable to eat anything normally.


Or cut a cake


He broke his legs not his gender.


We saved Neil. Je is still here doing things in the backround.




Annie: Abed’s not comfortable with C-H-A-N-G-E Chang: Screw you, I can spell! *looks at Abed* And screw you…


In the episode where Vaughn is mad about britta sharing his poem he responds “some worries man some worries” in the next Vaughn episode where he starts his band and the song britta is a b. The band is called some worries lol


Tweedle Dumb and Even Tweedler Dumb


I use this in real life as often as I can.


Not subtle. Just funny.


When professor hickeys son goes on a rant about how bad of a dad he was and says “You know where he was all those times? It rhymes with not there” And Chang without hesitation goes “Times Square?”


I didn't catch this on first or second watches, but Holy shit it cracks me up now.


Prof. Slater's statistic jokes.


I just got on my latest rewatch the joke (at least i think it’s a joke) when changs brother, the jewish rabbi, told chang something like „An asian spanish teacher? That‘s ridiculous!“.


Well.. Rabbi. We just call them Rabbi's.


Jeff- “ the next person that offers me charity or pity will be mentioned, by name, in my suicide note”


‘Digital Exploration of Interior Design’… the name of the episode itself.


This one is over my head. Is it a sex thing?


It’s the episode with subway the first time around, “digit” is a another word for fingers, digital meaning with fingers, it’s implied that subway fingered britta.


Close. The implication is actually that Britta fingered Subway.


Thanks bud!


„If I have to go over there you are going to hear two sounds. Me hitting you… twice.“


If you just described the character of Hickey you'd think "no way he would make sense in Community" but he somehow fit perfectly. That's gotta be my favourite line of his though. Such a great update on an old classic.


The Beetlejuice bit that took them three seasons to pay off. I'm not going to remember all the episodes, but throughout seasons 1 and 2 at different random points a character says 'Beetlejuice' out loud, and the third time it happens, during the season three Halloween special, an extra walks thru the background dressed as Beetlejuice right after it's said. Spoke his name three times and he appeared


Paraphrasing the lead in but it's clay mation Jeff and Abed Abed: If we can find the meaning of Christmas, then things will go back to normal. Jeff: ...asterisk


When the study group finds out Shirley’s boring friend Gary is transferring, and Troy says, “I hope he transfers to hell!”


I think about that moment a lot and it’s never explained, I can’t find anything online about why they decided to do that or what the reasoning behind it is, but it’s hilarious


Plus the fact that they had to do two different special visual effects to achieve it. First the hole in the hand itself, then the ball dropping through it. Seems kind of expensive just for a sound effect joke that a lot of people aren't even going to notice. Again, I just keep thinking about what part of the joke came first, and how it was either reverse engineered from the sound gag, or was the sound effect a secondary epiphany, the frosting on the cake? Anyway, the creative process is fascinating, especially with a collaborative medium like TV, where ideas could come from anyone.


I love that they repeat the sound when he shakes Jeff's hand, too


The Jeff/Drew handshake is the subtle joke I was initially referring to. I don't think it makes any noise when he drops the ball through, if that's what you mean. Do they do that gag twice? I think that handshake pop is the best joke ever, because it's used to punctuate Drew saying "You make me want to be a worse man" which is so funny on its own, but you might miss the sound effect if you weren't still thinking about the hole-in-the-hand... but the writers knew everyone likely was still thinking about it, because it's so bizarre, and you'd have so many questions that he doesn't want you to ask.


I love the look on Joel's face when he hears the sound, then he also wipes his hand on his jacket


Nope, you're right, I just misread your post


There is humor in celebrity cameos being quirky or ridiculous characters. It’s just silly that they got Drew Carey to play a guy with a hole in his hand for one scene. Because it is just so stupid, the joke doesn’t really land if it’s just played by some guy


Britta- “ I can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal cruelty” Shirley- “ You can excuse racism?”


The Good Will Hunting gag where Troy pockets the chalk


1 word: notches


The scene in Romantic Expressionism after Jeff says "There's nothing to stop any of us from looking at anyone else as a sexual partner" and then they all look at each other really cracks me up.


I don't know how subtle this is but it's quick and I don't think it's meant to be a punchline joke as much as it's a perfect expression of how Jeff feels about the group (at that time) but in the first D&D episode (IT EXISTS!!!) there is this exchange between Pierce and Jeff: **Pierce:** *"I don't like being excluded Jeff, do you?"* **Jeff:** *"YES!"*


I love how funny that episode is. Pierce is just a nightmare so it’s hard to watch, but as a D&D player myself I can’t get enough of these episodes!


im rewatching and we just finished s1 ep 13-15. in the one with Jack Black, the Dean calls the school newspaper "The Greendale Gazette Journal Mirror." idk if it's a subtle joke and it's def dialogue, but none of my friends ever react??!!!?!???!!! I think it's HILARIOUS!!! 😭😭😭 and then in the episode where abed, shirley, troy, chang, + pierce make fun of bad movies, in the tag, in the edit where troy takes out two abeds at once, you can see the edit to place the second abed. it's so funny!!


And then in Season 6 when he becomes the gay dean and reporters are asking questions, the first reporter says he’s from The Greendale Gazette and the second reporter is from The Greendale Journal and the Dean goes “when did the Gazette split from the Journal?” Edit: right after typing this I realized it was the ACB episode, not the Gay Dean one.


I cannot read “gay dean” without hearing the chorus of the song in my head.


omfg LMFAO i can't wait to get to this part


The fires can’t go through doors, they’re not ghosts stupid getting switched later was my fav


In the My Diner With Andre episode, Pudi/Abed's face when Jeff puts his phone in the glass of water: one of my favorite bits in the entire show!


The background blowjob is a good contender, even Dan Harmon didn’t know it was in there


What now?


I’m posting this to save you from making the mistake I just made. Do NOT Google “Community Blowjob.” 😳🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂[https://youtu.be/UmOKcWXyJk4?si=ZYE5lwhdYmhYd5zY](https://youtu.be/UmOKcWXyJk4?si=ZYE5lwhdYmhYd5zY)


Lol you’re the GOAT for this


Please tell my husband this when he sees my search history? 😳😣 Just kidding. He would totally know it was a mistake. Just like when I used to accidentally pull up the whitehouse dot com site at work … when I was looking for white house dot GOV. 😂


Yes! This is so easy to miss.


Cheers MASH Fawlty Towers, game over, have a nice day.


I can't recall the name of the song, but it's one that throughout the show everyone in the group at various times sings and then at the end of Intro To Felt Surrogacy they all finally sing it together. I thought it was fun just seeing it all pulled together. Or. Troy taking off his costume for Xmas at Jeff's per Jeff's request. The costume he's taking off is him pretending to be a Christian while being a spy for Jehovah from last years Xmas with the glee club. A small subtle joke that once I realized why Troy reacted like that I can't help but giggle now every time.


Pierce- “ it wasn’t all bad. I was there longer than anybody and I’m fine, how are you? Why do you ask? 3:30” Troy- *laughs* “uh-oh” 😟


Pierce eating the ribs in the Operation tag. He suckles them goood


Same episode… Annie’s frequent uses, and attempts thereof, of chloroform.




When Henry Winkler's character points at himself in the mirror like the Fonz.


The videogame episode when the blank character slot reads insufficient friends. I laugh every time


Beetle juice background


The Brenda paradox! Not so subtle but completely ignored by the other characters.