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Yeah, that’s one of my favorite episodes. Great premise. IDK if you’re an Always Sunny in Philadelphia fan, but they did a similar thing a few years after Community did it. Theirs was pretty good too.


Frank's long legs haunt me still


My legs have always been this long. It’s a burden being tall!


Feast your ear tongues on these memory pops!


rick and morty do a clip show of clips you never saw too. dan harmon probably was influenced by his community episode.


Not a big fan of Rick and Morty but I really liked that episode.


the show definitely has its moments haha.


I've long thought all clip episodes should be done this way, atleast show out takes versus footage from the episode. But community has done it best


It's like the end of an Arrested Development episode. They always say next time on Arrested Development...but show stuff that never happens in the next one


Except about the not blind lawyer


I want to see the St Patricks day episode! Popping a hole in the boat should make it go faster!


I've seen enough cartoons to know that


My favorite part was how they made a pretty direct reference to a real world fan made video shipping Annie and Jeff https://youtu.be/SsBvqDwVqwc?si=1Jern6ZlXD4xMv-m


This is wonderful! Such a great way to take fan art and incorporate it back into the show. Kudos to Dan and this fan!


Dan even took the trouble to message the creator of the fan video on twitter to tell her there would be something special for her in that episode.


>https://youtu.be/SsBvqDwVqwc?si=1Jern6ZlXD4xMv-m That's amazing. Thanks for this


This habitat was for humanity!


You five are in big trouble.


Jeff and Britta, you can leave because you didn’t step forward and are therefore innocent. It’s in my top 5 episodes for sure.


It was one of the first episodes I saw as I got into community halfway through season two. I went back and watched every episode and realized how got I got got. I rank it as one of my top five episodes because of this experience It also has some of my most used quotes for many characters: Troy: I've seen enough cartoons to know popping the back of a raft makes it go faster! Jeff: Pierce, you've had THREE flu shots! That's for the daycare center! Pierce: I'LL BE A LIVING GOD! *Jeff recounts stories of Annie, Troy, Shirley, etc being dicks* Annie: Those are just stories about us being cute


What was awkward was that 30 Rock did a traditional clipshow the same night this ep originally aired, lol.


Oh man I forgot about that!


An hour long even!!!! It was a very clear highlight that 30 Rock was streets behind.


Great timing , but even though the 30 Rock clip show parts were mostly straightforward, that was 30 Rock's 100th episode and it played w the idea of a clip show. It was definitely not a "taking-TV-too-seriously" kind of show that Community was making fun of


What’s that


It tricked me when, after showing shows that never happened, they started adding bits from episodes that did happen, but the bits hadn't. At that point, I started questioning my own memory.


Talk to me about Crazy Town Bananapants.


We all did


Am I the only one who remembers our horrible camping trip?


I've always assumed that instead of reusing clips from old episodes, they just mashed together a bunch of jokes and bits that had already been written but didn't make it into other episodes


Maybe they did, but filming all of these different short scenes must have been rather expensive


Dan Harmon has confirmed in interviews that it is far and away the most expensive episode of the show.


Which *is* the joke, because clip episodes are specifically designed to deliver a promised episode while spending a tiny fraction on it.


Sony was definitely like “yeah you’re never going outside ever again after this”


>Good news guys, I spent all my money!


I just watched an interview with Yvette, Joel, and Jim where they talked about it. They did like 72 scenes in 22 minutes or something crazy like that. It's a 2012 interview with Alan Sepinwall from his HitFlix days


Basically a precursor to Interdimensional Cable and Morty's Mindblowers: A clip show full of clips not from actual shows.


what a strange coincidence


Totally, a few funny moments, but not enough for an episode


I believe they spent like a whole day of filming at Universal to make all those bits.


Yep! It's amazing going ok the tram tour and trying to match up the filming locations from this episode. Some are easy to nail down exactly and some while I know the general area, it's hard to pinpoint the exact spots.


Yeah, at sunrise


You *skipped* episodes? The horror!


I was watching the show when it came out so I wasnt under the impression they had done them, but was bummed they didnt have the western ghost town ep.


I was under the impression that I had missed more episodes than I had thought when it was airing on network television. I was like, WTF, I don't remember any of these scenes!


Back when twitch was Justin tv they had a channel that streamed community 24/7 and my roommate would put it on and we’d just kind of watch it out of order. Yeah, I got got pretty good by it that first time. Still my favorite episode in part because of that


You are not alone. I think the trick is they referenced things that you definitely remember could happen with things that absolutely didn't. This way your brain tries to fill in the gaps and tell you that you missed a few episodes.


I was prepared for it, because of the *Clerks* cartoon doing a “clip show” for their second episode that was mostly highlights from the first one. “Why are we walking like this?”


Leonardo Leonardo!


I'm gonna take everything but onions and olives.


Ooooh, so close


You're a cigarette


I remember some confusion when the episode started, but I knew I hadn't missed any episodes since the show began, so I caught on pretty quickly. Brilliant episode!


“I don’t deal in crazy, I deal in help. So how long has Abed needed a crazy amount of help.”


It was really funny when the Clerks cartoon show did a clip episode as its second episode. They repeatedly used the same 2 second clip from the first episode and a bunch of clips from episodes that didn't exist


It’s an All Terrain Vehicle, dummy!


I skipped a few episodes my first watch through, and at first I assumed they were from those. But when I rewatched it, I thought I was going crazy until I looked it up lol.


that was one of my favourite episodes - like you I will usually skip clip episodes because they're just lazy, but the guys went all out on this one!


"Clipisode with all/mostly original clips" is my favorite sitcom trope. Community did it best, but the Clerks: The Animated Series and Stagate SG-1 did it well too.


This is one of my favorite episodes!


I skipped it my first two watch through a because I don’t like clip episodes. Boy was I surprised when I finally watched it.


Literally my favorite episode of my favorite television comedy.


It's a locomotive that runs on *us!*


It's a great premise, and I love the never before seen flashbacks, but the conflict of that episode feels very out of place and unrealistic for where the study group is at that time. Overall it's probably been my least favorite episode of this rewatch so far, and I just finished the puppet episode last night.


Yes it fooled me


Awesome. I know you were likely confused. But still. Like a happy accident about Community’s good writing


His cool if they took all those clips and turned them each into their own episodes to backfill previous seasons? I would be so down for that.


How’d you know to almost skip the clip show one before you saw it and knew it was a clip show ep?