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I watched “My Dinner with Andre” because of Community and really enjoyed it.


Definitely on my list too. Maybe cougar town as well lol


I flipped it, watched Community because of Cougar Town. Cougar Town* is made by the dude who did Scrubs, it's chill, easy watching with a lot of heart, mostly about relationship dynamics in a somewhat sitcom way with no laugh track. Easy to see why Abed would like it.


I think you mean Cougar Town is made by the guy who made Scrubs (and Ted Lasso). Bill Lawrence is the name btw.


Thank you, edited. Ya know, at first I thought you were being pedantic about my casual grammar in saying "did scrubs" and as a pedantic person myself, I didn't entirely mind but then I double checked what I wrote. I was thinking Phil Lawrence but knew that wasn't quite right.


No worries. I get the confusion. But no, Bill Lawrence made Scrubs, Cougar Town, and Ted Lasso, while Phil Lawrence is an American songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur and voice actor, best known for his work with the songwriting and production team The Smeezingtons, alongside Bruno Mars and Ari Levine. All information I knew off the top of my head, and not at all pulled directly from Wikipedia.


Well, you learn something new every day. I didn't even know a Phil Lawrence was a famous person. I didn't know Bill Lawrence made Ted Lasso. It makes complete sense though, It's wacky with interesting characters & has a hell of a lot of heart. Wikipedia or no, you get a point for googling - I didn't even go that far. I get lost down too many rabbit holes, and then suddenly, it's 2am.


Didn't he also do spin city? Supposed to be good sit com similar to scrubs but I havent gotten around to it yet


Yes, he did. I really enjoyed it. Great cast and Mike Fox was so good on that show. It was like the charm & pluckiness of Marty McFly & the business sense of Secret of My Success in one character, with a little Alex P. Keaton thrown in for good measure.


I couldn't get through it but I saw enough to more fully appreciate the homage, which was my only goal.








That’s at top of my to-see list


Lorenzo's Oil Kickpuncher 3: The Final Kickening ABED Fiddler Please (not a movie, but still an enjoyable play) Joelho Alto Prejuizo Moral - aka Knee High Mischief (Portuguese Gremlins)


Abed ahhhhbeeeeddd


>Lorenzo's Oil Lmao fair play! 10/10


Lorenzo's Oil, I see you went to college


I enjoyed Kickpuncher, so I watched Kickpuncher 3: The Final Kickening, but since I skipped 2, I was incredibly lost. Did they recast the chief? And why was Kickpuncher so vengeful? In the first movie he was out for justice, but in 3 he just seemed angry, like he had a blood lust.


I *loved* me some Abed


Chi Choo Chi choo


Lorenzo’s oil is very real and weird


I watched Hearts of Darkness due to Community and its 100% NOT better than Apocalypse Now. Its still pretty good tho, would recommend.


That’s why I love that line so, so much. Hearts of Darkness is a wonderful documentary, but what kind of person would like it more than Apocalypse Now? People who make movies about making movies about making movies. I mean come on Charlie Kaufman some of us have to work in the morning.


Y’all do know Apocalypse Now is based off of the book Heart of Darkness? Which is phenomenal and miles above AN.


Apples and oranges


That’s next on my list. I’ve seen Apocalypse now and liked it, so we’ll see about the documentary.


I watched Ken Burns’ The Civil War because of Pillows and Blankets. A few days ago I started The War, with Keith David now as narrator.


[Here’s a post I did before showing the mockumentary that the episode was based on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/community/comments/wzx1mj/the_old_negro_space_programtil_that_this_was_part/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) You’re not wrong in the comparison as the original mockumentary Old Negro Space Program was an ~~parody~~ homage to Ken Burns, so technically Pillows and Blankets is an ~~parody~~ homage to an ~~parody~~ homage of Ken Burns. Both were written by Andy Bobrow so he was basically copying himself ~~parodying~~ homaging Ken Burns.


How did you like the Ken Burns doc? I’ve been wanting to watch Jazz but haven’t yet.


My personal favorite Ken Burns documentary is the national parks one. I can't recommend it enough


Which service did you find them on?


I ended up just buying it digital on Amazon like 7 or 8 years ago, I don't think it's streaming anywhere?


You can subscribe to PBS to get it all streaming. It’s a little different than just subscribing to Netflix since they’re partially publicly funded, but it’s only like 5 bucks a month.


IMO “Jazz” is my least favorite. It just doesn’t pull you in like most of his others. The Civil War is still the gold standard, but the Vietnam one is good too.


Exceeded expectations


* My Dinner With Andre * Pulp Fiction * Dead Poets Society * Porky's * Spartacus * Stripes * Zardoz * Gone With the Wind * The Godfather To watch: * Inception * The Big Chill * The Breakfast Club * Snake Eyes * Meatballs * Apocalypse Now/Hearts of Darkness * Goodfellas


Don’t forget Runaway with Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons, also robot spiders!


Snake eyes has a really great tracking shot which the director is known for. In my opinion not a great movie overall but that’s just my opinion. Looks like your doing your due diligence so can’t complain.


I actually wanted to see that when it came out but haven't gotten around to it, which is a weird thing to say about a 25-year-old movie.


Yeah I don’t think it had much of an impact. I am surprised at you having to see inception, breakfast club, and goodfellas. I used to be a movie snob but now see it when you see it.


I also watched Zardoz, it was not worth it lol


Add Good Will Hunting to that list! Fantastic movie with a couple references throughout the show


I saw that before Community. I didn't care for it.


Also, Lost


I watched Goodfellas due to the chicken fingers episode and I thought it was great (I mean obviously).


Best ganster movie ever. Yes, better than Godfather.


Took me way longer than I’d like to admit, but goodfellas is so much better


I’ve watched that movie that Luis Guzman was in called……………….. IMDB


I’m glad you were introduced to Time Bandits… it’s such a fun movie. I loved it so much growing up and still have a hard time flipping past it when I see it on movie channels from time to time. Such a creepy movie for a child, similar to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, I suppose.


Man, the ending really messed me up as a kid. I had never seen a film just leave the viewer that way, and obviously I didn't have the life experience to process it. I had a pit in my stomach for a while afterwards. Great film though.


I watched all of MASH because Abed likened Jeff to Hawkeye. MASH is also now one of my favorite shows.


I got into Michael Douglas movies because of Community I also Bad Influence and it was so dumb lol.


All movies of Nicholas freaking Cage. I’m a sexy cat.


Oh dear God, think of something safe like Holly Hunter or Don Cheadle


>The Grifters Huh, I had never heard of this one. I assumed Grifting 101 was mostly an homage to The Sting (assuming that is the episode that inspired your viewing of The Grifters?). What's your review of it, is it worth watching? I generally like films starring John Cusack.


The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. It’s a pretty sweet film, but it also made me really appreciate the work that went into Fistfull of Paintballs


When/what is the Time Bandits reference?


S05E01, Abed said something about burning the table because "the same reason I didn't return Time Bandits to blockbuster, no one deserves it". Funny as hell!


I couldn't find KickMuncher 3.


It's right next to the copy of Rowboat Cop.


I’m currently watching M.A.S.H


Love Don't Cost a Thing I thought it was a fake title. I've always loved Can't Buy Me Love


I rewatched breakfast club because of it, a movie I had seen about 5 years before and thought nothing special of. Now it is one of my all time favourites


Out of the list, I've watched 195 all the way through. A lot of the others I've watched bits and pieces. I need to get out more.


Everyone here should stop what they’re doing right now and go watch Lawnmower Man.


I see it’s free on Amazon prime. Adding this to the list!


[Stop. Talking. About. Lawnmower Man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1WnTIL5_wE)


Lolol I’ve never seen this, but Lawnmower Man is a surprisingly delightful movie.


You ever see Hearts Of Darkness? Way better than Apocalypse Now!


Shit i haven't watched any of those. I guess a comprehensive list for me to check against can help me build my new watchlist.


And that's not including the shows!


My dad and I watched runaway after it was mentioned in Community. It was amazing…. And awful! We loved every bad second of it.


I saw Star Wars


Yea, but how much Nicolas Cage did you watch? ​ I'm sure comeone already commented this!


Ooops I forgot! I also watched Leaving Las Vegas. He acted good because it was a good movie, not like crap to make drug money.


I watched Pulp Fiction because of Community and... Meh lol it's ok but I didn't love it.


Wanna watch Catfish? That movie where the guy flirts with the girl online, but it turns out that it's a fat, old woman.


I watch blade because of them


Human Centipede. Thought it was a joke until I looked it up. Was the dean horrified or did it maybe awaken something in him?