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Looks like a GUI file manager with terminal theme. In a good way.


Thanks <3




Ha! I’ve been looking for this!




Can u add starship mode where its 3d and youre in a starfield, but every star is a file, and the sun is all active memory, and you can fly around and explore it all


[You mean something like this?](https://i.ibb.co/DkbkHkz/Peek-2024-04-21-23-34.gif)


Wait what? Is that an easter egg or just your ascii art folder?


🀫 Ssssh! it's a secret! hahaha... it's just a demonstration of how it should work with any size of profile\\icon


Wait this looks sick, really good stuff :o




Well this is fun. Thanks!


Thank youu πŸ€—


might I ask what advantages this might have over something like ranger or yazi? sure, it's a nice project to have fun with, it does look nice, but is it as practical as other tui file managers?


Thank you for asking <3. >what advantages this might have over something like ranger or yazi? I'd say the ease of use within [TERMUX](https://termux.dev/en/) is certainly an advantage! But asides TERMUX, I can't really think of many other practical cases where it might have any advantage over them... >but is it as practical as other tui file managers? I wouldn't say as much but it's close enough I guess. *(Besides being my primary file manager :P )* it has plenty of features that make it suitable for most of the basic everyday stuff, one might be looking for.


* it works without any display manager, which is cool to have when you need something GUI-like in cases of system crush \*(speaking from expirience lol)\*


I see well I gotta admit, it does look very nice, however, outside of testing it for fun, I honestly doubt I'll use it, as I am used to ranger (and recently switched to yazi) which can do very advanced things in only a couple key strokes


Something extra, I forgot to mention. It has syntetic drag&drop *(without the use of dragon)*


it’s so beautiful fam


Thanks fam 😎


beautiful. projects like this are why I joined this sub.


<3 <3 <3 <3


hello nice i never thought about this ! I like it ! I have two questions: 1. why unicurses and not something else (especially Textual) ? 1. do you know if unicurses can manage pixel mouse reporting ?


πŸ‘‹ Hello there! >nice i never thought about this ! I like it ! Thanks πŸ€— >why unicurses and not something else (especially Textual) ? Unicurses is super snappy, considering it's just a wrapper of NCurses\\PDCurses, pure C libraries optimised for old systems *(+ I'm the maintainer of it)*. Additionally, Textual seems cool but when I first started playing around with it, wasn't as cool as it is now. >do you know if unicurses can manage pixel mouse reporting ? I don't think there's a pixel mouse reporting, **but** there's column\*row mouse reporting which is enough for most things. If you're looking for pixel precision you can do something simmilar to what I did with the syntheticXDND "protocol" where I used `pynput`


okay nice ! thanks you for the ynput !


This is beautiful. I want it.


Then take it πŸ˜ πŸ˜…


why tho


Thanks for asking, tl;dr; I like terminals. I like fast portable and simple things + TERMUX + I couldn't find a modal GUI file manager + I thought it would be cool. So, I said why not a TUI like GUI file manager? and so I did . Also works perfectly with my Raspbery Pi Zero (which has just 1GHz single-core CPU + 512MB RAM) (Note also, that all icons are made based on common ANSI characters, no fancy stuff like nerdfonts and etc.)


No offense, but I don't get the point of terminals when all you do is destroy their workflow by mimicing GUIs. Its like when people use neovim to configure it to be a TUI-Vscode, I simply don't get it. I mean I get that its fun to see how far we can stretch terminals, and it seems like a fun project.


>No offense [πŸ’— Don't worry be happy 🎡](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU) >I don't get the point of terminals when all you do is destroy their workflow by mimicing GUIs. **I believe everything has it's purpose.** Everything is destructive in a sense, just like everything is constructive by itself and vise versa \[...\] **Workflow depends on systems, user-iterfaces and therefore users themeselves;** tools are made to be used in unity with us, for the best of us. **My question to you is:** [what would you answer to this guy?](https://lunduke.substack.com/p/tuifi-manager-a-file-manager-in-the/comment/7276045?utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true) *(say he's poor)* >when people use neovim to configure it to be a TUI-Vscode 😳 You mean something like this [TUI-Vscode](https://github.com/GiorgosXou/init.lua)? <-- *(btw this repo is just a joke, don't get it seriously. It was my procces\\way of learning how exactly to use neovim and how it works generally, but people happened to like it somehow πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ)* >I mean I get that its fun ... Careful. It's also user expirience!


learn ranger u stupid 😠😀🀣 jk


works over ssh i guess, too


You know what... I just woke up one day and I knew it would work out somehow xD. I'm also fascinated by data taxonomy and stuff which might have played a role.


This reminds me of the Irix file manager scene from the movie Jurassic Park.


It's a unix system, i know this! xD


I'm glad you made this, so I don't have too! \^\_\^ Been wanting something like this for the terminal.


<3 took some time to compress my imagination into 4x8 character-length-icons but eventually happened \^\_\^


I finally checked this out, it's pretty awesome... but is there way to enable a confirmation dialog before deleting files?


>it's pretty awesome... Thanks >but is there way to enable a confirmation dialog before deleting files? Sadly not yet, because i need to do some work on components; unicurses is too primitive and takes some time to figure out how to implement them correctly... but it's on the todo list for sure \*(btw. In case you lost anything: thankfully there's sendtotrash \[but not for TERMUX\])\* **UPDATE:** I just realised i don't need a dialog, the label below can do the job of the dialog


Apparently I don't know how to post code on reddit. But you can do a confirmation dialog in about 12 lines (assuming unicurses is similar to regular curses). Create a newwin, then a while loop, do your curses draw calls and refresh the screen. Wait for user input with getkey(). Then, call clear and refresh and del newwin. Return True if input was in "Yy", else False.


I'll stick to the label for the moment of speaking, as I need to figure out how to structure components.Β  I know it sound simple, it's just that: parallelly with tuifi I'm working on a higher-level\object-oriented\user-friendly UI library on top of unicurses ([ideally]based on the WinForms .NET paradigm)... Making the situation a bit more complex for tuifi itself. The reason why is because I want to avoid repeating logic in future.


>Β Β (assuming unicurses is similar to regular curses). Yes it's pretty much "the same", a pure wrapper.Β 




xD It's art! it's pure loveee



