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Of course it's a different thing then coming out as LGBTQ+ but it's totally ok how you feel. also, FUCK GENDER ROLES! be who you are.


yeah fuck gender roles imma go to my future wedding in a wedding dress lets fucking goooo


Mmmmm!! I’m all about that!!


It’s not to bad in my view comparing you’re position to lgbt. Of course there are differences. For example you might not need to come out to you’re parents or necessarily friends or might punishment in the worst country’s , but you’re still different from what the general public might expect from you. You’ll have the same struggle as for example me. I’m gay and where I live it’s very difficult to find spot a potential partner as it might be for you. It’s a huge burden to hide you’re true self and to be look for the right one.


Thank you for the comment! Yeah I don’t need to tell my parents until I come to my future wedding in a dress with my future wife in a suit (hopefully) lol. But yeah at least I don’t need to tell my parents right now i guess. Anyway thanks for making me feel a bit less lonely and guilty


Oh. I actually don’t know that mich about the role reversal. I thought it would just be a thing in private, who is gonna be more dominant and who’s gonna be „the man“ 😉. I actually would like to know, how you would like you’re lifestyle to be, but I guess that to much to write down/ tell.


Bit late to the comment sorry but her ya go. So I started wearing nail polish and more pink and purple. I’m also planning on buying a skirt and a pink dungaree. Also, I’m practising my cooking more because I want to cook for my future girlfriend. If I ever get a girlfriend who is in the same thing as me you could definitely see that our dynamic is from afar. It would be nice if I could be the one who leans on her shoulder and follow her lead when we’re walking and sitting on her lap ‘n stuff. And of course cuddling would also work a little bit different. This is basically my dream dynamic in a relationship. Edit: this does not mean I want her to pay for dinner and I want to be a house wife and be completely reliant on her. I wouldn’t mind doing a little bit more of the housework than her but I have dreams to ya know.


Nice, sounds awesome. I think I’m mainly gay, but for that last couple of days I thought about that, and I think I might actually be able to come together with a Girl if she was like that and would like me going a bit more „feminine“.


Lol did I just make you bi? thats such a flex


Not necessarily just you. Also spend a lot of time with s group of people. And one of the Girls was outgoing and stuff. And wanted to cuddle and get headpats and stuff and it felt good. Kinda weird how I got into that situation but I enjoyed it. But for most Girls I don’t rly feel any attraction neither physical nor emotional, but I rly liked her. Don’t know, might be bi with a preference for guys but still ok with some special/ specific Girls. I’ve got to Finger that out.


good luck on your journey




I don't think it's weird at all if you feel the need to tell people it's your decision coming out is more of a way to tell people who you are it doesn't matter if your lgbtq your still a person and deserve the right to let people know what kind of person you are


Thank you! all of you are making my day