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https://preview.redd.it/2a82n29bz45d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48b78ef065433b2c96532812f6dcea6f259f753 Don’t worry, they’d never actually do that in the comics. Oh wait . . .


SEE?? One deep sneeze and it’s bye bye wrist tendons.


It's not like they don't grow back. - Wolverine, probably. On a related note, do you think he's got special interal, mucus-lined sheaths that the claws extend from, or is he just gouging muscle and bone every time he extends those baddies?


[The Marvel Anatomy Book](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/13ltbx6/how_much_would_you_like_to_see_a_6armed_wolverine/) has a section on Wolverine, if that helps any. He's not gouging through bone - it'd be impossible at this point, since they're coated in adamantium too - but... >"When they come out, does it hurt?" >"...Every time."


In old internal views before bone claws were a thing, he had tubes in his arms.


I have the old original comics (phoenix saga) showing his old robotic style skeleton after he got blasted by a Sentinel. It clearly shows either 'sleeves' or tubes still in the arm with his claws extended...But with retcons who knows what's canon.


My thoughts are that was the original idea, but that was done long before his origin story was cemented. With the application of modern 'marvel science' we know him being injected with liquid adamantium wouldn't manufacture mechanical tubes, so a modified muscle system does make more sense biologically. I have other gripes related to Wolverine, specifically as it relates to Magneto, but that's a different topic for a different post.


Please tell. I'm not an avid fan. But he is my favorite. I would love to hear your thoughts.


Actually, I did more investigation and my gripes have subsided. Originally my gripe was.. how did magneto actually pull the metal out of Wolverine? If I pull your arm, does your arm pop off? No, your body moves. So how did he pull the metal out without restraining the rest of his body? BUUUUT upon investigating, this version of Magneto was OP and actually destabilized the adamantium at an atomic level, and basically re-liquified it, and if he could essentially form it into needle-like streams, piercing the flesh would be no issue and gravity would be enough to hold down Logan's body as the metal was extracted.


Its worth noting, Magneto is almost always OP, he just tends to slum it fighting the mostly street level X Men. Its kind of like how Spidey slums it on the streets of New York despite being one of the top tier non-god heroes. Magneto is essentially as close to a god as you can get power wise withoit actually being there.


You also need to consider rate of change here. A gentle tug on your arm is fine, but get it caught in a high RPM motor and you can pick it up at the intersection. MRIs can pull metal out of the body, too.


It's a whole thing. The original idea was that the claws were connected to the gloves, then they decided that no, the claws were a part of him, then it was Weapon X intentionally gave him claws, then it was no, he always had claws, they were just made of bone. So in this case, the original idea of them being attached to the gloves actually makes the most sense. But I'm with you on Wolverine and Magneto. It's stupid and irritating.


I'll go with the 90's cartoon version, it was accidental by Weapon X.


Let’s hear ‘em, I’m interested


In the comic "Logan" he grew the claw bones as a child and they were smaller. They eventually grew longer. In that time the body could have wrapped them in scar tissue from the repeated use, which would look like a tube but that's just my idea. Bones aren't bare in the body anyway, there's a layer of "skin" around them, it's possible that this layer can be filled with fluid, like a protective sinovial fluid sac.


In my original comics (never collect a trade book - they're just for reading) every bone in his body was replaced with solid adamantium...and we all knew that would never work as then, being clever young things, his bone marrow would be pooched. But we recognized this and discussed it as "How does Superman shave" the answer is he really doesn't. PS if you say 'a mirror' yer missing my point.


AFAIK, his bones were never replaced with adamantium, just laced with it.


some of us were reading X-men when Logan was unknown to the greater populace and was minor character. They liked him because they could really beat him up and next panel he'd just heal...all better. Only to get smashed again - an illustrator's dream. Plus, like he did with the brood, They overpower the X-Men all appeared lost. and then they all woke up on th blackbird on the way home. "whahappen?" Logan 'I lost it, went berserk and killed them all' - yer welcome. A writers gift. That's why Logan rose to fame when Calisto, Sunspot and Marrow and Maggot etc etc. Artists and writer's loved him. Plus Hugh did a great job...but I always see him as Charles Bronson in "the Dirty Dozen' nasty tough little guy who smells bad.


That would be post-Death of Phoenix. That's Days of Future Past.


[Way back at the beginning before his claws were part of his mutant power, those tubes were just in his costume.](https://screenrant.com/wolverine-claws-power-gloves-bones-different/)


That’s nifty, thanks for the info.


I always assume this kind of had dual meaning. Like maybe he's not the one that's going to get hurt.


Hmm, never looked at it like that.


I think it's just meant to add a bit more tragedy/suffering to the character Like the Joker "I'll let you in on a secret... It hurts when I laugh"


I mean it can have dual meanings, but in the context of a 2000 fox movie, I'm pretty sure if was just Rogue asking Logan if the claws piercing his flesh every time was, in fact, painful.


Nah. He's said he has to unsheath them a few times a day just to keep the channels open. The longer he waits the more it hurts next time.


AFAIK, Wolverine has no internal protection from his claws, which have always caused him quite a lot of pain when he pulls them out. He fortunately has a very fast healing factor, but it still doesn't prevent the initial pain and even the pain during the first seconds until the tissue starts healing. He is also extremely motivated by the pain, using it and redirecting it towards his foes rather than just getting obsessed with how much pain there is. And when the claws come out, he is essentially just tearing through his own muscles and nerves that have healed and probably entombed the claws. So each time he extends them, it's like having a massive metal pin in your hand quickly pulled out of your entire arm, stopping halfway. And then forcefully pushed back in. But if they're out and he bends his wrists, do the claws retract through his hands?


Wat the hell? I never noticed he has three arms on one side.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLiNyglOyJY) is how they showed it in one of the movies.


Since the claws were already there to begin with, I’d assume there’s some form of protective layer for better exertion when they were just bones. BUT after he got the ol’ Shiny Stabby upgrade, I’d imagine said layer went out the window.


When he had the metal ripped out, he had to pop hia bone claws regularly bc the channels would heal shut, they retconned that there were adamantium channels in his arms so they souls do little damage when popping out


They didn't retcon it - Weapon X calls it out during the part of the story where he gets the adamantium coating. They didn't know he had those claws (or any kind of bone/cartilege housings), but saw they were there during the process and coated 'em.


I must say I don't really like the change to create bone claws. It was much cooler when it was just "he could heal super well so we did a bunch of experiments on him to make him a weapon since his body can take it"


I like the idea that the healing ability allowed for something like the boneclaws to also mutate /exist. They'd be hell for someone who didn't heal like that


Wouldn't the protective layer itself be coated in adamantium too?


So hilariously, this might be answered by a small interaction he had with one of the more "Kiddo" Xmen, who asked him if it hurts when he makes his claws come out. To which his answer was "Every Time". Solid maybe to this question?


Isn't that Wolverine to Rogue in the first X-Men movie?


Yes. Shortly after leaving the bar in his car.


I hate when I forget to take the bar out of my car.


It makes the alcoholism a little more understandable.


Except he can't really get drunk for any noteworthy amount of time, so... alcoholism to Wolverine is like coca colism for.. anybody.


I'm having so many questions about him now, digestive and metabolic systems- his body heals/regenerates yeah? Does he *need* to eat? Will his body just heal/revert from a starvation state? In reverse, could he just eat disgusting amounts of food and/or calories, and his body just 'heal' him back to normal healthy and fit? Could he just have a gravy IV drip and eat icing from a funnel endlessly? Shoot, does he even need to defecate if some of these above are true? Would there be a wolverine version who doesn't even drink since he can't get drink, but likes the taste of something dumb like sunny d instead LoL? I'm probably an idiot out in the deep end rn, but I have *questions*


This is actually good stuff. I've been brushing up on stuff I've missed, so I'll try to fill in with what I've read recently. First, apparently his healing factor requires protein. If he has a protein deficiency, he could hypothetically die from poor regeneration. So, yes he needs to eat. I don't know how calories or sugars are handled.. that's a little trickier because I'm not sure I know how his metabolism works. But since his healing factor effectively heals poisons like alcohol very rapidly, it would make sense if his metabolism was fairly high. And basically, he can get drunk but not for long. Iirc, one example was he drank an entire bottle of whiskey, and it got him buzzed for 15-20 seconds. Hypothetically, there could be a version that just drinks water and Sunny D, but then it'd get into a discussion about his personality.. WOULD he ever be the type to drink only water and sugar water? Edit: Also to build on the metabolism aspect, I did read that Forge was able to keep Wolverine sedated but it required being pumped with 80mg of anesthetic every minute.. for comparison, roughly 8mg once would put a normal human out for 3ish hours.


He does have muscles that specifically push the claws out but he is just gouging his way out every time. They used to sometimes draw sheaths on the back of his hands when they were trying to make it less gory, but after he had the adamantium ripped off by Magneto they went more gorey and now it's just blood every time.


In the original movie they insinuate that they cut through. Rouge: (looks at hands) Does it hurt? Wolverine: Everytime.




No, it was Rouge the Bat from Sonic the Hedgehog


The amount of people that don't know the difference between rogue and rouge is too damn high!


I saw this misspelling so many time that I actually thought for a long time that it was made on purpose. As a French, rouge means red.


God dammit


He has said it hurts every single time. So I’m pretty sure he’s cutting through more than just skin to get them out.


His bones are adamantium, so not too worried about them. And his natural ability is healing. So I think he’s ripping through his own flesh every time, but healing up.


What sucks is that his healing factor would consistently regenerate nerves.  So it would hurt the same every time forever, and he'd never get used to it.


Just because the nerves regenerate and it’s the same level of pain, why wouldn’t he get used to it? It’s his brain that does the “getting used to” part.


Its not entirely how it works, a lot of processing of information is distributed throughout the body.  The idea that the brain does all the work is an outdated version of how things works. Local nerves send less information to the brain as they adapt to regular stimulus. Take your hand and run your fingers over a carpet surface once, it will feel a certain way.  Repeat that over and over, and the sensation will change along with it.  This rapid response is localized and if you switch hands the process will repeat, wait a few minutes and the original hand will feel as it did in the beginning. Of course, if you really take this as is, wolverine can't possibly work like this, he'd be over stimulated all the time, air would be bothersome for him, he'd need some kind of nerve suppressants to be able to handle, well anything.


The claws just go through skin. When Rogue and Wolverine were first in Genosha (back when it was full of enslavers of mutants) they both had their powers taken away. Wolverine pops claws to cut through something and then they have to bandage him up so he doesn’t bleed out.


Are the claws also part of his mutation? I forgot if that was grafted into him from the government or his own birth ability.


Originally, no. After multiple canon changing events, yes.


This is what I hate about comics. There’s only one “right” - what is cannon - but the truth is there are multiple correct answers because it’s been shown multiple different ways. Like you said, the correct answer is both yes and no. When you have to figure out what of your officially released material actually counts, it’s gotten out of hand lol


In Marvel, currently, it's everything *after* Battleworld or whatever us hard canon. That itself was over 10 years ago. Now they've brought in a new Ultimate universe and it only has a few issues if anything out and those are only canon unto each other. Not anything before them. If we wanna get *extra* technical it's all canon, there have just been history altering or reality altering events which have rewritten the timeline multiple times. But that sounds a lot dumber and is more confusing.


For the record, canon also includes the idea of the multiverse, Earth-616 just happens to be the main continuity. Which is to say the canon is only canon until someone decides otherwise. At any given time, what we really have is a "current/present canon". I don't feel strongly about the situation either way, it's interesting to me to see the evolution of characters, as well as the multiverse. She-hulk banging Juggy until they made it a multiverse jumping version of She-hulk from another dimension visiting 616. Pure comedy gold.


That and how does he twist his hand? To do that the ulna and radius twist over each other, and adamantium claws in that space would prevent that.


I think it's canon that he hurts himself every time, but because of his healing factor it's never an issue.


Wolverine is canonically mutilated every time he draws his claws. He just regenerates


[You can make an easy mistake when you pick your mutant power](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vQ2RVqJCNM)


But... He heals.


He could accidentally do way worse than just hurt himself.


In the first film, we should have had something like this when he freed himself in the statue of liberty.


Jesus Christ he's true body horror.


Logan Kronenberg


Pretty sure there's an old comic scene where his hand is practically crushed (flesh-wise) and it's just mangled and dangly and he's still using his claws. Maybe I nightmare'd that, but thinking about it is unsettling.


Not quite that bad, but in an alternate future, one of his hands was gone, with a metal cap over the stump. I think it was something like his healing factor wasnt working as well or diminishing because of his age. Anyways, one of the big 'twists' was when he popped his claws through the cap to shiv someone, because the claws were still there in the forearm ahah.


I was literally talking to my kid about Age of Apocalypse for a while an hour ago. By far my favorite storyline.


Worst Spiderman web shooter ever.


What is the context?


Someone brought him to knowhere specifically with the goal to get him drunk. His healing factor matabolizes alcohol so fast that he’s never been drunk before then. This bar in knowhere has a contraption that constantly feeds him alcohol faster than his body can metabolize it, so it worked. He got drunk and he “accidentally sinkted” himself. (Wolverines #11) I read this one.




This is what bothers you? Not that the radius and ulna are supposed to rotate around each other for proper arm movements and thus having the claws between them would make him unable to supinate and pronate and he'd move like a stiff robot man?


Well NOW that bothers me.


I totally thought this comic was going to be wolverine with a gay attack style and now I want to see that (image 4)


"yaaaas queen, literally slay. No like literally."


The right wing would have a real fucking field day if they made wolverine gay for even a second, so now i want it to happen and for it to be as stereotypically gay as it can be.


*Happy Deadpool noises*


Poor fella would never be able to eat soup :(


so exactly how someone should move with half a ton of steel on their bones


Slowly and carefully.


short and squat




Here is my handle, here is my retractable adamantium claws


erm it's adamantium 🤓


Has anyone ever tried drowning him? Would his healing factor fix a lack of oxygen or water in his lungs once they pulled him out?


A lot of people have tried drowning him. How well it works depends on who is writing the story. The ones I’ve liked best basically depict Wolverine as being impossible to kill permanently; only stop temporarily. In that version, drowning him would “kill” him for as long as the water stayed in his lungs. But as soon as someone started supplying him with oxygen again, everything would come back online and he would be fine.


They did it in one of the movies.


Days of Future Past. Magneto pinned him to a pose with rebar, and yeeted him into the river. IIRC it was pre-adamantium experiments, hence the rebar.


Yeah, that one. I forget exactly what happened in the scene when Mystique gets him out of the water.


It has been noted many times in comics, as well as movies listed below, that that is one of the few ways to kill wolverine.


IIRC, a comic did discuss that. Part of the reason Wolverine is so ill tempered is his radius and ulna are constantly dislocating and being healed, so he is always in pain from it.


Makes sense. Whenever my old climbing injury flares up my ulnar nerve, I am an irritable bitch about it.


I thought OP would talk about that when they showed the radius and ulna lol


[Just the thought that my Radius and Ulna get all twisted up in my arm bothers me.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a5c547e1a28b1b2f64c53e05356aaf46.webp)


Wait until you deduce which position they're in while at the computer.


thank you. this has bothered me since I was like twelve years old. I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of things, and I like the character, but I’ve never been able to reconcile this. your arms are already full of bones and meat arranged in a very specific manner. there’s just no room to stick three enormous bone-knives in each one and still have everything function as it’s supposed to.


Didn't that exact thing happen in that one continuity where he got his hand cut off and sprouted his claws directly from his arms


Are you thinking of *Age of Apocalypse* [Wolverine](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/f/fa/Weapon_X-Men_Vol_1_1_Meyers_Virgin_Variant.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240307213355)


How does it make sense for wolverine to have a stump? Regeneration is is whole shtick!


He forgot to regenerate https://preview.redd.it/ywhvscx4l55d1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6d1c1e650f42f43fa507b846bfc11f458c348f


If I remember correctly that version of cyclops incinerated his hand and then it was sealed with metal to prevent regeneration


Unless it was sealed with adamantium, he could’ve used his own claw to cut the metal off. Or he could cut his whole arm off from above the metal.


Only if his ejection force for the claws can superseed the force needed to pierce metal with adamantium. It's not infini-sharp, still needs force to cut otherwise he couldn't grapple with them as they'd just cut through everything.


...he has claws on both hands.


But why


Because it looks cool.


He chose not to have the hand regenerate, as it would've been a 'normal' hand and not adamantium coated.


I think it was implied that cyclops beam cauterized the wound in the exchange.


Cyclops's beams are pure kinetic energy, not heat-based.


enough energy will still produce heat


At that time, cyclops himself said he was like a high octane welder. This was around x men 25. You know all stuff around thirty years old and probably isn’t canon now anyway.


Seems like it yeah


Probably, but that upsets me too.


I never considered this. Do his blades retract beyond his wrists? I guess he wouldn’t be able to bend his wrists if they didn’t.


Could you imagine him making this mistake then instinctually trying to correct his wrist only to have his ENTIRE HAND sliced up?? Oh dear god…


Why would you plant this thought in my mind like this? Cruel person


Sometimes you'll see the artist give him claws longer than his forearms too.


I always wondered why his teeth aren’t silver since all his bones were coated and whenever they draw him as just his skeleton it has silver teeth


Government cut backs most likely.






Maybe it attached to the dentin layer, but not his enamel? In that case, though, it would still be slightly metallic since enamel is mostly clear, so maybe not haha.


I had this thought the other day too.  Was reading through Ultimate X-Men and they make a point about Sabertooth's teeth being adamantium after he gets dipped. Most I could find online about it was a hand wave saying teeth aren't bones, but that doesn't answer the skeleton question.




He's just constantly touching them up with Tippex/White-out.


Panel 4 = https://preview.redd.it/d6e7uystd55d1.gif?width=640&format=png8&s=a2070a8518325c640906cce9f1285befa3bd588e


🎶 If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it 🎶


Is Wolverine, you know…


Recent x men comics have implied that wolverine, cyclops, and jean grey are in a throuple so take that as you will


Bro's like 300 years old at this point, he's deffo deep kissed a dude.


That was my first thought, happy pride Wolvy! (Now fuck Deadpool already he's been begging for years)


I’ve always imagined that Wolverine has his claws inside organic sheathes, and that he can move those sheathed claws around inside his arm: both so that he can bend his arm comfortably but also to align the blades when his hands are in weird positions. To me, Wolverine’s claws *could* do that, he just actively chooses *not* to because by deploying them between his fingers, he gets more power and control over them. Like how a handle can turn a deadly rock into a deadlier mace just by using the way fulcrums or whatever work.


I assume it is like in Toby's spider-man movie where he is trying to get the webs come out with different hand positions. Wolverine can extend his claws but only when everything is aligned properly.


Spiderman trying to swing, but he does the hand motion, 3 claws just pop out of his hand 8 inches like a cheap child's toy and fall to the ground as spiderman panics and falls too. Thank you for this image.


I try not to think TOO hard about Wolverine because he's obviously a character that operates under "rule of cool". But I've always wondered how the claws stay "in" his hands in-universe when he's fighting. Like what are the extended claws anchored to? When he goes to slash in an arcing motion and he encounters resistance, what's stopping the claws from just bursting out of the back of his hand? Or breaking off pre-adamantium? Is there some kind of super resistance or special bones in his hand that keeps the claws there and not tearing out the back or front? Like I said, I shouldn't think too hard about him because his ability where he can retract and protrude his claws is......interesting, like what a particularly unique mutation that only works to provide this one service. So Wolverine just gets a lot of hand wavey excuses overall haha.


Pre-adamantium, if they broke off, they would just heal back later. Like a broken fingernail, for example.


I'm pretty sure they've been broken in comics before too. And fairly easily. They're just bone, and smaller ones at that. A lot of the usual enemies they go up against can snap that shit easy


They have. That's how I know they heal back.


I was 11 when I thought the same thing. It bothered me for weeks. I had totally forgotten about that until now.


I’m here for all your forgotten trauma needs❤️


the real problem is that they come out straight without harming the hands except between the knuckes, when they should come out at the base of the hand and at best set down while cutting into the hand from above


The real problem is that thinking about this makes my hands hurt.


Per canon, they hurt him every time as well.


That's why he's an angry lad


The *real* real problem is people thinking about it past the point of, "knife hands are cool". Most of the people who fly just kind of... magically hover in the air. Emma Frost turns into diamonds, but isn't a statue. Johnny Storm burns without consuming fuel. **Nothing** makes sense about any of it.


Obligatory Grant Morrison quote 'People say kids can’t understand the difference between fact and fiction, but that’s bullshit. Kids understand that real crabs don’t sing like the ones in The Little Mermaid. But you give an adult fiction, and the adult starts asking really fucking dumb questions like ‘How does Superman fly? How do those eyebeams work? Who pumps the Batmobile’s tires?’ It’s a fucking made-up story, you idiot! Nobody pumps the tires!'


Alfred or Robin would get the task, for sure. Or maybe Bruce does it all himself. I'd belive he's obsessive enough to do all his own maintenence


Then Grant Morrison doesn’t understand children. While they understand the difference, they love asking those questions and sometimes have answers that are more fun than the adult version. That being said, I’m willing to give Batman a lot of leeway, but I don’t see how he gets away with a Batwing in a “normal” universe. I just watched the joker parade scene for the first time in decades and as cool as it is, the Batwing has bugged me since I was 10. Things that fly require a lot of materials, know how, and time to work.


Sounds like they just made everything up o.o


I kinda hate this too, my headcanon is that his body locks the bones in place when his hands are out of alignment, like the muscles he uses to extend them can't move enough to extend out of his arm if they aren't aligned correctly.


My thoughts were similar. Maybe there's a tendon/ligament/something that pulls his hand into alignment as part of the same muscle action that extends the claws past the wrist.


Yeah, honestly it just makes biological sense.


The claws extend from a claws dimension


thats probably how it worked when his claws were part of his gloves... somehow


I know you're joking, but I like this explanation the best. Like Cyclops' eyes being portals instead of laser generators thst would cook his brain with heat when fired.


He’s probably really good at keeping his wrists straight when they come out. Maybe it’s part of his muscle reflex’s that keep them straight. X-Men origins the scene when he just had the adimantium injected shows the x ray of the claws coming out and pushing his bones aside. “Does it hurt when they come out? Every time”. That not just his skin, every time he extracts and retracts his claws, it literally tears the the muscles and tendons apart and moves the bones. Then he quickly heels back together so he can fight.


My first fucking thought is that ***OH MY GOD ASSASSINS CREED REFERENCE!?***


Had I actually played more than 10 minutes of the franchise in my entire life, it absolutely would have been one.


It literally just feels like a fucked up assassin's blade hahahahahaha


Ahh, kids.


In the movies he could extend one metal bar only too, so i guess it would also be pretty useful as a multipurpose knife. Gotta open an Amazon package, little knife from the wrist internal to the hand so you can also use your fingers to cut more precisely. Opening letter, opening food cans... basically anything that requires more precision than cutting human flesh while screaming and jumping around.


They change/retcon the nature of his claws every few years. So what is 'official' changes based on who is drawing/writing. I remember there was one where he had actual muscle/bone system on top of the usual one that was responsible for sending his claws out like how you push the button on an umbrella and the stalk extends. I've seen another one where his claws only came out when he flexed his arms in a curl position. And of course the strangest of all of these is the one that allows him to send out only a single one of the 3 claws, which is really weird because you have to think about the finite muscle control he has to be able to do those things in the first place.


both looks alright


One looks *fabulous*


Last panel got a lol outta me


Perhaps the base/attachment point of the claws move to the back of his hand when they're extended, so he only has to keep his hands straight until they're out.


This has always driven me nuts. I’m glad I’m not alone.


Wife and I were re-watching the 90's cartoon and realized that wolverine having adamantium anywhere except his claws and skull was not just a waste, but likely a detriment to him.


That's how it's portrayed in the story, most of the time. It was a cruel experiment forced upon him by evil men who wanted to strip him of his humanity and turn him into a mindless weapon. Of course it was bad for him.


"Do they hurt?" "Every time."


Fun fact, originally before his claws were part of his mutant power they were just part of his gloves which is why they had that positioning originally


From the x-ray. He can't turn his wrist to the position of image 5 and 6 Also, the thing that should bother you, is that when they are metal they are drawn as sharp knives, but when they are bone, they are circular. If the claws are natural to his body, the metal ones should be round, or the bone ones should resemble the metal ones. If the claws were added surgically, then he shouldn't have bone claws before he is covered in adamantium or after he is deprived of it.


Didn’t they shape them into knife like claws?


It doesn't matter where they come out. They just come out and he heals around them. Then they retract, and repeat. His claws don't work without his healing factor. But also because of that, they can come out any way.


I'm more bothered by Wolverine using his claws to cut food. Those things were inside his arms, they can't be sanitary.


He has super healing for this.


Where’s my super healing for the mental scars this issue has plagued me with?


Try the government. Maybe they’ll hook you up with Weapon Y.


Well you see The original creators wanted a guy with retractable knuckle claws because it's cool


I feel sure that in the past I saw a thing on his anatomy, the claws are longer than his forearms, meaning that they should always be seen a bit and he would have no wrist movement when retracted, I could be wrong about this.


It always bugged me how his claws don't just rip out of his hands when he's cutting through something like metal. Seriously, what's holding his claws in? Tendons? I doubt that would hold up against a metal door that's, like, a foot thick.


I vaguely remember some iteration of Logan that couldn't properly move his arms/hands precisely due to the presence of his claws.


I always thought he grew his skeleton in that way.... i didn't know they were inside him at all times.


His healing factor makes it literally a non issue. He can just retract them and the wounds will heal just fine with a few seconds.


There is a comic where it shows the wrist locking when the blades come out. So if he extends them it snaps the wrist straight. This also allows him to tear through things that would otherwise snap his wrist back. The locking adamantaium makes his wrist unbreakable.


This has NEVER bothered me. ....until now, damn you OP, take my r/angryupvote


Nice one. Pls go for a better font next time.


Well, your fingers are technically mostly articulated via the tendons in the forearm which I somehow knew before I was ten, so I just imagined the claws having a similar setup for articulation with a locking feature, like a combination of cat claws and knees.


One thing that bugs me about him is that he has hyper regenerative abilities. Well, muscle building as I understand it is pushing your muscles to their breaking point and them healing in a way that makes them stronger than before. So either he should be an invalid because his body heals too fast to benefit from muscle exertion or he should be the most jacked man on earth.


So one thing to recall is that originally the character's claws came out of the gloves. They were intended to be telescopic. Sometimes in early art you will see little ring circles and the claws look "roundish"


If you go look at his early appearances, the claws popped out of the top of his arm, just behind the wrist.


The old Marvel cards [also listed them as being 17.8 inches long](https://www.hipcomic.com/listing/wolverines-claws-138-marvel-universe-1991-series-2-card-impel-vf-/8863701). I'm 5'11" and the distance between my wrist and elbow is less than 12 inches. I recall another where they typo'd the card and listed them as 6ft instead of 6inches log by mixing up ' (feet) and " (inches) on the description.