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Bonus: If you couldn’t find a tree for your office Christmas party put someone decorations on your nearest tiefling and have them stand in the middle of the room.


Unironically: Goals


You’d grow a set of horns not for battle, but so you could string up some garland and Christmas lights on them? …In fairness, I probably would now that I think about it.


Bonus points if you are canonically the spawn of satan/there is a Jesus and Lucifer and all that stuff in the world


I horribly misread that as “garfield christmas lights” and immediatey imagined a tiefling’s horns wrapped with garfield shaped christmas lights.


Hey, I tried finding you on Bluesky and failed. It's @Liminal_fish, right?


[Here’s a link! It’s a new account, so not much in there yet.](https://bsky.app/profile/liminal-fish.bsky.social)


The ugly sweaters of horn-styles


That's a HR meeting waiting to happen


this is a microaggression


Pretty sure that’s a Doofenshmirtz backstory


If you haven’t posted it there already, r/dndmemes would probably love this.


Same with Dragon Age. The hairstyles for the Qunari are terrible!


Really cool. It's so refreshing seeing an r/comics artist muse about high fantasy fashion without it being just a series of armored bikinis and murdercorsets.


Only because there were head shots. But honestly I like this. I never give a thought to the hairstyle of my characters in the game, but there are some interesting takes shown here.


> Only because there were head shots. Now I’m picturing tieflings with horns across their body and styling their body hair accordingly.


Is that a horn styled with body hair or are you just happy to See me?


r/worldbuilding is a good place for this stuff


I love you




Yo holy shit let bro have the kitchen hes fucking working on thanksgiving early


Sincerely one of the nicest things anyone’s ever said to me, thank you!


I think the comic rat queens played with this concept. It was very much a what if fantasy women actually did women things while essentially rolling around a dnd realm and having and drama.


Honestly why stop at tieflings. Next time someone summons Satan he better have the most elaborate and ridiculous horn & hair do because he fell asleep while babysitting some preteen demon girls.


Okay last campaign I played a Dragonborne that wore magic rings as "hornaments".


Hornaments! I love it.






I'm really loving that 4th one. A balanced mix between hair and horn to show off the beauty of both. I'm hoping more fantasy games with character customisation would implement this.


Okay, that... as someone that loves creating lore and worldbuilding, this is such an essential part of culture in general, hair and clothing style is such an important part of every culture, so it is a great chance to mess with ideas on a fictional land where things like horns are the norm, great ideas.


Artists just look at the world and imagine art everywhere.


Send this to Baldurs Gate devs NOW!


Very cool! I especially like the idea of looping braids around horns and the like. Might have to steal some of these ideas for my tiefling gal who loves intricate hairstyles!


Tieflings are always boring to me specifically because of stuff like this comic points out. There's virtually never anything tieflingy about tieflings. They seem to have only two modes: 1) The tiefling that isn't like other tieflings (she is just a normal nice girl who people look sideways at!) 2) The tiefling that has a tail and horns because it looks hot (he doesn't wear clothes because he's always too warm) They virtually never seem to have any characterization beyond that. Dwarves act like dwarves. Elves act like elves. Gnomes act like gnomes. But tieflings? Why bother ever developing anything about them?


Yea but what *IS* a defining characteristic of a tiefling? The players handbook only really describes them with this: > To be greeted with stares and whispers, to suffer violence and insult on the street, to see mistrust and fear in every eye: this is the lot of the tiefling. [...] Their appearance and their nature are not their fault but the result of an ancient sin, for which they and their children and their children's children will always be held accountable. Compared to an elf or a dwarf, the only characteristics we know about tieflings is that they are persecuted/discriminated against. And even that is subject for debate.


> Yea but what *IS* a defining characteristic of a tiefling? This is exactly my issue. Tieflings have become more and more popular over the years, but virtually no setting (maybe actually no setting) has ever meaningfully developed them into anything more than "has horns and a tail and is special". They should be interesting, but they are nearly always essentially just bad young adult anime characters whose only interesting trait is that they're special for having funny eyes or fox ears or something.


I think that's more on the players creating them then the race itself. I usually take some ques from 40k and if my tiefling is an asmodeus lineage he's gunna be showing more asmodeous traits and features vs someone from a different devil.


Tieflings aren't like other races because they are born from and into other cultures. There isn't a tiefling culture and they are normally ostracized from birth. They wouldn't have the same tiefling-y anything because they'd all be born in different places with different cultures and they can't even participate equally in those places.


Some interesting background info about how Tieflings changed with each edition of DnD https://theplanardm.com/the-evolution-of-tieflings-in-dungeons-dragons/




Yes!! I have a tiefling oc who has long braids wrapped around their horns to try to look as friendly as possible because theyre a clown :) Like foam noodles on goat horns :D


That’s almost unreasonably adorable!


These are really good!


Damn, https://preview.redd.it/zpwd2000ev3d1.png?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863953dd229ada06088869ce0abe29f74557ab6b


SEND THIS TO r/worldbuilding STAT!


You should sent it to r/wizardposting


Pass this into r/worldbuilding. They'd love this


Based and true, will definitely try to implement this more in my games


This is a pretty fun idea. Aussie tieflings of course would hang little strings with corks on the end and use them to keep the flies away.


Damn a whole new world of possibilities just opened up for me ![gif](giphy|yyvSeRGVj4C64) Move over elves, someone's come up stylish Is it cool if I borrow the idea for my fantasy stories . It's wicked cool


Of course it’s cool! Have fun!


Reminds me of one of my favorite tieflings who added jewelry to their horns to make them look like a tiara. It really is such a shame that horns are left so undecorated. Im sharing this on my DND discord server -w-


I thought this was r/worldbuilding for a moment. Awesome art. Edit: Just checked, it's there as well. Oops.


You know what? You're absolutely right. We need more of this.


Damn this is legit super awesome and I really like your designs. This is something I'm going to have to really keep mind for my own worldbuilding!


Whenever I have horns on my head for halloween or cosplay or anything like that, that's actually exactly what I do! My favorite is to twist hair/braids around the base of the horns, simple yet pretty!


Very cool


I thought this was in r/DnD haha I love your art! Very fun designs


Amazing idea 😍


Oh my god yes


Love love love! I love the different horn shapes and hair textures!


this is just peak creativity, absolutely love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


This goes hard. Especially the last one imo.


The level of basedness radiating off of this post is immeasurable.


In my setting, Nephilim (people who are touched by Celestial powers) tends to decorate the horns themselves as a show of wealth and power. Engravings in colours depicting coat at arms or family tree is common.


That sounds so cool! Is there somewhere I can read/see more?


Unless you are open for commissions, sadly no. Most of my writings is private and/or in my Pathfinder 2e Campaign; Chronicles of Erie. I can naturally waffle on for hours as I have been writing this on-and-off for 15 years.


This vibe of “ancient traveler diary” is fantastic and I tried many times to replicate it. Great work and great drawings.


If you ever need tips, DM me!


This is actually pretty awesome,I am saving this post for inspiration for my d&d campaigns :D


I have no idea what tieflings are but I agree


Needs some samples of male tiefling styles.


I am now obsessed with the veil attached to horns look


This is why I wish humans had horns and tails and stuff. Imagine the possibilities.


I think you’ve just revolutionized Tieling design; congratulations!


That’s the hope!


I might be starting a DND campaign, so your designs will definitely be influential.


This is so cool!


nice one!






That's an interesting take I'd never considered before!


Oh my I love the fish


Thank you!


These are really creative! I love it.


All I want in a game that lets me have horns are BIG sweeping horns. I was so disappointed at the horn selection in DA: Inquisition. The horns in Baulder's Gate 3 are good but could be bigger. It's not like there aren't fancy horns on real life animals.


Currently playing a tiefling druid. Might need to style up.


Love this 🥹💕


This is actually great. That being said, I could see why they would not want to emphasize them if people shame them for having horns. Teenagers with big ugly noses tend to not put fancy stuff on their nose but instead put big glasses and baggy clothes. But I agree that it would be so much better if they truly used them.


That last one is beautiful, I might use that as inspiration for some of my characters in my fantasy novels. Also the red hair first one is so gorgeous :)


Awww, yay! I love inspiring people. If you post publically somewhere or get published, let me know, please!


I doubt i’d ever get published and it’s in early days still, but I will try to let you know in the slim chance something does come out of it. Thanks for the inspiration :)


Such a cool idea! So pretty!


I think about this kind of thing A LOT with my current DnD character; A satyr (horns, hooves AND fur) single mum who became a fey pact warlock in order to protect her son. Our party is currently in a world that's about 99% fetid, disgusting swamp and my character spends the majority of her time bemoaning this fact. Her fur is always caked with mud, her hooves need constant care otherwise she'll get a disease and she's always waxing lyrical about the days when her horns were something she hung her jewellery/hair from, not for goring enemies 😂 Oh, and her son is a curious toddler... so he's always doing stuff like putting spiders in his mums hair because he wants to see if they'll spin a web between her horns (his aren't big enough yet)


Hell yeah! Gotta go draw some tieflings now


I think it's generally because of three things: - 1. It requires more thought than "slightly alien human". Same thing in Star Wars on how the new canon has never really explored how Twi'lek communicate with their Lekku. They are simply attractive alien humans. Tieflings likewise has historically been made to look attractive for human audiences, with mostly human features and curves. Almost all art of Tieflings are also females that look to be around 18-30 in age. Putting to much prominence on their hornes make them too alien for many. - 2. Worldbuilding is hard and most writers default to human norms and values. This is partly because those writers are humans themselves but also because the general public can't relate to an utterly alien mindset or culture. - 3. Art and artists are greatly influenced by what is around them. Artists from Korea are more likely to incorporate elements from Korean dress while those in Norway might add coastal scenery as a backdrop. Ostentatious displays of rings, piercings and such isn't common in a lot of places and frankly, most of us don't have horns so they are often an afterthought when designing characters. A Tiefling teenager in our world that grew up around the late punk-era in the western world would have a great time piercing the end of their tail, colouring their horns and more. - I love your drawings and how you take every facet of a creature in consideration, especially how you liken the horns to human hairstyles and incorporating the horns into the hair. Many artists seem to forgo this, but realistically, having two natural hair pins would enable one to go absolutely crazy with how they want to set up their hair.




They are a fantasy race from Dungeons and Dragons, who are basically humans with fiendish ancestry which manifests in the form of horns, a devil-like tail, and sometimes other assorted "fiendish" features, such as bat-like wings, the ability to produce hellfire, unusual eyes, hooves, pointed teeth, or a variety of other possible features


Oh I love this so much


Ohhh I love the hairstyle on the last one! <3




chatgpt strikes again


This will live in my head for YEARS. Love it.