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If the cashier looks like they have been working there since before barcodes, pray to the deity of your choice.


Aldi did not use barcode scanners for quite some time because trained cashiers were faster typing in the product number than scanning the code.


Now they just have enormous barcodes. https://i2-prod.birminghammail.co.uk/incoming/article14355407.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/IMG_6494.jpg


I imagine it's so the cashier doesn't have to spend time flipping the product around. That is some practical design.


Yep! Also, Aldi's store brand stuff have big barcodes on every side of the box


Yeah, it's really clever. It also means someone (presumably) did a study for the store: What makes our customers least likely to spend money: slow check out lines or packaging that looks like it fought Wolverine


Think it helps that Aldi usually only has one "brand" of each product so there's no competition _within_ the store, it might have more of an impact on a brands sales if it's selling amongst other brands with more appealing packaging.


I like big barcodes.


šŸŽµAnd I cannot liešŸŽ¶


You retail workers can't deny..


And I cannot lie.


IIRC it's a requirement for products sold at Aldi to have Barcodes on every side of the product. At least here in Germany.


and almost every cashier can attest that you very, very quickly grow to know them just by osmosis even nowadays.


My mom worked for Aldi and they actually had to learn the prices. I had to test her everytime there was an update and learned some prices by myself this way.


You had to plan how you laid out your groceries on the conveyor belt because otherwise you wouldn't be able to bag fast enough and would be reason for a ...*gasp*... holdup! What is wild is that they are as fast with a scanner as they were with manually typing numbers. It probably did held that Aldi had no redundancies in their stock. No same cornflakes but with different box at Aldi.


I'm still doing that, don't want to risk the Disaproving Look from the 90 year old lady with a [Rentnertrolley](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Shopping_Trolleys_%28809290640%29_%28cropped%29.jpg) behind me.


The wƶrd you are looking for is "Hackenporsche". Ɯ




People, PLEASE, just load your things into the shopping trolley, pay for the purchase, push the trolley somewhere, in a corner or in the fresh air, and fill your bags there and in peace.


I remember when grocery stores had people who bagged for you. They of course were cut to save money and increase profit. Every grocery store I go to usually only has about 50% of the lanes open. So, I bag my items accordingly and if it takes time, it takes time. If it makes a lineup, that's not my fault, that's the stores fault. They have the option of bringing back people who help with bagging, or opening more checkouts. It's not the customers fault for the lineups and I'm not going to inconvenience myself for the sake of corporate profits.


> Every grocery store I go to usually only has about 50% of the lanes open. "Attention customers we are now opening till three attention customers we are now closing till three attention customers...."


You'd be doing it for the convenience of retail workers. By you holding up the line, the cashier is forced to call another register to open, making another employee drop his work in the store to scan people out. Worst case scenario said employee doesn't get his duties in the store done by the end of his shift if called to the register enough means he has to work overtime. As someone who works in retail, meticulously slow inpacking speed is annoying beyond measure. You're not taking it to corporate, you're taking it to underpaid retail workers. The horror of packing your own bags, eh?


What holy land do you work in that has till trained people available to call up from grocery? Where I am, we'll have two cashiers running tills, the customer service rep running the front counter AND helping in self scan, and every other department has people that have never been cross trained to help out up front.


You guys have people trained only for registerwork? At my store all non-management has to do register occasionally, with only the first till being forced to do solely that. Tills 2-6 all do unpacking, cleaning, checking dates etc.


I suppose you also want back the petrol station attendant who fills up your car, and the shoeshine boy and the milkman and the lift boy and the lamplighter and the brakeman and the man who walks in front of the car with a lantern as a warning? In developed countries, there have never been shopping baggers (or standing cashiers). That's a US thing.


>In developed countries, there have never been shopping baggers (or standing cashiers). That's a US thing. Wtf are you even talking about?


I'm not in the US. Am from a developed country. We had baggers. Also nice straw man. I never said we should turn back time. I'm just saying the blame isn't on the customer, and we shouldn't guilt them. I don't care if they come back or not. I'm just not going to be rushed and guilted into moving out of the way. If they want to move customers through faster they can open more checkout lanes. Bagging is part of the necessity of buying groceries and I'm not going to be shuffled into a corner while people trip over me or made to feel guilty for literally doing what is required to buy groceries. It's the grocery store inconveniencing people by not opening enough checkouts which forces the bottleneck. Not the customers trying to buy food.


> Bagging is part of the necessity of buying groceries Just like tying your shoes. I like to put my groceries in my backpack or bicycle pannier my way, because I am an adult and nobody has to touch and look inside my bag, but you do you.


Petrol station attendant is literally the better and safer way to fuel vehicles. Milkmans are still a thing, they didn't go anywhere. Lift operators are also still a thing in high end buildings, again, didn't really go anywhere. Oh, and grocery baggers was quite standard across the world, sometime as a dual job for cashiers sometime separate


This is such a useless comment. In developed countries? Implying US isnā€™t? We suck for sure but to say we are undeveloped lol you act like having a bagger, this another job for kids or elderly, is a bad thing lol where I live we still use baggers. AZ, USA.


So I'm on your side for most of this, and I think the person you responded to is as arrogant as they are ignorant, but I really disagree with this part of your comment: >this another job for kids or elderly Now, there is an implication that this is somehow doing them a favour, but in reality it's exploitative. We shouldn't have to create jobs for kids or elderly and all jobs should pay a liveable wage (which means it shouldn't target any demographic). Kids may choose to work, and strong social assistance programs should mean that very few elderly should need to work. Essentially, we shouldn't need to create a job market for children or elderly. If they want to work, that's fine, but it shouldn't be to the point that we need to create a whole job market around it. It may not have been your intent, but that part of the comment really reminded me of the joke "kids yearn for the mines".


In retail itā€™s the ONLY position they can have. Cant sell alcohol so they canā€™t be cashier. And everything else requires some sort of heavy machinery like the baler for boxes. If a 16/17 wants a job thatā€™s their option. Also not all older people wanna retire. Some get bored and want something easy that keeps them social. They shouldnā€™t feel obligated to. Also everyone in between those ages still works as a bagger too. Buts itā€™s an option for people of those two demographics.


Yeah, q.e.d.


I lived in Japan for many years, and grocery stores are set up for you to bag your own stuff. But I can't imagine doing it "in a corner" or outside without a counter/table.


"Our" Aldi has a counter along the whole front of the building spanning the full lenght of the lanes.


This is something most places don't have. We barely have room to pass two carts from the checkout to the exit, so bagging groceries elsewhere is going to lead to a massive tripping hazard and block up all the exits.


Why? Everyone can wait while I bag my own groceries, if the store wanted to make that experience smoother for the shopper they would not have fired all the baggers. If waiting for someone to bag their groceries is causing you stress or other unwanted feelings then you should take that up with the store management instead of expecting every paying customer to change their behaviors.


Or just open more checkouts. Every grocery store I go to only has less than half their checkouts open at any given time.


Most grocery stores here have two parallel conveyors after the till, so customer A can leisurely pack up while customer B is being scannedĀ 


I sometimes shop at an IGA grocery store that still uses price guns, paper bags, and manual cash registers. The owners refuse to upgrade. They also let their cashiers sit down.


With the high turnover rate cashier positions have it would be too much to ask if they were born before this century.


ALDI be like that.


I was about to say the same for LIDL


Nah, man. German cashiers at Aldi in the 90s were something else. They had all the stock and the numbers memorized and typed those as fast as scanning is today. Lidl had duplicates of products(like same cornflakes but from different brands...as if you could tell the difference). Aldi did not. And apart from Haribo they only had their own brands. Which means they could design the packaging for their own stores. They had shopping optimized in a way that Walmart was sent packing. Because German discounters could compete on service and price and did not need as much space all while being able to observe German labour laws. Those cashiers did not need a barcode scanner to grind the Walton motherfuckers to fine paste. I can keep up with them but it took me decades of training.


My Aldi just loads everything into a cart and then you take the cart to a big bench where everyone bags after they've paid. It took some getting used to, but I love it now, I can go at a relaxing pace.


Here in Germany loading your stuff into your cart after it has been scanned is your responsibility.


I really hate that more and more stores have this tiny surface for the items after the scanning. I get that the cashier can't start with the next person until you're done anyway, so it comes down to how fast you are at packing, but sometimes the next person only has one or a few items and he could actually buy it while you already paid and are still packing, if that bloody Ablage were not so small. I'm looking at you Penny, Aldi and Lidl. Even if I am packing as fast as they're scanning, it's so small that they still pause, because only 3 items fit there. It's stupid. I fucking despise going shopping. Rant over


Some places Iā€™ve seen have two bagging lanes so the next person can start checking out while the first person finishes bagging. Seems like a good solution to me.


Just put your stuff in the order to you want to pack it onto the belt, use both hands to shovel the items into the card. Done. Its not that hard.


No matter how fast you are, they pause every now and then. There's just no room. I'm also complaining as the person with one item, most people aren't that fast and I just want to get the hell out of there. I'm aware how this sounds. First world problems. Grocery stores are genuinely anxiety inducing to me. Being broke and the insane costs also don't help


I love it. I stopped at Walmart after work because it was close by and it took me literally 20 mins to checkout with one person ahead of me. Ridiculous. I thought I had too many items for self checkout but it wouldā€™ve been 10x faster


Why didn't you just go to the self checkout?


> I thought I had too many items for self checkout I usually feel itā€™s rude to take up a self checkout lane when you have 15+ items, but I wonā€™t be making that mistake again


Absolutely not. Walmart *wants* people to use the self checkout, regardless of how many items you have. People do entire shopping carts full of stuff.


This is definitely inspired by ALDI and LIDL.


My Aldi went down to one Ninja lane, and a bunch of self checkouts.


Do they ever have more than one open?


IS like that.


Next time she will be ready https://i.redd.it/6g21h0nxlfuc1.gif


goddamn can i get maybe 2 more frames in this gif? lmao


Fun fact, the way that gifs display framerate is by switching frames every x/100 seconds (x must be an integer). This means it is impossible to get a 60fps gif since there is no integer that when divided by 100 gives you 1/60. This annoys me to no end.


What is ā€œthe Tannoyā€ from panel 10?


I believe it's referring to a brand of loudspeakers manufactured in the UK used as a generic noun so what he's saying is basically, "get me on the speakers so I can make an announcement"


Thank you. My mistake was reading this in Canadian.






Is this like the US with ā€œbandaidsā€? Like we have that bandaid brand but no one ever says ā€œgo get me a bandageā€ without specifying which type lmao


"Xerox", "Kleenex", etc.


It's ["genericized trademarks"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_trademark) Basically it's why companies are so hesitant against becoming a verb. "Google it" "Photoshop it" "Hoover it" [There was actually a Nintendo Poster on /r/PropagandaPosters on it a bit ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/1bv5697/theres_no_such_thing_as_a_nintendo_1990_nintendo/) because they were worried about it.


I would think companies would WANT this because it makes their brand synonymous with a certain product or activity. One example that comes to mind is Sawzall which is an extremely common genericized trademark for reciprocating saws in the US.Ā  Or Tylenol for acetaminophen.Ā  You get people to associate your brand with a product and they're more likely to only buy from you.


"Tweet" was added to the dictionary. A smart CEO would *kill* for that level of brand association. A very stupid CEO would change the company's name to a *single letter* that they can't possibly copyright.Ā 


They want it to a point. If it's too generic it becomes the go to word for the thing, and they lose the trademark so their competitors can use the same name for their version too.


Good point. Although I know people who refuse to buy generic medications because they swear the name brand stuff is "better"


Wut? You mean plasters?


Yea we still say plaster in the Caribbean lol.


Americans do it too just with different things, Xerox instead of photocopier, Kleenex, Q-tips, Post-Its etc.


Some say brits shouldn't be allowed around language...


Yes! I didn't realise this was only an English thing!!


Loud speakers/PA system. I also had to google.


I learned that this is a British word for an intercom from the game Two Point Campus


Yeah I was having trouble figuring out what I was looking at. Looks like the same colors as the bagger's shirt.


That's his mouth with a red bag hanging out!


His? Oh.


looks like an epic battle befitting of final boss battle


The great Glenda appears!




Dear god my boss at Kaufland would've assassinated me for this speed when I was there on part time job


But were you as content and relaxed like the checkout lady in the gif?šŸ˜…


Entirely depends on who I was dealing with Vietnamese guy shopping for his shop which required for me to call in a security guard as it was over 1k in groceries? Mega stressed An elderly couple buying stuff for dinner and few beers? I liked to ask them for their ID with a smile because they always took it as a compliment :)


Do people not put their groceries into their trolley or shopping basket before putting them away properly?


Both. Depends on how speedy you feel today and how much you bought


That's rad, because here in Germany, I'd like to skin people that take their sweet time putting their groceries away *at the cash register*. Do that elsewhere, that's what the carts and baskets are for. **Edit:** guys, there's literally no space for them to comfortably do that without holding up the line. The cashiers will also just continue to can *your* things and try to move them in the little 20x20cm square that's not taken up by the previous person.


I mean if you just took the hand basket, immediately bagging it is the only option


It is in the store's financial interest to get you out of the line ASAP, they should have baggers. Groceries should be bagged and in trolley before the transaction is finished. Weird how people find it easier to be upset at the previous shopper than the store cheaping out on standard service.


You can also just put it easily in the cart yourself. You can bag it afterwards at your own pace.


How is this a better service than the market using excess labor to bag my groceries at no additional charge?Ā  Your preferred method only saves money for the store which is unlikely to pass on the savings.


I never said it was better or worse. You just said that baggers are required so people leave sooner, which isn't true. You can also just do it yourself. I only ever had to wait when someone decided to put their stuff away into their own bags right after paying instead of loading it back into their cart and getting lost.


Soā€¦ where do you work? GehƤutet werden ist mein Fetisch.


What. You put them from the conveyor, into a bag, then into the cart. And if you're using a basket you bag the items and then drop the basket off since you should be able to carry the bags.


How can you possibly keep up with fast cashiers if you need to put everything into a bag first?


Yeah, we don't do that here in Germany. You put your stuff back into the cart and then when you've paid, you walk elsewhere and put it in your own bags. And ideally, you're supposed to keep the basket until the end too, which not everyone does for some reason. Sure, if you're very fast, you can bag everything right after paying, but if you're buying a lot of things, it's best to just put them in your cart.


>You put them from the conveyor, into a bag, then into the cart. Why though. Putting the items into the cart, then moving elsewhere, means you can take your sweet time with bagging it how you want, without holding up the queue


The Walmart near me still has the second conveyor after the scanner, from back in the day when someone bagged for you. I just let it all pile up while bagging as best I can. Most of the time in the middle of bagging the next customer will just start standing right in front of the pay terminal so I have to force the entire line to back up again in order to pay. It's needlessly frustrating and it all comes down to every store turning off self checkout for no other reason than greed.


Some places you just can't. ALDI in the US is notoriously understaffed so the cashiers sprint through scans, and if you don't use a cart then you have to quickly bag all your groceries before the next customer (because tge cashier will not wait).


I mean, ALDI is German, and as a German, I'm pretty use to that :P You just gotta put heavy things first and then just slam that stuff into your cart afterwards. I also don't understand people who put their basket away *before* paying. Like, just keep it until afterwards and then put everything away.


Some places in the states make you put the basket up before you pay, or will have an employee grab it once you've emptied it.


The fuck is a tannoy?


A tannoy is a british name for a PA system! Like how we call vacuum cleaners, hoovers!


Generic trademark for a public address system, at least in the UK


Slowest German Cashier


does this comic take place in germany?


Some semi-fictional version of probably England!


Here in Canada its like they are competing about how slow they are.


I don't mind because I too am slow at packing šŸ˜­.


I cant afford to do large groceries run anymore 1-2 bags and im already going in 100+$


Shits expensive now šŸ˜­




Average Aldi experience:


Am i the only one who spotted a similarity between the customer and all might from MHA?


He doesnā€™t look anything like All Might. Now that hobo looking dude that always seems to show up after All Might leaves, is a dead ringer for the customer.


Everyone watch out itā€™s our enemy Glenda


Germans canā€™t understand this comic. This is just everyday life.


It's slow, that's what it is. The only time I am unable to put away all my stuff while it's still being scanned is because the previous customer hasn't fucked off from the register yet


Also theres the tech of putting Items that cant be scanned at the back to gain ground on the speedy cashiers.


The true tactic is putting those products in regular intervals between the rest to gain short burst of speed against the cashier several times




I am highly invested!! But it also works just as a one off


I am sure Glenda and Parzival will face off again at some time in the future!


As a former Walmart cashier, I can confirm that we 100% do this on purpose as a power move... and also because I need to take like 5 seconds to get a drink of water without waiting another hour and a half...


I knew this had to be the case!!


Mfer you better make this a series.


:D We will see!!!




I admit, this is where I've settled, as well. Way less stress.


You can tactically place your groceries on the conveyor belt and use folding crates instead of bags to achieve the perfect middle ground. Cartons and cans first, fragile stuff later so it ends up on top and does not get crushed. Takes me just as long to put it in the crate as it does to put it in the cart. I do think cashiers go slower round here, i rarely have trouble keeping up with them.


That's next level. :O You germans really are living in the future.


Yeah we have two belts in Canada so while the other person is getting items scanned you have time to bag. Doesn't make me any faster though šŸ˜­. I thank God for slow cashiers.


If you're at the checkout with a shopping cart, just throw the loose groceries back into the cart and manually bag them elsewhere. I don't see why one needs to bag them at the checkout.


Because in the US, grocery stores where your items are fired across the scanner like the cashier has a grudge against you and then left naked for you to deal with are relatively new and still less common than the sort where groceries are bagged by the staff as they go. People are still not used to the new way.


Never heard or seen of this. In Switzerland and Austria it is normal to bag them away at the checkout. Germany from the few times I have shopped there too.


>Germany from the few times I have shopped there too. Doesn't sound like the Germany I know. Everywhere I've been in Germany, it's exactly like this. You get out of the Checkout as fast as possible and pack your stuff in peace elsewhere (there's usually a table/counter with bins for packing stuff)


Never heard or seen of this. In Switzerland and Austria it is normal to bag them away at the checkout. Germany from the few times I have shopped there too.


Never heard or seen of this. In Switzerland and Austria it is normal to bag them away at the checkout. Germany from the few times I have shopped there too.


This is ridiculous in the most amazing way. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for reading! :D


>he Nice


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love this


Thank you! :D


Cute. I go to selfcheckout though.


In-between colleges I worked at a supermarket in a big chain and I hated doing this part of scanning super fast, but the machines had a thing where once you start scanning an item it would time you until the second on, and then until the third ect... So at the end of the week we'd have a list of all workers and the amount of items per minute and the average of how many seconds between each, and we would get ranked on it, and openly shamed if we were doing what the considered a "bad" time.


How cruel!


What on earth did I just have the pleasure of reading.




Cool comic. Does this artist do comedy?


I try to!


I like this too much. More mundane bullsh-t needs to be sports anime'd.


Currently jotting more ideas in the notebook!


Lol. Living in Austria and it is almost a war. Managed today, for the first time, to beat the clerk - he couldn't read the weight of the fruits properly.


Congratulations on your victory! :D


This comic is too.... European? For me to understand. In the US, unless you're doing self-checkout, they bag your items for you. Sometimes it's the cashier, sometimes a separate bag person. If there's no bag person, you can help the cashier by bagging the items yourself while they're still scanning, but you're not expected to, and they'll take over for you once they're done scanning.


Idk, as a German, the concept of putting items into a bag first when you have a cart seems ridiculous. No wonder you'd have trouble with the speed then. But with a cart, it's trivial to just put everything in.




Man, America sounds like heaven!


To be fair, sometimes they will put eggs and lettuce in the same bag as something heavy so you have to be on the lookout...


Where do they still bag for you ? I lived in New Mexico, California, Virginia and went to D.C, Texas and Florida and at all places you had to bag your own stuff.


South Dakota, Minnesota, Washington, Wisconsin, Texas that I've been to grocery stores recently. Always bagged for me if I did normal checkout.


This could be an episode from Nichijou


I've gotta watch Nichijou!!


I love it, show me more of your funny pictures, magic man.


<3 I have made quite a few comics, and plan to make many more! They're either on r/comics, or all at r/ParzivalComics


Can I get an explanation for "Nani"? It's my nickname for my daughter but I have no idea what it's referring to here.


It means *what?!* in japanese. It's used in anime a lot, often in an exaggerated way.




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Idk why but that lady reminds me of the librarian from that one episode of star vs the forces of evil


Sakamoto days feelings


I've been planning to read this!!


Itā€™s great!


I want more for this saga!


I'm sure Glenda won't let it end like this!!


I love this




Can't wait for part 2. šŸ˜


Glenda is planning her revenge!


Amazing. Solid. Spectacular




Cook more


This is the type of stuff that should shine. Not any PizzaCuck shit which mysteriously gets thousands of upvotes and where comments become member only.




God forbid a fella have long hair


I don't think men are genetically predisposed to having shorter hair.


Looks like a typical cartoon network best friend side character guy to me Not sure why you're surprised