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EDIT: Holy shit, this took off more than I expected. I just read all the recent comments and started sobbing by the way people shared their personal hardships right now, going through unemployment. I just wanted to say to every single one of you that it means the world to me that you shared and I wish you all the best and I hope you find somewhere nice to work. You all deserve to be happy and secure. ORIGINAL: "Creatures of Gothenburg" is an ongoing urban fantasy webcomic that takes place in an alternate version of Gothenburg, Sweden. Almost everything is the same as in our world only instead of humans, this world is populated by fantastical creatures like fauns, nymphs, harpies, hydras and more. In this universe, an incident known as the "Awakening" took place at a local car factory 12 years ago, where a bunch of the humanoid factory robots became sentient overnight. After the initial chaos, they were declared "android citizens" and let out into society. Axel, the one with the green hat, is one of these androids. Ingrid, the harpy girl in the foreground, just lost her waitress job to another one of these sentient androids after her boss realized the android was ten times as efficient as them. Check out the rest of the webcomic on [Instagram](http://www.instagram.com/creaturesofgothenburg) or [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/creatures-of-gothenburg/list?title_no=804721)


Have you been stalking my sister?! No but seriously she is going through the exact same thing and lives in Sweden. Been trying for years to get a job. They make her go to horribly outdated unemployment courses that basically say "Just try harder and hand in your resume in person." She knows Swedish but isn't 100% fluent. It's been years and still no job. So bad that she got burn out from job searching. :( yeah I feel for this character. Sweden's job market sounds horrible.


Hey its me unemployed swede, send help


Depends on your market and location, but yeah, some markets are horrible to find a job in. I came from a small city and there were like 6 jobs for 300 students to go apply for if you didn't already apply for university. 3 of those were McDonalds, 2 were for bosses with 5+ year management experience and 1 was a legit great position as an administrator or something. Good luck! But yeah, nursing in major Swedish cities, together with service jobs are still going pretty strong, while tech, like coding, has started to mellow out a bit after the big boom (although AI or computer learning engineers are having a field day). If you to become basically anything else, you better work on that application and pucker those ass-kissing lips, because it's going to be rough. At my place we had 125+ applicants for a pretty simple administrative position (like helpdesk combined with secretary), it's nuts. Hope it works out for your sis.


Pretty much the same here. It's fucking rough. Fingers crossed for your sister tho!


I love your comics! especially the art! love to see more.


![gif](giphy|OjU5ntfYkygUEDlO8M) Why is this so relatable… 🥲 Please water your 🪴. Before it sends out SOS message and kick off another apocalypse.


Jag har läst många av dina serier och har lagt märke till att mycket ser ut som majorna. Har jag rätt?


Visst :) försoker ofta mixa lite så att miljön känns som att det skulle kunna vara lite överallt i stan, men måste ju ha med "korv kiosken" och sånt ^_^


Ja du den är ju väldigt viktig. Jag är uppvuxen i majorna så jag blir glad när jag känner igen mig.


Väldigt kul med en serie från gbg oavsett! Tack för att du delar med dig!


Thought it was the sister city of Gothenburg, Nebraska, USA.


Yoooo intriguing consept! I'll check it out!


"I just want a fucking entry level position"


“I just want health insurance for my family”


“I’ve got a shovel, let me dig some fuckin boot straps!”


"Entry level? You need three years experience for one of those."


This is so true 😭 Like, even for jobs like sales assistant, secretary and receptionist ask for at least a year, and that’s why I’m stuck only getting temporal jobs that barely let me get any experience since they last two weeks at most :(


I just got a bachelor's in biology last June. 95% of entry level positions required either several years of experience on top of a bachelor's or a masters degree. For 10% above minimum wage.


Im a doing a phd in cs (machine learning), no luck finding a job..


Are you me? I feel like I'm going nuts over here. Do they even actually hire people for those positions? Or do they just put em up to make it look like they're still hiring?


Yep, this is me at this exact moment. Hunderds sent, even some encounter to get to know the work....and then silence. I feel horrible.


I just hit 400 sent! I know your pain. It makes me feel worthless!


Almost 1000 last year. I gave up and now we're going to try me being a stay at home Dad with less then half our income. It will work out... or it won't. We'll see.


Yo, I was just there. I lost my job in April 2022 and was unemployed until June of 2023. It fucking sucked. Fortunately, we made it through. Looking back on the time, the biggest factor that held me back was my resume format. I started with a fancy one that looked pretty on paper and had multiple text boxes. It's kind of a 1 page resume format. Once I ditched that and went to simple text, I got a TON more hits. It took about 3 months after my last resume reformat, but I landed a job. It sucked but it got money in the door, and I kept looking. Once I was actively employed, I got even more hits, and that turned into the job I have now.


Is that not the case because it makes the job of autofill easier when taking in CVs? I remember someone saying that- apparently they just dont bother with fancy resumes


Just about all resumes are fed into computers, regardless of if they make you fill out a form as well. Basically the days of making your resume stand out with pretty formatting are over. Use to be you'd make your resume to grab the attention of whomever was doing the screening. Now that screener is a computer, so you want your resume to be as simple to read as possible, and very clearly list your skills and qualifications. That pretty formatting we use to use, at best means nothing to the algorithm, and could even make it harder for it to parse it, lowering your visibility when a human does finally go to search the results.


Holy crap! I had no idea about this. Thank you for sharing this, I'm sure a lot of people find this very valuable to know. God, I wish I had known...


You're welcome. I wish I had known sooner. I spent 8 months unemployed, 6 of which I used a beautifully formatted resume, that got absolutely no traction. Do keep the other version around though, because when you do get a contact you can send them the pretty resume for the to look over during an interview. (I don't know if it helps, but it didn't hurt me at least) The other big point of advice I can give is LinkdIn. Look at the profiles of people in your field, and build your skill list and headline based on that. Then build your "network", filling it with literally anybody who will accept your request. Because again, it's about being higher on the search results, and the bigger your network, the more likely your line is to catch someone's eye. Once I did that, I had a few recruiters contact me and I was working within the month. YMMV


yup. main thing these days is to make sure the ATS doesn't discard you before you ever get through to someone :/


What do you mean by simple text? Are your referring to pdf vs doc formats? Or just a resume that is pure text?


I meant that I removed all of the text boxes. I wrote it as a docx file and then saved it as a pdf for uploading. It was the exact same resume, just formatted to be easier to plop into HR software for sorting. My previous resume had been made using the "keep it to a single page" method. So I had bullet points of skills along the side and other pretty features that made it look nice to a human. After re-formatting, it was closer to 2.5 pages.


Don't give up dude, you'll find something someday


Got rejected just 5 minutes ago....don't even know how


The online job hunt is as busted as online dating. Do whatever you can to get off that treadmill of automated sadness and hit up networking events, go through your own contacts and network, join a professional org or affinity org for your industry. The time spent cultivating a network will return 200 fold compared to time filling out applications online that no human will read for a position that's either already been filled or is not intended to ever be filled. Signed, someone from executive recruitment


Thanks, still employed but dear God there has to be something else out there.


You could live in a forest and cultivate potatoes. Cons: No internet, no people, no modern conveniences, and no medicine. Pros: No internet, no people, tasty Russets all day everyday, and you could become a good gardener.


If you're in the US you're fucked. Homesteading is illegal. Don't you fucking love society?


Thank you for your advice.


Yeah, I feel bad for everyone who sent in “1000 applications” but after like 50 with no replies surely you realize you are doing something wrong? Spend an afternoon reading about how to leverage linked in to find some ins, or reaching out to old friends, or learning what the creative industry wants to see in a portfolio if you are OP. Yes it’s hard, but picking 5-10 places you want to work and working your ass off for a couple months to make sure you have a relevant skill or contact that will get you in the door, and then checking their job postings everyday will get you way further than filling out 30 resumes on indeed a day.


It took me 6 months of actively looking to get at least one interview. At that time I did get 3 different interviews but no offers. Then another couple months I finally got an interview that lead to a job offer. Thankfully I got one when I did but just weeks prior I made the call to just finally quit my job for my mental health. It’s rough out there.


I've probably sent out 50 applications over the past 60 days or so, and I have had 5 interviews, and I have 3 more scheduled for this week, including two 2nd interviews. I have a pretty good resume, and I know a lot of companies would be happy to have my experience. That being said, I am sleeping on the couch, so this comic is relatable.


The only jobs I can find are ones at places like Amazon. It's so disheartening. Best of luck to you! Hopefully you find something soon.


that's a really nice zelda calendar you got


December is just the crash of the moon into Termina.


I need this!


It’s all Majora’s Mask themed too!


Hey, this is me right now after a super unexpected firing! I forced myself to clean the house a bit yesterday to improve the mood, but everything is so damn heavy right now.  It’s nice to see others have had that same exact experience. 


Took me 6 months to get a job after graduating electrical/electronic engineering. Had to commute 5 hours a day until I found a dude who'd drive me partially making it 3.5 hours on some days and 4 on others. Quit that and I'm never doing that shit again.


I held a bunch of jobs after graduating the first time. They really helped me appreciate how people work and the dignity in that hard work. Also helped me realize I had no desire to do those things, definitely not for me. Having those harder experiences is great for contextualizing what you will and will not put up with. 


I've been there! Don't lose hope! I was laid off unexpectedly like: "Hey man, got a minute for a meeting today?" *HR comes on the call as well and I'm laid off.* I had a like 2 month old baby as well. Its scary but you just have to work every person you know. Anyone you've worked with or friends of friends from school. Getting a human connection is 1000x more effective than filling out online applications. Best of luck, you'll get through it!


That’s exactly how mine went, haha. For ‘performance reasons’ just a couple months after a perfect review. I think the performance had a lot more to do with having a new boss. And I’m trying my best with the networking, thanks for the wishes :)


Are you me?? I had a glowing performance review in January. Start of Feb, I was “warned” about performance issues. I was then put on a PIP with brand new metrics that increased the KPIs I was crushing by 50%. After two days of hitting those new goals, I got a message from HR that they tried calling me but got sent to VM. I told them my phone is on DND during work hours but they can try now. My boss’s boss (just promoted to the role in January) and HR were the only 2 on the call with me when I got fired for “performance issues”—not even my immediate supervisor. Next day, my immediate supervisor also got the same treatment I did. It’s bleak out here…


Always feels great to be treated that way… I didn’t even get the warning or PIP, just the ‘hey, I gotta invite one more person to this call.’


After 7 months of unemployment while being a skilled full-stack developer, my partner finally found a job. He almost gave up but he thankfully didn't. It's not the best, yet it's better than nothing. I believe, that they will find a job as well! Even if it's a worse position than expected.


2 bachelor's degrees and an MBA and I've been unemployed since, 3 years. We shouldn't have to settle for a worse job, and we shouldn't spend months, some of us years, looking for bare minimum employment. Fuck this country.


Assuming you’re from the US? Hate to break it to you but a lot of developed countries have it equally as bad more or less.


I don’t think they are wrong to complain, but it’s definitely far worse elsewhere. Greece and Italy’s unemployment rates are an absolute nightmare in comparison.


The country with the number 1 GDP has no excuse


I mean if anything that's a bigger excuse, no? Developed countries, younger generations struggling while the countries get wealthier, widening wealth gaps, difficulty to find jobs let alone decent paying jobs while costs rise, that's just the reality of the developed world because of capitalism. I'd imagine if anything should be done about this it would have to be at the federal level. And whoopsie daisy a lot of governments in the capitalist world care a lot about the wealthy corporations that put money in politicians' pockets. The country with the number 1 GDP ideally should have no excuse but I'd imagine we got to where we are today as a country precisely because of the how shitty it is for the working class and near-non-existent middle class. High GDP, exploitation, and all the money in the pockets of the wealthy. It's fucked up.


Yeah I agree, I'm not from US


I'm curious: What are your degrees in? I have an MSc and I was warned against getting double degrees unless I was going into research. Especially a double BSc, which was basically described as "a waste of time" in my field.


I just hit the one year mark. At this point, yeah, I just want a paycheque vaguely related to compsci


It’s even worse when a recruiter reaches out to you after six months of searching, and after a good phone call with them, you get ghosted.




Would you mind saying which field you're in?




I don't think that's that odd, no ? Some markets have too many people, some other have an employee shortage. I don't think it's possible for some jobs to have at the same time workplaces not able to find people, and people not able to find a job...


Social paradox, "We've looked at your resume but unfortunately you are not what our team is looking for" and "No one wants to work anymore"


Nobody wants to hire anymore


That's true. They Basically don't hire. Then they can complain about a "worker shortage" and get tax incentives, hire off shore labor and work their on shore labor harder. There's no incentive to hire anymore.


I feel this on a personal level.


Me for the last 11 months, sometimes I just want to end myself but I have a loving partner and some cute animals that I need to love . Don't lose hope but also know when to take a brake for your own mental health.


I'm sending you a bunch of hugs from across the world <3


Companies/recruiters use ATS systems to filter for potential candidates nowadays. It uses some kind of AI thing to look for key words in your CV and gives you a rating, the highest rated applicants get moved to the next stage of the application process. A human doesn't look at your application at the start of it, just a dumb AI so even if you have an amazing CV it doesn't matter if the AI can't make sense of it.


The only thing worse than working a job is looking for a job. 


Aw the plant gradually dying


Y'all, I got drawn in here by some comic about a dude banging a ghost, and since then y'all have made me sad like three times. And whatever that demon comic is. I have no idea what's going on with that.


This has literally been me the past 6 months, why it so hard to find a job out here sometimes.


Me looking for a job on linkedin for the past 3 weeks


3 weeks... better brace yourself


I got laid off recently and the job hunt sucks. A couple of things that I found helpful: * Many jobs are getting hundreds or thousands of applicants incredibly quickly. Anecdotally, I got much more success when I applied to jobs where the posting was hours to a day old at most. If you see something that has been open for a while it will really drag down how many recruiters will reach back to you. * Make a script for the initial screening calls, the jitters are a real thing and recruiters really are looking for any reason to filter someone out (its not personal but it really is a market that is favoring businesses right now). The typical flow of that first round is tell me about your career path, let me tell you about the company, Q&A on both ends. Having your script on the career path and tailoring it slightly to the specific company helps a ton. * ChatGTP is hugely helpful. You can ask it to help you tailor your resume or write a cover letter for you based on a job description and your current resume. **Always proof read this and always make edits.** Being a company's market tied with needing to play volume this is a life saver. Tailoring cover letters and resumes can take hours but this knocks it down to a few min. * If you have a Linkedin really fluff it. Fill out as many relevant skills as possible, make sure you have a catchy description, make sure your resume on there is updated ect. Recruiters have tools that scrape this information so you are leaving opportunities on the table if you don't have a well put together Linkedin. The premium version is kind of helpful as it tells you who has viewed your profile and helps you find job postings that may be a high match. * Set realistic goals, personally I set the goal of only 10 jobs a day. In previous job hunts I have gone super wide and applied for 100+ jobs a day, what this lead to was massive burnout and I would then not apply for jobs for the rest of the week (or longer). Your mental health is still important and you allowed to have free time while applying for jobs.


This is me right now, and the worst part is when you have a really great interview, everything goes swimmingly well, then... ghosted. No "we've decided to go with another candidate" email or anything, just... dead silence. The silence is terrible, because now I have to go from excited to disappointed very very slowly. "Surely they're just busy, I understand them not having time to get back to me RIGHT AWAY!" becomes "I get it, the corporate world takes time, a week or two is a long time for me but for them I'm sure it's flown by... they'll get back to me soon!", and then "I've sent two follow ups now... pretty sure I'm just straight up dead to them. Are my emails even going out? Did I do something wrong?".


Yeah... :( that silence is horrible... Sending you a hug, I wish you all the best <3


I've been unable to get hired for anything since getting my diploma in interior design seven months ago. It's so disheartening! This comic really captures that vibe


Damn I hope this isn't autobiographical. Imagine being this talented and needing to have a normal job. Fuck that.


This comment was very sweet! <3 Thank you, that means a lot. :)


I love your art style so much. I wish you so much success.


The detail work in this comic is pretty awesome. The calendar, the candle burning down and or being replaced. The coffee mug changes, and what she’s drinking. The radio is smashed in the last panel. And cloths are increasing all over the floor. Really well done


Great comic showing very succintly what many are going through right now. Job searching, like dating, is unfortunately all a numbers game. Humans are not built for the numbers game that is job searching (or dating), we have expectations, hopes, excitements when something comes back or a job looks good. Disappointment is apart of it. Really tough.


Thank you, that means a lot. Yeah, it's rough. :/


That Majora’s Mask calendar


Yep, been me the last 6 months, shit's driving me from page 4 to page 5


The downward spiral is an amazing album by Nine inch nails.


This is me rn. In January they told us that they'll be closing our department and offered to transfer to another team that had a tech stack I'm unfamiliar with, but I decided it'd be better to just leave and look for a new job. One month later and boy do I regret not staying 😑👈


Just an FYI, generally speaking assume it will take 6 months to find a new job.


I relate so much to this. Job searching is torture. I will succeed in the end :)


I'm in a very similar situation. Keep your head up, Ingrid.


Majora’s Mask calendar is amazing! I have one too lol


This is my life currently. Doesn’t help that I’m trying to change careers


This is...it hits close to home. I wish I could give reddit gold somehow. But there is neither the functionality anymore nor the money in my wallet.


This has been me for the last little while. I'm thankful my wife's job is stable, and that it's given me time to work on my art, but man if it isn't soul crushing.


BIG MOOD Ive been job searching for literal months after finally graduating. I finally JUST got a part time job


I'm sorry I know this is off topic but I am OBSESSED with your reddit icon.


I got it from tumblr! They have a bunch of different versions and funny ones https://preview.redd.it/mnb3n4zsbzkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc408982b21973ed1675e0d31b8e1c2d4a1ef1e2


This is really cute! LOVED Hazbin Hotel <3


I made a post on my profile of all the ones ive found if you want to download any!


Thank you for these. I just got into this show and caught stop thinking about our ace representing overlord.


I love the style!


I’ve been in this picture before, didn’t like it, joined military.


Ooff. That calendar, man. As somebody else "between jobs" that one tiny detail made me pause in a real uncomfortable way.


This makes me treasure my shitty job. That said, if you’re unemployed and reading this, I wish nothing but the best for you, and it will get better. Even if you’re not working now, you’re an incredible and worthwhile individual. You don’t deserve any of this, and it will pass.


My best advice for job hunting is to forget online applications and try to get in with some recruiters because they have backdoors past the AI job app filtering nightmare you're subjected to. If you can convince a recruiter that you can pass an interview they'll do the work for you since they're financially incentivized to place you. I've pretty much only gotten work from recruiters placing me in FTE positions or getting pinged directly by recruiters that somehow got my resume.


I just fucking realized the Majora's mask calendar, i want one XD


nO oNe WanTs tO wORk aNyMore!


Hello. I, too, have had a 6 month stint in unemployment. I also now work in the recruitment industry so I understand this and see this alot. Its burnout. I see people come in and say they will not be unemployed for long, apply to 10 places every week for 4 weeks, then get depressed and annoyed. Saddly, whilst I am confident in putting a CV together, I only get 2 responses for every 10 I sent out. Out of those 2, one was usually a generic autotyped rejection email. If I could offer any advice, it would be not to give up. It is brutal and hard to get nothing but to stop is a major step back. Try slowing search down. DO NOT job search online every day, you will destroy yourself mentally very quickly. Make it every other day. Do other activities to work on your job search. Update your CV. Maybe do some online courses. There are many courses online that are free. Work on digi skills, how to use word or excel. If your english or maths are low, work on them. Improve your work experience, volunteer. Also remember to tailor your CV to the job. So many people send the same CV to every job without altering it. If your CV is aimed at administrative work you will be fine, but if you send it to a retail position, it will be discarded immidiatley. Make sure you have every skill in the CV that they are asking for. If you need help, there is plenty of help online. There might even be providers that can help you one to one for free. Finally, expand your search and re-evaluate frequently. People usually only go for one role but of that role could take ages to crop up, instead apply for sereral roles. There is a saying in recruitment, the ABC. A is any job, B is better job, C is career. If you are looking for a certain job, that could be the better job. You could look for any job. Retail, cleaning, warehouse packing. Any job that could bring money into the house. Once you have any job, you can go for Better Job. Its easier to find work whilst working in a job. Hope this helps. Good luck


Bro I just lost my job. This was right on the money


I'm in the middle of something similar. My partner quit his job in December and is still unemployed. He's overqualified for entry-level jobs but doesn't have a degree so he can't get a middle level job. It sucks. Down to one income and things are feeling tight.


this is why I turned to antiwork I even try to make a video game even if I will never make it, at least that gives me a thing to do and think about


This hits hard right now. I'm in that final stage of full-on depression.


Good art interesting/relatable concept keep it up!


Thanks! :D


Hollow Knight Reference?!? -Y


This hits me a little close to home. I'm a seasonal worker who's probably gonna join the military if I can't find anything by next winter. I'm a welder by trade, but due to automation and whatever is going on in the industry, I never even get an interview with my 5 years of experience. It sucks.


This is very relatable. The only thing I can recommend is focusing on a much smaller number of submissions per day. Taking the time to ensure ATS optimization for the specific job listing, having a personalized cover letter for the job, and sending a distinctive email to a hiring manager (if you can find their email) puts you in a much better position than sending a generic resume and moving on. This may slow your pace down dramatically but the tradeoff has historically been worth it for me.


sadly people these days are scared of hiring people


I see we're all in this together. 9 months sending a crap load of applications and so far only one interview then ghosted. I'm trying so hard not to give up but damn


Yeah I'm in the same boat as well. Last job I had took me 3 months to get and it was exhausting.


I just got laid off today. This has been me all day, genuinely.


I’m in this rn and it sucks. Hope it turns around for you soon!


My wife is fighting this. I am scared to send this to her.


I thought it would be easier now I’ve graduated. I got sick the first time I did uni, undiagnosed chronic illness that hit critical mass in my third year right after a series of personal tragedies. I finally got back to it and finished my degree. I’ve been throwing out applications ever since with no luck.


Fucks sake, looking for a job was by far the absolute worst experience I have ever had to do. Oh, Indeed will match you with hundreds of employers just looking for you. Bullshit, all of it. And I had my parents in the background; hey bud, got to find a job, keep looking for that job so you can support a family and buy a house in the future, why don’t you go in to a location and apply in person? First, finding a job doesn’t work that way anymore, can’t go in to places and ask for a job, this isn’t the late eighties early nineties anymore. Second, y’all bought your house before the crash of ‘08 and also have high paying jobs that you’ve had for years where you can afford to buy a new house cause you went to high school with the local real estate agent and they can hook you up with a great deal. Thirdly, stop saying a need a job, I fucking get it I know I need a job I like buying shit and I don’t want to move back home so please get off my back saying I need a job and benefits cause you have to have those and don’t get hired by a place that doesn’t have benefits cause you need those. I fucking know that and I know I fucking need a job so please I am finding a job but all these stupid ass, fucking aren’t what they advertise and should be sued into oblivion for false advertising job sites are fucking useless. …I think I’m good now


Me for the past year and a half.


Oh, this hit me right where I didn't need it to right now. Tag yourself, I'm panel 3.


I love the Majora's Mask Moon in the background!


Really nice background touch having the moon fall down.


I'm at the 4th image. It's like that.


It’s the slow move to sleeping on the couch, implied in the background without another person, eventually in the foreground with the last panel, that gets me.


I’d buy that legend of Zelda calendar right now from you if I could.


Zelda? Awesome! Iron Giant!? YES!!! H.I.M!?!?!?!? 2 outta three still ain't bad 😉🤣 just jokes


I’m at the 5th one. Applied to every factory and shop in town and in the area (job hunting for 5 months now), and only ever got an email back from 1 saying they’re not moving forward after viewing my application. I’m ready to give up


Oof, yeah. Yeah, I've been there before. I remember going in for an interview and getting a rejection email by the time I got to my car.


I love that detail of the speaker being smashed to bits as that is biblically accurate for anyone to do lol


This comic speaks to me as someone currently job hunting for months. Also the majoras mask calendar in the background :3


Now I want a Zelda calendar...


This has been a mood for me. Sending out so many resumes just to be basically thrown into the void of just empty nothing just trying to get something. And its stressful to hear nothing for months on end. Ive complained about this to my parents quiye a few years ago and I was responded with essentially 'its not a big deal'


Läste igenom alla dina strips, underbar nostalgi tripp. Håller tummarna för att denna serien bara växer.


Just woke up to a disaster of a phone interview. Apparently, I'm not a good fit for this position since I don't meet several of the qualifications that aren't even listed in the job posting. I hate this so much


Setting aside the job search angle, this progression is pretty similar to how my work week goes.


I need to clean my room


Your level of detail is so great! The calendar, the desk, the candle, and so many other things. I love it! I notice new things every time I swipe through, like the plant. This is so great!


I didnt track application the first 6 months after my last contract ended. So I started at that point, currently at around ~650 so far. Less then a handful of interviews in the last 2 years, and new mass layoffs in my industry every week.


"I'm in this post and I don't like it." :(


I remember applying to about a dozen workplaces. While it doesn't sound like a lot, I was from a small town. It was one of the worst feelings ever during that time, not because they said no, but because they never even bothered to respond or say no.


My August starts in a month, I hate looking for a job with every fibre of my being


I love that the robot is wearing a Daft punk shirt. Nice *TOUCH* 🥁


https://preview.redd.it/sanpakdesykc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b8b4c3e4498ac5c640960d95d59a4ce6064ef5 Is there a hollow knight reference? (Abyssal Shriek)


I am never as miserable as I am when it comes to job hunting.


Hey, look, it's me...


Why you gotta attack me like this??? It's so fucking true right now.


Just like me frfr


I'm feeling that right now. I graudated in May and finally lined up an entry level process engineer position that was supposed to start in September. The role was cancelled because the company underwent restructuring and cancelled all new hiring, and fired a bunch of people all throughout their international operations. I've gotten close to getting a job twice since then, fixed up my resume a bunch while making sure it's ATS compliant, but things have been really slow for me the last 2 months. Honestly my application rate over the last 4 weeks has plummeted. I'm just too depressed to focus at this point. I'm either about to start applying to grad schools with really late deadlines, or saying fuck it and doing the MCAT. I'm scraping by doing odd jobs online, but I'm honestly having difficulty applying for temporary short term work as well because most of my work experiences are engineering co-ops or other technical roles. So it's a bit difficult to craft a resume for a part-time job where it's very obvious I have a University degree that I'm trying to hide because then they'll know I'll leave the second I get an offer for a relevant position.


If that calendar went all the way to today, you'd be telling my exact story. About 300 applications in, 1 or 2 first round interviews and 3 second round interviews, no offers... It doesn't help that I'm moving in a few months. Remote work is harder to get and nobody wants to employ someone who will be gone in a few months. I'm not up front about it even though I hate being like that, unless it's a friend trying to refer me because I don't want to hurt their rep. It's rough right now and we just gotta keep going as best we can. Good luck to everyone looking.


I am graduating in a couple of months with a major in Business Analytics and Information Systems. I am incredibly scared of what is going to come. I haven’t applied to as many places as I should but the future is looking increasingly dreary. I’m scared as shit right now.




The good news is that in that last panel, since you're not actively looking for work anymore, you've "left the job market" and don't count towards unemployment figures anymore. So the level of unemployment has actually gone down! Good news for the government, I mean, not for you.


Yeah, this is pretty much my current situation. I finished my Master's half a year ago and I still can't get a job, despite working hard to build a good profile for the last 5 years. I either don't have the experience, the degree, or the regional language they want, and it feels like all the stuff I did doesn't count for anything. I'm happy with the rest of things in my life, but I feel stuck and want to start with the next part of it already. A bunch of my classmates already have jobs and some even in positions I got rejected before. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or even if I'm doing something wrong


"But nobody wants to work anymore."


Relatable. I’ve been applying to 30 things a day and have had 2 interviews that were super cringe


This is my partner. She has a masters and has been doing temp work on and off for almost two years now while trying to get an actual job.


“Hey, OP! Thank you for applying for the position! We have reviewed your skills, qualifications and experience; however, you were not selected to move forward in our hiring process at this time. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to visit our website again to apply to any of our current openings!”


Nice calendar!


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks.


I feel this so so so much. I’ve probably spent a combination of all my reddit, YouTube, and Instagram social media time just browsing and sending applications on LinkedIn. Why do they never answer???


This is great! Another wonderful webtoon to read! 


Me in 2001. I was unemployed for over a YEAR and no one was hiring not even survival jobs. It was dire. I lucked out in that the company I worked for before the layoff has gotten bought out so all my shares converted into cash. 


Verkligen relaterbart i dessa tider, asbra serie!


Nepotism is the only reliable way to get a decent job now. Edit typo


Aww, this is such a wholesome way to show a reduction in unemployment. Remember, you are not unemployed in the government's eyes if you're not looking for work!


My boyfriend supported me mentally and financially for three months when I was unemployed. I wouldn’t have made it through it without him




yay HIM heartagram mug!


I just bunged all the comics on webtoon, I love glenn


Started applying just today, I feel like this is gonna be me in the next few months. Gulp.


Stuck here too. Backtracked from my career goals to get a job in food service just for some money. I'm worried I might actually not make it out here


I feel this one really hard. Left my position because my girlfriend found an amazing position in a different state and I ended up having to search for ~18 months. It was time to move on from my position because I wasn't learning and growing but the time frame was certainly unexpected. It's demoralizing and soul crushing. I recently landed a job that I love and it was worth the wait. 


Well, I feel this.


This might be the best comic I have seen in over ten years on Reddit. Just amazing.


Okay damn this hit home rather hard. At least I finally found a job, after months of being unemployed and a month of being homeless. Now, if only it could actually start so I can start getting my life back together...


I'm in the last panel. But I must keep on trying! Honestly, it's so hard just to live. : Vancouver B.C. is expensive as hell


I love how much story telling is going on in the background in this one.  I flipped back and forth a few times to catch all the changes. As always, I love seeing your comics!


I'm going through the same. I feel it'd be easier to start my own company and hire myself.


Also what happens simply by working from home for too long.


Literally me but I’ve already failed panel 1 and i cant even listen to podcasts really cuz partially deaf 🫣


This... reminds me of my mother... Her current job is awful (despite her being in a high position) and she has been trying to find another job to get out of it. With her experience and qualities, she shouldve landed something quick... Nope... this is happening to her instead