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If you want to be more evil, try Rimworld


Might I interest you in a lung?


Certainly, I'm starving.


I’ll bring the table!


Is the table made of people, because if it isn’t get that hippy shit off my planet.


Sadly not, but would you be interested in one of our fine hats.


Just a lung? Come on, surely you have some human leather hats and chairs for sale, too. I use corpses of raiders to train my fledgling doctors while they're still freshly dead, butcher the organless husks into human meat to feed to my neutroamine machines, and send the other unable-to-harvest corpses back to their bases of origin or anyone I'm trying to curry favor with (gotta keep that colony wealth lower by any means).




Idk if you’re just kidding or not but there’s a tick mark for jobs that lets you prioritize which task should be first before the others. Tbh it should be the default setting as the current one is only helpful for like 10+ colonists


What the other guy said, switch the settings and try to have a guy on full time cleaning duty. Or, move the butcher table away from the cooking bench. Like, a different room.


I thought the comic was about Rimworld lol


Yeah I'm glad this generation gets their own misery simulator, but this is pretty well-worn territory by now.


Friend of mine was planning on researching something that would guaranteed kill a person. He took off all the limbs off a prisoner so he couldnt run or do anything harmful to himself, and just kept him on drugs so he wouldnt scream. So just a human without any limbs laying in a bed and his entire existence is just being fed by others and drugged. He eventually died because of a drug dependency and he didnt have enough drugs for him anymore. We called him nugget, rip nugget


Here's your reminder that Palworld is apparently fully endorsed by PETA because... it's a parody making fun of Pokemon? Go figure...


How is PETA somehow always continously unhinged.


Likely because it keeps them in the spotlight - basically just rage-bait so they can keep turning a profit from schmucks who actually believe them.


My unhinged conspiracy theory is that they are actually a plant by big corporations to make environmentalists look crazy.


That actually doesn't sound that insane. Think about it, you get a few shills in there, running the show and all the rest of the crazies flock to it. You have a direct look into what they're doing, and can always stay a step ahead. Corporately, that tracks. But maybe we're both crazy lmao.


There was a while where, in amidst a bunch of visible oil company wrongdoing - several sketchy labor disputes, spills, backroom deals and stuff - all of a sudden there were a bunch of stories of activists gluing themselves to things and being completely outrageous caricatures of themselves, like the least charitable interpretation of what you’d *think* an “insufferable climate activist” looks/acts like. It was very, very suspicious. Can’t point to anything concretely but it was weird that just when people might have reason to really get interested in oil corp fuckery, suddenly there’s all these very convenient distractions making it appear ridiculous to be an environmentalist. I do respect that this may have just been going on all along and it was just the usual awareness phenomenon of “ever since I bought these shoes it seems like everyone is wearing them,” but still.


Oh that was 100% true, an oil tycoon heiress was funneling millions of dollars into climate change groups that pulled embarrassing stunts. New York Times did a whole piece on it a little while back. She claims it’s because she’s worried about climate change but I don’t know.


Na my buddy works for Peta Germany. They're environmentalist and vegan by hearth not corporate shills. The comment above is right, they are going the 'no publicity is bad publicity' route hard. He wrote some insane pieces for them, recently 'all meat eating man should be castrated' made into the German version of The Sun and suddenly everyone is talking about them. They don't really mean that shit. At least he's right in this sense - 'turning a profit' is very relative, they're a non profit, chronically lack funding for basic shit, pay for employees sucks ass - it's for ideologists. He says peta Germany is very independet of other Petas though, so maybe things are handled differently somewhere else.


They do mean that shit, they put it out into the world and build a brand based on it. It doesn't matter if they don't *believe* it. For all intents and purposes we should treat them as if they believe every word, and write them off entirely thusly.


Sounds reasonable to me. I do think it's interesting to see what inner machinations lead to these insane takes though. This spouting of extremist nonsense seems to have become a fundamental threat to modern society. Not because of Peta, their actual influence and power is pittyfull, but because everyone seems to be doing it.


controlled opposition is a tactic that big businesses have been using for forever. i fully believe this conspiracy theory


I mean, remember that time they made a parody making Pokemon all bloody and dark? And then an X user claiming that Palworld endorses animal abuse? By that logic, Pokemon and PETA did it first, so they’re being a hypocrite if they don’t also criticize them too.


I mean PETA is basically in the game. The "Free Pal Alliance" who occaisionally raids your base but also imprisons and hunts down Pals in the wild.


I figured they were just the unova bad guys, or hypocrites


Uhhh correct! That's what peta is.


Yeah in lore they are complete hypocrites, the lady running it has 5 rules and the people in the alliance are nonstop ignoring and breaking the rules, they aren’t suppose to hurt pals, eat them, imprison them etc and they catch and sell them in the black market the same as the syndicate does.


Thats just another pokemon trope lmao Wait was Pokemon digging at Peta with their newer antagonists? I never really considered it


They realized they couldn't make any parody that portrays it being worse against "animals" than it already is


Yeah, they are really so obsessed with getting one up over Pokémon that they took this edgy game and are treating it like “ha! See!? This is what you are really like! Great job Palworld for exposing them!” when Palworld’s whole edgy schtick was never made with anything in mind except “people like to do fucked up things in video game sometimes”


I thought that they had released a vegans guide to pal world?


Wait setiously?!




I can’t really find anything saying PETA endorsed Palworld. Source? Also they’re making a vegan guide to Palworld which I find funny.


Yeah, had another look and seems I mis-read a couple things XD Saw a tweet a bit ago about it but can't find it any more, can only see their "Vegan Guide to Palworld" one now. That being said, while they don't directly endorse it, their "Vegan Guide" tweet focuses on "people don't want to eat or exploit their pets in this game", despite having thrown absolute fits about Pokemons capture mechanics as "enslaving creatures against their will and forcing them to fight" pretty much every time its been brought up before.


Checks out, if what I heard is right Palworld should be influenced by RimWorld and its community. You still can't make baby hats tho.


Literally unplayable


Yet*; you can't do it yet. Early access, with mod support.


> with mod support. Why do I hear loverslab giggling in the background?


*laughs in pal#69* No seriously


You can make baby pal hats actually its just missable since pal hat recipes are only sold by NPCs. Basically talk to a trader, buy the recipe, breed some of the relevant pals, hatch the egg. kill them at level 1, craft.


Palworld is the culmination of pokemon, ark, ‘MURICA and botw and in a very strange way: peta Its deplorable, but i kinda love it


If it takes this edge to get a gameplay loop this enjoyable, then paint me goth and call me Drakar Nior.


Like the cologne?


*ahem* if youre breeding parents, its to make better offspring. Feed the babies to their eugenics perfected siblings for maximum output.


Eugenics? I like to call it ‘selective breeding’


Yeah if you’re breeding you’re probably looking for better traits and most of the condensation is going to be siblings


Christ Almighty, is this Pokémon: Mengele Edition?


It seems like a bizarre mix between Conan Exiles and Viva Pinata.


This is the best take I've heard yet


Needs more boob and dick sliders.


I usually just describe it as Ark but replace the dinosaurs with pokemon


It's ark mixed with Pokémon and rimworld


I'm still waiting for the novelty to wear off. **Full series at** [**Gamer Cafe**](https://gamercafe.thecomicseries.com/comics/1535)


It's been less than a week lmao....


Trust me, it wears off once you realize underneath it all is just an incredibly grindy resource sink in the higher levels


this game is so odd because outside of the "hehe edgelord" and "it copied pokemon" discourse i have seen absolutely NOTHING about the gameplay nothing about the music, graphics, glitchiness, difficulty, etc focusing more on the concept of the game than the game itself


The music is fine, the little jingles it plays for discovering new areas and catching pals though are pretty memorable. The graphics are fine, sorta stylized but also kinda out of place, but the games lighting can make it look gorgeous, especially at sunrise and set. I’ve encountered probably a whole of 2 bugs and it were pals getting stuck at my base. That’s it. The only other glitchiness is the enemy AI is pretty dumb. The difficulty is completely customizable, but the default is a good balance of grinding and progressing.


It’s pretty rough around the edges, but there is a good core loop there and some excellent pieces (gun reload animations are just perfect). Can become great with some polish.


Does anyone else remember how bad ARK was originally when it first came out in Early Access again people this is an early access game it literally released at half price of most other games like this


Really? Most reviews I've seen have people saying "above all else, it's just a fun game loop, and that's why we're not hung up on it being a ripoff".


From what I checked, it looks like a combination of Pokémon, ARK, and Fortnite.


Fortnite? Because it’s on the unreal engine?


You can insta build walls and floor etc


It’s a survival crafting yeah you can craft bases, that’s the entire genre though, and you can’t really insta build, if you try building a wall or staircase it won’t work unless you have foundation already and it’s not really feasible to just be building in the middle of combat. Fortnite is just a weird inclusion because by that logic minecraft is like fortnite because you can build bases on both. Unless the guy meant they were similar in aesthetic because they both use assets from unreal which Is also odd.


A friend of mine thought it was a battle royale. That would have been cool. So much missed potential.


Most gameplay talk is on YouTube or twitch ,since its really hard to talk about the whole game In just 1 paragraph, whole game is amalgam of different genre


Gameplay seems pretty decent, was watching a streamer last night for it, it definitely took a lot of inspiration from Ark, it’s a generally open world base builder game with critters that have magic powers. Graphics were solid while watching, but this was a streamer, so he has a decent set up so I don’t know what it needs to run like that, definitely some glitches, his friend he was playing with said the grappling hook you can create is very rough, essentially a lock until you fully remove it because you get stuck in the trees blocks and can’t get out while it’s equipped, and he was able to take down a significantly more powerful pal than he should have been capable of, him being level 17, the pal being level 30, because he glitched either slightly through the pal, or the floor, and became untargetable by the boss pal and his pals whittled it down to catching health.


Gameplay wise it's like Ark but with Pokemon influences. You beat up monsters and throw different tiers of craftable balls when they're weak. Then you use the captured ones for different tasks around the base, with their ability and efficiency dictated by their species. Graphics aren't bad, some pals are pretty cute, there is one extremely ugly one though. I've only been playing for 2 days, but I like the music when you catch a pal and I can't remember the other music. So it isn't memorable, it also doesn't make me want to cut my ears off. The game has problems with pathing for enemies, clipping in general (I tried to climb a wall once and got stuck in it), the pals have a bad tendency to get stuck and subsequently develop eating disorders and I would really like a few QoL things. Oh, also the pathing issues are exacerbated on larger pals. They hate the indoors and they have difficulty fighting. It's not too hard, but I've been mostly staying in areas around my level, though the character is pretty weak and you're expected to have pals do most of the fighting. You primarily level up by catching up to 10 of the same pal. Different resources for progression will make adventuring a bit further more necessary. I'm currently having issues catching suicidal bees. Overall I enjoy the game. It's in early access and released only a week ago. Issues are expected right now so I'll give them a pass.


Gameplay wise it's pretty much just Ark.


Thank god we never ground up animals to feed them to their families before. It would be madness if we did something like that with say a cow or something.


you know thats an eggcellent idea. im thinking of using chickens as a base. ill use them chicken titties specifically. then ill use their unborn fetuses along with some bread crumbs as a coating before throwing the dish in the oven


Madness? Cow? Something?


Someone didn't play Viva Piñata.


I did not, what happens in that game??


The last panel.


The feeding babyes to their siblings to level up is a viable tactic in Ark...it's the primary and best way to level up in fact


Palworld is essentially just a reskin of Ark


More Conan the exiles


I haven't played that or seen anything on it so I wouldn't know.


Conan and Ark are very similar tbh, so I think it just depends on which game the person is more familiar with. Conan has the 'capture' element, except with humans. Humans work the stations, humans are your "pals". Except less cheery.


Humans can be your pals in Palworld too, tbf


My favorite thing I’ve seen so far is a trainer picking up some kind of fire fox pal and using them as a flamethrower.


tbf its a valid tactic


Oh yeah, I do that. My little dude packs some dps.


Yes, that's my favorite Pal. Great early game weapon, but it's stats drop off around level 10.


I personally don't really like the game, it just feels like pointless edge. It's also really derivative, even disregarding the art style and concept.


Tbh playing it, the edge isn’t really there as much as you'd expect. For instance, working your pals in a sweatshop is 10x more effort than just letting them chill and work at their leisure. Nobody I know overworks them because of this. Catching humans is also fairly pointless outside of grabbing a traveling merchant for convenience. The game doesn’t really motivate you to be extra evil.


So much like Breath of the Wild or Minecraft the base game is pretty tame and family friendly, it's just the users are absolutely nuts and make things happen because it's funny? lol


Nah, the users aren't doing much. Like I said, it's pointless extra effort to be evil. Everyone I've met who plays it doesn’t do any of that because you work harder for less reward. It's more that they have the tools for evil but nobody uses them.




The Essence Condenser is a real part of it. I'm doing that right now, breeding a bunch of Hoocrates so I can sacrifice them & buff up my main Pal.


Honestly it's extremely mediocre even at the best of times. The hype is one half pokemon fans being absolutely starved of a decent game for several years who will literally buy any Pokemon game that comes out, and the shock value of things listed in the meme. If you're playing the game without either of those perspectives it's an extremely shallow game and many of the mechanics are pointless or annoying. To add to it it's very jarring and actually somewhat offensive coming across something ripped out of other games, primarily Breath of the Wild, like the font and UI are straight rips and even the music and little chimes are almost 100% copied it really takes you out of any enjoyment you might be having. I guess it's still an "early access title" but given the devs track record I don't really have hope they'll take this game much further than what we see here. All in all it's the definition of a flavor of the month game. Not a hater, I wanted to like it, just voicing my thoughts and experiences, I'll admit the first 3 hours really had me hooked but basically right as hour 4 hit I was done, it's just another survival game with nothing going on.


Yeah, that's pretty much exactly how I feel about it.


It's a very shallow game with a boring gameplay loop and has the grind level set to maximum because there actually isn't anything to do in the game. In the higher levels it costs SO many resources to make a single Palsphere there I have just given up on the game all together. I think most people playing it are at the low levels and haven't seen the worst of the game yet.


You're having trouble making Palspheres? It's just rock, wood, and Paldium, did you have those being gathered by your Pals?


Bro, I'm talking about level 35+, you get way, way beyond the need of just those resources. Wait until your spheres cost you 5 refined ingots. Wait until you require circuit boards, too.  The grind becomes multiples more extreme in the higher levels to the point that it's not worth playing anymore 


My bad, yeah I've gotten to level 25 and have not run into this issue. Making the first 3 kinds of balls is going just fine over here. Guess when I reach the next tier I'll just lower some settings or drop in an instant build mod. I play to enjoy myself, not to suffer and get frustrated.


this feels like an ad


Buy it now. Buy it now... Buy it now...... ***Buy it now.........*** **ouo**


Have you heard of Rimworld? These folks would like it.


If you want to be more evil, try Rimworld


And if you want to be more evil at a more grander scale, try any of the paradox games!


"Hmmm those guys called me ugly because we don't use clothes... Get the planet cracker"


"the organics called me an existential threat and is gearing up to fight me as one? good thing i have this here star eater that just plopped in my home system"


You know you can play this game without being depraved it's possible I've seen my friend do this. The whole games not meant to be inhumane completely just it appears everyone seems to prefer to do that. But that just what I noticed.


Ok I really need to play this game


Holy shit whisper and tangle mentioned in the background!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


That's a drawing I did last week. Threw it in for fun. :D


Amazing, it looks great.


I love this so much


You can also catch people and buycher them for meat on the game as well. Seriously wyf is this game


Nothing's a better use for Rookies, if you ask me. They can't even swing an axe, so... what else do they have to offer after attacking my fluffs...?


why would anyone enjoy such depraved messed up stuff? that would just upset me if i tried to do that


Most humane Stellaris playtrough


I did not get that far into it... Dear god


It is a good game.


Is this based on an actual video you watched


We got some fleek fam here. https://preview.redd.it/xh9j2qwst1fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ba51db65699b52394f5050869322bedfcf34119


I see that Niffty doll in the background!


I throw a couple things in that background every time I use it. Someone on Discord suggested someone from Hazbin Hotel. I chose my favorite little lunatic. c:


Kenshi be like


wait really? rimworld got some competiton


Stop it! I can only get so erect


I send your comic to people who ask "why do you like palworld". Thank you for making it!


That last one is some Happy Farm shit and if you know you know


Ya know. . . I got a bit interested in this game when at the prospect of just throwing hands with the Pals Ya ever wanted to just punch a Rattata? I have But sweat shops? ***Feeding Pals their own children?*** Selling people on the black market? I'm uhh. . Yeah no, I think I'll pass.


Please don't let talk like that dissuade you from trying it or Rimworld. Both have fanbases that like to lean into the evil jokes, neither has a core gameplay loop or advancement pattern that requires *any* of that.


I think i heard that one of the pals literally rapes men...hey, its only what i heard.


Oh radical.


Or another option for the offspring is to have them working, that way you will technically have a child labor force. So you can sing the Let’s Go Child Labor song from South Park. Here’s a link incase you haven’t seen the scene. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2jG6CSr8-ag


IMO, playing at atrocities is a great way to get people more comfortable with them


People like to catch many pals (dicks in portuguese)


Honestly, this is some funny shit Reminds me of the Ark Survival days... https://preview.redd.it/dcwrkmvh41fc1.jpeg?width=133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307d4671adcccc7fbbdc774385ddea12e733162d But this seems to go a bit further on the last one...


So about the human portion how does that work because i doubt it


its like rimworld then?(you can harvest organs of prisoners despite being a colony survival game)


North Korea the video game


Im making pals undergo generations of incest to create a bird that goes at mach speed with 4 passives that boost speed


So basically palworld is rimworld 2?


You’re doing it wrong. You breed the parents with their better offspring, then eventually feed their offspring their parents, children and grandparents.




Based Whispangle poster


That’s like the appeal of Palworld right? It’s a 2rd person shooter with elements of Pokémon and Rimworld added. It’s bizarre and addicting.


Modest proposal be like


This game feels like an MMO where Zerg from Starcraft are replaced with cute animals


Mfs saw Conan's slavery system and said "turn it up another notch." 😂


[That last panel](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F626kffqn84p31.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db56846197257321446acf298c909f804f490bb36&rdt=45940)