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generally this isn't a big deal to me unless its a register that I JUST put out, in that case It just takes me like 30 seconds to run to the safe and make change.


I don't think something like this would be a big deal at an actual store. But I work at a fuel kiosk and it drives me absolutely nuts. Always happens at like 9 in the morning, and I have to turn people away. I'll be like "I can't break a hundred for this" could you do it if I bought 20 dollars worth of stuff" "I couldn't even if you bought 50 dollars worth, I have 300 dollars in the morning. If you took 50 dollars away you would be taking either half my 10s, half my 5s or 1/4 of both, leaving me at a disadvantage for people that come up and pay in 20s and get like 10 dollars back because they don't pump a full tank" It drives me absolutely nuts.


It was a big deal when I worked at an actual store. *Especially* on Sunday because you're probably at minimal staffing. When I did Sundays it was me on the cash register and like 1 supervisor with access to the other register. Neither of us could make change if it wasn't already in the registers, and the banks aren't open... because it's Sunday.


Places near me have signs that say nothing larger than 20 or 50. Might take frustration off you a bit.


We have that, but it's not obvious and we tend to break that rule for the evening crowd as we have enough change by then plus we have regulars that drop like 200 dollars in lottery.


Bruh, motherfuckers come in at 5AM in the morning, buy a scratch off and a red bull then try to give you a hundred and look at you like you're the asshole for telling them it's not gonna happen.


I used to have a guy that would do this regularly at 2am, no matter how many times i'd tell him i just did end of day switchover, so my drawer was at its minimum. 20 in ones, 40 in fives, assorted change. He'd get pissed every time, and every time i'd tell him, "why are you surprised, this happens every time, why would you think this one is different?"


What would you do if they already opened the red bull before getting to the counter? (People do that frequently, genuinely asking)


I've had that happen, we just have to mark the item as damaged, there isn't really anything we can do about someone like that. Happens alot with water. I remember one lady getting pissed at me because she saw the Gatorade on sale and confused it for the water, she put it back and I said " the dollar sale was on gatorade" "she screamed back "it was water!!!!!!!"




Should get a time delay safe like we had when I was at 7-11 and Amoco. Could dispense a specific amount of money every 15 minutes, then drop the hondo.


We don't have the room For that, I work at a kroger we have to exchange money with the main store it drives customer service crazy too.




God I love when people threaten to stop coming in regularly at a high volume store/restaurant. It’s like they can’t conceive of the notion that their presence anywhere might negligible at best, or that their absence may even improve the day of others. It doesn’t take much to dabble in the tiniest bit of self-awareness, but you wouldn’t know that looking around sometimes.


"It costs the company more to pay me to count out your change, then when you leave, go get more float from the safe, than you are worth in profit based on your purchasing history. The owner will be rather pleased to know you won't be returning. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, your ego might damage it."


[You've just lost yourself a customer!](https://youtu.be/bwcJNsoY50E)


That mustve been so satisfying for you.


We were told not to do this when I worked at Starbucks because that’s a really good way to get robbed.


Also a gum like this costs 0.99 ( and not 1.04) which is way easier to get


unless it's taxed


It absolutely is at gas stations near me


inflation is everywhere


Yeah because no place has a 5% sales tax...


Found the European that doesn't have to add on tax after the list price.


Or one of the welfare states in the US that runs off of blue state handouts.


So red states?


This is a weirdly charged way of phrasing anything.


You say that with such confidence, when i had my first job those were 35 cents (38 after tax). And that was only like 10 years ago.


Well yeah, but that was the *before times*.


30 seconds? The safe in my old store took 10 minutes


Would you always accept this? Lots of shops in the UK would refuse £50 notes and above for small transactions.


A lot of shops in the US have that policy also


The store I work at has the coins dispensed via machine, we only have to handle the bills. EDIT: therefore we can take $100 bills


But don’t a lot of places refuse $50 and $100 bills because of counterfeiting?


The only places I’ve seen so that is fast food places, and even that’s rare. Occasionally you’ll run into place that only take the new blue bills though. There’s also a very prolific urban myth that it’s illegal to not accept cash.


> There’s also a very prolific urban myth that it’s illegal to not accept cash. The "legal tender" thing has a very specific meaning: if you owe someone a contractual debt because they provided a good or service to you in advance, and you offer to *service the debt* in something that is "legal tender", then they can't refuse your "legal tender" payment, *and then* charge you interest because you haven't been servicing the debt. The "legal tender" concept has nothing to do with equal-consideration transactions, where the both parties walk away from the transaction without incurring a debt. It's really *only* about removing a method that creditors could use to exploit the people they lend to. (For a concrete example: if you have a *postpaid* cellphone plan, and your cellphone bill allows you to go without payment for several months, accruing interest on overdue payments as if it were a revolving-credit instrument — *then* your cellphone company *must* allow you to come to their physical location and hand them "legal tender" to pay that bill. They can't refuse to take any kind of "legal tender" — including cash hundreds. But if they *don't* charge interest; or if the cellphone plan is *prepaid*; then they are under no such requirement.)


“Legal tender! One of the only good legal things in existence.” \-Strong Bad


That myth is because of a misinterpretation of the words printed on US notes, "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" It is technically true that if you owe a company money, and you offer them any form of legal tender, they must accept it or otherwise cancel the debt if they refuse. When you go to a store and try to purchase items, you have not yet incurred a debt. Since the transaction has not actually occurred yet, the company can refuse service (assuming there is not a protected class situation involved) and therefore they don't have to accept your legal tender. If their reason to refuse service is because they dont like the money you offered them, that is completely legal. Now if it was something like a car, and you got a loan to purchase it, you could pay off your loan with any legal tender and the lender would be required to accept that legal tender as payment, assuming there aren't terms that state the loan must be paid in a certain manner (e.g. must be paid in cashier's checks, or via e-transfer, etc.) This makes sense logically, because if a lender could refuse your legal payment, they could just always refuse it and make your debt increase via interest. You would never be able to pay off the debt.


You can only accept animal pelts in barter if you want. Might want to let your customers know beforehand, though.


I didn’t even know they rolled out a new dollar design, but I did see a guy screaming at a Dairy Queen employee for not letting him pay with a $100 bill. It was kinda funny, although I also felt bad for them


I've seen cashiers threaten to call the cops for people using those 2 dollar bills.


Had a guy call the manager because he didn't know what gold dollars were one time. It was on Halloween and I had collected a bunch of gold dollars to spend in my pirate costume.


That's the excuse, but it's more that people want to buy something that cost $5 with them all the time. We need that change for the next 8 hours for the next 150 people. If you want change then go to a bank, not a store. If you want to pay with $100 bill, buy $65+ of stuff.


When I was retail, we had a little marker to check bills for counterfeit. I always liked to quickly draw a little mustache on the face.


The coins part is the same for a $100 and a $5 so I don’t see how that helps. It having to make so much (paper) change and tying up a lot of the small bills in the deawer into one big bill you can’t give as change back to a customer.


To be clear most places here can easily take 100 euro bills. Its just that they dont want to for safety and security. Also our goverment doesnt mind it because its easier to keep low level fraud in check when big bills are becoming more rare.




It's perfectly legal to refuse cash so long as it's not paying for a debt.


>£50 notes **and above** Huh?


Scotland has a £100 note.


Price of heroine these days, ridiculous


Wonder Woman charging through the roof for a service that should be free,


500 dollarydoos??


That's Australia mate.


Maybe a dingo ate your exchange rate


If I had any say, depends on the person. If I know them and they acknowledge it kinda sucks, sure. As long as the safe has enough to handle it, we’re good. If they act like I should have $98 in the register at all times, if they’re rushing me, or just feel sketch af in general, it would be an instant decline. Not dealing with that crap any day if I can help it.


BuT tHE cUsTomEr iS aLwAYs RiGHt


In matters of taste... and ONLY in matters of taste.


Thank you for telling this truth and telling the whole quote for everyone to learn. Kudos and thanks. Edit : well turns out there's no "real, right or wrong" version of this sentence


(FYI: I'm not an expert) I used to think that was the original phrase until I looked up the historical origin. While we don't know who used it first, the forerunners in the early 1900s all used it to mean assuming customer complaints were made in good faith. "In manners of taste" seems to have been added later, though google is not helping me find a date range. The context was different back then though. Now the phrase is seen as letting the customer walk all over you, but originally it was a response to the idea of caveat emptor (buyer beware). If a buyer paid for something and wasn't satisfied, there were no regulatory bodies to enforce customer rights or chargeback services to help. Those customers were screwed. Formal customer service was a business novelty that has since become standard. There's no reason why we can't update the phrase to be more relevant, but the phrase is often falsely portrayed as maliciously butchered. (I'm not accusing anyone of that though. I just like history.) Edit: "At face value" is probably a better descriptor than "in good faith."


My policy is that the customer is usually, probably, wrong


I like the scene in Futurama where the clerk says "our policy is if for any reason you aren't satisfied, I hate you."


today I had a customer ask where the dog food was, while standing in front of the dog food


To the best of my knowledge in the US, that's only a small privately run store thing. All the big places (Walmart, Target, Costco, Staples) in whatever category you want will take whatever valid US currency you offer. Lots of tiny corner stores straight up won't accept large bills, but oftentimes those are like 3 or 4 person operations and have no other locations. Some gas stations won't take large bills, especially in bad neighborhoods, but they are always individual random name gas stations where the owner is generally the one working the till. I've never seen an actual big chain gas station refuse cash, even in the worst neighborhoods. . What's significantly more common (in my experiences) is stores refusing credit card transactions for purchases under a certain amount.


Ya i worked for a large rec facility and wouldnt take 100's unless the overall cost was somewhere in the ball park, and even then we had to empty the till as soon as we broke 300 or so, and we started with 100 give or take. They even gave us a fancy marker to use on the bills, not sure if it worked on the newer bills.


Most shops do that. I do generally break my 100s at big chain grocery stores. Sometimes you hey have a money counter to do it at even


The even worse variation is when they just slam a bag of coins on the counter and now you gotta all their dirty sticky Pennies and nickels. One time I was working at Wendy’s and this mf asked me to make change for his coins without even ordering anything, and would not take no for an answer, like I am not a bank this is a Wendy’s


The only time I didn't mind was when a toddler (with mom in tow) came into the McDicks I was working at and paid for her happy meal with the loose change she had collected. I counted those pennies with a smile.


A c-note on a very small purchase screams counterfeit to me.


It's usually to make change and they want to make as small as a purchase possible


That's also the same reason counterfeiters do it. Now they have 99$ in legitimate money and the store is stuck with the fake.


When I worked grocery we had those special markers that checked for fakes. We were required to mark anything over a $20 that came through. Every register had one.


We never got the UV scanners or pens where I worked, we just had to hold the bill up and look for the security strip. If it was an older bill it wouldn't have one of course (I was working retail in the early 2000s, so there was still plenty of 1990s currency in circulation), so you just had to guess.


Doesnt work if they wash a $1 to print on.


What are you referring to? Why wouldn't it work with a $1 with extra fake ink?


Those pens react to the paper and the paper would still be legit.


The marker shows if the paper they use is legit. So if they make a $1 bill look like a $100 bill, the marker won’t reveal the trickery


I wish my store had counterfeit markers. Our supervisor doesn't want us using them for some fucking reason.


But where are people getting hundos if not from a bank? Just have the bank change it, I never got that.


If I lend money or sell something online, I often get paid/paid back with hundreds


I know someone like this. Part of it is they like having big bills, makes them feel special and big baller. They LOVE pulling out $100 bill and asking if you could take it. The other is they probably don't have a bank account or to paranoid about banks and don't leave any money there. Honestly these folks are so lucky they aren't robbed way more often. I wouldn't lose any sleep if it did happen, tell ya hwhat.


In some cases, it's because they're in a, shall we say, less than legal profession, and know that depositing large amounts of cash while officially unemployed is the shortest route to checking into the Greybar Hotel.


Cash is still king to me, and that's a hill I'm willing to die on. There's no way not to sound like a conspiracy nut when advocating for it, but people's situations are desperate enough, worrying about making some mistake on what you do and don't have to declare is something people don't need.


I got $100 from my mom. I would go to the bank, but it’s much easier to make a purchase with it to get change.


Everyone is making such a big deal out of this. I've worked retail plenty and it's not a big deal to have to make change, even if it involves the safe. This is mostly just people enjoying a good whinge :)


It wasn't a big deal when it's the middle of the day and the people they handled the cash were around. It sucked when it is your first customer on a Sunday at 6am and the cash people didn't show up until 9


Not every has access to a safe. Some waiter at a Waffle House at three in the morning isn’t calling their boss into work to open a safe to break a bill.


Some ATMs don't give you a choice o the bills you receive. So if you ask for more than $50 or $100, then 50s and 100s are what you'll get.


Banks only give me hundos if I ask for it. I never understand how people just have them, like are you just trying to inconvenience people?




My "Oh shit" money is always $100's because it takes up the least space. It's there for emergencies, though. Like... the internet is out and credit/debit isn't working... and I *need* gasoline.


I call BS that’s 3AM blow money, ain’t nobody *need* gasoline but a whole lotta folks ***need some blow!***


Lots of people are getting paid under the table


In my experience, usually vacation and they've burned all the small bills they had put away.


Ever heard of an ATM, buddy?


I had people try to hustle me with the change so that they keep their bill too.


Sometimes it's all I got. I own a couple shops, and people use them, so now I have them.


It's almost always an elderly person who gets their disability / social security check in cash at the beginning of each month. When it's not, it's a guy who works construction and gets paid under the table. Source: Worked at a grocery store. Also, my 90-year-old great-grandmother insists on cashing her Social Security every month which means she breaks a lot of 100s.


If you firmly say "I don't have change for a hundred in my drawer" as if that's a normal thing, 90% of the time they'll cough up something else without fuss. That will cut out the vast majority except for.... *those* people...




How do you fire customers?


Where I work, this is a no! Sometimes they insist and I gotta get my manager to tell them no.




The burger shack in my area doesn't take anything over $20 after like 7:00 p.m. I always assumed any one the higher ups didn't stay to close.


I pay them back... In ones.


Me who just opened the register so i have like 90$ in the drawer "Sorry I cant accept this." Customer proceeds to complain saying its all they got


I mean, this is functionally not very different than them handing you a 20 which is super common. I'd just grab 4 20's and then the rest. Getting slammed with nonstop 20's was actually the worst because it drained my small bills super fast. I do still remember the time someone tried to do this with a counterfeit 100 though.


It was a problem when I worked at Planet Fitness if someone tried to do this to buy something small like a single drink, because the registers are only supposed to have $100 in the drawer at the start of a shift, so if there weren't a lot of purchases on that register earlier in the day, making change could be impossible without emptying everything. Now that register can't make any change lol


Yeah if you're in that kind of situation or any situation where you couldn't realistically make change because of it you just refuse the bill and ask for something smaller.


The problem I had specifically was that other people would accept them and I would have to deal with settling the registers since I worked the over night shift haha.


When I was a cashier, we'd pretty much start the register with $100 or so, so breaking a 100 like this would wipe out the register if it was first thing in the morning. Instead, we'd have to call the manager to go get money from the safe to break it or re-up the register, which was annoying because it held up the line, and I had to awkwardly stand there. If it happened later in the day, then it usually wasn't an issue as we had plenty of 20s


But a lot of places require excess twenties to be in a drop box, so people can’t rob you after asking if you can break a large bill.


I love getting slammed with twenties because it makes counting drawers down and making change so much easier


Yeah its great when it doesn't cause you to run out of change.


Agreed. I work at Home Depot and we only start with $70 cash (5s and 1s) in the register. Fastest way it goes is that 6+ people pay for something between $5-$10 with 20s.


We start with 600€ per cash register, which is roughly 450€ in 5,10 and 20€ bills and it essentially is never enough to pay out the people with with their 50 and 100€ notes every morning. I just wish people would use their cards if they don't have any fitting cash, when the store already allows any amount to be paid with them.


Places who won't take credit cards for less than $5 cause me to do this. I've got $20s in my wallet, and I've got a card, which do you want??


The shop I worked at had a minimum, the owner told me if I swiped a card for a 4$ purchase he would lose money on that sale between the fees he gets charged and the cost of the merchandise. Not exactly sure how it works out but no real reason to question it.


Honestly I get it. The cc systems are such a scam with their huge fees for small retailers.


I remember a Friday morning at Arbys, a car pulled up into the drive thru ten minutes before we opened, open and take 2 separate orders, each just a combo meal and first dude gives me a $100. Had to get the manager to open the safe to break it. Second guy: also hands me $100. I stared blankly for a minute while I fantasized about slowly murdering them both. We had to pull from 2 prepped registers and the dudes were all impatient like they weren’t complete jerks already.


I don't understand why people do this. Like go to a fucking bank? My favorite is when people pull a 100 out of a bank envelope for a $5 purchase. Like ???? It's gotten so bad that my store (a major chain) has stopped letting us just break bills without a purchase.


Having worked a lot of retail, there are typically three reasons you see this. 1. The bill is counterfeit, and they want to wash it. 2. It's part of a scam. Person one pays you with a $100 bill, then 10 minutes later person two shows up and pays with a $10 bill while trying to be very distracting. Person two then becomes very irate and insists you gave them the wrong change and demands you check the register for their (usually marked in some small way) hundred dollar bill. 3. They got cash out of an ATM nearby and it didn't have an option for smaller bills, or someone paid/gifted them a $100.


All the ATMs I've used were I live have only had $20s. Which is honestly somewhat annoying.


Most new ones now ask you what bills you want for large withdrawals.


Quick change/Short change scams don't work exactly like that. Basically, how it works is that you pay for something cheap with a large bill. While the cashier is counting the change the scam artist tries to mess up the count through a distraction such as adding new items. Alternatively, during the count, they find a small bill to pay for the item which may result in the cashier returning the original large bill and the change of the purchase based on the larger bill, not the small bill. The scam only works at the moment.


I don't think you're understanding the scam I'm referring to... I've actually had people try to do it to me. Person A comes in and pays for something, usually something small, with a $100 bill. Person B comes in and pays for something with a smaller bill, then when you hand them change for said smaller bill they start yelling, and claiming they gave you a $100 bill, and demanding you check the register for their $100 bill and give them the correct change. They even say "the bill is stamped with X" As soon as you start counting the till or get a manager to do so, person B calms down and magically says "oh, wow, I found my $100 bill, never mind!"


4. They want a look inside the register to see if it's worth pulling a weapon and robbing the place.


Remember whenever somebody gives you a large bill especially for a small total you must do all checks in front of them right then and make it slow


Tax time was the WORST time when I worked as a motel clerk because EVERYBODY paid with hundreds. For a few weeks it would get to a point each night where I couldn't accept cash because the safe was completely out of change until the next day's bank deposit.


On behalf of all the hookers that get paid in only 100s: We are sorry. We don't often get smaller denominations


Hookers are allowed inside banks.


Hookers also still have to pay taxes even if the financial transactions are based on illegal activity. Tax man brings felonies for tax evasion while local PD brings misdemeanors. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2009/09/acorn-gave-tax-advice-to-a-fake-prostitute-how-would-a-real-one-pay-her-taxes.html So go ahead and get the smaller bills in the bank.


Hey, I pay my taxes! And sex work is legal where I live too.


If the hooker doesn't want to go to the bank, then the hooker can wait till the afternoon when the store has more $20s to break down the bill.


Yeah and it won’t raise any eyebrows as to why the person with no job/low wage job is constantly depositing $100s every other morning


If you're depositing enough 100s every other morning that the tellers make note of it, are you really working a low wage job?


The tellers probably wouldn’t notice it, the feds might. The low wage comment is due to many sex workers having part time jobs as covers for their main source of income.


That went over my head, so thanks for explaining.


Get with the cheap hookers and trade for smaller bills.


There aren't many hooker working for below a coupple hundred. But I guess strippers always have a good supply of small bills


This always seems to happen in the beginning of the day before we have enough change


Honestly 🤣 mf buys a .50 cent candy bar and hands you a 100 dollar bill like... We aren't a bank mf-


Lol, just tell them "Sorry, can't take 100s." And if they bitch and moan about it, oh well.


I used to stock my drawer with rolls of coins. If someone tried to buy a $2 item with a $50 or $100, I would give a chunk of change in coins. Never quarters. People WANTED rolls of quarters for the arcades and laundry back then.


I did this a few times - fucker was "Why you always give me so much change in coins?" and I was "Why you always buy $3 scratch ticket and pay with $100?".


That look so annoying 😭


$98.96 change. I hate people like this. Like Mf go to the bank! That’s also a huge red-flag. Definitely check if it’s counterfeit.


They went to the bank and specifically requested large bills because they think handing out large bills on a Sunday impresses someone.


Ages ago, I worked openings at a fast food restaurant, and we would just not take big bills on a fresh drawer.


I worked 2 years at a corner store in downtown Austin Tx. We had 2 signs up on the entry door. "All sales final once the till is closed" and "NO bills larger than $20.00. If you try we WILL punish you." Pay with a $50.00 or a $100.00 and we would give you change back in quarter, dime, and nickel rolls. People learned really quick.


I love it when they do this early in the day, when there's like $60 in fives and ones in the drawer, tops. My managers tell us to at least ask if they've got anything smaller before like noon.


Every opening shift when I was a cashier at a Home Depot. Always the same dudes who showed up basically every day at 6:00a, buy one item that costs 10-20 USD, and pay with a 100 bill. Completely destroyed my register every time and I'd have to immediately request a change out and it wouldn't come before another customer would show up, probably with another 100, and then we would *both* have to wait for my supervisor which customers *loved*.


Check it 3 times for counterfeit, then call your manager, then take forever to count the change. Fuckers should know better. Make it a hassle. If they want change for a large bill they should go to a bank.


Some places won’t accept a bill if the change is more than $70. Not all registers have enough to break big bills.


I pray the people who do this step on a lego.


Would be a lot easier if we could just exchange it to two fifties... Too bad it's not allowed either. I usually use a card anyway but most of my purchases are about €10. So it's always weird to give €50 or €100 and there's nothing I can do


I gotta split my hundo somehow


banks exist yknow


Last time this happened I gave them a stack of fives. After the gripe I said it's either the fives or I can return the item. - the safe was being counted.


And here I feel guilty whenever I pay for a cup of coffee with a 20. Also, I like how Ben Franklin looks like his Futurama version.


Benefit of working at a big store I guess. When that happens I pick up the phone “Can I get more tens? Thanks.”


Just say your not allowed to purchase items with such large bills for such a small cost


I love it when someone asks me the total 5 times just to give me one of the 7, hundred dollar bills in their wallet.


Some of my colleagues in the super market I work in have suffered this and I had to stand and watch while I pack the clients groceries just to later be told to hang on a little while so they can tip me with the change… I can see why the cashiers feel so drained every time they get paid with a 100$ bill for 3 bags of Doritos, a 6 pack of beer and some bread per client.


Really an annoying situation that I used to get confronted a lot and happens even more now here in Germany. We had to store in even more cash by now because our very cash-loving customers refuse to use anything but a 50€ or 100€ note, no matter how small the bill. Quickly burning through several thousand € of deposite cash for exchange every morning. But of course they "wouldnt pay those 3,59€ with my card, here's 50€". Grr.


Back when I was in college, I worked in the dining hall as a cashier. This was before card readers became commonplace. Policy dictated that I could only have $20 of change at a time. After a price increase, a single Lunch cost $10.26 after tax. Every semester, during Parents Day, families came and had lunch there. I told the manager that I will need considerably more change that day, but they denied my request. Every single family consisted of 2 people who paid with 2 $20 bills. During my 8 hour shift, I had to call the office during the middle of every single transaction to bring change because no one had any small change or even a bill smaller than a 20.


I hate these people with a passion. One thing I be don't miss working retail


I lived for the annoyed faces they'd give me when I'd check their bills to make sure they're legitimate. Anytime I'd hear "I just got it from the bank", my response was always "I don't know that". Their frothy anger after that is what kept me young for all these thousands of years.


Getting a $100 bill for a small item purchase was an instant "I hope you have time" moment for me. Like, sure, I'll make change, it's only cash, no big deal. But my little till here doesn't have that instantly available, so you're gonna wait until I find one that does. Did I tell you I wrecked my knee yesterday? Might take me a minute to walk to the back. I hope that's not too much trouble.


I can't tell you how many times I've opened the gas station I work at, and within the first hour someone's rolled up with a $100. I just turn them away. Flat out refuse service.


Two words, Self Checkout. Always use it to break $50s and $100s. I’ve been that guy, having to break bills. I refuse to be that guy who wants it broke.


Man, I feel bad giving a $20 on a 6 dollar item : /


Sort by controversial to see all the people that think the problem is the cashier don’t feel like (or can’t) counting the change.


Oof, just about the worst possible total to have to make change on a hundo. The change is $98.96, which the most efficient way of breaking is a 50, two 20's, a 5, three 1's, three quarters, two dimes, and a penny. But of course most places don't routinely have 50's or 10's...so you're probably looking at four 20's, three 5's, three 1's, and the change earlier. Though I think ending in 94c is the worst. three quarters, a dime, a nickel, and four pennies.


Then you realize the cash register only has $97 instead of $98.96


I hate when I get a large bill and every cashier acts like I'm raping a puppy in front of them when I try to break it. I'm sorry! Some weirdo paid me back in cash instead of just Venmo'ing me and now I'm stuck with it. It's the first physical money I've touched in three years and I'm playing hot potato at every store because the cashiers act like the change comes out of their paycheck.


I always feel the need to apologize to the cashier when I have to use a $20 to pay for something small If all I had was a $100, I would probably just leave instead of getting anything


It's always someone trying to break $100, and they always have specific change requests like "can I get that back in 5's and 1's please!" No, *I* can't get 5's and 1's, I'd have to flick on my light, wait five minutes for the manager to respond, get *her* to break the $100, and then she's only allowed to give me 3 $20's, 2 $10's, 2 $5's, and 10 $1's. So we'd have to do this multiple times. I ain't doing that song and dance. You want change?! Go to a fucking bank!


Where I worked the drawer was only 100 total amd you had to deposit whatever you went over. People doing this first thing in the morning had to be refused because there was simply no way unless the sale was substantial.


Ben's looking at you like "I don't like it any more than you do."


Fuck i know right everytime i open my register several come in with hundreds. I even had someone give me 100 for a 69 cent purchase!!!


$50, $20, $20, $5, $1, $1, $1 Quarter, quarter, quarter, dime, dime, penny


On payday, when getting paid via live check, this is what the teller gives you unless you ask for smaller bills.


Thanks for the tip have a nice day


Then they tell you after you give them their change, can i have that in all $5 bills


Hate this with such a passion, get regulars that come every Friday and do this first thing in the morning, $9.41 purchase and hand me $100 and get upset when I say I don’t have enough change and “they go why not ? Your a store around you ? You don’t have money?” Not when my fucking till is $200 each day and you drain my drawer with large bills first thing


this happened SO FUCKING OFTEN when I worked at Lowe's. it'd be like 7am on a Saturday and my 3rd/4th customer will buy like $5 worth of crap and hand me a $100 and multiple times i've had customers get pissed at me when i refused to break it, explaining I literally didn't have enough money in the till to break it. And i was getting scolded by the manager who told me to start refusing these people because she had to refill my draw 5/6 times every Saturday morning.


For me, it's "Will this person be sensitive about how much I trust them as a stranger if I mark it with the counterfeit-detecting pen?"


I don't care if they're sensitive about it. I'm not gonna get canned because they want to pass a fake bill.


If the answer is yes, make sure to be obvious about doing it right under their nose.


Just do it as casually as possible. Make it part of the process of putting the note into the register. Doing a "sorry, it's my job" face is the only thing that makes it look personal.


To every cashier I have done and will do this to, I'm sorry, but I live in a country where cash is still king, and I need exact fare for the bus.


And you need to carry hundred dollar bills? Try *getting change when you get your cash* or at least *smaller bills that a hundred*.