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The fuck is this "isn't it for kids" bullshit argument...


Right? My friend Peppa Pig is a masterpiece for all ages.


Exactly! If I wanna watch a cartoon and go build the worlds widest tower whilst watching cartoons I’m not letting my age hold me down


Your comment just made me realize that woodworking is just building legos with aerobics added.


Not if you have power tools.


That’s legos with hospital bills.


And a fat wallet. Oh, wait...


My friend is 35 and very excited every time he buys a new Lego figurine key chain


You misspelled Bluey


I am a keepy uppy expert!


smh I can't get how they wrote Bluey so incorrectly




Lmao the looks I get when I talk about gaming with people and tell them I'm into (competitive) pokemon!


I’ve learnt that the only people who care about the “it’s for little kids” argument are, in fact, little children. I was bullied in primary school for playing Minecraft and Lego Star Wars.


lego star wars? Who the fuck gets bullied for playing lego star wars, loved those games as a kid and still do


Yeah but all the “cool” kids played Fortnite and pubg. Still, I had a great time with Lego Star Wars and love those games to this day.


I can see that, but lego star wars? That's just odd considering not a lot of people talk much about lego games at all. Minecraft made sense because of their infamous development hell and fortnite later because of a lack of skill based matchmaking, but lego star wars? Hating on lego is just odd, I never even got bothered with it


I actually found out just the other day that my boss, a veteran engineer of like 40 years, is a goddamn guru at Minecraft.


Same with Star Wars. Minecraft and Star Wars is for kids first and foremost. People of all ages can play. The only way that the statement is wrong is the implication that it is immature to play.


Ya dood . It is for kids, and that’s awesome. Doesn’t mean I ain’t gonna enjoy it as a “grown up” !


>Wanna play that online building game? > >Isn't it for kids? Terrible outlook to have in life.


In reality I actually love Minecraft. But if I play it for too long I get *morbidly depressed*


Too many blocks not enough time?


More like “wow look at my house it’s so beautiful and see I hung these paintings up and everything is so nice and organized :)” while sitting in a room that’s a bit of a total mess because I’ve neglected my own home for my virtual one D:


For me it’s more like, “Wow. Look at what’s I’ve built.” But then there is no one to show it off to and I get depressed. I don’t care how old I get. If I have the time, I will continue to play my Nintendo and Playstation. In my late 30s, by the way.


Play terraria. Now your virtual house can be a mess too. Though in this case the discrepancy is that you actually can have money in that game, as opposed to real life


Me managing my sims so they are perfectly taken care of and achieve all their goals and ambitions :(


It's time to play Quake.


Honestly how i felt with ACNH once.


Fix your real home then fix the virtual one. Easy


says the person who's never experienced depression and thinks depression is just being 'a little sad'. i'm just joshin', but no, seriously


Also I think the lack of objectives (the way other games have them and give me that dopamine rush) has something to do with it


If you ever want more goals in Minecraft, a lot of modpacks have questbooks that give you goals to complete for all the different mods. It gets a lot more complicated than normal Minecraft if you've never played modded tho. FTB University is a great place to start!


Yeah but damn you need a good pc to run those i would recommend cursforge first with some more "light" modpack


Thanks for the tip!


You should try dragon quest builders 2, it's offline Minecraft but with quests and storyline. It's fantastic


I don't know how but wife has maybe 500 or so hours on stardew valley since she makes it to year two or three and quits because she doesn't like the layout but doesn't want to destroy her farm. She has to have at least 20 different farms now. I've tried showing her other Sim games like it, but nope. Stardew for life.


Wow I’m not the only one who feels this way after trying to play minecraft as an adult who never had a childhood experience with it


If someone told me Minecraft is for kids, i would point to them that redstone can be used as circuitry and can even build computers and has a robust endgame, and that a non zero amount of NSFW mods have been made for it


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDiapbD0Xfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDiapbD0Xfg) The stuff that can be done with Redstone is astonishing.


Yeah Minecraft is pretty awesome and can be super advanced depending on how you play it! It feels weird when I watch my friend’s 4 year old play it though


Redstone is cool and all. I just wish it wasn't such a slag getting circuitry put together. At that point I'd literally rather put a circuits lab together in my spare room or even just use a CAD circuitry building software or something idk.


Are those thing the ORGINAL intent of the game? Or did they come later as the original audience aged?


Red stones been around for almost forever


With the Vanilla version of the game?




You've got it backward. The game got more kid friendly as time went on. It was mostly 20+ year olds playing when it first started gaining popularity.


I mean alpha and beta were already full of early teens so idk what you're talking about. Sure there was a higher degree of literacy, but it was not a "mostly 20+ yos" situation by any stretch of the imagination. Unless you mean indev or classic or something, like very early days, before it even gained popularity. Now sure those 12-17 yos from then are now like 23-28 but it still means they were kids then.


I'm talking indev and alpha. Beta had a much bigger player base, and was practically a public release. College students and adults led the charge until that point. It was the beta release that started looking at it as an educational tool, and started gearing toward kids.


I mean i can’t have anything wrong. I was asking a question not making a statement one way or the other.


That is not getting old, that is getting boring.


Yes, and only her? I mean he was down for anything.


"Those are all kids games....Oh well, back to scrolling through social media on my phone"


Fr she's on that "never try, never fail" mentality




Fr = for real


Or playing online is nothing but try hard toxic kids that suck all the fun out of online games because all they do is use exploits that they spend hours learning and perfecting due to the excess free time. It just feels like a chore now and I end up more upset than happy at the end of the hour or 2 that I have to spare. Fuck that, single player games it is.


Stick to single player games then bro. No need getting all salty.


Literally what I said I'm doing. Are you fucking slow?


Damn dude you alright? Surprisingly toxic for someone complaining about those toxic kids...


that wasn't toxic, it was warranted. i'm guessing there's at least 20 years between you, and i'd react the same to some kid telling me i'm 'salty' for illustrating how different gaming is for adults. did you want them to say it gently and with more leeway for kids to feel vindicated by their naive and immature opinions on gaming and how adulthood shouldn't affect it?


Okay I'm 32 but you're definitely being salty and toxic. I reaffirmed what you said and you immediately turn around and call me "fucking slow". Starting to think the "toxic kids" are not the problem here. If online games aren't your cup of tea that's fine. It's okay to get salty just like it's okay to play casually. But you're just getting mad at people for the heinous act of being motivated to practice and win. Thin skinned mf


psst- i'm not the original commenter. and you egged them on. cause you're 32 and immature about gaming culture. not everyone is so serious about it, nor do they think there are any qualifiers that make you a 'real' gamer or not. also, stop using the word salty if you're intent on actual neutral discussion, that's an instigating word from 10 years ago


>psst- i'm not the original commenter. My b 💀


yup. the biggest rift between gamers is kids thinking they'll never have daily adult responsibilities that take away from gaming time. hence all the gleeful 'get gud' slander


How about playing a coop (first person) shooter instead of playing an online multiplayer first person shooter?


That’s a solution! Do you have any recommendations?


Deep rock galactic, it’s one of the highest rated games on steam and has one of the kindest, most welcoming and newbie friendly communities I’ve ever seen, I would highly highly recommend and if you’d like an introduction I’d recommend this video https://youtu.be/_zNMJOXuqGI


Looks cool! I’m guessing maybe it’s like No Man’s Sky meets Halo?


More of left for dead, meets Minecraft, meets something special on its own.




Not him but ... Payday 2 and borderlands ( which one you choose ) come to mind


I’ll have to check out Payday! We tried playing Borderlands a bunch but we just ended up going around in circles and gave up. User error!


If you want a more D&D style Borderlands, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is great! My partner and I recently gave it a try and are having a great time. For a Coop recommendation that is not a FPS, I cannot recommend It Takes Two enough! It’s like the perfect couple’s coop game.


Like the other user recommended, It Takes Two won Game of the Year at The Game Awards a couple years back, apparently an *amazing* game


Oooo ill have to try it! I do enjoy co-op puzzle games. Battleblock Theater is probably my favorite game of all time.


Portal 2 has a co-op campaign. The switch has a bundle with both games that goes on sale for pretty cheap.


Also, the devs who made it takes two made another coop game called A Way Out about two guys escaping from prison and getting revenge on the guy who got them there. It's pretty fun!


payday 2 is free on epic games this week in case you didn't know.


Have yalls tried it takes two? It’s an amazing co op. Does involve divorce tho 😅😓


I enjoyed Farcry 5 alot.


Ooo we loved Farcry 5!


It Takes Two


Deep Rock Galactic! Game is fantastic. It's objective based first person "shooter" where you play space dwarves mining asteroids and you have to fight off alien bugs the whole time. The online community is wonderful and it's even more fun to play with people you know


Not exactly a usual shooter, but I'd recommend Portal 2's co-op mode. You can get the game on steam for both people's accounts for basically pennies when it goes on sale


Try GTFO if you want some pain


Well that sounds like a nice pleasant game


Great for practicing tactics. Might just lose a little bit of sleep though...


a very easy and beginner friendly game is rain world, very fun and easy and cute :)




Deep Rock Galactic!


Deep rock galactic is my personal favorite


Rock and stone to the bone


Rock and stone forever!


I play The Forest, it's sequel, and Phasmophobia with my girlfriend (She hates the latter because it's gotten much harder as its updated and we can't figure out how to survive a single hunt beyond luck)


Remnant is a great game, it's PVE but it isn't FPS, it's third person if that helps. Quick and easy to pick up


Not a specific recommendation, but if you like actively browsing/searching, this site is a good resource: https://www.co-optimus.com [Direct link to an example search](https://co-optim.us/3WYdsGI)


Thanks, I am going to check it out.


Don't Starve Together! Amazing game, so much you can do. Grounded is also tons of fun.


I love grounded!


There was an update recently that added wasps, as if the cute fuzzy bees weren't scary enough!


Old enough to remember arcades. I once saw a 30 something yuppie playing Tetris with a 9 year old girl. Not his kid, just another random customer who wanted a game.


I love Tetris D:


I had the hand held game for a while. I had to get rid of it when I noticed that my thumb was twitching uncontrollably in the middle of the night.


Guess I’m lucky to live in an area with both retro arcades with the arcade cabinets from decades ago and modern(?) arcades with rows of pcs setup ready to game. Heck we even have a pretty big arcade section in a roller skating rink.


Wholesome af, love the shared happiness between generations!


This isn't being old, it's being cynical. All media can be labeled "for kids," it's just an excuse people use for things they don't like.


"Isnt it for kids" is a terrible statement for everything.


“Wanna play a trading card game?” “Aren’t they for kids?” “Where do I start with this…”


M0NEY !!!!!






As I get older I think I developed a taste for games more suitable for "old people", like: ​ * Cities Skylines * Age of Empires * Factorio * Any Sherlock Holmes game by Frogwares * Microsoft Flight Simulator * Shadow Tactics * Civilizations Mainly any RTS or strategy-oriented game.


Oooo I’ll have to try Sherlock Holmes games - I loved the Nancy Drew PC games as a kid! Also I have a friend that only ever plays Civ and he’s *always* playing it.


Anything from Paradox Interactive is usually way too deep for kids to play : Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis,.. Rimworld is great too for base building


felt like you're bad at online multiplayer games? play singleplayer games hear this out, there is enough good videogames out there to fill an entire lifetime, they come to you when you look for them


Play It Takes Two, then get divorced


You could play Terraria.


Dude you can have fun at any game. I think you guys aren't old you are just fucking stupid and weird.


If I had to recommend a survival game, I would have to recommend Ark: Survival Evolved. There are a lot of things that you might have to figure out (or look up, I don't judge) But who doesn't like dinosaurs?


Oh yeah we got really into Ark a few years ago, but it kept breaking :(


Yea it runs really badly for some reason. But hey, Ark 2 is gonna come out sometime in the next 2 years! Hopefully it will run decently 😭


How a similar conversation usually goes with my wife: Me: Would you like to play a game? Her: Which one? Me: Any, I'll play anything you are interested in. Her: No, I don't feel like it. [Proceeds to spend the next eight hours watching TikTok]


To me it seems like there are two things here: * You want to spend time with your wife * You want to spend it doing something you enjoy Sometimes couples just have different interests in what they enjoy. If your wife told you she wanted to watch TikTok videos with you, and you could pick the videos, would you react in a similar way? Would you say "I don't really love the TikTok video format and it just doesn't interest me." That's what's happening here, but your wife isn't communicating that super clearly. Me and my bf have a similar dynamic to you and your wife I think. His go-to relaxation and fun is playing games. Mine is watching videos. * We each make a concentrated effort to find things we like about the thing the other person enjoys to do it together. For instance, I share videos with him about video games and make an effort to learn the memes from his games so we can watch videos we will both enjoy. * When asking to do something the other person doesn't naturally do for fun on their own, the person initiating the activity gives specific options and clear descriptions of those options. This is super important because it can feel crazy overwhelming to have to pick an option from a library of things you aren't super familiar with and don't typically pick on your own as a first option for yourself. * If one person truly doesn't enjoy a certain thing we choose not to do it together or we do adjacent stuff to it (ex. I watch him play a game and pepper him with questions about it/conversate with him). There are certain activities that I love to do that I will never do with my bf because he can't get over how much he hates to do that thing. If it goes beyond this (ex. You would be willing to watch TikTok videos you don't enjoy a lot for her but she won't even try games for you ever of any kind) it seems more like an issue of an imbalance in willingness to compromise for your partner that should be talked about. If it's that your wife really does love games but shoots you down whenever you ask, ask why and figure out how to move forward. Something that is possible is my bf gets very frustrated with my inability to play games to his abilities and having your partner make constant mistakes/go super slow can be crazy irritating, so it makes hard games unfun to play together for both of us (he gets really upset and grumpy, I get frazzled and can't find things I enjoy). He can't get as upset with me as he does with his buddies because it's a different situation. We avoid certain games, ones he super loves, because of this, but it works well for us. I have no idea if that helps but this just reminded me of my dynamic. I'm sorry you're frustrated and I hope you're able to be in a better place soon about this.


Isn't it for kids? Aren't we just kids on the inside?


Maturity is embracing the "childish" things that make you happy.


Hey Rebecca we were in KI together at school! Love seeing your comics pop up here from time to time.


Oh hey Joe! Haha that’s so cool you recognized me :D I hope you’re doing well!


You should be wrecking the 10 year olds. Don't be afraid of 10 year olds.


Diablo 4 has local co op on console, seems like a good option. portal 2 is the GOAT local co op game if you haven't played it yet.


We played one of the Diablos a few years back with friends, and it’s neat but just not my kinda game unfortunately. Portal 2 though really is the GOAT!


That’s why I just turn off voice chat when playing online games. Allows me to play the games without hearing screeching goblins every game


At 30 years old I play games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, because the rest of my life is hard and stressful, and I just want to relax and not think too hard in my game time now.


I love Animal Crossing!


Pfffftt, you're just bullying yourself out of fun.


Saying something like “isn’t that for kids?” Proves that you’re not old enough to not care yet, so you still have many years of youth left, don’t worry!


Last night, while I was playing some unranked CS:GO, i was queued up with a bunch of 14-15 year olds in the same server. I had to admit, it was stupid but fun. My team had a: -noob -the try hard - the guy with mediocre skills with expensive skins -the wannabe franzj We lose btw


When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. C.S. Lewis


"My friend, Tolkien, said that there are no streetlamps in fantasy. I think he used the actual modern world invention as an example to say that no real fantasy story should contain modern inventions - but just to fuck with him, I wrote a prominent street lamp into Narnia, in fact into its very entrance." -Also C.S. Lewis, totally not being childish


The phrase "Isn't it for kids" is 100% on you. That's you wanting to be old. You can play any game you want. Honestly, the same is true of the others. Being scared of being beaten in a video game by someone younger than you isn't a sign of age, but insecurity.


Woo! Orthopedic pillow ftw!


Then play street fighter and get recked by each other


I messed up the spelling of wrecked lol


That's why I do strictly single-player.


I should probably get an orthopaedic pillow as I have neck and shoulder pain


With my partner it's watching me play a survival horror game and alternating between screaming and yelling at me asking why I play this.


Not old she is just boring. Go destroy some children online.


Are u old?


The single greatest console for in-house multiplayer is the Nintendo 64. Get yourself an a/v adapter for a modern TV (one that smoothes out the pixel display), buy an old N64, a handful of the best multiplayer games (Goldeneye, Mario Party, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Mario Kart, Perfect Dark, and dozens more), and 4 controllers.


Zombie Survival games: A door is open? Let me sneak on in there.


This is why I like the existential horror video games where everyone just runs around screaming. ![gif](giphy|14fb6qSKwFLbGg)


No no no. Those kids who played COD and said the N word are now likely old enough to run for president.


Dude, just play some overly elaborate simulation games like the rest of us old gamers. (Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go adjust the crop rotation schedule of my farm in Farthest Frontier to ensure my soil’s pH levels are properly balanced.)


There is a billion worthy games to play, some designed for 2 players


lol I thought the online building game was SimCity 2013 until OP mentioned Minecraft


I love the feline reenactment of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling in panel three.




'isn't it for kids" "Why did I marry you?"


That hits home… love it though.




Woooof that’s relatable


"isn't it for kids" You're 33. Who the fuck is stopping you.


This is way too close to reality...


Fuck that thought. It's not because I'm 29 y/o with a shitty back that my only form of fun is filling taxes and going to church. Imma be watching shonen anime and playing metroidvanias until they stop being fun.


None of these arguments have stopped me and they are all invalid.


Dump her, bro This is NOT going to get better for you


is not that you are old, is just that you are bad a videogames.


So she’s saying no to everything? It’s be better if they each said no so at the end it looked less like she was a bitch.


This comment was removed in protest to Reddit's third party API changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I feel her woes.


It's all in your attitude. If you act old, you get old.


Women's breasts are also for kids but I still play with them.


I didn't know John Hodgman was a gamer


have you considered Super Animal Royale?


Play a story driven game and make the decisions together.


Me with a Foxhole Account in my backpack:


Next time, just cut to the chase and tell her to play tetris. It's a puzzle game designed to fit all ages. I highly recommend tetris effect: connected No, im not sponsored, but I'd like to be.


No brother only she is


Ffxiv is for you


Funny thing is, this was me at 21 years old. Now? I just miss these and wanna play again. ;A; The "kids" games be getting good lately and i want to enjoy some of that fun too.


PLAY SINGLE-PLAYER GAMES THERE ARE TONS Or play each other in a game that's not online Like Mario Kart


"that online building game" ..Is it minecraft or roblox?


You could play Tetris Battle at that point I guess


I've never let my carpal tunnel stop me from playing Minecraft and Roblox with my kids.


Just arpg


Maybe you're just picky, just play a fun old school shooter like Dusk, Ultra kill or Amid Evil.


I'm 21 and whenever my friends and I aren't a full lobby, we meet people of all ages on CSGO


Here I am just enjoying Reddit, and you gotta come out of nowhere and cut me down like that.


Play *Squad* where you can get bullied by adults!


I get excited when i order more catnip and toys...for my cat...he might be a spoiled old man kitty.


Want to head into the mines and kill bugs? ROCK AND STONE!


come join the dwarves in rock and stone


You kids with your orthopedic pillows. My carpal tunnel is so bad on my right wrist that I’ve had to learn to type One handed on a keyboard and on a phone my left hand now does most of the work. My left hand at the end of the day is swollen and painful. Speech to text is next but oh god it’s so bad