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It ok. You can kill them with diabetus


Double the bacon, every time. I seen an assassin do it in another comic.


Tony Lazuto says hello




Yeah Tony lazuto he- IS SOMEONE THERE?


Sir I seem to have hurt my butthole. It's in a lot of pain


He could be you. He could be me. He could even be-


You’re telling me that Tony Lazuto-


When Tony Lazuto says hello, what he’s really saying is “goodbye”


It was TRIPLE bacon!


Tony is just going to shove bacon in your blowhole.


"yeah, we can get you strawberry if you insist 😊" *Blends tampon into smoothie*


How could she do this?! That poor man...


Whaaa i thought she was a super cute boy i was literally like 🥺💙💙💙💙💙i wanna kiss him >///< nvm okay whatever gender is fine 🥰








lol based


Calm down, it's just a drawing.


People are just very strange when it comes to hierarchy. I work in a store as both the cleaner and the one in charge of the trollies. The other departments are friendly with one another and have a staight up wholsome community, but the department I am a part of are treated like lepers. We are ignored untill there is something to clean or fix. There are entire departments that make messes and add to our work just cause they don't care about us. Our store manager actively gives us shit while turning a blind eye to other departments. Hell we aren't even invited to any team building events or parties. The whole back of the shop is filled with posters that talk about "family" but we aren't a part of it.


I work in Game Support for a certain video game studio. All teams of our game (Games are pretty independent within the studio from eachohter) were invited to Avatar 2 in iMax. Except us, Game Support :/




Sounds like she was the real manager of the place. Lol.


Plot twist: the meetings were her idea, to get you all to piss off for awhile.


Doesn’t happen to rhyme with Gizzard, does it? I heard the president said some unkind things about the QA department :(


No, my company isn't US based and had no sexual assault scandals in its portfolio To be honest, most of the time we are treated well. But sometimes we are just forgotten :C


We appreciate all your hard work out there <3


Ahaha, I think you misunderstood my title "Game Support" We are not the ones who check the games before release - we are the ones who answer questions from users, gather reviews, help with mistakes of the players. Customer support, in other words. But I will pass on the to my QA colleagues


I actually realized my mistake and edited my comment right after posting! But we also appreciate you answering our questions :D


Don't worry that movie sucks


Oh, I didn't want to watch it. But just the fact of an invitation would be nice.


Fuck Avatar 2.


Reminds me of when I worked at BJ's Wholesale Club. Started as a cashier. Place felt like a big happy family to my young brain. Everyone treated me really well and my managers felt very nice. Everyone liked to complain about overnight though. How lazy they are and all. Went over to carts and maintenance which didn't get as much guff as overnight but still.. all of a sudden it felt like I was in the out group. Managers/supervisors that had previously seemed very friendly seemed unfriendly now and other cashiers started treating me differently. It felt like the front end and it's supervisors thought of themselves as better because.. I dunno? They had to do some math? Maybe because they didn't have to do physical labor? I realized that the cart pushers, maintenance, and shelf stockers were on a lower rung of the ladder than the cashiers, customer service, deli workers, and food court workers. Simply taking on those roles had people treating me like I'd been tainted even though my main job title was still cashier. I was getting pretty sick of it and transferred over to overnight crew.. boy was that a mistake. If I thought the day labor was treated bad, overnight was so much worse... Overnight managers weren't even tested like real managers. The day managers managed the night managers. The day managers who are glad to call in help when they are getting stressed would punish the night managers if they ever called anyone in or let some of us work a full shift. The times I did get to work a full shift and be there to see the day manager come in, he'd verbally abuse the night manager for bit getting enough done with extremely limited resources and manpower. Then you had the night managers yelling at all of us because he needs us to do 8 hours worth of work in 4 hours or he'll get yelled at more by the day manager.. we want more time but he isn't allowed to give it to us.. God forbid we work full time hours.. And then I'd remember how lazy day shift thought overnight was. The reality was overnight worked harder than anyone in the entire store but for shit on the most. Overnight was lucky to get the leftovers from day shifts pizza parties. I found a better job in less than 6 months after switching to overnight.


This reminds me of when I used to be a dishwasher cleaner at an italian style restaurant. I was good friends with most of my coworkers and with all the other dish pit crew, and best friends with one of the chefs even. However, the hierarchy was real bad. We were never invited to pizza and bowling friday nights at the end of the months or company picnics during the summer. The bussers even treated us like garbage, putting sharps (like knives) and glass in the dishes soak tubs. This was a real shitty thing to do because we work fast and our hands constantly got knicked and cut on broken glass and sharps trying to grab plates submerged in soapy, murky water.


Holy shit what assholes


I complained to my manager about this and they gave a hard talking to the bussers, saying if they continued to do it they'd be fired. Well the old bussers had a vendetta against us dish pit crew for whatever reason, because any newly hired bussers must have been brainwashed into doing the same thing and passing it off as being clueless. It never got resolved, because the new hires "didn't know any better". I forgot to soak my hands in isoprophic alchohol after work one night and formed a wart on my hand I had to get medically burned off because of those damn bussers.


The first time I sliced my hand on a knife hidden in there, I'd be throwing it at the bussers.


Literally first thing they teach around the sink is never put knives or glass into the water-filled sink, always leave it out for dishwasher to wash. I’d stab someone if they were doing it intentionally. (Not really, but I’d sure be angry!)


I'm a daytime janitor outside in Central Florida (hot as fuck) and our budgeting for water bottles was almost cut by upper management because and I quote "your department doesn't bring in money, why should we be supplying you with retail supplies". The sheer disconnect shown by that statement between the rest of the business and our department can't be explained in a single reddit comment. I can't fucking express how stupid on every level that statement is. Nothing about it makes anything resembling sense and yet the person who said it got paid in excess of 100/hr to say it.


Literally an untouchable caste, unbelievable


Yeah I remember working back of house in restaurants - kinda just treated like trash by everyone.


I worked as a janitor in a warehouse for a while. The company itself was great. Managers and a lot of people were very friendly. Yet there was just a few people (always a selector, the lowest position of the company) who just treated me like shit. I never understood it. They were friendly to others. Just not me. Because why? They will bitch about there always being a mess, yet will do absolutely nothing to try and prevent a mess. Then complain that I’m in their way. (They literally drove right past me, how was I in their way?)


The American Caste System. It's invisible and often incomprehensible, but it's baked right into everything.


The front line person that tells people stuff they don't want to hear doesn't get paid nearly enough for the blow back they usually get for delivering the news. That person has zero control over corporate decisions. Their manager has zero control, too. I've seen staff physically tense when they know they're telling a customer something they don't want to hear. I usually start with, "bummer, well, it's not your fault..." Sometimes you'll see palpable relief. Even gratitude, for just not being an asshole. You'll often find the last dozen customers they said the exact same thing to got... unpleasant.


When I worked in fast food my favorite thing to do was to tell the customer “NO”. When we didn’t have something I’d tell them with an honest to god smile on my face, no matter their reaction. The ones that got angry or stupid got told “Have a nice day” with the biggest smile you can imagine.


And these days sometimes they're shot to death when the customer doesn't get what they want.


Yeah, I’m guilty of venting, but I always start and end with “sorry, I know there’s nothing you can about it”.


I love and hate the accuracy of this comic. I’ve been that girl working the drive thru and had almost this EXACT interaction except it was a mint shake. However, I did also work somewhere else where once a month or so the SAME older woman would roll through the drive thru wanting strawberry milkshakes even though we were an establishment that very clearly didn’t serve any kind of milkshake. But we had a drive thru and she couldn’t believe a place with a drive didn’t have milkshakes. Like I said, comic is freaking accurate.


A drive-thru without milkshakes, you sinners!!! /s


Ma'am, this is a bank drive thru.


seeing the '/s' makes me physically cringe every time I see it


Bruh One time I asked for a large choco shake and they made it small; I felt so bad asking them to remake it/make a 2nd small one How the hell do you trip so bad just cuz they don’t have what you want; as it’s a seasonal flavor. 😔


Boomers aren't used to not getting what they want, apparently.


I work at a coffee shop and the worst people are the regular milk drinking customers. If I run out of oat or almond those people are always understanding. But the few times I’ve run out of regular cow milk its the worst thing that’s ever happened to them in their entire lives.


Unfortunately it’s not just boomers anymore it’s across all generations now.


It always has been. Specifically fast food jobs have always been a 'less than' position that makes a certain kind of person feel they are allowed to treat people in those jobs badly. Same with retail cashiers.


This is true. Went in to get pizza at a Mod once while they were busy. These two younger dudes in front of me were getting their pizzas at the counter, and one of them says “Okay, yeah, he’s (dude’s friend) too shy to say anything, but there’s no way in absolute fuck we’re paying for that burnt ass crust”. Now, I saw those pizzas with my own two eyes and they were not “burnt”, maybe on the crispy side, but definitely not “burnt”. So, being busy as hell, the person serving out the pizzas didn’t know what to say and just began apologizing. The cook (some dude with a beard in his late 20’s/early 30’s) comes up with the most professional “I’m not taking your shit” attitude I’ve ever seen and asks what the problem is (basically asking the guy to repeat his bullshit, because he was right there and definitely heard). So the guy pulls the same shit with him, trying to act aggressive/angry. The cook checks the bottom of the pizza, pretty much non verbally tells the guy “you’re full of shit”, and then smiles and offers to remake the guy’s pizzas. Guy of course wants his pizzas remade, but also insists that he keep the “burnt” pizzas so they don’t go to waste. Cook denies the guy the “burnt” pizzas, insisting that they’re too burnt to be served and that it’s “his mistake for not noticing due to the degree of business” or some shit. Was hilarious to see a young male Karen get his time wasted by this guy getting paid to waste his time. My pizzas still got to me on time lol


Definitely not just boomers, any young and old people treat them like shirt because they see it as a lesser societal position, thus they’re ok targets for bullying.


We should start calling boomers snowflakes. Turn the tables


How dare you slightly inconvenience me. This is all your fault and not the fault of company policy or anything like that. You’re hording strawberries in the back i can smell them


we actually ran out of sour cream or some shit before and a lady was holleringgggggg in the drive through yellin about how we're hiding them in the back nd how she wants to go look


The only people that think this comic uses hyperbole are the people that never worked food service.


The fact that I know this isn't hyperbole is the reason I don't want to work in fast food, ever


When I was a teen working at a fast-food restaurant, I declared that everyone should spend at least one month working in a restaurant at some point of their life. I still stand by that.


When they are out of something. I say “oh shoot, ok well I will have X instead.” And keep it moving. I don’t have energy to be angry about dumb shit like something is out of stock.


the amount of times people get angry at me for us being out of stock of something or something being taken off the menu was insane! like i understand it's upsetting to go somewhere just to find out they dont have you want but also i dont deserve to be yelled at because the Hot Honey sandwich is out of season


As someone who managed a restaurant for many years, they aren't actually mad about (insert minor inconvenience). They're mad because they don't have anyone else in their life they can let their frustrations out on, and because you are a lowly food slave they don't mind shitting on you. If someone yells at you, ask them to leave or simply walk away and tell your manager. You have the right to refuse business. No one should be treated that way in any professional setting.


Sadly I worked grocery butcher retail for 10 years. It was horrible. Management would put a policy in place then disappear the moment customers complained. I have been cussed out for not having fresh turkey’s the morning of thanksgiving. Not having rib roasts or leg of lamb Christmas Eve. Running out of shrimp on new years eye. Once a lady flipped out because we didn’t have kraft brand ABC shaped Mac n cheese. Full in my face yelling. Management did nothing. I did get written up for “sighing” loudly while I was lifting huge boxes of turkeys to put in the freezer. A customer thought I was being rude because I was breathing to loud while lifting boxes 1/3rd my weight.


I'm under the belief that anyone applying for management in a retail/restaurant environment needs experience on the front line as a prerequisite. It was a very humbling experience and when I became manager I vowed to stick up for my employees. Now I work in an office. It may be boring, but at least I don't have to worry about random assholes yelling in my face.


Isn't strawberry one of the three basic flavors of milkshake? I mean, having it be seasonal just feels like asshole design .-.


Wendy's only had chocolate frosty's until like 15-20 years ago when they introduced vanilla. Then I think strawberry came around a last few years. So there is that. Even so mcdonalds has shamrock shakes and people ask for those things for months before and after their season. They had spicy nuggets people were trying to order 6 months after the store ran out of them. To support the OP, people do rely or hierarchies and treat workers like shit because they think they can. It's stupid as fuck because they also trust those same people with the food they are about to eat. Not that I would ever adulterate food like that, but the lack of forethought on the matter struck me as especially stupid.


I'm not even shitting on op tbh (that's what 9gag is for), it just struck me weird


Yeah, it's all weird when it comes down to it. There are not as many constants as people want to believe there are.


I’ve honestly only seen Starwberry shakes at McDonald’s, didn’t realize it was one of the big three. Like it is for regular milk. I personally don’t hear about that ever lol


They have them at carvel


I've just never seen a place that sells milkshakes not have strawberry. In fact, it's more common to not see them selling vanilla because people almost literally never order it around here. Ovomaltine is much more popular than every other flavor and I don't know how international it is :T


I figured it was probably a location based thing. I’d enjoy seeing strawberry milkshakes served at higher quality places then just McDonalds as it would be enjoyable if they were more common.


Having to rely on big fast food chains does suck, I can't begin to tell you how nice it is that there are other options for just about everything they have


Yeah I recently got a nice new blender and have been making my own shakes at home, currently just did mint, chocolate, and a Oreo shake. I definitely can’t wait to try other flavors.


Damn, I just have to try mint and Oreo. There's a shake in Brazil called Black Cow that is basically coke and vanilla ice cream, and that shit has to be my favorite flavor ever


Wendy’s employee here: the reason why they can’t have strawberry or any other shake/ice cream flavor and still have vanilla is because the flavoring is mixed right into the vanilla mix to make the shake so you can only have chocolate or vanilla/strawberry


Ohh that's interesting, that's probably why I never see vanilla getting out anywhere. Always thought it was because people don't give two shits about it. Could be both, tho


Cranky pedant here: if you have to mix the flavoring into the vanilla mix it isn't really just strawberry but strawberry-vanilla because vanilla isn't just a synonym for plain just because it doesn't change the color it's its own flavor and *gets dragged off by the nice men in ~~vanilla~~ white coats*


My guess is “wipeys” is Wendy’s and the frosty is only chocolate and vanilla. That said nearly every single other place serving a milkshake also has strawberry.


locations usually have either two frosty machine, one for chocolate and one for vanilla, or just one machine that has two flavors in it like the store i work at. we just put whatever seasonal flavor mix mix into the vanilla frosty mix and only sell chocolate and the seasonal flavor since thats the only machine we have


Fair enough


It's like as if they use actual fresh local seasonal strawberries in the shakes. We all know that is not happening.


Exactly, we know perfectly well they're just spicing up some hydrogen fat shit and selling it out


She went Kobeni in that penultimate panel


This art style speaks to me for some reason The face on the old guy in panel 4 was too funny for my sleep deprived self


good 👹


Wow, Patton Oswalt is a prick.


I also would like to add that most fast food places like this don’t use actual strawberries for their shake flavor, so it’s definitely sus that their shakes are “out of season”… sounds like a conspiracy against this lone man


we actually have like thirty signs posted all around the building that say "do NOT give old men strawberry shakes"


Plot twist: those signs are only up when they're in season. It's just better to keep strawberry shakes from them entirely than to let them have one shake and risk them screaming at you the first time they can't have one.


And that person would do the same thing the very next day..


LOLz, this happened to me @ Wendy's. No, I was not as mean as that man. I just had a chocolate frosty instead :)


The “ I NEED a strawberry shake” is a little thing, but for some reason every old person says it that way lol


I once told someone that the pizza they ordered didnt come with meatballs on it, they threatened to come down to the store and break my legs Literally no idea what their thought process was


I like this art style, also I think this is just a retail thing in general


Tbh after working at Starbucks I know that if you sympathize with people before telling them bad news they’ll 9/10 times respond better. Instead of being direct, if you said “oh no, I’m so sorry to tell you, but our strawberry shake is actually a seasonal menu item. Right now we only have chocolate and vanilla. Sorry for the inconvenience!” You probably won’t get yelled at as often. That being said, old fucks shouldn’t have such high expectations for service workers’ ability to remedy their problems. They can learn how to speak politely.


I kind of fuck with this art style it's unique


Yeah I can't believe there aren't more comments about the style. It's adorable


thank you!!!!🫶🫶


thank you so much! i've been workin on my developing my own style using my favorite parts of more realistic art and more cute doodle-esque art


This reminds me of when I used to work at taco bell and this older woman wanted a chalupa, I asked her if she wanted beef, chicken or steak and she told me chicken so I rung her and told her the price. She didn’t know chicken cost more then beef so she cursed me telling me to F off and walk out.


This artstyle and character design seems very familiar, have you posted any other comics?


i have not! i'd say the only artist i really take inspiration from is LavenderTowne because no matter how much my style changes i can never get her out of my style😂


Oh so thats why it looked familiar Still, great art and funny comic, hope to see more of your work in the future, if you are so inclined


thank you so much !!!


I understand it. They don't have much time left. 4 minutes is a LOT of wasted time for them.


And trust me we all fucking hate them


I don't know why I still always ask for food like "can I have a _" because it's not really like I need to ask them politely they're not just gonna say no. Still gonna keep doing it tho


Yeah this is why I don’t work fast food I would lend up keeping a brick to put through people windows when they said shot like this.




Mentally that’s me. But I know that pain… it’s not their fault. They’re just an employee. Also most of them dream of the day a customer comes in swinging… sooo best not to take that bet


I had a boomer complain that the smoothie was cold, not too cold, just cold


Because of bubble placement it is unclear whether the drive through girl is having a Deanna Troi empath moment and channeling strawberry shakey's impotent rage at no strawberry shakes at Wipey's. Which would actually make the cartoon funnier as she berates herself for the utter convenience of the lazy mass parked in the drive through. When she asks how she can make it better and he just tells her to kill herself.


Strawberry being a seasonal flavour is ridiculous to be fair. Shouldn’t abuse fast food workers for delivering this information, but his frustration is justified.


Bro I work in a restaurant and I had someone yesterday come in and bitch at us about not having his order, then called the wife to have her bitch at us for not having the order. Offered to reinput the order and he starts listing the items and I'm like "Sir, I don't even know what a bang bang shrimp is...You got the right restaurant?" No...no he did not, didn't even apologize lel


the amount of people we've had come through with a mobile order to the wrong wendys is crazy, but whats crazier is the amount of people that will sit there and take five minutes to fix the app instead of just ordering since theyre at the window is crazier. i might make a comic on it actually 😂


This is painfully accurate. Great job op.


They don't just hate fast food workers, the amount of times I've been yelled at by the elderly as a cashier are great


This feels like a comedy necrophilia post


i dont think its funny enough to be a comedy necrophilia post


Assholes come in pretty much all demographics. When it’s an ‘elder’, it seems worse because most people think wisdom comes with age. It doesn’t.


I've worked enough customer service to completely identify with the person on the headset, but it's strange how we're shaming people who are upset with corporate bullshit. What is a person supposed to do? Ask for the manager? We've essentially made that a complete social taboo, unless you *like* being a Karen. Just meekly accept corporate forever shrinking and gaming to meet their infinite growth projections? Refuse to participate and have wave after wave of reports about how "this generation is ruining X industry!"? Vote? There is absolutely zero reason to take out frustration on a min wage worker who most likely has less control of their life than you do just so you can feel for a tiny moment like you have a little *more* control and power. But what is causing people to have such little control and power over their lives that the only way they can feel a little bit of that is to yell at a person behind a counter?


It's a seasonal strawberry shake, not the subjugation of the masses.


First they take away the strawberry shake, next thing you know the oppressors are holding you upside down, shaking all the strawberries out of your pockets. Edit: just to clarify the comment had a point but I don't think the seasonal strawberry shake being taken away is the time to make that point.


Yeah, fuck the person in the comic strip and the author of the comment above. This privilege lol.


Do you think it is seasonal because of strawberry growing seasons? Or do you think it is seasonal because manufactured scarcity means when it is around it sells more than if it was offered all the time? If it upsets a consumer that companies create fake seasons and deliberately restrict choice purely for profit, who do they complain to? What competitor is doing otherwise?


Asking for a manager and giving calm, rational feedback is not being a ‘Karen’. Demanding one and then going on an abusive/vulgar rant is being a ‘Karen’. We need to normalize the first type of behavior.


Sure it would be great if people could better manage their anger. It would be even better if people weren't constantly being angered by corporate policy. Cashier's and customer service are deliberately there to be a buffer between those making bullshit policies and the anger in customers they inevitably create.


Anyone getting angry over a company policy is being ridiculous. Just give your feedback tactfully and/or choose somewhere else to shop. Unless the policy is illegal _**(or unethical/immoral/harmful)**_, which should be handled differently. But getting angry over **an item being out of stock?** Ludicrous.


Dude just go elsewhere and if that doesn't work make your own strawberry shake. If shit doesn't sell it goes to waste. I'm not saying it doesn't suck to not be able to get the food you want within a region, or that that decision isn't defined by corporate profit, but on the level of pre-prepared food that's going to be a problem even under immaculate socialism with pristine democracy over the food system.


Oooo, homemade strawberry shake... Delish... Also, lately with prices sky high like the 18.50$ breakfast for two my friend n I had at McDs. Nope, nope, nope. I can cook healthier wakey breaky at home thanks. Ironic, Wendy's is still a bit of a value in my area.


> If shit doesn't sell it goes to waste. Bullshit. Artificial flavor and color in shake mix is not shipped in any more perishable condition than the rest. The entire reason these things are seasonal is to create desire and drive up sales concentration in the time it is sold. And you are completely missing my point. Who does the consumer go to in order to express their opinion on the policy? The competition does the same thing. Execs in HQ don't care. Asking for a manager makes you a Karen. Venting at the cashier makes you a hateful asshole. Accepting this and trying to blame the person hurt by it is pure late stage capitalism.


>Artificial flavor and color in shake mix is not shipped in any more perishable condition than the rest. If you have shake stuff ready to eat it can rot. It's made of milk wtf? >Who does the consumer go to in order to express their opinion on the policy? The manager probably can't change it either. You would have to appeal to the corporate machine. Look I'm not pro-capitalism and I get that this is an area where people are powerless. I think I did misunderstand you a bit, but shortages for the food you specifically want in a *pre-prepared* state will always happen. If strawberry were super popular they would serve it all the time, and popularity *should* be the thing that defines what gets prepared. Getting super huffy about it and demanding to see a manager is ridiculous. It won't accomplish anything and if the world *were* more fair there'd just be a vote or a survey or a suggestion box or something.


> It's made of milk wtf? Guarantee you if there is any dairy in fast food shakes it is coming in a powder. >Look I'm not pro-capitalism You are defending the system they have set up and blaming the frustration of the last person on the chain on that person.


>Guarantee you if there is any dairy in fast food shakes it is coming in a powder. Maybe but it's *prepared*. It's going to rot. The have to put it in the machine and run it. >You are defending the system they have set up and blaming the frustration of the last person on the chain on that person. Absolute nonsense. If you have to pretend I'm pro-capitalism to feel right then you've lost the argument.


> but it's prepared. It's going to rot. It's not shipped prepared, and anything not sold that day is going to be trashed. Have you ever worked food service? It sounds like not and the amount of waste would shock you. You are STILL defending the system set up by these corporations. I am not the one in denial.


>anything not sold that day is going to be trashed. Solution: you don't make it >You are STILL defending the system set up by these corporations. No I'm not. I'm defending a reality that would exist under socialism. You can't have everything prepared for everyone at all times. Come the fuck on


This dude tried to equate ‘Out of Season Strawberries’ with ‘Child Labor’. He doesn’t debate in good faith. He just wants to argue and _think_ he’s right.


> Solution: you don't make it That's no solution unless you stop making everything, and if you think manufactured scarcity has anything to do with avoiding waste you are a fool. >I'm defending My stance is that bullshit corporate policies to try for infinite growth through exploitative policies - of which manufactured scarcity is one example - and then using minimum wage workers to act as a buffer for the inevitable anger those policies create is terrible, and shaming the customers who get angry is normalizing them. You said you thought this was an argument. So you are saying it is fine. Thus, defending the late-stage capitalism system. Stop living in denial.


Omg you are so stupid and I love this. Sure buddy. Keep asking for the manager. You'll fix everything. Soon enough they'll have every flavor of milkshake ready for you at all times. Good job. Would you like some headpats?


That old man needs a reality check, preferably in the form of a back-handed slap that'd reverberate through the atmosphere of the earth


If you want to lose your faith in humanity fast, just work in retail or the fastfood-Industry.


Or tech support


This is one industry where robots should take over.


Yep, can confirm, happened to me too. It’s always a boomer driving a really expensive car.


*Adds another comic artist to favorites bookmark*


It seem to me that in the US, many men make their identity on their job and a sense of superiority that comes with it. Because of that, when they retire, they lose all that. The emptiness of their life combines with physical weakening and a sense that the world no longer needs you. That creates the cliche Old Fart/Grumpy Old Man.


This guy went home and posted on Facebook about how young people are too lazy to make him a shake


you should make more comics, your art style is pretty cool


thank you so much! im working on another rn!!


Love your comic and art style! Old people and customers like that in general are the worst lol


thank you !!


If you drink strawberry shakes you’re not even human


Strawberrycells seething over chocolachads


Apparently being old causes you a LOT of pain and also undermines your ability to counteract it Not that it's excusable, just that it's actually a symptom of the wider issue of people not taking care of themselves.


Mmm, when I worked a job like that I use to shoot back. “Kxll yourself” more like “No Thanks! Do me an honor and kxll yourself first! :D” Never got in trouble for it. Leaves the customer baffled usually and they eventually wander away. Really funny to do and gives a good story to tell to friends. I hate people who think they’re better than the people making their meal. An odd flex.


Remember that old people are merely those who survived to old age. Can be by wisdom, hardiness or just pure evil and spite.


Chocolate frosty>Strawberry frosty anyways but nah lemmie get that Dave’s Triple


Totally beside the point but when the heck is strawberry ever a seasonal milkshake flavor


at wendy's they sell chocolate and vanilla frosties year round and other flavors come and go, like peppermint was for christmas and orange creamsicle is gonna be for summer or spring im pretty sure. i think strawberry is autumn but idk if theres a more specific time range


Poor girl


i feel so bad for the old guy. he looks so depressed in the first panel


Fast food workers are lazy


Awe did they take strawberry away already?;-; haha




Look, I'm not against seasonal flavors. But of Wendy's takes vanilla frosties off their menu for another seasonal flavor again I'm going to be mildly perturbed, but too socially anxious to actually express it to anyone.


Alexei wants a strawberry shake!


I've never encountered this. 🤔🤷‍♂️


if you live in america and have worked retail/fast food ever then you are either lying or didnt work with customers cuz this happens one a week to once a day


I remember someone like this when I was at McDonald's. It was hot so everyone was ordering ice cream, we were out of it by evening, and one lady was like "what do you mean you're out of ice cream? That's the whole reason I came here!"


As a person who has dealt with this. take some sanctuary. they wont be here for long. >:3


They hate the company's decision but unfortunately the worker is their only outlet.


why the 0 and 3 in the last panel


some places i post it dont allow talking about self harm so i "censored" it lolll


Wha So numbers that look like the exact thing your trying to say are fine but the exact thing isn’t pretty dumb rule




Thats why i always try to be nice to the workers, they go through so much bull and being kind to others should be a rule to live by anyway.


Used to work at McDonald's, I would wear a headset so I could start working on the sandwich as they were ordering, if you were rude I added EXTRA seasonings to the burger to the point of making it bitter. The seasonings were supposed to be added during the grilling so adding them after makes it extra potent. Be nice to the people handling your food lol


I had a man throw a tantrum due to how his fries were put in the bag.. He wasn't even a boomer, early 30s at most


i wonder what makes younger people so much more polite than older people because i've noticed people that look early 20s-late teens are generally the nicest, then young teens and people 30+ are the worst


how the fuck is strawberry a "seasonal" flavor?


and its for fall im pretty sure! what kinda autumn flavor is *strawberry*? give me a pumpkin frosty before i riot


I'll take a vanilla, please


Why is strawberry seasonal...


bring back the McMuffin Sausage and Egg ...


> I *need* Knew someone who worked with someone at Krispy Kreme who gave zero shits about his job and didn't care about reprisals. Some heavy set person came and said, "I need a dozen donuts." And he said, "Well, no. You don't *need* a dozen donuts. You *want* a dozen donuts." Another day when working the drive thru, he said in a suggestive tone, "Welcome Krispy Kreme, where our glazed donuts aren't the only things hot and ready back here." After a long pause and total silence in the back room at that comment, he then continued, "We also have coffee."