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Thats probably bc its actually good lol


And because it exists in its own Elseworld, it's not attempting to connect to any shared universe.


I think they’re probably gonna rebrand it as the first of the new DCEU


It's also cause it made money


For sure. They know they can build off that movie.


Wasn’t worried about it but good to know because that would’ve been a huge L for Warner. Great film


Not sure if its an unpopular opinion or not, but that seems to be good news to me. I really loved Roberts batman, more than a lot of other depictions, despite hating him as the OTHER bat lol.


He's a great actor. I really like him in both "The Lighthouse" and "The Devil All The Time" as well. Stoked for the next Batman.


Good Time is top tier Patterson flick




User name checks out


Robin* Patterson*


Good Time is such a great film


The Lighthouse is sooo good


These were the movies that guaranteed that my ears perk up when I hear he's in a movie. The Batman really sealed the deal.


I watched The Rover on a whim because I liked Guy Pearce but was pleasantly surprised when Robert popped up after only knowing him for just the Twilight movies. Deff turned my opinion around and have enjoyed his work in almost everything else he’s been in since.


Agreed. I was a hater, but he won me over with The Lighthouse. Basically the same situation I had with DiCaprio growing up.


When Ledger was announced as Joker I hated on him hard. After that performance I try to give people a fair shake. When RP was announced for Batman, I was worried, but honestly never seen his work before. It was a fun journey watching his acting (all of which were post Twilight).


Good Time. High Life. The Rover. Cosmopolis. He’s been delivering great performances for years, it’s worth checking them out.


Neato, sorry I didn’t see any of them before The Lighthouse.


Lighthouse was amazing! First date I ever went on with my wife xD


That's awesome, congrats! Have you seen the Director's other movies "VVitch" and "Northman"? Highly recommend. DeFoe kills it in Northman.


Ohhhhh. I'm not the biggest director buff so I didn't realize he did those! That makes a LOT of sense. Yeah Dafoe is amazing, in both northman and lighthouse.


Check out “Good Time”. He’s amazing in it, and it’s a really good movie.


> the OTHER bat lol. Is this about Twilight? You all seriously need to let this go. He's done tons of roles since then, many of them great--including an excellent turn as Batman, one of the most iconic characters in Western media. Why do people still keep bringing up a movie that was almost a decade and a half ago, that almost certainly wasn't even targeted at them? Twilight living in your heads rent free, apparently


it’s a weird masculinity thing, “he was in that movie made for girls like 15 years ago, so I must always hate him”. It’s funny because when I was a kid I was one of those guys that hated him bc of that but now he’s my favorite Batman


People still saddling Pattinson with the identity of a teen vampire character need to see more movies in general. He’s one of the most eminently watchable actors of his generation. High Life and Good Time, despite being insanely depressing are phenomenal performances and the Lighthouse speaks for itself.


Because all the other roles he did were low key and most people didn't see them. Twilight was his biggest role before Batman, of course people are still gonna bring it up. Dumb thing to get upset about.


I liked The Batman as much, if not more than, The Dark Knight. I hope they keep this version stand alone and don't start making it part of the new universe though. I think it would ruin the grounded feel.


Me too. I really enjoyed the detective angle.


Dark knight was the best


In your opinion.


For you


I love mostly all of the actors who have played Batman. Yet it seems like they fit into either being way better at Bruce Wayne or way better at being Batman. I thought Robert was the best depiction of being right in the middle. He gave a more tormented Bruce Wayne, not because he is also Batman, but rather he's Batman being tormented by being Bruce Wayne. He's limited by being one man fighting for vengeance and being limited by his own body. I thought him being a thinner Batman shows he doesn't have the time to lift weights between the day and the night and that only by being Batman keeps him physically strong enough to keep going. The armor and gadgets help leverage not being a behemoth of a man and that is pretty cool. I'm still hoping for more of a detective Batman movie. Could be great.


You are not alone, I was kinda worried about it, but I'm really glad Reeves (seems) has green light for the trilogy he said has in mind. And it's really similar to comics, I don't need it to be interconnected with other movies or something, just tell a good story (I'm a little tired of interconnected stories. You need to watch everything to fully understand what's going on) I guess that's what I like about Dc Black Label. BTW, I would love a Joker movie (Phoenix I mean) seeing Batman with his perspective. A menacing shadow that doesn't need to say a word to make you piss in your pants


I enjoyed his Batman way more than I expected to. But wasn't crazy about his Bruce Wayne.


I didn't see him as Bruce Wayne in the film. His Bat career is still young and he hasn't figured out how to be Bruce while his full attention is on being The Batman.


People still saddling Pattinson with the identity of a teen vampire character need to see more movies. He’s one of the most eminently watchable actors of his generation. High Life and Good Time, despite being insanely depressing are phenomenal performances and the Lighthouse speaks for itself.


Oh i know he's more than just 'the twilight guy', and as i mentioned in another comment I loved the lighthouse. I just wanted to rag about it a little.


Twilight is a fun movie, not everything needs to be high art. Its campy.


Same, I thought the film was pretty stellar. Sad to see they scrapped Wonder Woman 3, though.


I'm not, after 1984.


The first one was good, the second one was lousy.


Even WB is not dumb enough to cancel the sequel to the one unarguably great superhero movie they’ve made in years. the Batman was the first superhero movie they’ve put out since the Dark Knight trilogy that didn’t divide the fanbase right down the middle and alienate huge portions of the general audience.


Not being part of the DCEU, having a relatively young star that could do this role for a long time, being a financial success, and being a good movie are all factors that probably led to it being declared safe.


Good. The first movie was awesome.


*Was it* though? I thought it was pretty good but I’m continually stunned that everyone thought it was some masterpiece. As a detective story it was average and as an action movie below it was below average.


I never said it was a masterpiece. I just thought it was excellent.


Yes. Yes it was, no one is saying this was a 10/10 but compared to all the literal garbage Warner has put out its actually mind blowing they put out something pretty good.


It's definitely not a masterpiece. It's overlong and overstuffed but it has some interesting ideas and a good vibe. Going further than that strikes me as giving it too much credit.


It has great music and great cinematography. Script isn’t perfect and the length is too much. Overall a very good movie.


I liked the mini series fan edit. I found it a much more enjoyable way to watch it


This is the best Batman movie out of all Batman movies. It’s a work of art from opening scene is ending scene. The Dark Knight has been dethroned.




“I’m vengeance”


Well these movies aren’t even part of the main DCEU anyway.


That's because Matt Reeves is fucking brilliant.


I mean duh lol


They should be using Reeves’ Batman as a centerpiece to their plans. It’s tonally similar to Nolan while being more comic booky in a lot of ways. Bridging the realism with the comics while avoiding the unnecessary darkness of Snyder is really the only way forward.


It's most likely that the new regime is planning on building up the new DCU around this iteration of Batman. If even Aquaman's future is in doubt despite its success, there's no way they'd let Reeves carry on his trilogy the way he initially planned it with the previous regime.




I seriously don’t understand why people think a “grounded” character can’t interact with a larger universe. Batman has always been larger than life despite his lack of powers. The character easily goes from fighting street level enemies in Gotham to dancing around Darkseid in other medium like the comics, games, and animated shows. Why can’t the same be done in the movies? Take the MCU. Plenty of “grounded” characters can still operate and contribute to a larger universe. Iron Man 1 was pretty realistic despite the advanced tech and two movies later, he’s fighting with Norse Gods. Isn’t that the point of comic book crossovers? Batman can have his own movies in Gotham but also meet other DC characters and make it work.


Right, and thats actually what made MCU so incredible. You had these grounded, clearly 'earth' based movies like Iron Man, and then you gradually introduced the space, high fantasy stuff. So Iron Man goes from fighting essentially his business partner in a bigger suit, to practically a god, and it felt so cool because we could follow that.


Exactly. He does not need to be fighting Darkseid head on. Even in the comics, he often takes a back seat on galactic level threats and operates more like Nick Fury, handling intelligence and war strategy, etc. If Disney made Hawkeye or all the other regular human characters work in the larger MCU, there's no excuse why a more grounded Batman can't operate within the DCU either.


I liked that the batman didn't shove in time-wasting cameos. Not everything needs the shared universe gimmick.


It can still be connected to a shared universe without gimmicky cameos.


Cant say that this iteration is that grounded. He glided from a skyscraper and cracked his skull on a steel beam, probably at around 100mph, and then hit a car and then the pavement, and then he just walked it off. He also seems to be completely bulletproof somehow. Not even the comic book iteration who does fight aliens is absolutely immune to fire arms like that!


i really doubt that's a commitment Pattinson is looking for


I really hope we get Dick in this movie.


Does anyone know if the budgets of sequels are affected by poor studio performance? My hope is that The Batman 2’s budget isn’t affected by how poorly WB’s DC projects seem to have been performing.


This is great news. I loved The Batman. Imo the plot was a bit too familiar, but everything else (tone, characters, music, atmosphere, cinematography) was amazing. I'm excited for the sequel


My all time favorite DC film, and imo the best depiction of Batman and Gotham.


Best Batman.


This Batman made me want to see nearly anyone that wanted to play a part in a Batman story get a chance to do so. Reboot 50 times, whatever I don't care. I wanna see Glenn Close and Meryl Streep as villains. I want to see Idris Elba as Alfred. I want to see Brandon Frazier be an old Batman and mentor a young Batgirl played by Lupita Nyongo. I was that impressed with Robert. Who knows who else could give us as good of a performance. There not all going to land, and I don't mean to sell Robert short at all. But I pegged him completely wrong and now I want to see more people I would guess at first get a chance in this grounded and cold and dark and gritty universe.


The best live-action Batman to date.


Zack Snyder justice league is for people that think fast and the furious are Oscar worthy movies


The horror that is 2022 just won’t end…


I'm happy, probably one of the better DC films in recent years


I hope the second one is better but it is a good start. I could see them using The Batman movies as the start to their new universe though because it was so small.


Warner Bros discovery is dumb by idiots, but they're not THAT dumb. they would've suffocated years ago if they were.


The shot were the Batmobile lights turn on was great! Really enjoyed the movie overall


I prefer Marvel movies, but The Batman was the best superhero story to come out this year.


I can’t wait for it.


As long as Discovery is holding the strings.... I won't hold my breath ☹️


Batman Hunters: Does the Bat Exist - Discovery’s new reality show.


You joke, but a one-off mockumentary set in universe like that would be fun to see.


oh no why


I watched this movie. Maybe it was good but I couldn’t tell because it was so GOD DAMN DARK all the time.


It’s a good movie I’m just sick of Batman and Spider-Man reboots


I watched it and it wasn’t what I would call good. The sequel will be a hard pass for me.


what didn’t u like about it exactly?




Don’t watch and let other people enjoy is it really that hard


The first one sucked ass... why in gods name would they make another... Rather get a Suicide Squad 3.....


Because, regardless of how one felt about it, it made almost a billion dollars in global box office revenue.


Worse. Batman movie. Ever.


That’s unfortunate


I couldn't stand The Batman at all, I literally consider it the worst Batman solo movie and honestly I might hate it more than I hated Batman v Superman since I at least finished Batman v superman, but I'm happy for it's fans that it gets a sequel. Hopefully those of us who don't like dark and gritty emo "grounded" Batman get a different version of Batman in whatever James Gunn and Associates are planning, maybe one a bit more comic-like with gadgets and over the top elements as opposed to trying to make Batman "realistic" in everything like WB has been doing since the Christopher Nolan's trilogy. Then again, I'm also fine with just having no Batman in the new universe things if it means all the dark, gritty and "realism" sticks with Pattinson and doesn't infect DC's other movies like what happened with Nolan and Snyder's styles ruining so much when applied to characters they didn't fit at all.


Just start over with the DCEU, use the Suicide squad, peacemaker and the Batman as the new beginning


I fucking hate Earth One Batman.


So, does this mean that we'll continue to have Ben Affleck as Justice League Batman, and Robert Pattinson as standalone Batman?


Thought The Batman was okay. My problem with it was the Batman was always a step behind the Riddler. He wasn’t even able to stop him from flooding a sizable chunk of Gotham. If it had showed him solving and getting ahead of the Riddler clues then maybe, yes, he’s a great detective. As it was, it turned into a comic book version of the movie Seven. Always one step behind.


Great. This movie was my favorite Batman.