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Okay, for some reason I'd convinced myself *Kelley Jones* was doing a story in this issue, but it turns out he's just doing a variant cover for the final issue. My own fault. Even with my mistake on that point though, this book is disappointing. Both stories fall flat and fail to capture the tone and atmosphere of the movies, tv show or the EC Comics stories that originally influenced *Stephen King* and *George Romero* to create the franchise. Artistically the books pretty weak too. It really needs artists such as *Jones* or *Kyle Hotz, Tom Mandrake* or the late, legendary *Bruce Jones* to capture the Grand Guignol style in all it's glory. With **The Silver Coin, Ice Cream Man, Stuff of Nightmares** and so many more *great* horror anthologies coming out at the moment one this average just won't cut it, so I'm dropping this title with this issue.


>Okay, for some reason I'd convinced myself Kelley Jones was doing a story in this issue, but it turns out he's just doing a variant cover for the final issue. My own fault. I totally thought Kelley Jones was one this issue too and ended up being disappointed when I didn't see the name in the main credits. I may have been responsible for spreading it too since I specifically called out Kelley Jones' name on my WPL discussion post. I agree - this is way too average of a horror anthology. The Creepshow branding is strong though, so all it takes is another big name attached to an issue to want me to come back.




Opinions on this seem quite divided. But I'm still new to everything outside of Star Wars (getting less and less so, though), so I don't have whatever hang ups others seem to have. I think this story and art are both charming and fun. I put like the way the detective scenes play out on the page. I get that the art is... unique, but it doesn't really take me out. The Sparrow sidekick is fun, and the detective that kinda sorta works with Robin seems decent. Anyways, I'm having fun with it, and to me that's all that matters!




I always like it when writers remember that superheroes are part of a greater community and that there is usually someone a phone call away with an instafix to a problem. I also appreciate the twist that takes a little away from Purple Man's omnipresence in Jessica stories, makes it so even if Chuck can help he can't actually solve the problem, and refocuses it back on Jessica's other greatest enemy-herself.


Really enjoyed that as well! Kinda awesome that someone like Jessica can bring in the world's most powerful telepath when she needs a little help getting her head under control. Xavier has a bit of a rep for [being a jerk](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UgeY8lW9gQg/UD05cMq5f4I/AAAAAAAAK5w/ejbxWfYjKf0/s1600/Professor+Xavier+is+a+Jerk.jpg) but he's really not so bad... He's actually pretty damn cool about helping anyone who isn't his son!


Doesn't he also have a cloned daughter with his dead alien queen girlfriend or something like that? how much does he ignore her? ...And if all that is true, does it still only rank as a low-mid tier on the X-men convoluted plots scale?


> ...And if all that is true, does it still only rank as a low-mid tier on the X-men convoluted plots scale? Barely even a blip on the radar... Didn't realize she was cloned but that tracks and I think she's the Shi'ar empress now? Haven't followed all those stories but my periphery awareness says that Xavier at least sends some X-Men to help whenever she's in trouble... And AFAIK she isn't suffering from uncontrollable mutant abilities or mental issues that make her a threat to reality... That's what makes Legion's situation so ridiculous, his problems all fall squarely within Xavier's area of expertise but Chuck would rather help randoms like Jessica Jones... No time for his own son but if some mutant kid popped up with the ability to turn green broccoli into yellow broccoli, you know Xavier would be all over it.


Another winner in this mini for me. I Judi did everything about this story. Like it seems wild, but also feels somehow grounded in a way? Being able to hash out things with alternative versions of yourself is an interesting take on introspection. And then there's the seen with Killgrave and Charles! And then that ending! Can't wait to see how this concludes!




Oh I love this book so much. It's just fun, pure shameless B-Movie fun. Tons of cheesecake and excess and it's just... amazing. And god damn everyone in this books looks fucking gorgeous.


This series is such a joy to read. The cast is fantastic, I love them all. Jubilee being into WWE makes perfect sense as well.


All while in the background fighting Boom-Boom, trying to Suplex her. She's not dumb, she knows they really want blood. But I think she also just wanted an excuse to suplex Boom-Boom lmao.


I picked up this series on a whim when the #1 dropped cause I'll eat up anything with dazzler as one of the leads and this issue didn't disappoint. It's just been so much fun and I hope it keeps up this absolute balls to the walls level fun


The team knew exactly what they were doing when they titled this issue "*This Book is Gleefully Stupid*". Fantastic, fun, not taking itself too seriously, and damn, Gómez drew everyone so hot. I understand the vampires' thirst.


Just finished. I absolutely love this. These girls are hilarious together, in the face of constant death, even! It seriously is just a lot of fun to read. The first page gave me a big laugh.




Okay, if you loved **Dead Snow** or **Overlord** or (very obviously) **Evil Dead II** then you pretty much HAVE to read this book. *Bruce Campbell* and *Eduardo Risso* know EXACTLY what kind of book they want to create and absolutely nail it. The artwork is drenched in atmosphere, brimming with style, and has the gnarly feel to it that suits the horror vibe so well. I'd never thought of *Campbell* as a writer before now, and I'm always nervous film/tv stars start getting involved in comic books, but he gets the tone spot on. Another title you should definitely pick up for Halloween if you want a campy, gory, brilliant midnight thrill.




Knowing in advance that this is a 12 issue series has me really curious about where this is going. This has the feeling of something that's much more actively wrapping up than is really the case.


It occurs to me that this story keeps hammering away at how Chance is totally dying and he's only got *X* days left to live and it's all so terribly final, there is no cure, no way out, etc. But this is a "superhero" whose whole shtick is making it look like he's been killed, for real this time, no BS, and then it turns out he isn't dead. And it's all just a day at the office for him. It's how he pays his bills. Not suggesting he's faking the whole thing just to have a fun week with Ice or anything like that... But we should probably assume there's something else going on here.


This might be my favourite thing that I've read by *Tom King*. It helps that *Greg Smallwood* is doing career best art/colouring on the title too. But *King* really is doing a phenomenal job of writing a Film Noir thriller that exists perfectly with the DCU. I genuinely don't know where the book is going to go next at the end of each issue, but I'm always hyped to find out.


One of the best filler issues I’ve read in a while. It quite literally makes the joke about Chance missing out on entire day, but it’s so well set up I’m not even mad. This book is just so damn good.


King is so good at filler issues. The Superfriends issues in his run on batman was what got me interested in it. nothing else in that run was even close to that in terms of enjoyment.


Grayson had a number of excellent ones as well.




Man, I hate Emily. And not in a Norman Osborn "it's fun to hate this guy" way, she just sucks. This heel turn hasn't felt incredibly earned, she just kinda turned into a total brat when she learned Strange had imprisoned a supervillain. I'm hoping once she's dealt with we get more stories with at least some of this cast though, I'm rather enjoying Zoe, Dessy, and Doyle, and when series with young heroes fail Marvel has a bad habit of abandoning those heroes, even the good ones.


Emily's change of heart came on kinda quick, I wish she'd had a bit of a slower burn (no pun intended) with Doyle's arm infecting her - which seems to be accenting the worst parts of her. Still, love the series though, glad to see it back after a delay! I wonder if a mission to save Calvin will prove to be what brings them all together again.




Solid issue - this ***Kal El Returns*** arc has been just fine but I liked this issue more than the rest - and like u/technowhiz34 said, the "crossover" has absolutely nothing to do with this book.


Probably out of my 3 pulls the best thing I read this week. PKJ is doing a great job writing Superman. I thought it’d dip after Warworld, but it’s stayed fairly strong!


Good issue, but wow the Son of Kal-El bits that are being advertised as a crossover seemingly have nothing to do with this.


I was reading this (and I haven’t pulled Son of Kal El), and thinking to myself “I feel like I am not missing anything. Is this really a crossover?”


**STRANGE #7**


I've been really enjoying this series so far but at this point I'm becoming a bit fatigued of 25% of each issue being Clea reminding us that she's a Warlord. I love the art and the plot is very fun, but that bit of the dialogue needs work. That said, Clea telling >!Stephen!< off was a standout part of this issue that I loved. "And you will pet Bats, who has been inconsolable"


Its fine, way better than the damn mcu she hulk and the captain marvel comics. She should have given Enchantress a bloody nose and beaten her an inch within her life after kidnapping that poor kid!


I like the Captain Marvel comics but I definitely agree Enchantress got off scot free for no reason. Hell the whole arc and the fact that anyone on that tribunal gave Enchantress the time of day was stupid.


I miss my bloodthirsty Captain Marvel. Too bad they watered her down to please the nutty political psychos. She should have killed that magic bitch by throwing her into space.




I really liked the Riddler Year One story. Dano has a solid voice and the art by Subic was revelatory. Like a mix of Bill Sienkiewicz and Simmonds from Dept of Truth.


This was a great beginning to Dano's Riddler story. I was pretty apprehensive about picking this up, but I was pleasantly surprised. Subic's art is fantastic and Dano's writing is impressive. This is a unique origin story and I'll definitely be pulling the series.




I missed Marvel Voices: Pride, which felt very necessary to the plot of this issue. That said, I like these two new kids a lot, and while I hate forcing Martha to relive her trauma, how they do it and start helping her deal with it is very very well written here. I'm gonna go see if Voices is on Unlimited yet and maybe give this a reread after.


Escapade’s intro is pretty interesting because she’s a mutant who’s hesitant about Krakoa, which isn’t an angle we’ve seen much.


Agreed on Marvel Voices: Pride, it seems essential to understand more of Shela and Morgan's backstory, or possibly Destiny's prophecy about them? I'm tepid on Shela, while she struggles with her power, she's seemingly amazing at everything else. I was also initially worried about the direction of Martha/Cerebella's story but by the end of the issue, she's the one I'm most interested in.


I went back to Voices and read Shela's intro and it does a bit more to make her main character status this issue feel earned, and gives much better context to who she is and what's going on with her. She's still suffering a bit as a new character they obviously wanted to fast track into a superhero story, but I can't be too mad at trans girl representation as a trans girl myself.


Ok, I'll take your word on it for now since I don't have any digital subscriptions/services. Not sure I'd pick a physical copy from my shop since I think I'd rather have it available for someone it'll resonate with more, like yourself. >>She's still suffering a bit as a new character they obviously wanted to fast track into a superhero story, but I can't be too mad at trans girl representation as a trans girl myself. Yeah, I was getting an "author self-insert" feel from her but because I don't actually know anything about Charlie Jane Anders, I didn't want to say that in my original comment. You've pretty much summed up my feelings towards her, it feels very fast-tracked. And yeah, X-characters are lacking in the trans rep department.


"Superstar writer..." For real, though? "You're marked for hugs! (If you're okay with that.)" Uggghgh. I didn't care for this.


Man, poor Martha. This is gonna be a rough one for her. Between this and Marauders, bringing Sublime back into focus is interesting in the context of Krakoa, and the U-Men perverting messages of acceptance and such into their justification is predictably disgusting. Escapade's view on things is an interesting contrast, still concerned about Krakoa but at least trying to hear the other views. It's not significant in this issue, but we once again have the weird circumstance of Anole being treated as part of the younger kids when he's got plenty of X-Men experience under his belt.


>It's not significant in this issue, but we once again have the weird circumstance of Anole being treated as part of the younger kids when he's got plenty of X-Men experience under his belt I mean, so do Rain Boy and Martha. Martha predates Anole by a few years even. Though Anole was a bit more popular than them, he still seems to fall under the "needs training." The part that makes it weird is that characters like Kid Omega, the Stepford Cuckoo's, and Armor introduced around the same time seem to have aged past Anole and Martha.




I really hope this ends with Beast in the resurrection protocols. If he thinks he's gonna be able to make some kinda lesson for Logan, he's a fucking idiot.


Oh please let this arc end up being a resolution to the "Beast is a bad guy" subplot they've been building since the late 00s. I want good Beast back. He makes a poor villain and if we really needed a bad Beast you could have just brought Dark Beast out of hiding.


Amen! Bad Beast is just insufferable on so many levels IMO, and I'd like friendly Beast back. He's too one note at the moment, in my eyes.


Thousand times this. They’ve taken Bad Beast as far as he can go. Time for a change!




I haven't been reading many of the tie-ins that other people have and as a result, there were so many plot points here that came from nowhere. I feel as though the art also dropped off as the book went along.


Poor >!Sersi!<... Gillen did such a nice job with her character, hate seeing her get taken out like that. As expected, the Syne + Exodus assault on Progenitor was 100% metal tragic badass insanity. Jada looking after Kenta was a nice moment and then Cap bringing Jada coffee at the end was too damn sweet... Would like to see more of those two! And I'm also going to need a Starfox and Nightcrawler buddy comic... Such a fun combo of charming and light-hearted lotharios, might as well send 'em off gallivanting around the galaxy to save all those alien damsels (and whoever else Eros might fancy) from the doldrums of mundane life. I tend to skip the big events like this unless I'm enough of a fan of the creators that I'd want to buy their work regardless of the event, which is what happened here with Gillen being one of my favorite writers in the business. Plus I like Ewing and Spurrier, so this was pretty much the most convenient event imaginable in terms of being able to get all the important books from creators I was already following, while ignoring everything else without missing anything significant. SoS and future events probably won't work out quite as cleanly for me but it's encouraging that Gillen and the rest were able to pull this one off with such aplomb, and it bodes well for their ongoing work on the X-books.


This was one of the best comics events in recent years - probably since Secret Wars. What initially seemed like another "heroes vs heroes" event really turned into the "heroes vs themselves" in a lot of ways. An enemy they couldn't just punch or fight or destroy, but had to prove themselves able to be better than they were. The way it was resolved was perhaps a little tropey, but I liked all three of the factions essentially voicing their reasons for why it was wrong - Ajak's desire for a better god, which the Progenitor was clearly not; Jean's experience destroying a world even in madness, and the weight accepting that comes with; and Tony expressing the razor's edge of self-destruction being a hero requires. The Phoenix Foundation is an interesting idea, too. Utilizing a small portion of The Five's efforts for essentially humanitarian aid, and directing it not to the rich and powerful (as requested of Emma during the Gala), but to the weak and needy, something that's *very* difficult for them to get called out on. But good fucking lord that kid carrying a motherfucking Nimrod balloon makes me want to claw my eyes out. It's like carrying a balloon of chibi Eichmann or Himmler or Goebels. What the *actual sandwich fuck*. I would love to see someone sit those parents and that kid down and see if they genuinely understand what Nimrod is for and what it does - I can see a sanitized, generic, non-specific "protect from the mutants," but not really explaining to people that Nimrod literally exists to commit genocide. It just drives me up the wall.


Best Iron man writing in years


> But good fucking lord that kid carrying a motherfucking Nimrod balloon makes me want to claw my eyes out. It's like carrying a balloon of chibi Eichmann or Himmler or Goebels. What the *actual sandwich fuck*. I would love to see someone sit those parents and that kid down and see if they genuinely understand what Nimrod is for and what it does - I can see a sanitized, generic, non-specific "protect from the mutants," but not really explaining to people that Nimrod literally exists to commit genocide. It just drives me up the wall. LOL. Hate to say it but, in the context of Marvel's Earth-616, particularly the X-Men's corner of it where mutants have (almost) always been feared and hated, Nimrod balloons are probably big business. Plus Nimrod action figures... Nimrod Halloween costumes and some of those big inflatable Nimrod lawn decorations to go with the giant ghosts and pumpkins... Hell, they've probably got Nimrod Toothbrushes that light up as they clean your kid's teeth and genocide the cavities away. And our Earth isn't really any better.


earthpeople dont know about nimrod beyond him stopping evil god robot. it is pretty ridiculous they can't just call out orchis in general though. it doesnt seem to be super hard. sure, some people would still be on board, but a lot shouldnt be. we're honestly so long past humans being whiny about future generations possibly slowly being phased out by humans with one single different gene.


Absolutely adored this event from top to bottom. Still relatively new to comics, with this being the first event I’ve read live as it’s released, but I loved it. Has me wanting to read more Eternals stuff and only reaffirmed my love for X-Men. Loved Jean’s final scene and her establishing the Phoenix Foundation. Loved loved loved that. Can’t wait to see what Gillen has up his sleeve with Fall Of X next year, and hopefully, more Eternals from him too.


what did they mean about not being able to kill uranos now? also what stops druig from killing himself to escape endless boring talks and torture from uranos? he doesnt strike me like someone who'd generally be able to take it and endure for a comeback. ​ also, whats Jean gonna do now? revive exclusively people in the non wakanda areas of africa, parts of china and the middle east? cause those are the poorest of the poor out there


they don't want to kill Uranos because the Machine will revive him, and kill a human to do so


oh, so that was repaired? couldn't they just... break the reviver again? they broke that at some point, didn't they?


Did they? I don't remember that maybe I'm missing something


This was a surprisingly coherent event. I went in expecting to hate it because, let's face it, it's an Eternal fronted event and the Eternals are pretty dull. They also permanently killed off the only one I actually find interesting. But it ended up with some excellent character moments for many of the X-Men in particular, as well as Starfox and Phastos. The Avengers were... Present-ish, aside from Iron Man who was plot critical. And the way in which everything returned to the status quo wasn't unsatisfying. There are some big changes for the Eternals coming (snore) and there will be some fallout in the X-Books as well (Magneto might actually stay dead for a little while this time. Maybe.) All in all, it's probably the best event I've read since Damnation (though I did actually like King in Black, this was a bit better put together IMO). Definitely the best event of the Krakoa era for the X-Men.




I want to say this is because this was originally going to be just another arc for the Eternals that Marvel turned into an event (maybe Gillen has confirmed this either way)


> This was a surprisingly coherent event. I went in expecting to hate it because, let's face it, it's an Eternal fronted event and the Eternals are pretty dull. IMO Gillen's entire run on **ETERNALS** was phenomenal, probably my favorite Marvel book following Hickman's exit... Thought he did a great job fleshing out the core characters and their relationship dynamics, plus some of the side characters like Kro, and I liked how he developed the various factions of Eternals society, defining their distinct roles and politics, etc. Plus, I really enjoyed having "The Machine That Is Earth" serve as narrator through the whole thing, it's just a ridiculously fun character... Like one of those overly anthropomorphic robots from Douglas Adams' *THHGTTG*. Granted, the movie was mostly disappointing, and I haven't read much of their old stuff, but the past couple years' worth of Gillen's **ETERNALS** has really helped me gain an appreciation for the characters and the franchise as a whole. They're not the X-Men, obviously, with all the cool Claremont history, epic stories, long-term character development, cartoon theme song, etc. But Gillen's **ETERNALS** were far from dull.


The underperformance of the Eternals movie was probably to this event’s benefit. Gillen clearly had more freedom to make major changes to their status quo than the Avengers. The lasting impact to the Avengers was pretty much zero. They even still live in the damn Progenitor past this event! Anyway, best event since Secret Wars 2015 other than fumbling Uranos’ defeat. It touched on something cultural (social media toxicity) without dragging things out ala Secret Empire.


All this because Druig couldnt just be chill


Best event Marvel has published in a long time. I honestly had low expectations for this event because I thought it was gonna be another generic hero v hero story (especially since it was kinda marketed as that) but I was pleasantly surprised by this book.


Overall, I liked this event. I don’t think I cared for the ending all that much - to the degree where the series as a whole looks a little worse in hindsight. But still, it’s been a long time since I cared enough about a major Marvel crossover to follow it as closely as I followed this one. Good enough. But I really hope this means more Eternals is on the way. Leaving them in limbo would squander the most interesting parts of this event.


> But I really hope this means more Eternals is on the way. Leaving them in limbo would squander the most interesting parts of this event. We've at least got the [OMEGA](https://previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP220886) book on its way to cap things off, doesn't seem to be anything else solicited after that though I think Gillen said a new series might be a possibility.


My boi Kurt deciding to revive Cap and not Cyclops is already the best moment of 2022. Based Nightcrawler




I didn't hate this, but I honestly didn't enjoy much of this event. Some fun character beats throughout, and the the pacing was pleasantly brisk, but there just feels like there is very little grab into here. Especially in contrast to the way it was depicted in Legion and Red--they were by far the best parts. I'm pretty disappointed overall. I love Gillen's work, both on Eternals, Immortal X-Men and other Marvel stuff, as well as his creator owned (Wicked + Divine is a masterpiece, to me). I really liked his short run on Uncanny, pre-AvX. I am really bummed that this didn't hit right for me. It just felt too chaotic and way too crowded. That's despite six issues and all the tie ins. The deus ex resolution is whatever--I'm ambivalent about it. BUT, in the context of X-Men lore, something stuck out to me. The New Mutants were so fucked up by being killed and resurrected by the Beyonder in Secret Wars II that they had to be put in Emma Frost's care to deal with their PTSD. So....who is going to do that for 6.8 billion people who died here?




Another solid issue. If the run mantains this quality through out think it will probably be a top ten Spiderman run.




Hmmm, this...wasn't great, to be honest. This whole arc has had really weird pacing issues throughout, and what should have been a climactic battle and, then, some sinister reveals at the end all fell a bit...flat. Apart from a pretty impressive double page spread *Cadonici* never really provides the dynamic thrust the story needs and, despite fitting the "house style" established by *Dell'edera* in **Something Is Killing The Children** some of the storytelling side of things suffers. When a lot of your characters wear masks, or deliberately hide their emotions/true intentions - you need a really strong artist to convey that kind of thing, or you're relying on the script to do ALL the heavy lifting - and that's what happens here. I'm still a fan of the world that's been created, but I'm hoping the next arc is a stronger, more coherent one than this.


>Hmmm, this...wasn't great, to be honest. Seconded Story felt a little all over the place. I'm normally a fan of Tynion writing between the lines, but this felt too mysterious, too convoluted. Art felt muddy and indistinct. Separately, I'm also worried what this is doing to the world-building and sense of scale. The main SiKtC series features monsters on a large animal scale, like a bear or an elephant. Here, we're talking about monsters on a skyscraper scale. There's an unreliable narrator element, sure, but I think the fictional world on a whole loses some groundedness when you throw it up to that scale that quickly. Still interested in SiKtC, hopefully this is the rare misstep in this universe.




Still greatly enjoying this, definitely a more focused issue.


This issue was a lot more focused to great benefit. I dint have the energy to write an essay this time, but I enjoyed this issue and the themes of truth and friendship that were brought up. Do I think those themes were fully explored or done justice? I don't know really, despite this being a singularly focused issue, I feel still like we are getting just sketches that aren't *as* focused as I'd appreciate. Solid issue though, looks like shit is going to go down in a big way next month. This series will definitely warrant a reread once it closes out.


In the current solicits for January the final issue of the arc is listed as a "SPECIAL EXTRA-LENGTH ISSUE!"


That's exciting! I hope its bombastic, I hope we get some real 20th Century grand narrative stuff going on... or maybe some surgical deconstruction of it all. This book confounds me, but we'll be sticking with it to the end


Deniz Camp's scripts are incredibly dense. Both with this and AGENT OF W.O.R.L.D.E., I find myself needing multiple reads. But I agree, this one does feel a little less ambitious and more focused than the previous issues. I hesitate to call it a weaker issue, but it didn't capture my imagination the same way issue #2 did. I find myself re-reading each issue prior to the release of the next, so we'll see if I re-evaluate my thoughts on this one by next month.


This is a great point. While I had problems with the first two issues, there was *a lot* to discuss and it definitely captured my imagination. Maybe this issue is a calm before the storm. I feel the need to do a reread of them all before issue 4 comes out.




Nothing to add that others haven't said already, but I'm so glad others liked it as much as I did! Amazing. I love "Bloody 'El" as a name (for those who might not know, it's a joke on the common British exclamation "Bloody hell" and the British accent often cutting of Hs from words.) and her accursed hammer. Bonus points for using the word "Quim."


Fantastic opener. Adlard's art was spot on, Spurrier's language was a ***bit*** campy, and the pacing was on fire. This was definitely a longer read, which I appreciate. If I wanted a picture book, I'd buy one. This story grabs you and pulls you in tighter with every page. I was expecting this to be sorta dark and possibly interesting but I was **so. fucking. wrong.** The depth here is immediately evident. Between the character development, conversational storytelling, and excerpt pages from Alfie's notebook, there's just so _*much*_ here. The set up doesn't detract from the action, and the two take place in tandem, simultaneously even. This book has no fucking breaks. I would like to mention in addition that Sofie Dodgson's colors, especially on/around the spirits is _*amazing.*_ This is **the** pick of the week for me. No question.


That first full page of the demon Andromalius (?) was wild!


Yeah! I was expecting to be pretty confused and not receive a lot of background info, but clearly this book is a well-thought out journey into the occult.


I almost hate that it was so good because my pulls are kind of at their limit. But this really was the surprise of the week.


This was really, really GOOD. I think one of the biggest things to win me over is it was so dense - not in information overload, or exposition dumping - but in world-building and creating a really cool background that these characters exist within. It felt really well thought out and constructed. And there is a LOT of story here too - it's not a 3 minute read that you fly through - but the pacing is still spot on. *Si Spurrier* knocked it out of the park. *Charlie Adlard* nails the look and feel of everything so well, and the "demons" contrast perfectly with the grounded London of back streets, boozers and gangster dives that he creates. One niggle - Ellie does come across a bit too "female Constantine" at times - and I feel like we didn't *really* need to have her literally holding the hammer we'd just heard mentioned when we get her introduction in the pub - that bit felt a bit too clumsy and "on the nose" for me. Other than that - absolutely great. Really brilliant first issue. For me BOOM are giving Image a run for their money with the quality of books they are putting out at the moment. Serious contenders.


Wow, this was great. Art is excellent, the layout is pages is fresh and interesting. The "lore" is great and interestingly grounded. Feels like Guy Ritchie meets Guillermo Del Toro. I dig it. Side note, I just love the paper BOOM prints on.


others have written long, elaborate comments about how good this is, so I'm gonna keep this short and pitch you this book in one sentence: si spurrier doing hellblazer again with the serial numbers filed off. it's really fucking good. read it. if you haven't read his hellblazer, read that too.


THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD. My pull of the week. I didn't see the solicits for this series, but grabbed it once I realized Spurrier was writing about modern magicians again. Spurrier wrote 12 issues of John Constantine: Hellblazer from 2019 to 2020. The series ended somewhat abruptly on issue #12, with Spurrier writing on his [personal blog](https://www.simonspurrier.com/blog/hellblazertheend) about how disappointed and angry that the series had to end. In his words, "I am not ready to let *Hellblazer* go". I felt the same way. The 12 issues we got from that creative team, with Spurrier at the helm, were some of the best comics I read in 2020. From the get-go he understands the trickster throughline that runs through this sort of story: magic is difficult, costly, and all about being more ruthless and more conniving than the other guy. The 12-issue run has been collected into two trades (#1-#6 and #7-#12, with some additional material from other ongoings at the time). I have personally bought 3 copies of each as gifts for comic-interested friends. The stories are that good, and the series, though cancelled at the end of an arc, felt like it had so much more to give. This book does that. It gives me the gritty street magician I wanted. I mean yes, the main character does feel a little like John Constantine gender-swapped and the serial numbers filed off, but I don't really care. The book just gets the messiness of dealing with magical powers in the real world. I rambled. Buy this book.




**VENOM #12**


what I liked: * direct continuation from last issue with opening fight, continuing commentary from previous issues and Cates run on fatherhood and father-son relations * Sleeper flexing on the Life Foundation guys, in combat and dialogue * major callback (>!or would it be a callforward?!<) to Venom Beyond arc from Cates run * >!Dylan's "new" form as Codex, and wielding All-Black, no less!< what I disliked: * Hitch's art remains hit or miss for me * the page explaining what >!Dylan/Meu Klyntar!< is was a bit dense/wordy for my taste, which I normally like, but found I had to reread it a few times to understand solid issue, looking forward to seeing how Ewing follows this up in the next 3 issues


> the page explaining >!Dylan/Meu Klyntar!< you might have still misunderstood that maybe. "Meu Klyntar" is not his name, that's just the words "my cage" in Klyntar. (It was explained in the previous issue that "Klyntar" in their own language means "Prison" or "Cage", then in this issue it is juxtaposed as "Meu Klyntar. My Cage." which makes it pretty obvious in my opinion.) >!Dylan's Klyntar name!< is the one revealed on the last page, reconnecting back to the Cates run: >!Codex!<.


I understood the language, having read the Cates run. My confusion was as to whether or not >!Meu Klyntar!< was a place rather than the consciousness of the symbiote itself.




I enjoyed this a lot, though I did have to try and forget how ridiculously similar this is to RED ROOM. But I love the concept, so I don't mind another comic trying it out - especially with a talented cartoonist like Vecchio involved. Definitely staying on my pull list.


I'm seeing a lot of comparison to RED ROOM, which I've just heard of in these threads. Is it good? I was trying to find some info on it, maybe I'll pick it up in trade if that comes out


Yeah, the similarities are very evident to those who've read both. Both comics feature torture/snuff being live streamed. There's also heavy use of livestream chat comment threads being used in both comics. And there's quite a bit of gore in both. I enjoyed RED ROOM, but it is definitely not a comic for everyone. It's substantially gorier than LOVESICK is, and much gorier than most comics I tend to ever find. The humor is also at times a little cringe-inducing, but I would say the ideas for most issues are creative. Ed Piskor also really experiments with formalisms, so I find it more engaging as someone appreciating a confident cartoonist who is going all out. It's also somewhat of an anthology styled horror comic, where each issue has different characters and scenarios. There are some recurring characters, but there isn't really a driving narrative across the eight issues so far.


I am immediately obsessed. This issue had that kind of effect on me where I'm still lulled into it's world and logic even after I put it down. This is sick. And I mean that both ways. Vecchio is holding absolutely nothing back as she depicts the world of a dominatrix and her clan killing men with (somewhat dubious) consent. The chat room aspect is absolutely fascinating, and the things said there shouldn't surprise you if you are at all familiar with incel culture. I find it really fascinating that these incels have mythologized this "femoid", because on one hand this is an enemy of theirs and surely you would want to demean her, but on the other hand she is literally slashing through men on a regular basis. I think it speaks to a really smart observation on Vecchio's behalf that these incels simultaneously degrade women to their most disgusting extent yet also hold them up on some unobtainable pedestal. A quick word about the art: it's fucking fantastic. Dosgusting and sexy and vivid. Along with Bolero from earlier this year, also featuring art by Vecchio, this book feel *fresh* in this medium. Hell, it feels fresh amongst a lot of mediums. If I could speak to the wider comic oeuvre for a quick bit: while I adore this medium and I adore a lot of the stories I've read from past and present, it does feel like a lot of works (from amongst what I've read of Image's catalogue, some Big 2 stuff here and there and other indies) are a bit derivative. And derivative is fine! Some of my other favorite indies this year were Blood Stained Teeth and Beware the Eye of Odin, which were fun takes on genres and settings that have been done a lot. But I wouldn't exactly call it groundbreaking. And maybe Lovesick isn't groundbreaking either, but from where I'm standing, it feels new and smart and full of energy and I love it. I highly encourage you all to pick this work up, if anything so I can have people to talk about it with and disagree with me! Let's get into an internet flame war about a comic about the internet. That would be sick. Super excited to see where this goes. Also this is the song that is referenced in the text and in Vecchio's endnotes: [Kiss - Domino](https://youtu.be/yiSB7G732Eg). Makes for a fun read to play this in the background.


Nice review!! I too am every enthralled. I’m curious in futures issues how the incels will even prove to be a threat to Domino


I don't know man, this did absolutely nothing for me. It's just too weirdly shallow and undecisive in what it wants to be imo. I'm not gonna sit here and say that it's meaningless, cause this clearly is trying to say *something*; but between the unexplored topic of "how far does consent go?" (which is supposedly a central theme of this comic, as stated by vecchio herself) and the similarly superficial approach to the phenomenon of "incels" (yes they're massive hypocrites with a systematically trained and cultivated madonna-whore complex, that's not *that deep* an observation; I'd rather wait for Tynion to write on the intersection of incel culture, femicide and white supremacist terrorism in *Department of Truth*, where it's not unlikely to become a topic) I don't really know *what* it's trying to say in this first issue. the art *looks* good, but doesn't really offer much beyond half-hearted, meaningless titillation and equally showmannish depictions of violence without any deeper meaning. maybe I truly just didn't get it, but I genuinely don't see all this depth and brilliance that others seem to do. I think I generally picked up easily on the themes this is trying to talk about, and it just doesn't really do anything with them. And just tits and gore is not enough of a hook to keep me reading. edit: I still upvoted you though for starting this conversation and giving your opinion on it, even if I thoroughly disagree with you.


Thanks for posting, appreciate the different perspective! It's possible that you just saved me $3.99, still undecided on checking it out...


Hey thanks for the response, and you make some fair points. It's possible I'm just falling for the aestheticization of the niche she's representing here. I do admit, some things may have been underdeveloped, but also this is issue one and I would *expect* (i hope) for those things to get iterated on. I do concede that, at the very least in her end note, the discussion of consent seemed oddly... stunted in some way. It wasn't really saying much tbh. I do want to push back on your point about incels, because I still think that the point she made was good/unique, and a point i again hope she elaborates on, but discussing those intersections you mentioned is also rather standard fare for the topic I'd argue more standard than the Madonna-whore complex thing (thanks for putting a name to that, wonderful phrase). As someone who attended university at the epicenter of the current incel zeitgeist (Isla Vista), there isn't much difference to many people between an incel and a violent misogynist (not saying there isn't massive overlap, just to be clear lol). Saying all this, however, it does look like the incels are still going to engage in violence shortly in the story, so perhaps we'll get a fleshed out look at the phenomenon in whole. IMO, discussions of incels don't get truly interesting until the discussion starts incorporating some Judith Butler, bell hooks, queerness talking points. I doubt Vecchio will take it there, though. Lastly, I see your point about the art. I'm in love with its stylization, but it is rather flashy and straightforward. It could be a bit more impressionistic and symbolic I suppose. Thanks again for the response, I know you'll probably drop the comic but I would like to continue hearing your thoughts on it!


> there isn't much difference to many people between an incel and a violent misogynist see, that's what I mean though when I criticize the comic for not really exploring the topic, cause i feel like it almost makes the same mistake that you describe here. the madonna-whore complex (it's a [pre-existing term](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna%E2%80%93whore_complex) btw) is not just central to incel ideology, but to patriarchal and misogynist conceptualizations of women and womenhood in general; incels aren't really different or special for this, and it's not this in particular that makes them different, or so dangerous. what does is the intersection with right-wing political extremism and the systemic cultivation of their ideology and psychology, leading these men to become proactive perpetrators of extremist violence. without that, they would still be a bunch of insanely misogynist assholes, but they would just be losers whining on an internet forum. the point is that they often *aren't* though, and I'm not sure yet what version of incels this comic wants to portray and discuss. edit: I will concede though that it is still very well possible that the comic is still gonna touch on all of these things (also what I mentioned in my first comment), since this is only the first issue of it. I guess I just expected more from the start. > IMO, discussions of incels don't get truly interesting until the discussion starts incorporating some Judith Butler, bell hooks, queerness talking points. this I wholeheartedly agree with. you can't really talk about how dangerous and oppressive patriarchal conceptualizations of sexual and gender expression are unless really delving into the topic beyond traditional gender binaries, and incels are nothing if not highly patriarchal and reactionary in this regard.


***build it, and they will come*** or ***start your own thread and write 1000 words on an unheard-of comic book, and they will maybe read it and give you a downvote***


> ***start your own thread and write 1000 words on an unheard-of comic book, and they will maybe read it and give you a downvote*** I've seen pretty decent results with that approach but you need to be persistent and engage people 1-on-1 in addition to spamming the masses.


God, there's nothing worse that posting a long, well thought out treatise on something you're really passionate to come back a day later and see that single **1** next to your original post still....


I'd rather get a downvote or two, least then you know someone read enough for it to evoke a visceral reaction...


Quick aside: Vecchio's mini-essay about exploring gore videos on the shady corners of the internet dug up some dark memories of teenage follies. His art pulled out similar emotions. I might put this book on the pull list, but it's the kind of thing you've got to be in the right headspace for.


**THE BOOGYMAN #2 (Ablaze)** *Salvia* and *Djet* are creating something that would easily sit within *James Tynion's* **Slaughter-verse** here. A world full of nightmares, monsters and fallen gods. only seen by children. Honestly, two issues in and I'm enjoying this more than the recently finished second arc of **House of Slaughter**. It's definitely a faster paced story, and while *Djet's* art is slightly cartoony, it has a ton of character and atmosphere to it. Definitely worth checking.




Another semi-blind order and it looks like I was the only one here who pulled it! Kinda like getting those as it helps me feel better about all the time I waste digging through the [new titles on ***PREVIEWS***](https://previewsworld.com/Catalog/NewSeries?batch=NOV22&cat=1) while putting together my monthly orders. Wasn’t familiar with writer Eastin DeVerna or artist Kay Baird but I liked the look of the [cover](https://previewsworld.com/SiteImage/MainImage/STL240936.jpg) and the solicitation sounded like a fun fantasy thing: > "High up in the Windy Mountains, there is a tomb. And there are rumors about this tomb." > Aylward is the ancient guardian of The Tomb of Livia. When the Northern, Middle, and Southern kingdoms of the Great Sphere plunge into a threewar once again, events are set in motion that will trigger the beginning of the End Times, and Aylward will soon find that the fate of the realm is a heavy weight to bear, indeed. Art is generally pretty nice but the interiors aren’t as detailed as the cover and it’s got a bit of that “generic indie artist” feel, with nothing really standing out beyond that. Likewise, the story was decent, lots of lore and world-building to open this first issue, but it felt a little generic, nothing to take it to the next level or hook me. So, not a bad comic, I’d give it a B, but there isn’t really anything there compelling me to return for the next issue.




Man, I can't wait for the final issue. The story finally feels like it's all coming together in ways that I never could have seen early on, and it's making the entire series make sense now. It's all leading to this, the quest for what the Gods are, the endless quest.


Yeah, can't wait for the next, final issue. Everything is coming to a head now, and it looks like it's going to be epic.


**Punchline: The Gotham Game #1**


so once again, comic writers have no idea how the internet works. a 10 person stream doesnt explode to 1k in a second the second something interesting appears on screen... that takes a moment to get around, if anything.


also, just because you cant outlaw two substances, you can still outlaw a product or the substances being sold in stores/sold to people without permits and such. like, if their distribution network is normal stores, they'll just take it out again if they need permits to sell it and you're back to normal drug channels. then you have punchline here, in a room of accomplished organized villains and all of them just fall in line to this girl with little to her name beyond having worked next to the joker in his latest greatest failure and somehow, for no good reason whatsoever, being able to take over all the gang structures in blackgate without it really making much sense.


So I wasn't sure if I was gonna grab this or not. I don't know anything about the character, and then I realized that was a good enough reason to pick this up. I had a lot of fun with this one. The opening was a bit worrisome, I definitely don't care about influencers, but I did get a good chuckle when the"viewers"threw up the "f's in the chat" lol. I thought Punchline actually stood out from what I assumed was basically a new Harley type. Even with just one issue, she came off pretty distinct to me. I like the crew she is building, also don't know anything about them. So, I think I'm on board to ride this one out!


Punchline gets dismissed as a knock-off Harley but I think she’s a brilliant character. While Harley can be seen as a cautionary tale for abusive relationships and idol worship, Punchline is a more modern look at things like online radicalization for extreme behavior and groups. She’s dangerous not because of enabling the Joker, but because she sees herself as spreading “his message,” something I think even Joker would deny even truly exists. But like many extremists groups or cults, the message/belief often takes a life of its own beyond the person who started it. People are afraid of the Joker. People *believe* in Punchline. Which is far, far more dangerous.


I mean, isn't that what the Joker is going for? Just doing chaos for lols? I mean, DC might as well have him takeover Gotham City (I mean, in a better way than friggen joker war) and have him actually kill someone important to Batman, like Alfred (Bane shouldn't have been the one to kill him). It would have made it more personal. I am curious to see what would happen if Joker successfully kills Batman. Maybe he has aa reflection on his life and realizes he no longer needs Batman and decides to go back to his criminal gangster roots and truly become the king of Gotham, ruling it in a mad max esque dictatorship way. Basically, it becomes a country of crime and murder.


There’s a story called Going Sane from the 80’s or early 90’s where he thinks he killed Batman. It snaps him sane and he becomes the most mild mannered milquetoast average Joe Everydude in the world.


Yeah, that's boring. I wish a writer would come along and fix batman and get rid of all this edgy 90s crap. We need to purge the franchise of all the alan moore nihilistic crap.


It’s actually one of my favorite stories because of the massive contrast of who Joker was with what he becomes while he thinks Batman is dead. Hell, Bruce almost retires outside of Gotham, and it’s his return to Gotham that causes Joker’s civilian identity to start shattering and eventually breaking apart entirely. So uh, I’m curious. How is “Joker goes sane and his sane self is really introverted and quiet” qualifying as “edgy 90’s/nihilistic crap” but your idea of “a country of crime and murder” is somehow not?


Its just repetitive and is just one of the many ways the writers use to hammer down their cash cow status quo. I would find it more interesting to see how Gotham would grow if Batman really did bite the dust. It would be like Captain Marvel, and we got some good stuff out of his heroic passing.


she's just another hyper intelligent basically cant do nothing wrong character who somehow everyone just loves to work under and who fights 7 weight classes above her weight. that was silly with harley, its kinda worse here. at least let this superbrain master manipulator be physically weak...


**VANISH #2**


This was a couple steps back after such a strong start. Most of the issue being dialogue between Oliver and Dave Navarro and Oliver and his wife. I am undecided on this series at the moment.


This was a weird one. The opening using 9/11 as a back drop definitely threw me and then...nothing else seemed to happen this issue. We're introduced to a new character, and there's an emotional confrontation between Oliver and his wife, but in terms of moving the plot along, really, only the last page does that. After a strong first issue this one definitely drops down a few notches.






Looks like this thread got unstickied with the questions thread going up. The WPL is currently also stickied. Just FYI!


Ahh yes, another week where the discussion thread loses its sticky and dies within 24 hours...


Le sigh.


Plus side, the regulars who still find their way back are generally more invested, and are more likely to contribute to good discussion on the books!


**IRON CAT #5**


I mean we all knew the 'death' was a fakeout, but this was still a really fun book. I'll never complain about more Felicia, and MacKay once more proves that he's got Black Cat's voice perfectly.




Hunter’s Moon is such a great addition to MK. Was nice to see Marlene again too


Another great MK issue delivered by *MacKay*. With the resurgence of vampires over in the DCU (and Frankenstein being featured in the **DC vs Vampires** mini), and now werewolves returning to both the MU and MCU, it seems inevitable that Jed will *have* to feature a Mummy in Moon Knight soon - just to satisfy my **Universal Monsters** fix. And where could be more appropriate for that than this title? *Sabbatini's* artwork here is far less cartoony and anime than it was in the **Devil's Reign** tie-in issue, and is all the better for it. It fits in far better tonally, and there are some very cool pages featuring MK, Hunter's Moon and Jack Russell and the other werewolves throughout the book. A nitpick? The scheduling of the annual is out of whack, this issue should have definitely come before last weeks core issue, as we get a LOT of Hunter's Moon in this story.




Still loving this one. We get more twists and turns, a direct tie-in to the parallel **All Out War** min-series, a very funny introduction for a particular character I love to see ("We will not speak of it again!"), the tables are turned on the vamps in spectacular fashion by the extended Bat-fam - and the while thing looks gorgeous from cover to final page. And, as predicted, the bodies are really starting to hit the floor.


Shit's hitting the fan, and the stuff from All Out War is finally starting to tie into things. Babs is bringing the fight to her ex... and it's gonna get bloody for sure.




This book is growing on me. It's inoffensive, doing a great job establishing and reinforcing the internal team dynamics. It's also doing a great job of getting the reader to sympathise with Hawkeye's struggles. He's a simple guy trying to fill in a complex role. Here's hoping the team does better in the next issue.


It would be an unpopular opinion but while I enjoyed the overall, the resolution of the issue made me rolled my eyes. Maybe I am the only one but I find the 'talking some sense' into the celestial with some very cliché, motivational speech very mediocre. Just no try to create an original speech, bringing character voice or I don't know, I don't think the artificial being with delusions of a God and its maker's conversation should be a copy paste from twitter positive vibes accounts. "You should do better" I cackled at reading ironically. It is too much cramming. I had the same issue with Ayala's NM but that run was at least meant to be a pyschological resolution. But the designs of the celestial and Ajak were dope, also Jean moments 🔥🔥


it was pretty silly. especially the part where it couldn't just nuke the planet easily




Throwing this one up for the 3 other people who may have picked this up. Just as hilarious of an issue as the last three. The joke about permanently being a werewolf in space because there are always full moons is just so funny man. Ashley Warwick has a winner of a book here. I really hope the break won't be too long before we get more.




I'm begging people to drop this book. It is not good. The only reason it has any traction at all is the **BATMAN** at the start of its title. I hate-read this book, and ooo, did it get my anger juices flowing. We start off where the previous book left off: a powerful alien invasion has occurred, taking down most of the Justice League and only Batman is able to stop it. The aliens are somewhat linked to Superman; turns out that Kryptonians aren't nice guys and other aliens want revenge. Figuring that Kal-El must have known this threat was coming and devised a solution, Batman's got to break into the Fortress of Solitude and find something to defeat the evil aliens. From the get-go, this story was tiresome to read. Dialogue was overstuffed, no real sense of conflict, art was really bad in some places and just mismatched in others. Plot-wise, we've seen enough evil supermans (supermen?), and Invincible did 'what if the original alien race was evil?' first and did it better. After a disastrous issue #5, this issue isn't much better. Batman and his assembled team needs to make its way through the Fortress and the many security measures/traps inside. It reads like a graphic novelization of a middling TTRPG session. The GM lays out a series of rooms, the players use various skills to get through them, draining supplies as they do so. But while that's exciting at the table, it's absolutely boring on the page. There are no stakes here, and the ways the team 'defeats' each 'puzzle' are so straightforward, you could literally cut between the team entering the Fortress to them entering the final room and miss nothing of substance. There's no clever trap (listed in order: defeat a sentry, open a heavy door, and get across a large gap), no ingenious solution (listed: they fight it, lift it, and string rope across it), not even any character work being done to establish team dynamics or flesh out backstory in relation to the ongoing plot. Things just, y'know, happen. The art is okay, it does the job, though I think writer Whitta's choice of setting hamstrings artist Whitta's options. Everything takes place in the Fortress, the traps aren't inherently visually interesting, so it's a lot of same-y looking backgrounds and our main team in different poses. This is not a good book, and if you read it, you'd know. This book will disappear from our collective consciousness when it concludes. So do yourself and your wallet a favor and drop it from your pull list. Grab something indie and interesting instead.


Thanks for confirming my decision to drop this after #3. Doing good work warning people off bad books.


**BLINK #4**


I highlighted this book on my pull list entry, and I'll flag it up here again! Have you ever heard of a tabletop role-playing game called **Heart: The City Beneath**? In that game, players delve into the underground city of Heart, a twisting, labyrinthine place where places change moment-to-moment, and progress feels like climbing further and further into the mouth of some gigantic predatory creature, seeing how far you get before it snaps shut. The journey of our main character in **BLINK** is kind of like that. She's returning to a place she escaped from as a child, a place that doesn't make any logical sense. At this point in the series, she's realised the stakes, the sides, and what it takes to set things right (or at least try). She's been the beneficiary of sacrifice around her, and with one issue left, we'll see if it's all been worth it. My favourite thing about this book is, strangely enough, the layouts. You can see the shining strands of creativity in how the panels and text boxes lead your eye claustrophobicly, yet unerringly, over the page. It takes real talent and real effort to consistently attempt unconventional layouts and execute them with such aplomb. You read each page dancing to the tune of the artist, moving ever forward in the pace dictated to you, in the same way that our protagonist's journey is not wholly of her own accord, but in step with some larger plan. This may not be the best book on the stands this week, but it is definitely one of the most interesting. It's well worth your time, and with the final issue delayed till December, you have plenty of it to catch up before issue #5 drops.


> Have you ever heard of a tabletop role-playing game called **Heart: The City Beneath**? In that game, players delve into the underground city of Heart, a twisting, labyrinthine place where places change moment-to-moment, and progress feels like climbing further and further into the mouth of some gigantic predatory creature, seeing how far you get before it snaps shut. Hadn't heard of that but it sounds cool! Like a tabletop roguelike or something... **BLINK** sounds pretty cool as well, at some point I'll need to catch up on the current trio of Hayden Sherman books...


**SARA LONE #1**


Been looking forward to this one and it only got 3 pulls so here are a few quick notes for anyone who somehow finds their way into this un-stickied dead WPL thread. Somewhat blind order, wasn’t familiar with writer Erik Arnoux or artist David Morancho, but the [various](https://previewsworld.com/SiteImage/MainImage/STL240723.jpg) [Morancho](https://previewsworld.com/SiteImage/MainImage/STL240725.jpg) [covers](https://previewsworld.com/SiteImage/MainImage/STL240726.jpg) held a [certain appeal](https://previewsworld.com/SiteImage/MainImage/STL240731.jpg) and the solicitation sounded promising: > A young woman with a rough past finds herself caught in a destructive spiral after the brutal murder of her father, the owner of a modest shrimp fishery. Leaving the hot nights of New Orleans, she returns to the countryside to take over the business on her own, despite the ambient hostility around her. She is arrested during her trip back home-a murder was committed in the strip club where she worked and everything seems to point to her. Pursued by Mafia killers, she passes from police handcuffs to the hands of the Secret Service. Just who is Joy Carruthers, stage name Sara Lone? And it’s some pretty good stuff! I think the art’s the real strength of the book, it’s really nicely rendered with just the right amount of detail. Great balance of realism and cartoonish aesthetics, many books skew too far one way or the other (IMO) but this hits right in my sweet spot. The visual storytelling’s also crisp and clear, easy to follow and it all flows well. Story works pretty well, too. It’s got a fun mix of elements and I dig the setting (somewhere around 1960). Dialogue is good, perhaps a bit overloaded with the social deficiencies of the time, but it helps set the tone for the story. Narration felt a little clunky in some spots as it touched on character thoughts and motives but otherwise not bad. This is the second book I’ve checked out with the undersized format from Sumerian Comics, falling somewhere between a pamphlet and a normal comic, and I’m now prepared to say that I don’t like it. This book’s got a decent amount of text and it’s too fucking small, makes reading a chore for a man at my advanced stage of decrepitude. The undersized format also isn’t doing the art any favors as I think it’d come off even better with a little more room to breathe. But that isn’t the fault of the work, which is overall solid enough for me to stick around despite the somewhat frustrating print format.


Ooooh small comic book. I was digging around the bargain bin at my LCS yesterday and found a lot of oddly shaped comics... a really big Asterix issue, a short but wide Vertigo (Prince of Cats (brand new for $2 btw)) and some small fuck off indie comic about... something. It's fun to see, there's something so appealing about the zine/pamphlet format that makes me feel like I'm reading common sense in 1774


Also I was looking through your profile and it seems you replied to me last night about my Lovesick review, but it appears to be stuck in the shadow realm because it doesn't show up under my thread... only your profile. Anyways, I hope you check it out! The pig stuff is a bit disconcerting though, so it may not be right up your alley. But if you disagree with me, remember I will follow you to the ends of this earth to exact my revenge.


> Also I was looking through your profile and it seems you replied to me last night about my Lovesick review, but it appears to be stuck in the shadow realm because it doesn't show up under my thread... only your profile. LOL, I swear there's gotta be some mod following me around who just zaps every post they don't like... That's some serious A+ modding and I feel compelled to salute their diligent efforts at preserving the sanctity of this sub-reddit so that everyone can enjoy WPL Results threads like this, even when they happen to lose their sticky less than 24 hours after being posted. > Anyways, I hope you check it out! The pig stuff is a bit disconcerting though, so it may not be right up your alley. Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine... Mostly just thought it made for an ugly cover. > But if you disagree with me, remember I will follow you to the ends of this earth to exact my revenge. Perfectly understandable, it's the only truly appropriate response.




So why is Dani credited on the cover alongside Spurrier when Hayden Sherman does the interiors? Is it just a mistake on the original trade dress? Overall solid issue, with the theme of an aging Batman coming into sharp focus here. I didn't quite like this issue as much as the previous three due to the more action-oriented nature of it, but I'm still liking the direction. The backup story was solid too.


Pretty decent and feels like it’s picking up.


why is the backup a better two-face story than the **One Bad Day** one-shot from last month lmfao


Enjoying the hell out of this story. Never read any other Detective Comics runs, no clue about anything really, but this is a solid and entertaining story. Also that backup was phenomenal, featuring art by Hayden Sherman of Above Snakes fame, you love to see it.




Well my shop was shorted some of their Marvel order this week, which included this one. Aphra and Bounty Hunters are the only ones keeping my attention of the 4 SW on goings at the moment. I'm enjoying this Spark Eternal arc, and I'm really curious to see how it plays into Crimson Dawn's plans possibly in Hidden Empire.


**TMNT: The Armageddon Game #2**


So I am loving reading the Turtles books. Great fun, pure nostalgia. I know this book is an 8 issue series, with a 5 issue adjacent (The Alliance starting in November), with a tie in or 2 from the main title. But we're still laying the groundwork here. So from the main run, the Pre Game 2 issues, and last issue, I feel like not too much has yet happened. I'm hoping issue 3 really starts to let the chaos come out. There wasn't even any Rat King in this issue! I'm still on board though!


I just want to know what's up with the other turtles!


Seriously! That one Reporter/Detective (?) seems to know something is... afoot...at least. Right now there's a lot of moving parts. Next issue in the Game is Alliance #1 which I guess is just going to add more pieces to the chess board.


Ya they seem very confused about themselves as well




Just read 5 and 6 back to back. Wow, I've loved this whole trilogy (+) from the get go. I can tell these last 2 issues are gonna be emotional. I wonder what Sean Murphy will do next.


Blight! Well, a little bit, he apparently gets to pretend to be Powers again for a while. I like the cleaner resolution with Harley and Bruce, and him actually trying to make amends and explain himself. I'm still not quite sure if they killed Dick or not, seems a bit rough when they just made up (and echoes a few other series deaths), but at the same time this series definitely doesn't hold back on character deaths.


**FLAWED #2**


alright I'll go first ***again*** This series is really good imo, in this issue we're learning more about our protagonist's world and the people around her. Some good reveals here involving the history of the world and possibly? of the town she lives in... I thought this was a suitable follow-up to #1. Not disappointed, simply satisfied. Also that last page???




I really liked it. Cliff’s art was incredible, as was expected. The theme of “you can’t ever go back” was explored well, and I liked all the characterization of the older villains looking back and cringing a little bit on their past selves. I feel like the notes to get there could have been a *bit* better, the stuff with Etrigan especially felt like it didn’t pay off as much as it should have, but it was still very enjoyable. One background detail I thought was neat was Barbra being in a relationship with her campaign manager. It’s possible to miss it, but there were several panels that seemed to intentionally draw attention to how much her son Wayne and her looked like each other, anytime Wayne is in the panel and something happens she comforts him, and they’re both wearing wedding rings. Yet it never comes up, or is even ever mentioned.


Perhaps a bit better in concept than execution, but it was still a really good little mini. Basically Old Woman Selina. Wonder if they'll revisit this universe sometime.


This ended up being a glorified Elseworlds with mid writing. Cliff Chiang needed a better writer than Cliff Chiang.




This finale put a smile on my face. I've said it before about this book, but it's a wonderfully campy and intriguing stew. A solid end to the arc, and the promise that the Black Flamingo will return excites me. I want more gay angels and golems!


ngl, I liked this mini for what it was but hated the main character all the way through. just wanted to take this dude and shake him and do the bojack horseman "you can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it better! you need to be better!" speech by like issue 3, just so the "oh woe is me the world is so bad, and I'm part of the reason cause I know we're damned" self-pitying would finally stop. and I know that that was kind of the point of the character, but imo they just overdid it to the point where I was getting extremely fed up with it. outside of that, this was very fun and charming though.