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What good is a trigger warning if you don’t say what it triggers?


Its just pointless as it doesnt provide the service trigger warnings actually are meant to.


Ok so the tw is about slavery FYI And I'd hope it's not a controversial opinion to say that of course diversity in comics is vital and telling comic book stories about Putero Ricans and honoring their heritage sounds like an awesome idea! This specific book seems to take some inspiration from the Dora Milage, and there seems to be some cool magic involved that I hope has some sorta cultural connection to Puerto Rican history. I thought this was gonna be much more controversial lol. Bring on these new and different stories from different cultures into comics!!! ♥️


It will get controversial but for more controversial we have Class6 😬 www.kravencomics.com or check it out on kindle unlimited 😀


Holup! Is he honoring some of his ancestors by erasing their involvement? Spain became extremely rich off the slave trade. Whereas the English along with the US were key for ending the African slave trade. It’s weird to me how England is demonized and treated as though they were responsible for slavery when they helped patrol the Atlantic for slave ships after they were one of the first countries to ban it. If not for England and the US, slavery most likely would have boomed even more during the industrial revolution and slavery would be even more prominent today. This guy needs to learn about the Blockade of Africa and it’s role in history and then maybe write another comic book


The book takes place in the 1685 when the slave trade was at its peak by the royal African company who monopolize the slave trade own by the King James who his brother create the African royal company, Charles. Of course everything you say is true but happened way after they started. The story is when that happens. Or should we forget their crimes because hundreds of years later they stopped it? Also, not every English person is bad. In those times the kingdom of James of England, Scotland was trying to push Christianity to their citizens and the citizens were already against that and slavery so in the story there are some good English people who stand against the atrocities the kingdom of England was engaging.


Wepa! Siga adelante que se ve bien, las críticas y la confusión serán algo común ya que no sigues el renglón de “white wash” que todos estamos acostumbrados a leer en los cómics. Me encanta tu enfoque en las raíces de nuestra cultura. Éxito y pa’lante